"I’m going on seven months. My son’s father has told me since I was three months pregnant that he wants no rights to the child.
I waited a few months in hopes he’d change his mind but he hasn’t. I’m from Montreal, Canada, and don’t know what steps I will need to take to get this done because for the last 3 months he’s hasn’t even spoken or visited me. I’m due in January."
RELATED QUESTION: My Baby’s Father Wants Nothing to Do With Me or Baby: Should I Fight for Child Support?
“If you’re not interested in getting child support. Change your number, move to a different home. Don’t update him or anyone he knows about anything. Ghost him and anyone who knows him as well. Don’t put him on the birth certificate, no information on the father whatsoever.”
“I thought if they aren’t on the birth certificate then they didn’t have any rights.”
“Take him to court to relinquish rights. Even if he’s not on the birth certificate, he can later try to get rights which sucks; that happened to me. Have him sign off all legal rights through the court so he can never just come back in and try to get partial custody.”
“In Canada, a parent can terminate their physical rights, but not financial rights. You need to go to court and price he’s unfit or doesn’t want to be in the child’s life. No just will allow a parent to remove the financial responsibility as that child did not ask to be brought into this world and has every right to be supported by each parent.”
“The right thing to be telling her, if you all are wanting to give her advice, is to go down to your local family self-help or courts division and ask them the process or how it would go in your state or county and get the right information because every state county city and person individual situation is different in every or some type of way. That would be my suggestion. I have 3 kids and have been through it and each has come out different. Just a recommendation.”
“I’m also from the Montreal area. Do not claim him at birth, and do not put him on any paperwork or birth certificate and he will have no rights at all. The only way that he’d be able to do anything is if he files for a DNA test himself. Then after 3 years he’s not even allowed to ask for the test. (Same situation when my daughter was born).”
“In Canada, the birth certificate doesn’t matter. He can come for rights anytime. He can even come to take the baby and be allowed to until you take him to court. He’s got the same rights as you no matter what here in Canada. And in Canada, you also cannot sign your rights away. In Canada, you aren’t allowed to because they consider him to be financially responsible to his child. The only way he can do that is if someone adopts the child (like a step-parent). Play this as if you’re Virgin Mary and your child’s father doesn’t exist. Very simple.”
“I would contact courts or get legal advice from family outreach or whatever services you have there, unfortunately, he is under no obligation to see or visit you as you are separated harsh but true maybe he is waiting until the baby is born then he may change his mind but unfortunately, right up until the baby is born he has no legal obligation to you or the pregnancy.”
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