How Do I Go About Terminating My Unborn Baby's Father's Parental Rights, Since He Doesn't Want to Be Involved?


"I’m going on seven months. My son’s father has told me since I was three months pregnant that he wants no rights to the child.

I waited a few months in hopes he’d change his mind but he hasn’t. I’m from Montreal, Canada, and don’t know what steps I will need to take to get this done because for the last 3 months he’s hasn’t even spoken or visited me. I’m due in January."

RELATED QUESTION: My Baby’s Father Wants Nothing to Do With Me or Baby: Should I Fight for Child Support?


“If you’re not interested in getting child support. Change your number, move to a different home. Don’t update him or anyone he knows about anything. Ghost him and anyone who knows him as well. Don’t put him on the birth certificate, no information on the father whatsoever.”

“I thought if they aren’t on the birth certificate then they didn’t have any rights.”

“Take him to court to relinquish rights. Even if he’s not on the birth certificate, he can later try to get rights which sucks; that happened to me. Have him sign off all legal rights through the court so he can never just come back in and try to get partial custody.”

“In Canada, a parent can terminate their physical rights, but not financial rights. You need to go to court and price he’s unfit or doesn’t want to be in the child’s life. No just will allow a parent to remove the financial responsibility as that child did not ask to be brought into this world and has every right to be supported by each parent.”

“The right thing to be telling her, if you all are wanting to give her advice, is to go down to your local family self-help or courts division and ask them the process or how it would go in your state or county and get the right information because every state county city and person individual situation is different in every or some type of way. That would be my suggestion. I have 3 kids and have been through it and each has come out different. Just a recommendation.”

“I’m also from the Montreal area. Do not claim him at birth, and do not put him on any paperwork or birth certificate and he will have no rights at all. The only way that he’d be able to do anything is if he files for a DNA test himself. Then after 3 years he’s not even allowed to ask for the test. (Same situation when my daughter was born).”

“In Canada, the birth certificate doesn’t matter. He can come for rights anytime. He can even come to take the baby and be allowed to until you take him to court. He’s got the same rights as you no matter what here in Canada. And in Canada, you also cannot sign your rights away. In Canada, you aren’t allowed to because they consider him to be financially responsible to his child. The only way he can do that is if someone adopts the child (like a step-parent). Play this as if you’re Virgin Mary and your child’s father doesn’t exist. Very simple.”

“I would contact courts or get legal advice from family outreach or whatever services you have there, unfortunately, he is under no obligation to see or visit you as you are separated harsh but true maybe he is waiting until the baby is born then he may change his mind but unfortunately, right up until the baby is born he has no legal obligation to you or the pregnancy.”

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Well he won’t be on the birth certificate, so thats a start.


Ask him to write a letter stating that🤷🏽‍♀️
Congratulations on the baby :heart:

I thought if they aren’t on the birth certificate then they didn’t have any rights


They don’t really have any rights unless your married, until you get involved in the courts. I’m in the u.s. tho.


He doesnt have any rights at all until the baby is born. Then its a matter of signing the birth certificate. If he doesnt. He has absolutely no rights.

Take him to court to relinquish rights even if he’s not on the birth certificate he can later try to get rights which sucks that happened to me. Have him sign off all legal rights through the court so he can never just come back in and try to get partial custody


I went to court father didnt show up to court i was granted full custody also from the same area as u only difference is he was there through the whole pregnancy I left him when she was 8 months old and he never bothered with her and I ended up with full custody my suggestion is just dont put a father on the birth certificate mark father unknown

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Leave his name off the birth certificate then only you have rights to the baby


Well fuck him if he don’t want to be apart of his child life , this baby is YOUR Blessing and his loss. Congrats on your bundle of joy.:sparkling_heart:

Why does he want his rights removed, to not have to pay child support?

In the united states…If he isnt on the birth certificate AND isnt established in court he has no rights. But you are ineligible for government assistance. Once 1 or both of the above is done HE has parental rights and U can get state help (usually). And then alot else changes. Best bet is to leave him off the birth certificate and hope he never takes you to court AND you dont need government assistance.

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Don’t put him on the birth certificate and get a lawyer.

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Now in the US they will not allow parents to sign away rights bc to many people do it to get out of paying child support. :woman_shrugging:
Unless the other parent gets married and their spouse wants to legally adopt their child, then they will allow it.

Just let him do him until such time you have an adequate father to adopt. Until then no court will strip rights.

I’m also from Montreal area. Do not claim him at birth, and do not put him on any paper work or birth certificate and he will have no rights at all. The only way that he’d be able to do anything is if he files for a DNA test himself. Then after 3 years he’s not even allowed to ask for the test. (Same situation when my daughter was born)

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Don’t put him on the birth certificate


Don’t put his name on the birth certificate and change your number


I know three men in NYS that signed away their parental rights but still had to pay child support. They weren’t on the birth certificate but paternity was established and they paid until those kids were 18.

Give birth to the baby first. Stop being bitter 2nd. And 3rd, don’t list him on birth certificate

Hey! I live in Gatineau and all you need to do is when the dr gives you the paper for the hospital to fill out information just don’t write his name

Dont list him on birth certificate.
Otherwise youll have to go thru a process

Where I’m from (The US) he has to sign the birth certificate or submit DNA for a paternity test to gain rights. Look into that first and you may save yourself a headache.

Hey, I’m also from Montreal, and I had a situation like yours with my second child. You can DM me if you want to know how I handled it!

Congrats mama :two_hearts:

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If you’re not interested in getting child support. Change your number, move to a different home. Don’t update him or anyone he knows about anything. Ghost him and anyone who knows him as well.
Don’t put him on the birth certificate, no information on the father whatsoever.
Play this as if you’re Virgin Mary and your child’s father doesn’t exist. Very simple.


Sorry, I don’t know how it is in Canada but, in America you can/should list the father on the birth cert (or you’ll have to go through courts later and dna tests later on). He wants to give up his rights so he doesn’t have to pay child support - in america, it doesn’t work like that at all. Rights and child support are 2 different things. If it is the same way in Canada, I would list his ass on the birth cert, find a lawyer to strip him of his rights and go after him for child support.

In Canada a parent can terminate their physical rights, but not financial rights. You need to go to court and price he’s unfit or doesn’t want to be in the child’s life. No just will allow a parent to remove the financial responsibility as that child did not ask to be brought into this world and has every right to be supported by each parent.

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I’m from BC, but dad have no rights if they aren’t on the birth certificate and if they don’t live with the child at time of birth.
They have to go through court and get a paternity test.

So if he doesn’t want to be around don’t put him on the birth certificate, he’ll have to go through the courts later if he decides to be around

Don’t name him on the birth certificate.

The right thing to be telling her if you all are wanting to give her advice is go down to your local family self help or courts division and ask them the process or how it would go in your state or county and get the right information because every state county city and person individual situation is different in every or some type of way…that would be my suggestion…I have 3 kids and have been through it and each has come out different…just a recommendation


I would contact courts or get legal advice from family outreach or whatever services you have there, unfortunately, he is under no obligation to see or visit you as you are separated harsh but true maybe he is waiting until the baby is born then he may change his mind but unfortunately, right up until the baby is born he has no legal obligation to you or the pregnancy :frowning:

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In most states if you are not legally married he has no rights to the children even if he is on the birth certificate

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Ask a lawyer. Maybe there is a document he can sign waving his rights…

Dont put his name on birth certificate no rights then


I’m in Canada and all you do is not put him on birt certificate and say father unknown

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Yep on the birth cert. put father as unknown

Don’t put him on the birth certificate, but then u can’t go for child support unless y’all go to court and have it established that he is the father.

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When you give birth don’t tell him then fill out the birth certificate and put father unknown

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Don’t name him on the birth certificate. Don’t go after him for child support. Change your number, move if possible and don’t associate with people that know him.

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Dont put him on the birth certificate

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In Canada the birth certificate don’t matter.
He can come for rights anytime. He can even come take the baby and be allowed to until you take him to court. He’s got same rights as you no matter what here in Canada.
And in Canada you also cannot sign your rights away . In Canada you aren’t allowed to because they consider him to be financially responsible to his child. The only way he can do that is if someone adopts the child ( like a step parent).

Don’t put his name on the birth certificate or any form.

I mean technically if you don’t put him on the birth certificate when baby is born and no paternity test is established, he has no rights. I think that’s just a universal thing pretty much everywhere. If they ask just tell em you don’t know who the father is :woman_shrugging:t3:


Don’t put his name on the birth certificate.

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Dont make him sign the birth certificate. Then hed have to go to court and prove his paternity in order to get rights.


In the US. If you are not married he has not rights… Even if he is on the bc, to see the child if he chose to down the road he would have to take you to court and go that route. It is your decision to add him the the bc if he is not there you have the right to say “you dont know who the father is” even if thats not true… A few moments of feeling uncomfortable will give you years of freedom from a man who is choosing not to be involved


He will need to sign his rights away

As what above mentioned. Cut him off. No contact. Nothing. No financial support from him at all.

Sorry you’re going through this.

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If ur financially independent enough then don’t put him on the birth certificate ?:woman_shrugging:

No name on bc and hire a lawyer if he ever changes his mind. The other option is to hire a lawyer to draw up papers saying he he gives up all parental rights. Judge signs it…it’s over. I did the opposite. I put my husbands name on my sons bc but he wasn’t the biological father and had to hire a lawyer to prove he wasn’t. Luckily it ended there without a dna test. Ex husband wanted him to be his son. Fought hard. But knew he wasn’t and gave up after a year in court. And a lot of money.

Don’t put him on the birth certificate but if you do sign up for any form of assistance. Medicaid or food stamps. They will search for the father by having men you’ve had intercourse with, take DNA tests. Happened to my brother. Had a one night stand and they came hunted him down to take a paternity test. He now pays child support…although he is not on the BC.

If the baby isn’t born yet, you don’t put his name on the birth certificate so then he has no rights simply.

Have him terminate his parental rights as soon as the baby is born. That way it’s pretty much a done deal. No going back.

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Don’t put him on the birth certificate.

See a family lawyer as soon as possible. He has obligations in Canada to proved you with child support

Have him put it in writing and have him get it notarized. Then do not have any further contact with him and do not list him as the father

If he doesn’t sign the birth certificate then he will have no rights unless he takes you to court and then you can have a paternity test done (even though you know who the father is)

Contact an attorney and have him sign papers relinquishing all paternal rights now and forever (have him pay the attorney, its the least he can do since he won’t be paying any kind of support). Do this right away. DO NOT LIST HIM as the father on the birth certificate. Cut any and all contact with him as soon as the papers are signed. He is a loser and will one day regret his decision and it will be his loss. You are lucky to this out about him now and not later. You and your child are better off without him.

Rid that fucker thats what he wants dont need a loser in his or your life be mom and dad i was goodluck

I don’t think you can :confused:

I know in the states he has to sign them away. Good luck!


Put unknown father on the birth certificate :woman_shrugging:


I’m assuming he won’t be there to sign birth certificate… I would have thought he wouldn’t have any if name isn’t on there …? Xx

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I know if they don’t sign the birth certificate there is none right away


Leave him off the birth certificate (sounds like he won’t even show up for the birth anyway). If he later decides he wants rights then he can pay for a paternity test to prove its his child.


Leave off the father names on the birth certificate. :woman_shrugging:t2: other than that I’m not sure.
Technically if he doesn’t want any involvement you have nothing to be concerned about.


Pretty sure you just don’t put him on the birth certificate


Dont put.him on birth certificate. But it doesn’t mean later he can’t come back n say he wants to be a father


Leave him off. Put unknown.


You can’t unless it’s been 5 years. I went through them same thing. It’s now been 5 years for me but COVID happened so kinda have to wait now :stuck_out_tongue: unless it’s different where you are

Leave his name off the birth certificate


Put nothing on the certificate.
When asked who the father is tell them you dont know.

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Don’t put him on the birth certificate. That’s what they do in the states then if a father wants rights they have to do a paternity test and go to court. Everywhere is different. You can look up the laws in your area.

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You can’t have his rights removed but, he can sign his rights away depending on your state.

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I’m in Ontario, and I know that you just need to check off :heavy_check_mark: “Father unknown”.
If he wants rights to see the baby after that, he will have to request a DNA test through the courts and pay for it out of his own pocket.


I wouldn’t put unknown on the birth certificate because you know who it is but he just refuses to have anything to do with the baby so I would just leave it blank on his side.


If his name is not on birth certificate he has no rights… before he gets rights he would have to prove paternity


Leave him off the birth certificate

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Signing his rights away is his responsibility to figure out bot yours. It also means you take on full financial responsibility. Don’t do that. He helped create that child. If He doesn’t want to physically be involved, fine, but he needs to at least help financially.


You can keep him off the birth certificate but at any time he can file for a paternity test and parenting rights.

Don’t have him sign the birth certificate and there are no rights


Don’t put his name on the certificate, tell them you don’t know who the father is …


File paperwork with family court & have him sign away his parental rights.

Dont add him to bc. Or u can have him sign a release of all rights paper. Meaning once he signs that paper, he is terminating himself from being the father completely. Also meaning, he will not have to pay u child support or have anything to do with baby. U will be fully responsible. Or u can also just collect child support, and only do visitations. Or talk to the judge and prove hes going to be unfit, that u want child support but u dont want him around the baby.

Don’t put his ass on the birth certificate and that’s it


He can sign his rights away.

If u want to collect public aid or welfare they make the father test paternity court ordered.

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Idk about Canada but in the U.S. we just leave the spot on the birth certificate that says father blank.


Don’t put them on the birth certificate

Idk about Canada. In the States, we call it signing their rights away, because that’s literally what they do. Ita a court paper giving up all parental rights. Either way, don’t put him on the birth certificate.

In Florida, if you are not married to him then he has no paternal rights until he files a paternity packet in the courthouse and it is established thru them.

Just leave fathers name blank. That’s what my mom did on mine.

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Not putting his name on the birth certificate does not take away his rights in every state. You need to go talk to a lawyer.


In South Carolina the father has to be present in the hospital to have his name put on the birth certificate. But you can also push to prove paternity and honestly I would just so you don’t have to financially take on everything by yourself. Even if he doesn’t want anything to do with the child he has to take responsibility for him or her

Just don’t put his name on the brith certificate and if he ever wants rights let HIM take you to court


Pretty simple don’t put his name on the birth certificate. You can leave it blank


No matter what he will have rights…even if name is not on birth cert…

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Not putting him on the birth certificate doesn’t take away his rights. If at any point in the child’s life, he wants him/her to be a part of his life, he can demand a paternity test. Also, your child should k ow who their father is should they decide at any point they want to try to have a relationship. He can sign paperwork to relinquish his rights, but why? Why not get child support and financial responsibilities met. Just because he doesn’t want to be a part of their life doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a responsibility to help support the child


Don’t put him on the birth certificate, makes it a lot harder to remove the fathers rights if he’s on there x