Life Has Me Feeling Like I'm Losing, How Do I Get Strong Again?

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"I'm losing. I am a single mother, with no help. I got pregnant after my sister passed. My son's father ghosted me, I was two months pregnant. My son is three. I experience every emotion. I want to go back to school and I want to be happy, content and strong again. Please give me advice."

RELATED: Kailyn Lowry Reveals The Secret To Raising 4 Kids As A Single Mom


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"It’ll take time but you’ll get there! Being a single mom is really hard, especially with no help. Write down the goals you want to achieve before the year ends. However small or large, just make sure they’re realistic. Going back to school is a great thing, look online and see if they offer the classes you want/need online so you can stay home with your son. If not, see if you can hire a babysitter a few hours a day so you can go to class. You can do it! Take a deep breath, and keep on moving."

"Ask everybody if they know of any help for single moms in your area, and get started doing something each day to move towards your goal!! You can do it!!! Lean on friends and family!!! If you are from El Paso, Tx, I’d love to help you!"

"I just want to say, everything you want to do is possible! I got pregnant with my daughter at 15, had her at 16. I finished high school with my class. Got pregnant and gave birth to my son at 18. I’m now 25 with a beautiful 8 and 6-year-old, I’m a full-time nursing student, and I work full time as a PCT at a hospital near me. It took me a few years to get the push I needed, but you can do it, love!!"

"Sign up for college. Do the things. Your son will grow up seeing a strong, determined mama. Focus on becoming a better you so you can be the best mom. Let yourself enjoy life. When things get heavy, watch a comedy and remember life is short so enjoy it while you’re here."

"If you truly want to go back to school there are programs for single moms that help with that. Find what program you want and go for it. File for FAFSA. ( do online classes. You will find amazing support through the college… some even offer free counseling. You got this momma"

"I was on my own at the age of 19 with 2 children. I feel for you. My kids are now 39 and 40 with families of their own. There were days when I had to take it one minute at a time. Days I felt like I did everything wrong. Take it slow but keep going forward. Try to think of happy moments and not dwell on negative ones. Follow your heart and dreams. Get assistance and go back to school if that’s what you want. I got my college degree and believe me it wasn’t easy but I don’t regret one second of those exhausting days. And breathe. Wishing you great prosperity in your future"

"You got this. It is easier than ever to take college classes because most have them online and satellite locations. Make a plan. What do you want to do? Pick something with lots of jobs like the medical field or teaching (teaching works great for single moms because your child will be in school soon. At community colleges, you can get affordable classes. And take that baby daddy to court for support."

"Mama take 1 day at a time…set aside any time for yourself. Do 1 thing for yourself. EX: nice soak in the bath, just a few more mins in the car to finish that song…anything, it doesn’t have to be a long or major thing. Start slow and simple. I swear with each day you will see and feel stronger!!!"

"If you want to go back to school, maybe go back part-time and/or do some night classes, start out slow. If you need some sort or financial aid, here’s a link to FAFSA. I have known quite a few people that were approved for it, maybe it’ll help if needed. I wish you the best of luck with everything. It may be hard, but you got this!!"

"Single mom of three, no family. I have done it for years alone. It’s hard but keep trying. Keeps fighting. It doesn’t come easy but you have to fight for it, take it a minute at a time. You don’t have to be positive all the time just stay focused. Make sure you take care of yourself too. It’s so easy to get burnt out."

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