How do I get to know my grandchild?

I agree with a lot of the responses on here, let her know you want to know your grand baby. At this point the baby is more important plus another baby ugh. I’m sure you can come to an agreement with the mom and if not I’m sorry

Omg🥰 call that mama. The worst she can do is say no thank you. But as a Mama in this same boat, I wish so badly that they’d just try!

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Reach out but don’t be mad if you get rejected. If your son is the type of person you’re describing the other mother might not believe what you tell her ( that you will be on her side and not your sons) good luck!

I would say something to her that baby has sibling i think every kids derseves to know they have other family out there and you sound like a very loving and care person and grandma and they would be lucky to know you i would let her know whats going on with your son and the other children maybe even the other mom would like to know as well and could reach out it never hurts to try

I also have a grandson who is now l7 and i haven’t seen since he was 4 - spoke to him once when he was 12 and she told him he only had one nana and it was not me and she has now gone to god - it is so sad but what do u do - my son is ok and has supported his son all through at