How do I explain to my child I do not want her having Tiktok?

Don’t listen to this you don’t need to explain crap. You do because kids deserve to be treated like people too. When my 12 year old started showing interest in social media I took the time to teach him about internet safety and age appropriate content. I did lessons on internet safety and when he proved he understood the lessons he was allowed a TikTok with specific rules. He’s 12.


Because I said so, that’s why. I’m still not clear why we have to explain anything. Their life is numero uno and I’ll do whatever I have to , to protect them.


I’m one of the odd ones out here. My 11yo daughter had TikTok. She’s mature for her age, and all the videos she had on it were Minecraft/Roblox videos that she and her cousin did, then she had some of the drawings she made. Nothing bad happened, no one contacted her for nefarious reasons. She eventually got bored and deleted it.

Tiktok won’t allow her with the correct date of birth anyway, and as soon as they see a child on a video, they ban the account.

Just tell her she’s too young pretty sure she is anyway. When I couldn’t find ways to explain things to my kids on their level I would tell them I would tell them when they were older because they were too young right now

My almost 12 year old has it. And my step daughter also has one. Just monitor it

Tell her the truth! Social media should only be for adults. There are dangerous people out there that will take advantage of the fact that she is young and naive. She may think these people just want to be friends but the truth is they want to harm her.

You don’t really need to explain anything to her you just tell her no and that’s it!!!, she’s too young to have a phone anyway or be on any type of social media just my thought…. It’s not safe at her age, get rid of your Wi-Fi!!

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I would not give her a phone lol. If they did have one its a cheap old flip phone she ain’t gonna want. Tik tok got to many trying to be sexy and adult on it for kids to even use it. Facebook had a lube ad come on the other day and it showed a lot of inappropriate stuff. I didnt have one til I was 16 :woman_shrugging:

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I won’t let my kids have it. 13 and 10 because there are predators that feed off of that crap. You’re the mother, a no is a no

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Explain not everyone is good. That sometimes men like to watch small children shaking their butts and get excited in a bad way by it. Be honest. Don’t sugar coat reality.

You’re the parent act like one. You don’t need to explain anything especially at your child’s age. What you say goes that’s it end of story.


My 11 year old son begged me last year and I just simply said no. I don’t care what other parents let their kids do but I’ll protect mine as long as possible against rubbish they don’t need to be seeing so young!

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You said “you don’t need TikTok.” You don’t need to explain anything.


Honestly I told my daughter she wasn’t allowed to because of the inappropriate things she is not ready for. She knows the dangers of being on the internet. I am upfront about things and she understood my reasoning she doesn’t think it’s fair because like all kids they think they know how to handle things . I have an account and when she feels like making a video or scrolling thru videos we do it together or she’s allowed to search tiktok compilation videos on youtube


She’s too young. Period. I’ve had age restrictions on everything for my kids. No phones until 13, if they show maturity. No social media until 15, if they show maturity. Any app that is added has to go through me also. Works in my house. May not work in all. But all electronics belong to me and dad so we make the rules. They can accept the rules or choose not to have electronics. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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You say you’re not allowed Tiktok because you’re not old enough. Enough explanation because you said so


I literally just say no.


My son is 12 and I allow him to watch tiktok, I’ve told him he can’t post videos of himself though because he’s too young for me to allow images and videos of him all over the internet.

No. And that’s that. It’s dangerous for kids and same with snap chat!

There are age requirements to sign up for websites like that. I think TikTok is 14. I think you explained you’re reasoning already.You told her she she didn’t need it. She doesn’t. She won’t die without it. Honestly 10 is young to have unrestricted access to the internet to begin with.

It’s full of paedophiles as are LOADS of different apps plus she’s not at the age of consent to be on it as she’s only 9

Why do you need to explain? Your the mom. No means no. Period. You make the rules, not her. Kids these days have everything…fb, tik tok, you tube and can get Into alot of shady stuff. Crap they can do without till way older. Kids need to be Kids.


Explain yourself? You don’t. You are the adult. You say you can’t have tik tok and that’s it. I don’t negotiate with my son.

There’s parenting locks on it u can control the app through your phone if u link it with hers. I mean my 13 yr old has it .

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Explain to her that adult things have happened on tik tok. Like that guy hung himself on live camera. Don’t tell her that but be aware and know it did happen. Its not child friendly alwsys

Woman up for God’s sake. I think it’s sad that you need to ask strangers how to tell your child NO.


l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17534 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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People that teach their kids “bc I said said so” do you all not understand that you’re teaching your kids NOTHING? Saying that shit Its just lazy ass parenting. The only thing you might be teaching your kids is you’re the boss, their feelings don’t matter bc you don’t CARE enough to explain to them why they can or can not do something. Take the time out of your busy life to educate your kids about the internet at the very least you could do for your children bc the internet is cruel bc ppl are cruel. We need to put a stop to these “do as I say not as I do” parenting skills just bc that’s how we was taught growing up. Your children will love you more for taking the time to teach them this new world we’re moving into weather we believe it or not. Old school ways are not always the right way. Not anymore, this ain’t the 90s anymore.


11 is to young for tik tok

“I do not want you having TikTok” and that’s the end :joy:


Explain? Girl, you’re the mama. You don’t have to EXPLAIN anything! Because, I said so is enough of an explanation in my house :woman_shrugging:t2:


This is why i wont get my kid a smartphone. Old fashioned flip phone. Computer for school work will have limits and locks. Just had double homicide aired on tik tok. Hell no.

Shes your kid not your friend. You don’t need to explain yourself to a child. Just tell her there’s too many things on social media that she doesn’t need to be a apart of so she’s not allowed to. End of story

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I didn’t have a phone till I was 18 and bought it myself… And as an adult I don’t have that stupid app …you don’t need to give her a reason she should be happy she has a phone or tablet to begin with and respect what you ask

If you are confident in how you feel, why do you have to explain it?

I told my 10 year old that tik tok isn’t safe for her and that she is still young and I can’t monitor it properly, and just because all the other kids have it means nothing om not their parent lol

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I told my 10 she’s not getting social media because there’s creeps out there that will watch her videos & try to contact her with bad motives. She doesn’t bug me a lot about it.

Make sure she knows the dangers of social media & internet as a whole. Just because you tell her she can’t have an account doesn’t mean she doesn’t use a friend’s device to create & use it.

You don’t have to explain. You’re the parent and TikTok is not pre teen friendly. Period. It’s ok that her friends have it, you are not their parent and if you were sounds like they wouldn’t have it either. That’s exactly what I tell my kids. “I am not their parent and if I was they wouldn’t have it/ or do it either”

Just let her and put restrictions on it and make it private, my daughters 10 and I couldn’t not as all her friends had it and I felt really tight, I am signed into her account in my phone to so I can get all the notifications that come to her account:) x

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Technology is a big part of kids lives, like anything online children should be supervised. Tiktok does have privacy features so only people you choose can see her content. That being said unless you are sitting with her to control the content she sees it could be almost anything. Maybe sit down with her and tell her your reasons, I respect your parenting style to want her to understand why you feel the way you feel and why you make the choices you make for her wellbeing. I think its also important to listen to her reasons for wanting it and considering that in your decisions. At the end of the day you are the parent and are in control, you might not get her understanding or cooperation and you might need to be “the bad guy”. Do you stand firm on how you feel about it or do you give her some time on the app with supervision and laid out and clear ground rules. Either way you got this momma.

And please for love of God don’t listen to all these “no means no” “because I said so” “do as I say not as i do” people on the internet. I think those parenting styles will just end with a lot of mentally ill and emotionally traumatized young adults, not to mention disrespectful teenagers who lie, cheat and sneak out to do exactly what they are told not to simply because they were told not to. Children learn respect by being respected.

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You need to explain it??? :flushed::flushed: My rule is I’m open to negotiation from age 15. Before that, I am mother and I protect as I see fit. You don’t have to like it.


You are supposed to be 13 to be on tik tok. Boom! You’re not 13!

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Tho bc you said so should suffice :grimacing:

It’s not appropriate for your age and no should work fine.

You tell her “No”, period. She’s 9, there’s no explanation necessary for why she can’t have a tiktok account. You’re the parent, not her friend, and every rule does not require an explanation…especially when the rules are made for her safety.


I mean… it isn’t your job to be her friend. It’s your job to be her parent. You can tell her no and explain why you don’t allow it, without saying “because I said so”. Explaining the dangers of it to her and why you won’t tolerate it is sufficient. Your worry should be more that this is a teachable moment for you, and not one that you should worry about being “mean”.


Tell her the truth. That’s what I always do with my kids. Ones 11, ones 6. Trust and believe that I would tell my 6 and 11 year old both the exact same way that there are awful people on the internet that hunt down kids to hurt them, or touch them inappropriately, and if it were my 6 year old I would use detail. As well as inappropriate content that they shouldn’t be seeing. There’s nothing better than just telling your kids the damn truth. It’s literally simple, it’s easy, it’s to the point and at some point they will appreciate you more for it.

You say “ because I said so”

I have the same argument wit my 9 year old…she says all her friends have it…my response is I’m not their mammy
It’s not suitable, end of story

I think that took. MY daughter is in yr1 and apparently someone or afew have had tiktok in her class and she is now starting to talk about the dances and asking if certain songs are tiktok songs. We don’t have tiktok so shes only heard of it from school.

My girls 8&9 don’t have tiktok because there was a man in my area using it to pick up under age girls. My husband and I explained how best we could about him and they people out there do use stuff like that to talk to kids in an adult way and it’s not safe.

My 12 yr old is not allowed to have social media . To many weirdos and creeps. Just explain that their are people on their that hurt children.

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If you really sat and watched what nonsense is on tik tok i don’t think you need to feel guilty at all. Seriously do not understand anyone who lets their kids have tik tok the amount of dodgy stuff on their is unbelievable it’s toxic as fuck and mentally damaging but some parents are either very oblivious to it, or they just don’t give a shit about their kids well being. All this tik tok and social media has a lot to blame for kids mental states these days. Just say it’s not safe and you are protecting her xx

I literally saw a group of 3 girls no older than 10 making tik toks while out ice skating and they were doing dance moves like they were sucking cock and other things they shouldn’t even know about. They shouldn’t have it at all in my opinion. They see stuff on there and copy it

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My son is 12 and just got his first phone last month. No social media at all. I told him the truth. He’s not old enough, and it’s not for kids. :woman_shrugging:

I showed my kids articles and videos of a online predators

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l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $29388 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Nothing wrong with simply saying no and don’t have to explain anything. Period.

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Stupid trends and acts of self harm or violence is all over every social media platform.
If any parent wants to allow their children to use such devices for any internet platform then it’s their responsibility to watch or keep track of their child’s usage and activity!
But that rarely happens. :roll_eyes: …and when something bad happens …the blame is all on everyone or everything else around them.
I don’t allow my kids to do much of anything when it comes to technology and if they want a phone then they can get a job and pay for it them selves.
I’m a mean mom, oh well.

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I usually say “there are things I know about that you won’t understand until you’re older. You don’t have to understand now but you need to respect my decision “

I have already laid rule “No TIC TOC” to my 8 yr old. Told her bluntly why. Told her if she get on TIC TOC NO MORE tablet NO more Nitendo…END OF STORY. 8, 9 yrs up old enough to know REAL reason…REAL is REAL. Life is Real and many people do hurt kids.


My two youngest are 14/15 and they aren’t allowed it. They don’t have snapchat either

I dunno how about talking to your child and teaching them instead of telling them no? The more you try to keep them from it, the more they want it. I have never had a problem from any one of my kids because I taught them about things.

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I told my kids its an app for grown ups. Some adults let their kids on it, but I won’t because I’m trying to keep them safe. I let them know there’s grown up stuff on there and if they post videos it can put them in danger since they dont know what to say and not to say that can give away their location to any bad people.

I explain it that way so even if they may be upset now, later they will remember what I said and I had a valid reason for saying no, for their protection

Us old folks have taken over tiktok :joy:


Ummm because u and its full of preditors


My boy is 9 also, he asked me the other day and I explained what content is on there, and that I didnt like it. He really took to heart that I didnt like it and has agreed that it doesnt sound like a good idea. Just explain what you’ disagree with regarding the app.

You’re her mom not her friend. You tell her no and that means no. My 11 year old isn’t allowed to have ANY social media. Idc if it’s ‘mean’ they will understand when they’re older. Just because her friends and siblings have it don’t mean she has to.

Your the mother and what you says goes. Some times you have to be bad cop.

My answer was a simple no. When she asked why I said it’s rated for 18+
And I shut down any further “complaining”. Her iPads set up as a child’s account for 12 and under.


My almost 8 year old son just asked for it. I just straight up said no. He’s like “okay!”. I did explain after that though that he is young & has a lot of years ahead of him to have pages like that and that I don’t want him to grow up too fast.

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My kid knows she’s not allowed on social media. It’s a breeding ground for predators.


You don’t explain yourself. You tell your child no and that it’s not for kids.


Simple yiu are mom and you said no. Tiktok is a banned app in our house. It’s bad enough the clips end up on YouTube. If you wanna guarantee she isn’t downloading it get a family app. I have Google link.

It doesn’t matter what other kids have…it doesn’t make it any more appropriate. A No needs to mean a No for the little things , or you will have a big problem when the big things come along…

I just told my kids that they aren’t old enough, and that was that.


…. because children do not belong on it… Period…

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I told my 10yr old there are lots of trashy things on there that a 10yr old shouldn’t be seeing. I also check her devices randomly to see if she downloaded the app after I deleted it and stuff cause 10yr olds pull that stuff thinking mom is stupid lol

My daughter is 13 and isn’t allowed ANY form of social media.


Dont let her. I wont let my 13 year old daughter. There is 100% inappropriate content on there!!! Stick to your gut!!!

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My kids had TikTok until they watched a man kill himself on there
It traumatized me and I deleted the app off their phones
They hated me but I told them they aren’t old enough to have social media
They don’t have any socials until they’re 16


Just shut it down. Explain why. That’s too young. She’ll get it one day. Tik Tok is :wastebasket: imo.

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You are mum and tiktok shouldn’t have kids on it too many sick gunts on their and paints an image kids want to be, exposing themselves to predators and all take the Internet from her until she stops using it

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I told my son that at his age its not an appropriate app, when he is a few years older we will discuss it again.

I don’t allow my kids to have it and my daughter is 14 and my son is 12.

My plan is to not exactly hide the internet from my kid but I will set boundaries, 9 year olds don’t need tik tok or any social media. Just explain that it’s just a toxic environment that will only cause stress to follow trends or drama

Remember she’s your child not your friend and when her mother says no it means no. But if you’re trying to be best friends with her than allow her to do tik tok while you’re around. My daughter is 14 and pretty mature for her age and all of her friends have it too but I still do not allow her to. I encourage her to do other things. But I heard there was a new tik tok for kids called zoo something

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You’re making the right decision. My 11 year old had to quit tik tok bc some of the stuff on there was dangerous!

Even I question why I have TikTok sometimes and I’m 28. The content on there is NOT kid friendly at all. There are women half dressed promoting their OnlyFans, men half clothed making sexual innuendos, perverts who seek out children’s accounts and steal childrens videos, etc. The ONLY upside to TikTok is that there is an algorithm… so your FYP only goes based off the videos that are related or similar to the videos you have watched a bunch of times or liked.

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l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12561 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

You don’t lol what the freak. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

:white_circle::eyes: ppl sht

Just tell her that it isn’t age appropriate


Right and what our grandson was told about tic took

sometimes you just have to say no. If your gut tells you no then follow it. You’re the parent and your daughter needs to understand that right now, she is not old enough to make those decisions biut she needs to trust that you havce her best interest at heart.

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Just explain their is grown up/inappropriate content on there she is too young for.

You don’t explain, you block the app.

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So we gave my daughter my old tablet because my husband ordered me a new I have it now and tik tok was on my old tablet well I went back and deleted it as well as my Facebook and messenger apps just tell that there are some videos on their with content that she doesn’t need to see at her age

I just tell my daughter that’s around same age there’s inappropriate stuff she shouldn’t be looking at and also u have to be a certain age to even make an account and she isn’t old enough so tough. She eventually stopped asking

I mean if you are the parent and you say no …