Leave, change your number and block him out of your life.
Flat out tell him it is over and you are beyond done!!
Pack your things. Get your documents. Put them in the vehicle. Leave. Stay with a friend. Block him everywhere.
I was in the same situation!!! Just say your done and kick him out… it will be hard at first because I’m still going threw it and have a daughter with him but I finally had enough . If you need someone to talk to you can msg me! My ex was in the really bad drug that made him constantly watch porn as well.
Pack your stuff an leave a note an just go hun no need in a convo because he will just talk you into staying he’s toxic you need out
Just end it. Ghost him whatever just get rid of him and never go back lol
Girl there is no nice way of saying you’re done. It’s like a bandaid, just do it quickly and get it over with
Just leave you wont regret it.
Just leave if he dose not want to change then leave i went through this for 6 years with the lies and drug use and that man I left is still on drugs and we have been broke up for about 7 years and he has not charged. it was the best decision I ever made leaving him.
Don’t tell him you’re done. Show him you’re done. Start packing your things.
Everyone says just leave and that would be easiest way to deal with his lying ass. If the house is yours you have to tell him he has to go. If the place is his, then you need to just move to another place/town away from him. But letting him know what the situation is like would be the right thing to do. That way you show yourself that you are strong enough to move on for you.
I don’t understand the question. If you’re done, say goodbye. Tell him to get out, or leave yourself. OR accept that this will be your future, and not to be harsh but I’m no good at sugar coating, you don’t get to cry about it anymore. What you allow is what will continue. Run girl. Fast, and don’t look back
Look him in the face and say, “I love you and because I love you, I am not going to sit here and watch you destroy your life with drugs. I love myself, therefore, I am not going to put myself in a situation where I get to come home and find you dead on the floor because you scored something laced with a lethal dose of fentanyl. I hope you choose to get better for yourself and no one else because you deserve to be sober. I wish you the best of luck in life.” and then you walk out the door. Addiction is a disease and the only way anyone can ever get sober is if they want to do it for themselves. People lose their children and still chase the high. They lose their families, and still chase the high, they lose their jobs, their homes, their friends, and yet they still chase the high. Sometimes it takes them hitting rock bottom to see what they’ve become and no ultimatum on the face of the planet, not even death, will make them want to get clean unless they decide that enough is enough. Honesty is the only way to deal with people. When you walk out the door, you need to close that door permanently and move on with your life. You deserve more in life and that doesn’t make you selfish. You aren’t giving up on him, so don’t let anyone make you feel guilty. It is not your job to save a captain that wants to go down with his ship. You are not responsible for him or his choices. Do not let him or anyone else make you feel that way. You are responsible for you and you are making the right choice by walking away. For the record, if you are done with a relationship, you don’t really owe anyone any type of an explanation. Just keep that in mind.
Just like that . I am done.
You literally sit him down and say, I can’t see a healthy future of the two of us. Our lives are going in two different directions and we both deserve better. Attacking him for the drug issue will make him think that that’s the only issue going on when there’s clearly more too it such as lying and the porn. I hope posting it was the clarity you needed because I know sometimes just really saying it out loud and to others just shows you, you don’t want to be with him. And if your very first thought in a millisecond about him is leaving then that’s your answer.
Then leave n stay gone. Most drugs make you want sex. Hence the porn.
Kick him out, you can’t save an addict. They have to save themselves. Hardest and most heartbreaking lesson to learn.
Walk don’t talk, his addiction is his responsibility not yours. He will only get help when he is ready, if they do it to keep you then they are not yet ready and will lie to hide their use. Been there got a dozen t-shirts. Until they are ready to heal themselves walking away is the best personal choice.
You’re wasting your time