How do I get strong again?

I'm losing. I am a single mother, with no help. I got pregnant after my sister passed. My son's father ghosted me, I was two months pregnant. My son is three. I experience every emotion. I want to go back to school and I want to be happy, content and strong again. Please give me advice.

It’ll take time but you’ll get there! Being a single mom is really hard, especially with no help. Write down your goals you want to achieve before the year ends. However small or large, just make sure they’re realistic. Going back to school is a great thing, look online and see if they offer the classes you want / need online so you can stay home with your son. If not, see if you can hire a babysitter a few hours a day so you can go to class. You can do it! Take a deep breath, and keep on moving :slight_smile:

Ask everybody if they know of any help for single moms in your area, and get started doing something each day to move towards your goal!! You can do it!!! Lean on friends and family!!! If you are from El Paso, Tx, I’d love to help you!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get strong again? - Mamas Uncut

Stop getting impregnated until you are married.


control your mind and thoughts and focus only on getting financially strong ! just these two things you need to do…rest everything will fall in place

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Not sure who laugh reacted but grow up, she’s clearly struggling. Focus on one thing at a time. You will get there eventually even if it doesn’t feel like it some days.


I just want to say, everything you want to do is possible! I got pregnant with my daughter at 15, had her at 16. Finished high school with my class. Got pregnant and gave birth to my son at 18. I’m now 25 with a beautiful 8 and 6 year old, I’m a full time nursing student, and I work full time as a PCT at a hospital near me. It took me a few years to get the push I needed, but you can do it love!!


You are strong mama :heartpulse: you’ve been through hell and you’ve kept going!


I know how you feel, and it’s going to take a while

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Set goals… and smash them! Them babies are gonna love watching you win!


Sign up for college. Do the things. Your son will grow up seeing a strong determined mama. Focus on becoming a better you so you can be the best mom. Let yourself enjoy life. When things get heavy, watch a comedy and remember life is short so enjoy it while you’re here.

THERAPY. I cannot stress this enough. Take care of yourself so you can be the best mama for your baby boy. You got this. :heart:


If you truly want to go back to school there are programs for single moms that help with that. Find what program you want and go for it. File fir Fasfa. ( do online classes. You will find amazing support through the college… some even offer free counseling. You got this momma


To the people that are laughing, you’re a bunch of jerks


Get a great psychologist. You can survive this !


Take things a little at a time. Don’t expect to do it all at once. Steady and slow will win the race.


I went back to school and studied local polytechnic learning institution. 3 years study certificate iii age care and health disability and certificate iv health science. Surround yourself with helpful people also will help. You will be amazed by the right people who will help you. A adult student learning with other people who are walking the same pathway. Education is awesome and learning something new.

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I was on my own at the age of 19 with 2 children. I feel for you. My kids are now 39 and 40 with families of their own. There were days when I had to take it one minute at a time. Days I felt like I done everything wrong. Take it slow but keep going forward. Try to think of happy moments and not dwell on negative. Follow your heart and dreams. Get assistance and go back to school if that’s what you want. I got my college degree and believe me it wasn’t easy but I don’t regret one second of those exhausting days. And breathe. Wishing you great prosperity in your future


You got this. It is easier than ever to take college classes because most have them online and satellite locations. Make a plan. What do you want to do? Pick something with lots of jobs like the medical field or teaching (teaching works great for single moms because you child will be in school soon. At community colleges you can get affordable classes. And take that baby daddy to court for support.


Mama take 1 day at a time…set aside any time for yourself. Do 1 thing for yourself. EX: nice soak in bath,just a few more mins in the car to finish that song…anything, it doesn’t have to be a long or major thing. Start slow and simple. I swear with each day you will see and feel stronger!!!


Install Norton Virus it will secure all your problems. :grin:

Girl, just keep going. Yes, it’s insanely hard, but you’re all he has and he needs you to be strong and persevere. Keep going.

It will be hard! But completely doable!!! I suggest state help night classes etc…… you got this

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If you want to go back to school, maybe go back part time and/or do some night classes, start out slow. If you need some sort or financial aid, here’s a link to FAFSA. I have known quite a few people that was approved for it, maybe it’ll help if needed.
Federal Student Aid

I wish you the best of luck with everything. It may be hard, but you got this!!

How many of y’all women are single mothers? If y’all ain’t and are married, then you really don’t know and shouldn’t comment. Of course you say keep going he’s all you have. But if you truly have never been alone and raising children. You can’t fully understand. Sometimes you need more personal reasons then that child. She could feel as some of us single moms have, and think they better off raised by someone with money and time. Stability. Quit with the judgement. No mother wakes up one day and decide to be a single mom. Men die, leave, divorce, and plain stop fathering and providing sometimes. Yes she can do it. But if she has no people close, than she needs support to make a healthy informed decision. She could feel like a failure she’s going through her own mind and don’t need a piece of everyone’s as well.

I am a single mom and been doing it alone for 4 kids. He chose a greener pasture, he quit fathering. Til kids was half raised and well outta diapers. Life throws stuff at us and we just have to adapt. I spent half pay checks paying for sitters. Find help, support, your love for yourself. Figure out what options you have and what’s best for you first, then the others around you.


This got me through when I had my son. I ended my 11 year relationship with my sons father who was abusive when my son was 10 weeks old and I was left in a lot of debt due to him. I felt like I was drowning. 3 years later and I am in a much better place thanks to this advice.


Counseling helps so much

Don’t let anything knock u down. Stay strong and fight for ur happiness don’t let anything stop u. Take baby steps. U will have obstacles but take one at time… u can do this. Love u

Call your local careersource center and tell them your interested in the workforce investment act program. The govt will pay for a certification of your choice

You need a support circle. And you need to take things one step at a time. Figure out one or two things that you can do now or soon, then work on the rest in bite size pieces. If you try to process it all at once it’s going to feel overwhelming. It will get better and you can do it. It’s ok to go slow.

Find a counselor or coach. It doesn’t even have to be a professional. Just find someone near you that can help with sound advice. You’re going to make it. Take a deep breath, and pray a lot. It won’t always be like this. :heart:

Seriously, I know it’s hard. I was a single mom to 4! I went back to school and worked. It was ROUGH. But I survived it. My kids don’t really know the difference now. They know I work and that I’m going back to school again soon too. But my older 4 don’t really remember me going to school. During the day they went to daycare and school while I went to school and tried to take a nap. Then I’d have a few hours home with them and feed them and get them to bed and I would go to work while they slept and either a friend or one of my cousins would stay at my house with them while they slept and I worked. I would come home and get them ready for school and we would do it all over again. I didn’t get a lot of sleep, but I don’t regret it either. My kids know that I bust my butt to provide for them. Now I’m remarried and I have 8 kids (4previous, 4 with my current husband). Honestly, cut yourself some slack. If you’re worried about little things like laundry sitting in a basket or on the couch for awhile, learn to let it go. I still to this day don’t fold our laundry. I sort it into baskets and make the kids take it to their rooms :sweat_smile: I don’t even care if they put it away anymore. They want to live out of their laundry basket then more power to them because I usually do the same thing. The only persons clothes that I put away are the youngest two kids (newborn and 1yr old). I learned to cut myself a lot of slack as a single mom. And my husband met me and was fully aware of how I was before we got married. None of it bothered him. Dishes sat in the sink overnight? Cool! Clean laundry stayed piled on the couch or chair for a week. Sweet! Like learning to let things go that were not REALLY important was hard but it was a huge step for me in helping me keep my sanity as a single mom. Your kids won’t remember if your house was spotless or if you looked like a wreck and lived in your pajamas at home. They’re going to remember the memories and the time you spent with them.

YOU CAN DO IT! He will be in school soon. Start online classes. Write a list and start drawing a pattern of goals, to get there.
I too, was a single Mother of a 3 yr old, with no child support. i worked days, and went to school a few nights a week. Got my Real Estate License, started as a leasing agent in apartments, then became a manager, then started working with a commercial developer, became the Director of Marketing and built an office and a doctors building in another state.
Im not saying this is THE PATH FOR YOU.
IM JUST SAYING, i stayed in commercial RE, when it was working for me, tended bar some, over the years, to make more money, returned to Commercial RE, as a Property Manager, then a Construction Manager, then more responsibilities/ titles until they made me the Operations manager.
I retired Halloween 2019 as the Operations Manager of a large Mall, and left 4 days later, and traveled to Nepal and India for 17 months.
Even when i had a spouse/mate, I WAS ALWAYS the primary breadwinner, and supported myself, had 2 more kids when my eldest was 15-18. YOU CAN DO IT!
WHETHER YOU believe you CAN OR CANNOT, you WILL be right! I always believed I COULD! I STILL DO! BELIEVE!!!

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It sounds so simple but

Just do it

Call a school and get started.

I did school while working 2 jobs as a single mom. It is NOT easy but it made my life much easier in what felt like the blink of an eye. Yes I was exhausted! There were plenty of days I felt like giving up but I just got through that day.

But that really rough year meant life got a lot easier because I was able to earn more, meant spending more quality time with my daughter and not being so stressed and exhausted.

Best advice do NOT date until you are there, where you NEED nothing from a man.

Literally has been so many times I’ve wanted to give up. Single mom 4 boys. But I think as mothers a natural instinct kicks in and we just figure shit out. Life will always have its ups and downs ebbs and flow you just have to choose how you gonna ride along with it. Or if you going to try and go against it. Perspective changes a lot of shit

You can do it! I was in the same position as you! But I decided to join the military and honestly it opened my eyes so much. It’s been 10 years since I had my first child and I’ve been a single parent ever since then. It’s hard Jesus is it hard. There are still days when I have to go take a shower just to cry but I have to remind myself of where I started…a 16 yr old mom who’s child’s father left me at two months pregnant! I was so lost. But now I’m not struggling, I live in Italy :it: and I haven’t needed help from anyone. Here within the next year I’m planning on going to college (for free) to get my degree. Still in the military and thriving! Trust me girl, you can do it. You will have to make some sacrifices but it will be worth it in the long run! But please don’t give up!

Singe moms automatically qualify for financial aid

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Hang in there. You can do it! :revolving_hearts:

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Single mom of three, no family. I have done it for years alone. It’s hard but keep trying. Keeps fighting. It doesn’t come easy but you have to fight for it​:heart::heart: take it a minute at a time. You don’t have to be positive all the time just stay focused. Make sure you take care of you to. It’s so easy to get burnt out.

Find things you enjoy. I have crochet and sewing but lately I have no time for them. I love to read too but have 0 time. But I have 5 children with a lot going on right now. But my therapist does think I’m depressed. All I can do is keep moving on and take care of my babies. Oh and my mom has dementia, dad died when I was 11. None of my siblings have anything to do with me and no friends. And I’m very bad with friends especially when I have no time for them and havw really nothing to offer them.

You can do all of that and more !!

You can do ANYTHING you want to do. Its possible. Never give up

Go get some therapy! It will benefit you big time!

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Please get yourself support of some kind, from a charity (there should be some for single mums), Church - though that could come with brainwashing, as they would require you to be a member, from good friends & I think that your son needs some sort of male role models/support, why not check out community groups/organisations. Where do you live?

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Put ur child in child care n go back 2 school.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get strong again? - Mamas Uncut

Keep calm and carry on, I raised my boy alone he’s now nearly 13 in the hard days, I use to tell my self tomorrow will be better, women got through the war I can do it, I then started to think about all the stuff I can do, like walk, talk see, and look at my home and know I had one, clothes in my back, etc basically I reminded myself that things are all worse for someone else and it made me grateful for what I have! I thought of family’s who couldn’t have kids and people who try and try and still don’t and it reminded me my son was a blessing and Rome want built in a day and I will get there as long as he’s loved, fed and clothed that’s all he needs. So point is try not to be harsh on yourself for what you don’t have, but praise what you do have! And remember tomorrow really is always better :kissing_heart:


Family/friends/community do you have a Mum and Dad.

In the most respectful way, speaking to your doctor may help. Even if you don’t want anti depressants or medical treatment for your feelings. They can point you towards support resources as well as talking therapies that may help your confidence and help you turn your outlook around and get ‘stronger’. You can always look for local groups you can join to find a sense of community too

Bless you lovely, why don’t you join our support group for mums, lots of amazing women that would welcome you with open arms Mummies Support Group :heart:

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get strong again? - Mamas Uncut

First and foremost, a man doesn’t bring you happiness. You find that by finding yourself!! I got divorced less than three years ago and I’m so happy! You have to find happiness within urself or else you will never be happy


My advice is to start by working on you. You can’t be the best mama you can be if you aren’t taking care of yourself. I’m a single mom so I understand how hard it is to try to do things for yourself when we’re constantly putting our child first. But at the same time, your child needs you to be happy and healthy. Do you speak with a therapist? That’s a great start. Trying to do something for yourself at least once a week would be great as well. Look into your options. Single mother’s have resources. You can go back to school and pay very little if anything. It’s easy to fall into the mindset that nothing is good enough and things will never change, but they won’t change until you allow them to. Take it day by day. And if that’s too much, hour by hour. It’s okay to be down. It’s okay to want to give up. But you got this. And the minute you start taking control of your life again you’re going to feel sooo much better. You start to feel happy, content and strong again because you’re making that life you’ve always wanted for yourself and your son. And give yourself some credit— it’s not easy doing this completely alone but here you are succeeding. Pat yourself on the back. You’re amazing :heartpulse:


One day at a time. Sorry for the loss of your sister. I don’t know you but I assume you’re a bit younger and you don’t know me or where you’re located but if you would like a listening ear or a mother figure then feel free to reach out.


Church has excellent network of mom and singles groups. Watch Joyce Meyer. She was abandoned by her first husband. He said the baby wasn’t his.
Her life was changes and she is a happy woman


I’m sorry for the loss of your sister. One day at a time. Functioning while grieving is labor intensive. School online? Find a support group for trauma and loss. That might be online too now.


One foot in front of the other sweetness. Ain’t nothing to it but to do it. And only you can do it for yourself. It gets hard. Dig deeper. Remember who you are. You’ve made it through a lot! Time to rediscover yourself. :heart::heart:

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Sounds to me like you’re already strong🤷‍♀️… have more faith in yourself.


Praying for your victory. That God shows you the direction that is destined for your life. God’s loves us… keep trying use prayer. Your sister is resting in Pardise. Keep the faith. Health and faith in God you will prosper

Don’t give up lil momma those babies are learning and watching you they want to do everything you do! Stay strong :muscle: for them if you need a break once in a while it’s ok! Go apply for FASFA and Pelle grants to go to school! There’s tons of help for you!


You will get there, I was a single parent for 6 years, you have days it will be easy and others that just plain suck… but you will get there… I met my husband after 6 years of being single… and he has been so good to my son and I. :heart:

Find a non- profit that helps women. A pediatrician or gynecologists office might be able to point you to some free resources. Get yourself some help; and put one foot in front of the other.

Same. I always keep this note to motivate me “ONE STEP AT A TIME .

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Hang in there - YOUVE GOT THIS! If Facebook is how you connect, join some single mom groups (nearby or not). I am a single mom by choice to two boys and the single mom groups I’m a part of are lifesavers! Things are so much different as a single/solo mom, but most of it is good different :heart::heart:

One minute at a time will eventually turn into one hour which turns into days then weeks then you turn around and realize how far you have come and what you’re capable of doing. Turn to god.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Turn to God. Find a church in your area, sign up for a momma life group. They have play dates and Bible study while the kiddos play together, and you build amazing bonds with women willing to help you.

First of all… Fuck him​:100::100: You got this Mama xo You got your boy, you keep going, keep pushing, your doing so well. The older they get your going to miss all these moments, memories those hard times, sad times, happy times and the shittiest times they are all worth it ever single hour, min, day,month and year​:100::100::100::100: Always breath, Remind your self with positivity. Hard days are the best days to learn from. You got your boy, Mama, You hold your self proud and strong :muscle::muscle::100::100::100::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:



I’m a single mama too. I live 1500 miles away from any help and can’t afford to move closer. His dad left when he was 5 months old. Here if you need to talk


Hi. I spent most of my career working for the postal service. During that I gave birth to 2 precious little boys. In the middle of all this I had realized I couldn’t just be a mindless robot anymore. Despite the good benefits or pay, I just wanted to be happy. Feeling lost for a bit, I thought I could go back to post office since I just had my baby girl. Of course more expenses now. So I went back and after a week after I WAS STILL NOT HAPPY. I wanted to follow my dream by going to school to become a nurse and to work in neonatal unit. When I was feeling so down about not being a better mommy, I realized I had the will to continue my homework. And it hit me. As long as I have a roof over my babies heads, they have something to eat, and are able to get medical treatment, then why the f not. I never took the time to love myself before I had my babies. And now I believe in myself to go through with this. Especially that some day, my kiddos are going to see how important to go after your passions in life.

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You can do it babe. I have two little ones and I managed to complete a associates degree! Anything is possible even with children it just may take a little bit longer to reach your goals but it isn’t impossible!


You can do it! I went to Nursing school as a single Mom of three. Just take a breath and Do It!!


It’s not about how? It’s about when! You will soon get sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! Stay the course and stay strong!!

My hope is that you go to court and get the father who ghosted you to pay child support because let me tell you I went through the same thing without any financial help and I should’ve taking him to court for child support.

Dont waste time… the longer you wait to do what you want the longer itll take to do… take strides not small steps and move in the direction you want. If you want to study, start with one subject and build up to two or three. Dont come up with excuses why you cant, loook for the bonuses in why you should! Regrets happen when you dont achieve, dreams happy when you do! Start looking now on how to do it, sign up to do it tomorrow!

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You may quailify for assistance to return to school and childcare assistance. Look into it. Good Luck

You’ll get there, you can still do anything you want… and now you even have a reason and a cheering squad

Sweet struggling mama, losing and winning are subjective. One persons wins are another’s horrible battles. You are not alone. You are loved. You are needed. Thank you for posting a raw truth.
Since there is no way to give you a physical, mental or spiritual boost other than to let you know that, please feel my arms around you. I have no idea what else you may be fighting but if you need an ear and a kind encouragement I’m here. Do not hesitate to message me and I will do what I can.

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You got this. Not sure where ur from but I have helped so many single mama’s get there life back together. and if u need an ear to vent to my inbox is open

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I get strong again? - Mamas Uncut

For starters breathe . And if you have family and friends. See if they can help you . take a moment to yourself if you can . And look to your son when you feel weak . He needs his momma . Sometimes when I feel weak . I look at my babies . And they give me strength. Look to church for help . maybe get some counseling or therapy. Might help you tons . Just take some time for yourself if you can . Give yourself a break momma don’t be hard on yourself. You got this .


Look into childcare. You can do schooling online. It’s not easy at all boo, but it’s possible. Make a vision board, set short term and attainable goals and work yourself up from there :heart::heart: you’re not alone. I was there a few years ago myself. And sweetie… you’re a damn superhero. You’re a single mom. Doesn’t get much stronger than that.


Matthew 6:33- seek Him first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you… Now is the time for you to reflect and draw closer to God… He knows everything you’re going through… Repent and pray… He will help and guide you…God bless you🤗


Girl you are not losing. You are being tested. Take a moment and breathe.
You have made it this far that means you are incredibly strong, kids are no joke!!! See if you can find some time when your little one goes to bed to reconnect with who you were before you had a child. Then find a way to morph her with the mother in you. You feel lost, I totally get that, I think many mothers do, it’s like we get thrust into becoming some tiny persons slave, and while we love them to the ends of the earth and back it is draining especially when the weight falls solely on your shoulders.

You are a queen. Never let your brain tell you otherwise :slight_smile:


Don’t be afraid to reach out to counseling or therapy!! If you have family or friends close by ask for help. I’m here if you wanna talk or need to vent!!

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Counseling. Therapy, art, equine, or something that you might enjoy. Having no village in this Covid pandemic is of no help. Believe me, I’m speaking from experience. Find support. Google support groups for single parents, maybe check out a church, YMCA’s, youth groups for your child. Whatever you do, get busy. It’ll pull you out of your funk. Make short term goals and long term goals. Mourn as needed, to cleanse your heart. But don’t let the pain and sadness trap you. You are not alone. Hug your baby, and put on some music, sing, paint, laugh at yourself being silly. Show your baby what resilience and strength are. You can do this!


Do NOT let your past define you,…rather let it prepare you,…be strong, embrace your skills and find opportunities that do too…never surrender…

Find a church even if you are not religious but there is help there and friends that I believe you really need

Oy sending you love :heart::heart: take care of yourself first - therapy and then one day at a time one goal at a time

Don’t compare your happiness to that of others. We are all in different walks of life. Strength comes from within. A good way to start is to save as much money as you can. Buy groceries and items when they are on sale. Go without specialty items like coffees or whatever you go for usually. Don’t eat out often. You would be surprised how much doing all this can save you. Look into financial aid to use to pay fot college. Start at a cheaper community college. You could even change jobs to one that helps pay for college. Lean on the family and friends you have. If you don’t have them to lean on I bet you are already stronger than you think. Go after child support if you haven’t already. You have a right to it. Lastly, remember it is your child that makes you even stronger. You can’t ever give up when a little one is counting on you.

Get meds unfortunately from a Dr first then…go

Been there . 2 Baby’s later . Well I have 4 but the last twos dad dipped a long time ago . Only thing you can do is keeping moving forward . Go watch meet the robinsons . Always make me feel better

Have Faith In Yourself, You Can Do It!:heart:

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Seek help! Not sure what state you’re in, but every state has help for single parents. I don’t know your living arrangements, but seek public housing, it’s usually income based. Apply for food stamps and day care assistance. Work part time, go to school part time. It’ll take time, but work towards your goals. Being a single mom is hard on its own, you’re doing twice the work, but you also get twice the reward. As for baby’s dad, file for child support. I wouldn’t say that if he was involved and active with the child, but since he made a baby and hasn’t taken care of that baby, force the state to at least make him financially responsible.

I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your sister. :two_hearts:


seek counseling…ask your health care provider to refer you to see someone


There are a lot of factors that are missing here. Do you already work? Is your son currently in daycare? You could try to do school online and see if it’s a good fit for you! Its not the best option for everyone learning wise, but as a single mom it would give you more freedom to be able to be near your son and do schooling at the same time! I also suggest looking into support groups or therapy. It sounds like you’re feeling a little hopeless which is perfectly normal for parents to feel sometimes, but it’s important to remember you can do it! You’ve already taken care of your sweet baby for three years with little to no help and that’s a huge feat! Dont let your head get the best of you, you’ve got this!:heart:


Try therapy! Sometimes it’s good to have a third party not attached to the situation. I just started myself and it’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself! Keep your head up, beautiful!


Seek a therapist… and a grief counselor… both will help tremendously
I’m a single mom to 5… message me if you want someone to chat with


Investigate what services are available where you are. If there is a YWCA close to you they work with women in just your position. They helped me a lot.

Otherwise research worker displacement programs or women leaving DV homes. You are not but they have resources and they might be able to help you find a path to education and independence


I’ve been in your shoes.
Reach out for help, go back to school, and give yourself the life you want to live. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
I was a single mother of 2 when I decided to change my life. I found affordable childcare, applied for college, worked part-time to maintain my bills & I set out to create a better, more stable version of myself. I lost time with my children, yes. But I created a life we could live, for them & i paved the foundation for our success. Now I have 3 degrees, a career, 4 children and a beautiful life. It is possible, it just takes hard work and determination.

Also don’t be afraid to get counseling and help manage your emotional wounds.


Seek a counselor and Profesional help