How do I get rid of bad breath for good? I've tried it all!

Probiotics and scraping of Tongue Also maybe look into candida/yeast infection


Sounds like gut issues if nothing else is wrong that you know of! Have you tried fulvic acid to cleanse your body of toxins??? Does wonders for gut health! I’d definitely give it a try!


I went to school with a girl that had this problem. Sometimes you just can’t help it… always carry mints and gum with you. Hugs :hugs:


You need to see a dr. Diabetes , liver problems, thyroid, and kidney issues can cause bad breath. If not and you just want to wash out. Use baking soda with your toothpaste.

If you haven’t already, definitely try Therabreath products! The mouth wash has made such a difference!

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Try peroxide dilute with water swish vigorously it helps Each time you brush rinse or use in water pic…!

Have you been tested for thyroid. I’ve had thyroid issues for 10 years and if it goes out of the normal range my breath starts to smell horrible. Go back to Dr and they re adjust the dose for me


You should try seeing a naturopath. If you’ve had it for that long and it’s not dental issues it sound like it would be something going on with the gut

Have you tried scraping your tongue? You can get tongue scrapers on Amazon

Brushing your tongue and cheeks might also help a little. If you have a dry mouth that will cause bacteria to grow as well. They have special mouthwashes for dry mouth.

Try adding lemon to your water

Do you have condition dry mouth by any chance? I know that condition can cause bad breath.

Diabetes will cause bad breath.

Get your tonsils out! I was the same way until I did

Had same problem for years Dr said it was a stomach infection he gave me Omepre

Ask a doctor to check your kidneys…

Only thing I’ve ever heard of was tonsil stones but only from curiosity type research. Hope you find a more reliable solution sister!


Are you diabetic? I know my aunt was and her breath was horrible.

Have you tried these? They work amazing!!!

Do you have dry mouth or just the bad breath?

Omg I’m so sad for you. I have no advice but if you were local, I’d be your friend. :sob::sob::sob:


Stainless steel Tongue scraper on Amazon story cheap

Sorry, Dr gave me Omeprazole CR 40 MG pills, on the first pill I noticed the difference right away I only took them for a week, now I only take them when ever I start tasting my mouth sour which is like once a year this pills really worked on me, I believe they are also for heart burn relief.

Sounds like you may have stones in your throat. Just a thought.

Bless your heart prayers

Tonsil stones … white pieces in back by your tonsils. I used to cough them up sometimes.

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Could be tonsil stones or an ulcer. Maybe go see an ear nose and throat specialist. Hopefully you can get some answers! Best of luck to you :heart:

Go to the dentist. It could be due to your gums

Could be tonsil stones or acid reflux. Try taking Omeprazole, they sell it over the counter :slightly_smiling_face:

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Even the bacteria killing mouthwash?!?!? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I just came to say it’s incredible how many people didn’t read the post where they state they already had their tonsils removed and are suggesting tonsil stones. I would request a prescribed mouthwash that has an antiseptic in it. Also try out a tongue scraper if you haven’t already. Do you have constant dry mouth? If you aren’t producing enough saliva that could be an issue as saliva basically washes away bacteria in your mouth. If so, have your salivary glands checked. Having a high protein, low carb diet can also cause halitosis. Eating foods that contain garlic or onions can enhance halitosis. Drinking coffee can also enhance it. This is rare, but blood disorder, lung problems and kidney problems can cause it. Diabetes can cause it and even heart burn or acid reflux can cause it. I also suggest using a baking soda mouth wash. Put a couple table spoons of baking soda in a glass of hot water and swish it around in your mouth for a minute, spit and repeat till the glass is empty. Also make sure you have a toothpaste that contains the highest percentage of baking soda. And also, as gross as it’ll taste, swish your mouth with some apple cider vinegar mixed with a little water. That helps kill bacteria too.


Have you had your sugar checked
Sometimes diabetics causes this.


Have you seen a dentist??

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Swish/gargle your mouth with peroxide morning and night after brushing and carry mints/gum or even mouth spray during your day. Sorry you have to deal with this sending positive vibes!!


CHECK FOR A TONGUE TIE. Find a Preferred Provider that is around your area and knowledgeable in tongue ties and get assessed. Typically tongue ties are the cause of mouth breathing, and so many more issues [including swollen adenoids/tonsils].


I heard about eating apples daily…

Liquid chlorophyll for sure. It’s an internal deodorant and it’s very healthy for you


Papaya enzyme…acidiphoulous

Young one - apple cider vinegar, fresh mint leaves and cloves. Boil them to get juices flowing out( not a lot of water like 1/2 cup. Remove from heat drop in a few drops of vanilla. Stir it up - strain - you can mix this with baking soda to make a paste

  • I remember my grandmother making this for our Nina -

Eating parsley or taking parsley pills is worth a shot.

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Have you tried Biotene my daughter has the same problem and we use it but she has extreme smelly breath .


Try apple cider vinegar read about all that it can do

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Dont use a mouth wash with alchol in it. It dries your mouth out


Stop drinking milk. maybe you can’t tolerate lactose


My husband has the same trouble. An my sister.

Odor can come from your tongue try a tongue scraper and always brush your tongue and use mouth wash


It’s called Halitosis. You need to speak to Dr. I recommend taking probiotics daily for gut health. Brush teeth with baking soda and peroxide. It does help. It’s a medical condition that surfaces from your gut health.

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My oldest suffered with this for years. Hes 17 and starting to date so I didn’t want him to have to worry about it. Same situation. The pediatrician recommended probiotics and they cleared it right up.


They say a tongue scraper helps with this

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Try finding a Chinese medicine practioner

Stay hydrated and try a water pick instead. It’s gets a deeper clean in your gums

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I take meds that cause dry mouth and drink much water, but still have bad breath

I’ve know people with this problem and it was a stomach problem


I’d research metabolic disorders for example, Trimethylaminuria, which can cause bad breath. Also, gut health. Maybe your vitamin deficient. Iron deficiency for instance can be a problem. I recommend having your levels tested.


Are you a mouth breather? Sometimes this can be the cause…

Do you brush your tongue because that would help


Enzyme pills for gut. A water fast for 3 to 4 days. In swish/ gargle with organic coconut oil . In try mint leaves or peppermint oil in all water bottles to help keep mouth refresh. As a kid when I was a vegetarian I went through a bad breath stage. Once, my gut was treated and I grew mint plants at home it out help.

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Any chance you could have tonsil stones? I see you’ve had them removed but idk if they can develop without them or not. Those apparently smell really bad.

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Look up Anthony William, specifically the celery juice cleanse.

You need to cleanse your gut


Drink water and lots of it ! Need to add oxygen into your airway sounds silly but works

Zinc deficiency causes bad breath. You can either take supplements or get a mouthwash with zinc like therabreath. Had to get it for my husband. It was a life saver.

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Brushing your teeth with do do would do that lol


Any chance tonsil stones
They smell sooo awful. You can take them out. Check YouTube


Tonsil stones! Check for them. Can make your breath smell bad. There are tools you can buy to get them out. Gargle with hot salt water too

You need to be checked out for metabolic disorders like Trimethylaminuria (TMA). This would cause breath odor that no amount of hygiene could fix.

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I knew someone with the same problem and they finally X-rayed his jaw and found a rotting cyst in there, had to have surgery and had his teeth pulled and cyst removed and problem solved, Not saying that that’s your issue but you should look into it.

Are you sure you don’t have tonsil stones

Try using coconut oil to swish around your mouth like mouthwash for 20 minutes every morning but throw it out the trash not in your sink!

Maybe see and ENT to check your sinuses and tonsils. Someone mentioned tonsil stones. That’s a definite possibility.

Definitely look into why there could be an imbalance in your body. But then also, try brushing your teeth with Crest Pro Health mint paste toothpaste, rinse, and when you are finished, apply a dab of toothpaste to your tongue and make sure it is coated a little bit. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse out well. That should help tremendously.

Check for tonsil stones!

most likely tonsil stones!!


Invest in a tongue cleaner/scraper and also try oil pulling every single day, first thing you do before any foods or liquids are had.

Also, steer clear of mouth wash, or atleast those that contain alcohol, it dries your mouth out and makes it worse x

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This same exact post circulated about a year ago :face_with_monocle: I knew some of these were made up…


Years ago my mom was told it comes from the stomach….

I get really horrendous breathe when I’ve got asthma bad or I’ve had an attack

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My hubby used to struggle with bad breath for years.
Peroxide mixed with water for a mouth rinse sorted the problem out for good.

Bad breath can be due to many factors but can often times result from H Pylori and other gut imbalances. I specialize in GI health and help people uncover the root cause of their chronic digestive symptoms so feel free to reach out if you have any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

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I didn’t read all of it but do you floss? Floss a few times a day, when I don’t floss for awhile it makes my breath sticks and while I’m flossing I can taste all the nasty stuff that was giving me bad breath come out

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If you’ve done all that, at this point just embrace your bad breath! Don’t stop your life because of it!

Tongue scraper for sure. I can’t go back to living without mine.

Bad breath is better than no breath at all

My cousin had this and said it was from a bacteria in her stomach. An infection of some sort. Sorry. Hope you find solution

Mouth wash and GUM chew lots of gum :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I know of people who take liquid chlorophyll for that

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eating cucumbers will help from the inside out for bad breathe

Maybe get your a1c blood re tested? What Does Bad Breath Have to Do with Diabetes?

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Do you have tonsil stones? They cause bad breath.

I grow mint and wad up the leaves and use them like dip. It’s good for about 30 mins.

eat less meat eat more fruit

It could be something wrong with your sinus track or stomach

It actually could be your digestive system.

Lotsa water and brushing and flossing?

Have you been tested for H-Pylori ( stomach bacteria)

How much water are you drinking? The truth to most body odor is the more you drink the less smelly your body becomes. Water dilutes everything from sweat to urine. Bacteria also has a hard time building up if you are sipping all day long.

Cut cucumbers and small slices and leave it in your mouth for 90 seconds

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I don’t have this extreme of a problem but can get pretty stinky breath. I now use a tongue scrapper and it helps.
And this is going to sound so weird but I heard that if you hold in gas it comes up and the gasses release out of your mouth. Read that somewhere and it stuck lol.

There’s a product you can buy at drugstore that is a capsule of chlorophyll. Should help.