How do I explain to my child I do not want her having Tiktok?

Are you her Mother or a bad friend? Tell her the truth!


There is way to much stuff not for kids on there. That’s why you can’t really control what’s watched so in my opinion it’s not na app for kids. Some of the videos on there are horrible. The things that are said and done depending on the poster it’s a huge no for me with the kids on it.

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I tell my kids “tik tok isn’t for children, I don’t care what your friends parents allow them to have.” And that’s that.


I told my 11 year old she could not have it because I don’t trust that her profile will actually be private even if it says it’s private plus I don’t want some creep to turn an innocent video of her into something it’s not intended for. She understands and watches videos through my tik tok and reels on my Facebook page and sometimes YouTube.

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Same way I explained to my 9 and 11 year old… No, you can’t have a Tik Tok.

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Not for that age group - bad enough for teenagers - you are in charge of what they see - lots of bad stuff on that - just my opinion of course

Just tell her the truth? What ever your answer is

I have a child the same age. All my kids have to follow the rules of whatever site they are using. Tik tok’s minimum age is 13, so the age my kids can get it is 13. I don’t use “because I said so” because there’s always a reason. 13 is the minimum age for most social media platforms because there is a lot of things they will have access to that are not appropriate for their age, they won’t understand, and the younger they are the higher the risk they could become a victim of various crimes. It’s a non negotiable rule.


Tt is for 13 plus nothing less

She isn’t old enough she will understand later! Also explain about dangers of the internet in a way a 10 year old can understand while making her aware of the bad people in this world. I have a 15 yr old she isn’t allowed to have tictok

I tell mine (ages 16, 14, 11 and 9) that they can’t have any social media until they’re grown and out of my house, the internet can be an unsafe and scary place, that I don’t care if they’re mad at me my job as their parent is to protect them and that even though they don’t understand now they will one day… best of luck to you


Mine are 13+ and I still say no. Imo that’s a 18+ app and my children are blocked from having it.

It’s possible to explain that you feel like tiktok is too old for ur child and thus can’t be used…

You don’t explain you tell her if she downloads it then her phone will be confiscated. Stop feeling guilty over it. My son is almost 14 and I don’t allow him to have it and I check his phone weekly. Also just cause her step siblings (her step dads or step moms children) and her friends have it doesn’t mean she needs to have it. You’re the parent not a friend.


My daughter will be 10 in May and I simply said NO! No explanation needed, I’m her mother and I make the rules.


It’s not hard just tell her no tiktok. She is too young anyway they would delete her account. I know a little girl it happened to.

I just straight up told her no. :woman_shrugging:t2: Not until she is older and more responsible and understands there are risks going on social media.

My daughter turns 9 in Sept.

She’s not old enough, simply as that

No. Not appropriate. I’m an adult with a tiktok account and heck to the no !!

In my house I do not explain why I say no…
No is all I need, if they keep it up I say “well I’m your mother not so and so mom”


You tell her tiktok has many things that she is not ready to be exposed to. Things that can influence her negatively

Don’t feel guilty, imagine how guilty you would feel if you ignored your gut and god forbid something happened, don’t ever feel bad for protecting your kid from stuff they don’t understand no matter what everyone else is allowed to do.

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You don’t explain anything you simply tell them it’s not appropriate for children… my 12 year old isn’t allowed to have it simply because it’s not appropriate. Her friends have it and she even tells them, I can’t watch that…

Tell her No and dats that… what else do u have to explain


The classic phrasing my mom used “I don’t care what your friends are doing I’m not their mother I’m yours”. No is a complete sentence. You don’t necessarily have to explain why. The extreme is showing examples of girls who were lured,taken,stalked etc because of social media. Kind of a scare tactic, but moreso a reality check. It has happened, can happen etc. saw a comment here that the minimum age is 13. Start there and at 13 lay down rules and the instant it’s broken delete the account and make her wait another year to mature more. It’s all a toss up on what you want as a parent, the type of child you have. So many factors here…you have to do what’s best for your child and your family dynamic.

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Too dangerous, I don’t think there’s any kids version or protections to put on tiktok.

I let my daughter have it at 10 but with everything locked down.

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What a joke. You are really asking us to tell you what to tell your 9 years old why she can’t download TikTok. Stop being sensitive parents. Just tell her she CAN’t. PERIOD. Download parental control so she won’t download anything without your permission.


Because I said so.

That’s what I told my teenagers anyways.

She’s not allowed to feed information to the CCP. C’mon now. It’s so obvious.

I was always the asshole parent. My house, my phone, my computer, my rules. No explanation necessary.
I was single parent, never had time or inclination to argue. If punishment was warranted, my kids knew it was immediate regardless of where we were. Never had to so much as raise my voice more then 3-4 times while they were growing up. They knew consequences.
They have all grown up to be successful in life.
We ain’t raising children. Children is what they are when we start, but the objective is to raise adults. If you baby them their entire life’s, they’re going to be in for a rude awakening when the world doesn’t baby them.

" because I said so, I dont need a reason" is what my parents always told me :rofl:


Simply telling them “no” and “because I said so” can be incredibly frustrating to a child. They are little people trying to communicate and understand so communicate back. “Im sorry that your friends have it, and sibilings have it and I know it seems like fun and Im sorry you are missing out, but there is a lot of things in the world that Im not ready for you to have access to yet (or whatever the reason).” Recognize and Apologize because it can be frustrating and seem unfair, and then follow it with a more in depth, heres why.


Explaining why at any age is the best option

well, for a start her age. she’s too young and eventually tiktok deletes children’s accounts.

Join the Facebook group Parenting in a Tech World it’s a wonderful group that helps navigate the problems evolving around technology XOXO

It is not appropriate for someone her age. Too much adult content.

I tell my kids the internet is a very dangerous place and I don’t believe they are old enough for full access to it. I did break a little a allowed them to have an account on my phone only. I see all videos posted and I have final say so on what gets posted. Also with it on my phone I get all the notifications from any activity.

Have you heard of Zigazoo?? It’s an app for children that’s similar to TikTok. It could be something to consider.

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Don’t explain. Tik Tok and Snap and these apps are the worse. They promote ignorance and dangerous stuff and the more it is shown think this behavior is normal and ok. How much older are her siblings? Give her a time line like when she’s 12 or 11 she can get it. It’s hard parenting is hard. Good luck.

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I don’t have any advice on how to mention this to your daughter but honestly stand your ground mama TikTok can be classless no need for this young girls to be subjected to that crap

Easy. You’re the parent, you make the rules. I’m looking out for you, there’s inappropriate content.


“I’m the Mom that’s why” !!! - absolutely no other explanation necessary !!! I don’t allow it on my TV - my house my TV !

I agree that she’s too young. But the people saying that Tik-Tok is inappropriate must not realize that their feed is based on the algorithm that they interact with. If they’re seeing inappropriate things it’s because they interact with those profiles that post inappropriate things.

If you want to watch Tik-Tok I would say make a profile on your phone and watch it with her. If she wants to make tiktoks I’d say let her get in on it with her siblings but make those videos private so no one else can see

You say no you can’t because there’s disgusting things on it. Your older kids shoulnt either.

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Tell her “i’m the parent what l say goes” and if she gets one behind ur back tell her everything will be taken away and she will be grounded. Ur the parent put ur foot down who cares if she gets mad

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“Because I said so” is reason enough! Too dangerous.

I allowed my 10 (now 11) year old to have it for all of 2 months before I said no… it’s just inappropriate for her age… they have to be a certain age to sign up for a reason…

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Ummmmmm…no? You ARE the parent. No explanation needed. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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I cut my kids off of it. I told them most of the videos on there are for teenagers and adults. It’s inappropriate for younger kids to watch. Some things are scary, some are too mature, some are even disturbing depending on what side of tik tok they end up on. My kids are 7 and 8. I let them have it for a few months then realized what was really on there. My tik tok consists of cooking and dancing videos lol but i had no idea there was darker shit on there so i cut them off as soon as i realized. My son still sneaks on and watches the ‘YouTube shorts’ on his YouTube app but i have been monitoring that too because it’s similar to tik tok. You just straight up tell your kid why. Tell her the dangers of strangers, the inappropriate content that can traumatize her, give her nightmares, little kids brains can’t handle some of the adult things on there nor should they even be exposed to it. If she still doesn’t understand and puts up a fight well then she gets zero phone or iPad, simple as that. You’re the parent and you don’t want her on tik tok. End of story.

She can’t drive a car either… all in time

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Just explain that it has an age rating on it for a reason. It’s social media which can be a very dangerous place.
You are saying no, not out of nastiness but out of protectiveness and safety x

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You’re literally the parent. You don’t need a reason just say no and that’s final…

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I’d simply state the dangers… sadly even kids need to be aware !!! It’s your responsibility to protect … not anyone else’s. I always told my kids- " NO BODY loves you more than I so, I only have YOUR best interest at heart."

Because she a child and should be outside playing instead of on electronics

You don’t have to explain anything……you can’t have it that’s it that’s all

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My son doesn’t get social media till he is 12. I feel the need to protect him for the horrible ppl and inappropriate things on social media

I’m going through this with my son. My step daughter lives with us with her kids and her daughter is 6 months older than my son and she is allowed to have tik tok. I do not allow my son to have it. I just told him bad people are on there and you never know who someone really is on the other side of the phone.

Just tell her there is way to much adult content. Be honest and explain why you KNOW its not appropriate for her to have tic Tok.

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Inappropriate for children.

Why do you need an explanation? You’re the mom. Just simply tell her she can’t have it?? She’s going to find ways to watch it anyways.

It’s not age appropriate? Because there is things on there that are past her age and she doesn’t need to be exposed to it.

It’s not for kids. I don’t let my son either.

There is a setting you can make it so only her followers can see what she is doing I only have family and a few friends on mine all of my daughters videos are set to private or followers only and I check them every day to make sure she’s not posting anything inappropriate and I only let her watch kids tiktoks or fidget toys videos

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Have it a private account

All these parents saying you don’t need to explain, YES YOU DO. That’s how kids learn the difference between right and wrong, safe and dangerous, etc. Thats a critical part of your job as a parent.


Just tell her no and stick to it :woman_shrugging:

Simply explain to her that legal age to use TikTok is 13, therefore she is not old enough yet to use it. And if she use it you and her could get in trouble. Also it is inappropriate for her. But when she is older you can talk about it again.

Another approach can be “‘coz I said so!” And that should also be enough, you pay her phone and the internet, if she do not like the rule of no TikTok means she is not old enough to have her own phone so you take it away…. There are many different approaches u can use, but you know her the best to see what will work the best :wink:

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My 11 year old doesn’t have it yet. It’s not kid friendly what so ever. And all I say is you aren’t old enough and it’s a no for me.

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You just say “you can’t have tik tok”. No explanation needed. You’re the mother she’s the child. You set the rules and boundaries for your child. She’s gonna watch it anyway because all those other kids have it tho.

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The worst thing in the world tik tok. don’t let her use

I’m paying the consequences with my daughter

My 8 year old has it and loves it she mostly watches things to do with ROBLOX and she does a few tiktok with her friends.


You are the mother your job is to keep your child safe. All social apps. are dangerous to a innocent tender mind, kids want to grow up way to fast by saying no you are protecting her innocents and allowing her to stay a child until she is able to handle and understand the content that goes on these media site. This is a lesson on trust, understanding and responsibility by how you handle this you are showing her how to use it wisely. I will :pray: for you.

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Why are you explaining yourself to a child? Tik Tok has way too much grown stuff for her age group that she doesn’t need to be watching


Honestly, just flat tell her you do not feel she is ready and she needs to be more mature before she is exposed to it. In the mean time make sure her older siblings are not teasing her about it!!

Just say no give her your reasoning and move on. She’s 9. She will get over it.

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Tik tok ain’t for kids… the amount of bullying that’s gone on in that platform is disgusting

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I’d let her use it on your phone if you’re not comfortable her having it on hers. Rebellion is caused by leashes that are too tight in the kids eyes. Though you have every right to say no - sometimes we need to have a little give and take.

Did you know that you can set a time limit for each app? After that time is reached, the app closes. Just an FYI for any app

I would simply abide by the rules of
The app. There’s an age limit of 13. And, as her parent, you also need to feel she matches the maturity needed to utilize a social media such as that.

For what it’s worth, I couldn’t stand hearing because I said so growing up- that’s not a logical or rational answer. However if you treated me like someone who can understand reason, I was more apt to be reasonable.

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I set ages for most things. And to be honest hind sight is 20/20. Even 13 was too young for most social media.
My reasoning for everything I tell them to wait for is “if you get those things now you have nothing to look forward to and open yourself up to bad people and bad situations”
Tik tok caused many bullying and friendship losses once she had it. Not worth giving in.

If you read their terms, I believe you have to be 13 to have an account.

I’m not saying that it won’t let you.

Okay, explained to her why you don’t want her to have it then? If you’re worried that she might take bad videos or be exploited explain that to her.


Just uninstall the app my sons phone sends me a message when my son tries to download an app and I have to put a password to approve it

Tell her exactly what the reasons are. My son is 11 and I just started letting him have one (I follow him) and our rule was he can’t post his face or parts of his body. He isn’t allowed a phone at school so that also helps enforce the rules. I tell him all the time that just as he shows me things on his phone, whatever he says online or in texts can be shown to and accessed by whomever. Educate kids, don’t shelter them (although it’s hard not trying to shelter their innocent little minds :pleading_face:)

You can child lock it. But can use it as a conversation piece; “Each household and family have different rules, this is why I don’t approve of tik tok ____. We can revist when you are __ years old”

My daughter is almost 14 and doesnt have it. I tell her that she can watch it with me so I can censor some of the stuff she sees. I’m a helicopter mom though so :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:. I’m going to try and shelter her for as long as I can because I know how this world is and so does she but she dont need to be on social media. Not yet any ways

Cause you said so that’s why

Explain to her that there’s inappropriate content on it that she’s not old enough to be viewing.

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Tiktok can be dangerous for kids. Not only do predators use tiktok, but the tiktok challenges are totally unacceptable. 2nd and 3rd graders were slapping their teachers because of one challenge. Another was shooting unsuspecting people with some kind of toy gun. These could be deadly games. Tell her NO that you a responsible parent and and tiktok is not for kids peroid!!

TikTok has caused so many problems for my 8 almost 9 year old. It’s just not a spot for children to begin with. The videos she was making were completely inappropriate for a child her age. I no longer even let her use the app period. She come back with the whole
All my friends have it and I simply explained that every parent does things differently but as long as she lives under my roof she will follow my rules.


Omg I have tiktok and no way would my 10 year old daughter be aloud it :see_no_evil: the stuff I see on there !!


This is a situation that is totally up to you! We all parent differently. My son is 10yrs old and he is on MY TikTok account! I also let my kids go outside and play, ride bikes, swim in the creek ACROSS the road :astonished: check in every few hrs, go to their friends house, my son races dirt bikes and quads…I think it’s all on the boundaries you set & have with you children!

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Who is the parent here?


No, you can’t have Tik tok. Why? Because I said so.

I just tell my son no you can’t have tiktok. Why does telling her no need an explanation?

I always have a ‘need to know’ rule with my 11 year old. There are certain things that you need to or do not need to know and it’s worked foe us. I’ve explained the dangers of the internet and how he may come across things that he does not need to know on tik tok and the likes which will steal his childhood. I choose not to take the ‘because I Said so’ approach because I always longed foe reasons as a child and sometimes caused me to be rebellious or sneaky to find the answers myself. I’m not saying that’s how all kids are but that’s how I was and I would like to avoid that with my child. I’ve also explained that I’m not saying No ,not ever bur rather ‘not right now’ because we are pretty strict about age appropriate content etc and we have had a bit of push back because his friends are allowed more but we handle it in a way to not ridicule the other mommies and daddies parenting styles but rather what we choose for him because of our own experiences. We have been lucky enough to have a child that for the most , und3rstands and realizes that it’s for his protection but it’s not always easy.

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No kid under I reckon 16 should be having no tik tok account of their own it’s not a kids thing it’s for adults and tbh the amount of younger teens like very young ones flaunting emselves is wrong inappropriate content and the fact they can go on ppls lives and chat I no when I have gone live I’ve literally had to block 12 yr old girls I won’t let them go on mine I’m not talking to little kids would u let her have s FB that’s open to any Tom dick or Harry no I wouldn’t tik tok is no different

We deal with this also with our 11/12 yo boys and their sister that lives with her mom (16) has it. “Everyone at school has it”. There’s an age restriction for 1. Also you can’t filter content. I can see 10 cute animal videos then bam how to give a better bj comes up :weary: the explanation is that there is adult content and they are not adults.


Give her an age when she can have it

I showed my daughter the statistics of uses on tik tok (which creepily is mostly older men) and asked her if that’s who she wants viewing her content? N why she would want that attention? N why she would rather spend her time making videos for these ppl rather than doing x,y,z? She said she found it weird to even think about older men watching her videos and that “likes/followers” (if that’s who is was coming from) wasn’t the attention she wanted and she named off a bunch of other stuff she’d rather do. I basically asked her questions that then made her tell HERSELF no. I then explained to her that I though SHE was very mature/responsible but I have no control over the others viewing it or what they’re doing with the material (even if she does post with good intentions). It was a very similar convo about Snapchat. I explained that ppl can see ur location (Ik u can shut it off but who’s to say she wouldn’t turn it on when we’re not around) and explained to her that random ppl could send her images (that instantly delete n she’d have no way of even showing us) n essentially explained all the threats that came with it n she also decided no to snap chat as well! (For reference she’s 9 as well).