How do I explain to my child I do not want her having Tiktok?

No she 9 my 12 yr isn’t on social media at all and won’t be for the near future. protect your baby and keep them a child for as long as you can cause this internet stuff isn’t for them it’s barely for some adults . Also you don’t need a reason bt if she wants one so bad tell her the truth you have to be 13 or older to make email/TikTok account. And she isn’t old enough that should stop the asking for now atleast

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umh the truth? I didn’t just tell my 10 year old no I told her why I don’t want her to have one. The risk of older men grooming her and bullying/suicide. I told her we would reconsider after more safety talks about social media.

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You don’t explain. You just say no.

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l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12706 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Easy. You are the mom. You pay for the account. You set the rules. Period.

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U just tell her no. Same way I told my 6 yr old NO to roblox.

My 9 year old daughter is not allowed on TikTok… all of them dumb challenges that make kids hurt and or kill themselves is not worth me burying my daughter… I don’t care how mad she is about it, I’m her Mother not her friend. :100::ok_hand:t4:

l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22115 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Watch Childhood 2.0 on YouTube.

It’s a great detailed documentary about why kids shouldn’t have social media.

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‘You aren’t having tiktok’

The end.

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My 9 yo wouldn’t have a phone or one just for calling
I was 16 , but I guess times have changed lol

Just tell her she isn’t old enough for it. Simple.

Uh, just say I don’t want you to have it.:woman_shrugging:t4:

Ummm - Just say no. You are the parent and you are not required to explain your answer. Just my opinion.,

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Yall are weird. She obviously has no problem saying no but she wants to have a way of explaining to her daughter. Believe it or not children deserve respect and that includes and explanation. When you explain things to children then they learn to trust you. If you are an authoritarian parent type then you are more likely to have children do crap behind your back. So mama explain the truth to your daughter. Even bring up news articles about things that have happened.


l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16387 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

I always hated the “because I said so” type of answer to things so when my 10 year old wanted TikTok, I told her there is adult content on there that I don’t want her watching. She said she won’t watch that kind of stuff and I told her that it may pop up anyway and that the answer was a hard no. She didn’t ask again


Your mom so yes you can just say no and you should and you shouldn’t feel bad about keeping her safe.

have a 11 year old and I’ve said absolutely no straight up

Not her friend. You’re her mother.

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Your Not getting it
End of story

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I’m sorry, (daughters name) but I’m afraid this is an app used by people that may not have your best interests at heart. Anyone can create a profile saying they are so and so, and could be anyone. There’s no way to know. So for the time being I just think it’s best, for you to not have an account, we can can discuss it again, at a later time, but for now that’s the decision I’ve come to, for your well being.


You don’t need to explain

She is 9 years old ,just tell her no.

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“The age requirement is 13. You are 10. We will discuss again when you’re 13.”


To young ! End of discussion

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22974 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Good Lord you’re the mommy. Lay down the law!

Why does she have a phone at her age???

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What language does she speak? Very simply tell her she is not getting it until she is a certain age. I don’t know why y’all get on here acting like you’re scared of your damn kids.

I have seen a lot of stuff on tic tic
That is definitely not kid friendly


Simply “because I’m your mom and I say NO”. It’s not our job to be their friend. It’s our job to protect them from crap ass apps that could start body image issues.


Tell her no ,your the mom she’s the child end of story

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There’s no reason it should come off mean or angry since she didn’t do anything wrong. Tell her once she gets older she can. But for now some people on there don’t behave and it’s not happening in your household. Discussion over

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You just tell her no and mean it.

Don’t need an explanation! You’re the mom!


There’s an age limit on the app. Pretty sure it’s 13.

I told my son no social media until he is 15 and even then it depends on grades and his maturity and I’d have full access.


I would make an account but, have it set up in your email and only you have the password.

If they change the password then instantly they lose the privilege of using the app. If they post inappropriate things then have a conversation with them and set clear boundaries on what is appropriate and what is not and let them know of the consequences.

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It is said the app is for 13+ so tell her age requirement exists. (So that can be #1)


I am sorry but you’re the parent so no explanation needed. No Tik Tok because that’s what I feel is best for you at your age. End of story. You can say there’s bad people on there that could cause her harm if you feel you need to justify your decision.


Explain to her that although it seems entertaining, it can have mature and adult content you can’t filter out like you can on say, YouTube

Tiktok can be had…eventually
But until you (the child) are able to experience such mature topics, it is better they don’t have it.

To everyone saying “I said no” should be good enough, means you’re not helping your kids learn to talk, explain reasonings, and compromise or understand where another is coming from in a healthy manner

It’s not about “no should be enough.”
It’s about treating your children like the adults you want them to be, in age appropriate situations of course.


This article may be helpful.


My husband and I actually had this happen today.

My step daughter has TikTok and is 7. We don’t approve of it,whether it be watching them or doing them bc the internet isn’t a safe place for a child her age. She doesn’t live with us so she’s with her mother full time, and they haven’t taught her internet safety. I extensively went through internet safety when I was about 12 bc of the same thing, bad people online.

There are some informative forums on Reddit and some internet safety videos on YouTube to teach kids about the internet and the responsibility of it the dangers of it ect. Watch them with her. Explain things to her when she asks questions.

Do you love her? If you do, start doing your job! Your mom, not a friend. Start loving and protecting her without feeling guilty. You need to do your job better so she can have a better mental state and be a better person. My son is in his teens now, if I say 1 he doesn’t go and say 2. Not in this household. Let them know, your home, your rules. No shame in following through with tough love.


Just let her have it :woman_shrugging:t2: my kids are 7 and 15…both have it and made tiktoks. My youngests is private so only his friends can see his tik toks and I monitor it. He friends have it anyway so she’ll be watching it when she’s with them. Personally I think ur isolating her as her friends could be making fun of her cuz she’s not allowed it, so she’s gonna keep it from you what she might have seen on there (if there was something bad) but qt least if you know she has it and you check what she’s getting up to she’s not gonna be scared to come and tell you if they get a bad message or summat like that

You tell her no… you explain to her it’s inappropriate and you will discuss again when she’s a bit older and more mature.

My almost 9 isn’t allowed TikTok or YouTube. Stand your ground. It’s full of trash and they can spend their time doing much better things.

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I don’t want you having tick tok.

Just tell her. Start out with saying “I think you “you are just too young…”. Tell her that she has to wait to gain more maturity and understand that there are not always nice people on social media and it’s momma’s job to keep you safe. You have to be the parent she needs.

You say. “I do not want you having a TikTok” :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

“There’s stuff you can’t watch, I said no and im the boss” is exactly what I told My 9yr old.

Honestly be straight up. There are pedophiles who are on the app, it can and is used for sex trafficking ect. My 10 year old son wanted to get the app and I told him exactly that…and then explained what it all meant. He changed his mind in an instant

At 9 and 10 you tell them no you are a mom not their freind

No is no, your the parent you don’t have to explain

U are not allowed to use tiktok till u are old enough like ur older siblings… u can control ur child but not her friends… tell her tht… gud luck

explain to her the reasoning behind the ‘no’. tell her its not a very safe site, lots of different people on there, all different kinds of videos, some good, some bad. just explain, and if she still wants it, then thats that. you told her why.

Don’t do that to your child tik tok it’s not only music nd funny videos but there are educational videos there so let her have tik tok pls