How Do I Grow My Booty Back?

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"I used to be very thick (hips, booty etc ) having 3 babies boosted that even more but in the last year I’ve lost a lot /most of my baby weight which is nice but to be honest I loved my thickness , don’t get me wrong I still have some curves and booty but I’m definitely loosing some of everything even my breasts are shrinking. I guess I’m wanting to know who else this is happening to or happened to i live that I lost some of my stomach but I want to regrow my butt,hips etc . Any advise or foods to eat , exercises to do , etc I’ll take it all ."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Squats … chicken …. Pasta"

"Pasta, sweet drinks put most weight on me"

"You gotta make sure you get enough calories while getting enough protein.i had the same issue and couldn’t gain any thickness until i reintroduced carbs into my diet as well more protein, and calories."

"Weighted Hip Thrusts, squats, deadlifts, RDL’s, Kickbacks, lunges, Bulgarian split squats, and leg press. Continue lifting more weight progressively overtime while eating enough in a surplus to grow muscle. It takes time and continued effort, growing muscle is a slow but very worth it process, signed a Personal Trainer/ bodybuilding coach."

"You can’t distribute fat in any particular places. Do hip and butt work outs. Tons of options on YouTube"

"Are you breastfeeding? If so just say goodbye to all that until you finish."

"Work on pecs and glutes. Go online for exercises to strengthen these muscles. After kids boobs are just never the same; it changes the tissue. Learn to love your body as it is. Age does a number on you. Planks from yoga, swimming, back kicks, martial arts, ballet classes all can be good."

"Squats, squats squats. Lunges are good and stairmaster. But squats squats squats. The 30 day squat challenge is cool."

"First off, if you weren’t intentionally trying to lose weight, see your doctor. Many moms will lose weight unintentionally and be happy to lose the baby fat and think nothing of it only to find out later theyre sick or have a new hormonal or chemical imbalance. If you did intentionally lose weight, then you can’t really decide where the weight stays. You can however do specific exercises to tone butt and thighs for muscle growth to make them look thicker while doing exercises for other parts just to lose fat and not gain extra muscle."

"Squats are an asses best friend."

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No need to worry just try Dermalmd Glute Booster Serum I highly recommend this serum who looking for something to get booty back after kids. This made my booty grow insanely fast. It also works for thighs and hips! I definitely saw myself get curvier and jigglier. I’m 5’1 and when I first started using Dermalmd in Aug I weighed about 118-120 lbs. Being short, everyone can tell if you gain or lose weight. Currently, I weigh 110 lbs. and even though I’m skinnier than before and my butt is smaller, it still has jiggle and definition thanks to Dermalmd Glute Booster Serum.