How do I get my mother in law to respect me?

My mother in law has taken my son from me multiple times while I’m holding him without asking. I’m a pretty easy going person but every time she does this it upsets me because if she asked I would of course say yes. The other day my son bumped his head and was crying so I was holding him trying to calm him down and she walked over and just grabbed him from me. My husband said something to her but he’s always nice when he says something and doesn’t like to upset his mother so I feel like she’s not getting the point. I feel like I’m not being respected and I’m not sure what to do.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get my mother in law to respect me?

I would take him back and tell her straight out that it is more polite to ask instead of just take and walk away with YOUR child in your arms. If hubby tried to do it nicely and softly and she didn’t get the message then a firm ‘what the hell’ is needed. If you let her walk over you now while your child is young then she is going to think she can do it anything she pleases… im sorry if this sounds harsh but you need to stop it now otherwise it will get worse.


I would straight up say “please ask before you take my son. If you can’t ask then you don’t get to hold him”


Literally just immediately take him back from her when she does that and remind her you are his mother not her.


Stop letting her take him. Put your hand up like a stop sign and say no.


Be frank with her. “I would appreciate it if you stopped doing that. It feels very disrespectful.” If she balks, cut her off until she apologizes.


This should be good!

This should be good!

I kicked my husbands birth giver out of our lives and so did he because she did that also plus more


Before this post it never even crossed my mind that my kids grandma had to ask permission to grab my son from me
:exploding_head::exploding_head: :laughing:


Stand up for yourself and children
… she will never respect you as a mother if you don’t respect yourself… feelings might get hurt in the beginning but in the long run you will be respected


If it was me, id straight up be a bitch. Sorry but that is my child. I am his/her MOTHER. If im trying to calm em down, dont just take them from me. Now if she asked or if i asked, itd be different. Me & my MIL have a pretty good relationship. But if she had done that to me more than once with one of us saying something, yeah id be a bitch. :person_shrugging:t3:

Keep hold of your child and walk away from her?


I’ll never forget when my son was about three days old and we were on our first night home (she insisted she stay with us a week turned into 25 days before I snapped) and he wakes up in the middle of the night crying and I’m sitting up in bed breast feeding and she try’s to take him from me. I was like “you can get out now thanks I got this “ she couldn’t understand why smh gotta lay the law now before it gets worse


Stop letting f her do crap like that.

Oh hell no. If you see her coming tell her it’s none of her business. Take him back no matter but, tell her to do it. There can’t be a tug if war. Tell her next you are not returning until she can apologize and respect you. My mom was treated this way. But she started to tell her “NO. This is my child to take care of…”. I also remember her never to go back but, we visited with dad only. I had been the one in the tug of war. Very scary for the child I can tell you. Your husband needs to be the one to stand up and make sure she does as asked. If he doesn’t , leave and don’t go back. It will never happen. Trust me. Sending the kids is btw you and him.

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I had this issue a very long time ago with my mother in law from a previous marriage. I love her! However, me and her son were having problems. I drove over to pick up my daughter from my mother in law’s day care and she held my daughter and refused to let me have her, saying her son said he is on his way over to get her. There were many issues like this happening, at different times…if I had my daughter in an outfit she would take it off and say “let me get you out of that uncomfortable thing and put you in something else” things like that. I wish I had the best advice to give…it is really hard. Maybe you can tell your husband how it makes you feel, and if he doesn’t do more than brush it off, write a letter to her explaining that you love her and would love for her to continue to be a wonderful grandmother to your child, but some things need to change because it is putting a strain on the relationship you have with her.


Your not she what to do? Your a grown ass woman that has their food snatched from their arm and your aren’t sure what to do??! Star by standing up for your damn self and so being a way pushover. I don’t care if it’s my mother you jerk my child from my arms you will pay the consequences.

Place boundaries and follow through. Every time. She will
Learn that’s not okay when child is needing his mom to not longer grab.


Stand up for your self! Your the mom
not her

Well. He’s yours. Take him back. She needs to learn that yes, while she is in fact his grandmother that doesn’t mean she can just take your child away from you whenever she sees fit. He’s your child, not a toy. I bet if someone did it to her she wouldn’t appreciate it either.


My mother in law said and did things early on at times that made me feel insulted and inadequate as a mother. Despite me already having an older child from my first marriage. (While she only has the one spoiled son lol). I had to have a along talk with my husband and eventually let her have it in a respectful way. Never had the issue again. :joy:


Tell her point blank, knock the crap off.


Tell her to stop. “Stop grabbing MY child from my arms. Or next time you can grab your shit and leave”

Smack her grubby hand away and tell her to fuk off!

Maybe she has empty nest syndrome and she just wants to soothe him and feel needed so maybe just tell her she needs to ask first before grabbing him

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The boundary can be set without anger. Be firm and sincere about what you want/need. If she cannot respect that it’s up to you how to move forward. She will become immediately aware that her behavior will not be tolerated.

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Just stop her, hold your hand out and tell her “please don’t do this, I’ve got it, remember that I’m the mom so respect that before trying to take my child from me”


Open your mouth, and then say stop! Don’t move him! I got this! Wtf…why is this a question?


Um bitch slap her lol no seriously, pull him away when she does that and tell her firmly that she is NOT to EVER grab YOUR child from your arms EVER again! A firm warning of that bitch slap I was talking about probably wouldn’t hurt about then either. No WAY I’d allow ANYONE to take my child out of my arms unless I wanted them too!!

Your the da. … that is thinks he belongs anywhere.

You speak up! When she gets close to grab him turn and say I’ve got him! She gets an attitude and tries to take him… say with all due respect he’s MY son and I’m comforting him. Period!


Place boundaries now

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You need to tell her

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I know it may be hard, but speak up, say no, tell her to stop. When your child hears you speak up for yourself, they learn how to speak up for themselves.


Me Personally Would Politely Snatch My Child Back And Let Her Know Her Place

Tell her to step the F back


Been trying since I was 18. Now 46 and don’t see her. My family now , comes first and I’m so dont trying to prove myself

Speak up for yourself to her next time she does it and grab ur baby back from her.


U don’t…if she can’t accept you then that’s her problem not urs and make that clear to her…

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He should only have one mother and so get in her face and tell her off. Or tell hubby to do it. If you both let her intrude in your parenting now you won’t get her off later. And when he’s 16 n doesn’t listen to both of you it would be your fault.

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You can’t make people respect you. … I’d be a mean momma…and set boundaries asap. Put her in her place.

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Next time it happens you say NO sternly might even add in a :raised_back_of_hand:t2: and walk out of the room

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Next time just say no hes ok im gonna settle him first then you can take him?


Honestly, enjoy the break. I know it feels like mom has to do everything but enjoy the help while it’s available. If grandma wants him, let her take him for a little and enjoy doing something comfortably for a little, even if it’s just a cup of coffee.


tell her to piss off and she can wait for you to give your child birthed to her if she’s like,that’s just rude

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put your foot down, a lot of in laws will over step their boundary however it is up to YOU to make sure they know their place, if your partner chucks a tanty let him & remind him that when it comes to your child you will not allow ANYONE to disrespect you, including his mother!!!


Push her hands away, make clear eye contact, and clearly say in a firm voice “I appreciate the effort of you wanting to help, however I am his mother and I want to comfort him and hold him. When I’m ready to pass him along, you can hold him first.” I do this all the time with my family. I make it very clear, I am their mother. Don’t intervene if I don’t ask for help. Don’t have to get crazy either, just have to be firm and refuse to back down.


Put your foot down now or it’ll only get worse. Don’t bother counting on hubby to put her in her place for you, it won’t happen by the sounds of it.

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Tell her to back off……simply stand your ground. Maybe even have a sit down and explain why you’re feeling this way. Maybe she needs it to be spelled out to her. Good luck with that.

It’s uncomfortable being the advocate for yourself, way easier said than done :100: that being said you have to talk her about it. It doesn’t need to be a fight or hurt feelings situation so be cognizant about how you say it. You got this!


Just don’t let go when she tries to pull him from your arms and say “It’s all good, I’ve got him thanks” :woman_shrugging:t2:


Take him back and say ‘excuse me, Please don’t do that, I’m his mother I’ll sort him. If I need you to take over I’ll ask’ if she gets shirty and insists she’s just trying to help then thank her but her manner and just grabbing him from you is not helpful and is irritating and rude.

My daughter, granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law all bring me the baby 1st thing. I don’t know if it is respect, a break or whatever but I covet every second. I would never take the baby if not offered. You should talk to your husband and both of you gently remind her that this is your child and though you want her to enjoy said child, you would appreciate it if she would wait until your comfortable and then you’ll hand him over.

I’m really sorry to hear you going through this but if I were you I would’ve simply said did it come outta your vagina‼️ tell your HUSBAND THAT HE NEEDS TO PUT YOU FIRST BEFORE HIS MOTHER! You matter before her! Girl DONT YOU EVER LET SOMEONE TAKE YOUR CHILD OUTTA YOUR HANDS! I don’t care what you are for me or my child! RESPECT GOES BOTH WAYYYY!


This behavior would not work for me. The best you can do is voice yourself on how you feel and get your point made and stand your grounds on your own. You can’t get, make, force or anything else, her to respect you. She has to be willing to do that on her own. And if she’s not willing to respect you and your boundaries then I’d consider having a talk with your hubby so you both can come up with a plan together


When she reached and got my child I’d immediately reached and taken her bk and said hey grandma I’m her momma and don’t just grab my baby while I’m busy with her. I’d also let her kno nobody is gonna disrespect me like that especially when it comes down to my baby. Period end of convo


Speak up, she might think its really ok with you, since you haven’t said anything to her.


I’m sorry maybe I’m mean but I’d put my foot down and tell her about herself! That is your child and she needs to respect you and maybe needs to be reminded that YOU are his mother not her. I’m blunt and tell if how it is…that’s her GRANDCHILD and she should treat him as so. . Sometimes they need to be reminded of that.


Sounds like you all live with her. I’d move out and move in on my own or with your family. Your husband is mamas boy and for his own mom to just take your kid out of your arms is disrespectful period. You should tell her uh, excuse me, go hold your own kid. This one is mine!

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This used to happen to me and I’d never say anything because I was too nice and also because I was thankful to her I felt I couldn’t speak up. I got fed up because it went from that to her making plans for her family to come see my son without telling me (I used to live with her) I’d have to cancel plans I had. One day she tried taking him from me and I held on tight to my son because I knew it was coming and I told her flat out no that’s it. When she invited her family to see my son I didn’t come out my room with him so they didn’t see him and she didn’t do it again.


You can say no!
If she comes to take him away say “no I got him thanks. He wants his mom”

Ummm she can’t visot see baby until she can respect you… Def would have gotten slapped if she tried to grab my baby from me…

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Oh no that’s horrible. You need to stand your ground and tell her NO

She thinks you’re weak


It’s not something I would do. I would not just grab anyone’s baby out of their arms. I know she is the grandma but that’s not an open invite to just take your baby . My own mom asked me if she could hold the kids. She never did anything without asking me and I didn’t even expect her to ask but she did and always made it a point to not overstep. I would sit her down and just be honest with her. Tell her you appreciate how much she loves him but your feeling protective of him right now and to just ask


Say something girl !!!

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You should also say something like if I need help I be happy to let you know. Im a boundries type of person and im very vocal.

Put your damn foot down or itll just get worse :roll_eyes: step Up tell her off

Y’all are too nice, I would have swooped my kid back out her arms and say, if this little crotch gobblin came out your vagina then you would have every right to take him out my arms BUT he didn’t so stay in your own lane lady, ya hag. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Speak up! Use your words. Kindly tell her, you got it. Or explain to her how it makes you feel. She may not even know she’s doing something to upset you.


Yeah, nope. You have a mouth, use it. You certainly don’t need to wait for your husband to say something. That’s YOUR child.

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Settle it by throwing her out a window, hope this helps


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get my mother in law to respect me?

Stop seeing her for a while give her a reality check


Tell that dusty bitch to have her own baby if she wants another baby, that that one is yours, and take him back. People treat you how you let them.

Say it ! Dont wait for your husband to speak up . Make it clear now that they’re are boundaries…
chances are …it’ll get worse if ya dont speak up .

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Speak up. Set clear boundaries… your baby your rules.


Girl stuck up for yourself and tell Mfs how u feel

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Pull your big girl panties up and tell her thats YOUR baby and you will take care of him and take him right back from her. Dont be unhappy just to " save face " tell her how it is.

How about taking him back and telling her it’s bonding time for him and you

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Take your baby back. And hand her, her son lol


One day you will be begging her to so you. An have a night out. Stop the jealousy and being a control freak. Your kid spends majority of time with you. Its not a favorite toy. The more love a child feels from family is better and good for them.
I seriously will never get what wives are always against their mil. She isnt a woman your fighting over. A mother and a wife is 2 different roles in your hubby’s life. There is one difference a MOTHER is a constant in his life that can never be changed. A Wife can and has been changed in hubbys life. But mom will still be there. Stop the jealous n respect her as his mother. As one day you will be the mother in law. Unfortunately that is when you figure that out ya shouldnt act the way you dil do.


If you’re not being respected and your husband isn’t getting it through to her, then you need to speak up. If she doesn’t respect you after standing up for yourself, then just don’t go around her. Eventually she will get the hint. And if she doesn’t, you win anyway!

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Did you tell her it bothers you? If not make it very clear you don’t like it and she needs to stop.

I honestly wouldn’t be nice about it. I’d take my son right back out of her arms and tell her the next time she tried it she wouldn’t be welcome in my house and I’d make sure this was clear to my husband too and my husband wouldn’t have a say about it


Let that bitch know what time it is.

I see your point but I also see her she’s his Grammy she wants to protect and love him also when my kids get hurt me and my mom run over and kiss him and hug him and tell him hes okay, because even tho it’s been a while since her child was young it never goes away when u hear a baby cry in the store dont u look around, it’s just natural she just want to baby him when hes not feeling okay, but I would have a conversation with her about boundaries and people passing them


er just tell her no?

I’m just here to commiserate. My mil was like that too when my kids were babies. Now they just come and visit for like 3 and half months and basically do nothing. Yeah I probably need to set some boundaries too.

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As a new mother-in-law and now grandmother, please respectfully put her in her place!!! Just be honest with her and tell her how you feel and if she responds negatively then that’s her problem!!! You are the mother of her grandchild and her sons wife, if she loves them and wants a relationship with them she will respect you.
I go visit my son and his family. I don’t expect them to come to me, I don’t want them catering to me at all when I’m there. I always ask my daughter in law if I can pick up the baby before I do. If you don’t stop it now it will only get worse!!!


Speak your mind. Be clear. Your baby. Don’t be afraid to ruffle feathers. It’s the only way to get a point across to some people. Just remember, if you aren’t clearly communicating, you are permitting this behavior.


First, your feelings are valid. You have every right to be upset. Every family functions differently.

I’m gonna say this and I don’t mean it maliciously but you need to put her back in her place. YOU are the mama. YOU and your husband set the boundaries and draw the lines and are allowed to tell her not to. Tell her exactly how you feel about it. The expression “you are not their parent” has been used in my family. I have had to put people in their place about echoing me when I am disciplining my child or telling her not to do something. Does it upset them? Probably. Do I care? No. It’s my job to raise this child. If they “turn out bad” it doesn’t fall on anyone but you and your husband. If this is a boundary that you want set, your husband agrees then put your foot down.


No you are not & don’t expect anything to change

Oh hell nah. Girl that’s your child. Tell her to stop that and be firm.


Set that boundary and don’t feel bad about it. She doesn’t feel bad, why should you? If she has a negative experience because she can’t respect your boundary that’s on her!


I’ve dealt with this. It’s hard because I’m considered a bitch anytime I stand up for myself in any situation but others can always justify why they’re behaviors are acceptable.

You are been childish. Grow -up.


Screw that no one is gonna come over and take my child out of MY arms without asking especially while consoling them. That’s rude af.