He obviously can’t be trusted. The longer you stay, the more hurt you will be. He knows he can get away with his behavior without much consequence so what incentive does he have to change, when it costs him nothing to disrespect you? He knows you will allow it. So sorry for your pain.
If you’re not happy, leave.
Not trying to be mean, but really? You don’t need people on a Facebook page to tell you what you need to do! You know! Leave him!
Throw the whole man in the bin, he’s fucked!
YOU set the standard for how other people treat you.
Unfortunately, we teach people how to treat us.
You don’t, you divorce him
He is a narcissist. You have your role and you’re not to question anything he does. Leave!
Leave he’s still entertaining other women if he did it before he’s still doing it !!! Love makes us blind trust me you’ll be much happier not having to think about what your husband has done or is doing
If you stay that resentment is going to turn in to hatred and it’s not only going to eat you up, it’s going to affect the kids.
I’m mad just reading this!!!
Walk or run away and don’t look back
Well, you paid for everything else, time to pay for divorce.
The military does not tolerate adultery… if there is any PROOF… go to his command…
Divorce him he using h and doesn’t appreciate you
I’d lose my whole respect for him, and I wouldn’t be able to be with someone who I can’t respect. Plus I’d never trust him again. It would be the end for me. Don’t waste life for someone who can lie in your face and not even blink his eye.
this can’t possibly be real …
Oh hell no lady, u need to tell him to get the F out! U the one making all the sacrifices and working everyday to feed u all while his out there seeing other women and entertaining them, where does his priorities lie. Does he even help with the kid? I mean really now! If that was my husband, I don’t care if I’d end up having nothing but I’d leave for my own mental health and my kids too. When we are hurt and feel less than what we are our kids are negatively affected and their confidence becomes a garbage bin for everyone else to dump their shit on top of. Get out! Get away! U deserve better, if he doesn’t appreciate u after u gave birth to his kid then his just a bastard.
I’m sure that’s not everything he has done over the years. Run.
The only reason he’s treating you like that is because you let him. We have 2 types of men in this world, the ones who would never let you pay for anything even if they don’t have a lot of money (I’ve had this), and then the ones who will let you keep paying for everything because you keep on offering and you keep letting them know you have money (I’ve had this).
Start being absolutely weird af, pretend like you’re texting someone, take hot pictures on your phone, withhold sex, TAKE YOUR RING OFF, leave the kids with him and start going to the bar. Stand your ground, he didn’t marry you for nothing, eventually, he’ll want your attention and you but Don’t give it to him until he apologizes by taking you on a date night.
AND STOP BUYING HIM SHIT, men like to feel like they’re the big ballers. Never buy a man shit but special occasion presents, you’ll regret it.
Why are you even staying. He’s the scum of the earth. Your children didn’t have a say so in this marriage. Kick him to the curb. You and your children deserve better. Pack his bags and set them on the curb
You deserve to have nice things done for u. Leave bc he’s not willing to do them for you. Someone else would be happy to spoil you.
Get rid of him. He’s setting an example of how he will be. Too many fish in the sea to get stuck with a rotten one.
Divorce. Get child support and make sure it’s a lot so he can’t afford to travel all over n entertain all these hoes.
Wtf…why are you still with him??
I’m thinking that when you guys first started dating he was also dating others, which is normal actually. A lot if people don’t stop dating multiple people until they are sure they found the one, then break it off with the others. Honestly, the first few months of a relationship doesn’t count, its so new and you really don’t even know each other, heck the first year really. Also, you cannot compare your current relationship with that if his ex, its not fair to yourself or him. You finding out about his past relationships now should not matter, my current boyfriend of 5 years only knows about my recent ex that I have kids with, but it really is none of his business who I dated before him or what I did with any in my past, all that matters is now.
Im going to say I know its not easy to just leave. I can relate as my husband is a narcissistic jerk and I have been through the ringer with him. I know probably about half the dirty stuff he has done and I still fell for it and married him. Then he had a baby with his ex, whom I guess he had been sleeping with our entire marriage. Still is but its fine now cuz we are separated and Im filing for divorce soon.
If you’re in a position to be able to leave do, it and file for legal separation or divorce asap. Your husband will panic and take whatever he can to maintain his lifestyle. Document all communication and only give it energy if its about your children. Always always always keep in the Forefront of your mind that narcissistic people will literally do, be, or say anything or anyone they need to to get where they want to be. He is comfortable where he’s at so he’s going to put on a good front to win you back, always think about the reality of the situation when he’s love-bombing you and making you feel like you’re the most special person in the world. I truly truly hope that you can do what is best for you and your children because it is so much better for them to see you happy then full of resentment. I’m raising four kids by myself now and it’s so hard but when my nine-year-old tells me she likes it better this way than she did when her dad lived here, it keeps me going!
He will only treat this way if you allow it.
So my man of 6 yrs has recently told me he planned to be with a different girl they were not in the same place so they planned to start there life together as soon as they were in the same place apparently he had a long distant relationship with this chick for 3 yrs when they finally were in the same place she wasnt ready to start there life he was hurt he moved on that’s when he and o got together she kept popin in and out of his messages over the yrs I always said she was disrespectful to me the things she would say would make me so mad he told me they were just old friends never anything more the only reason I found out the truth was because this girl passed away so in his grief he told me everything I was pist I felt tricked and lied to and played Ihave to reminded myself often that I’m awesome I’m a good women I’m a good mom I kind of suck at house work but it could be worse lol most of all I love my man and my kids unconditionally and if that’s not enough for any man he knows were the door is
You need to decide how you want to be treated and loved and then accept nothing less. If that means your getting a divorce then that’s what that means. If it means you are okay with the amount of affection and effort you receive then that’s that.
I only skimmed, I am sorry. But I want to tell you to stop making your decisions and even basing your worth on his words or actions. How do you feel? What do you want? Can you get it from him? It sounds like if he treated you best you would be ok. Is this true? Or do you want true respect and love rather then a ranking?
You deserve so much better!!
If he lied about all that. Then he’s probably still lying to you.
Have you talked with him about it? Tried counseling?
Holding onto that anger is completely understandable, but you need peace. If you’d like to stay with him I’d try counseling so you both can begin to understand each other a little more.
Stop buying everything though. If you wanna go then pay for it, but don’t pay his share.
I know it’s in the past but I don’t think i could handle it. I would feel betrayed and lied to. What else is he hiding from you?
Omg so weird I’m reading this. I just had a argument over almost the same thing last night. You are not wrong. I feel the same way I gave 18 years of marriage I never got any of that. It makes you feel like you were not good enough like he thought they were better.
It’s sounds like you started off by giving way to much way to fast and he was still playing the field. He got used to you treating him like a king and paying for EVERYTHING and now expects it and doesn’t think he should earn it. I would move on I don’t believe he appreciates you nor will he. Good luck with your decision
Sounds like you aren’t happy and can do things on your own. Leave him, get child support and find someone who treats you and your kids great.
Well stop giving him money and see how his attitude changes. Sorta sounds like he’s only with you for your money and the kids were accidents for him.
Love yourself so much that you know when you’re being mistreated and LEAVE!
You’re good enough. He’s not.
Your choice,If he is in the Army, you could get child support and alimony in the divorce. How could you stay with a cheating man? Be done with him and move on.
I wouldn’t be able to stay with someone like that known they lied. It may be the past but he was never open to you about everything before you married him and if you just found out than of course you’re going to be upset and you have every right. What is he doing with his money now that he can’t take you out or somewhere for a weekend getaway? I would be figuring this all out especially if he acts like he doesn’t have any money to take you anywhere.
The military frowns upon adultery and will penalize him and possibly discharge him. Js if you wanna get even.
Regardless of the way he’s treated his exes, you should be mad about the way he’s treated you, period. Out sounds like he wants you to be his mother, not his wife.
If you are not happy which sounds like you are not! I’d say just leave bc you deserve so much better!
Hes liar and a loser you deserce better id leave even if it happened a long time ago its like it just happened for you since you just now found out also since he wasnt honest he took away your choice because you didnt know he was a cheating tool id leave and never look back
You don’t need him… you’re already doing it all by yourself. He’s just a confused old man who shouldn’t be spending a dime on someone else.
You got some screws loose sugar because instead of talking about it you should be going down the road already and seaking a divorce. Arent you tired of paying for every thing?com on women wake up and stop being a door mat.
Who knows what else you don’t know about??
Ain’t no wrath like a woman’s scorn. He’s gonna learn today.
there’s obviously something VERY wrong with you… do mirrors crack when you look in them?
Your entire relationship is based on lies. You won’t ever get past this. It’s still bothering you and upsetting you to this day. And regardless of how he treated his exes, you should be mad that he’s not treating you better. He makes you pay for everything while he does nothing. That’s bull. You don’t sound like a happy wife…you need to end things and find your happiness. It’s definitely not with him
You deserve better! Don’t expect this to be the way you should live your life. Leave his lying arse.
He treats you exactly how you accept to be treated. Respect yourself. Only you choose who is in your life. You have been choosing over and over again to be with someone who doesn’t respect you. Choose differently and you will feel differently.
Girl. What are you waiting for? Leave and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. You deserve better.
it is not you my dear , it is him . unless you want to have this kind of behavior for the rest of your life . get out of this marriage , he is a cheater . once a cheater always a cheater
It sounds like you know what you want and need to do. You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy and shows they love and appreciate you. I hope you make the best decision for you and your kiddos - they deserve to see you treated well and see you truly happy and thriving
Just keep reading your story…and you will see and make the best decision:+1:
You deserve so much more than that. Have a conversation, go to therapy, leave, it’s apparent something needs to change.
Stop wasting your fucken time on the damn idiot.
Why did you pay for the tickets that first time? And then the second time? It seems like you set the boundaries for this relationship when you allowed him to walk all over you. Some men sadly will take and do whatever they can to people. What you allow they will do. Maybe the other women made him work hard to be with them perhaps.
When it comes to your relationship, it’s built on lies and sadly I’m unsure how you’ll ever move passed this as it seems like you have so much bitterness built up, which is understandable. I recommend counseling to see if you’re able to move beyond this and for him to work on himself and see if he can be someone worthy of you. If not, go your separate ways. Sounds like you will probably be better off
Leave!!! No questions!!!
Time to either go your separate ways or make him start manning up. If he’s not willing to, it’s time to walk away. It seems he will never change if he’s been doing it all this time. If he spent his money on others and not you, he never was worth your time. If he did it before you had children the first clue to walk away. If you had to pay for everything he paid nothing, he never should’ve taken that vow.
I really love the saying “people treat you how you ALLOW them to treat you”……he clearly thinks you are ok with things so he continues to disrespect you….you need to put yourself first and do not allow him to put you at the bottom of the pile….
Move along from that situation
Let him go girl NOW investing too much into people who don’t give a damn about you will leave you frustrated and wanting to make them leave the earth. Not worth it
Why would he give you the best if you’re giving everything yourself? You’re not forcing him to step up and make sacrifices you just make the sacrifices
So whats the question? Leave his sorry ass…sounds like he left you day one.
How long have you been together
Wow I don’t think this is going away…new start!!
He sounds like a narcissist. I would leave him.
You’re a purse to him! Stop giving!
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I was in a similar situation back in August of 2016 when my ex husband took another woman to Las Vegas for her birthday and she pretended to be his wife and I flew to Vegas only not be able to get in . The looks of the people on the front desk when I handed them my drivers license to prove I am his wife and I need key to my room … they told me I needed to leave the hotel cause Mr. and Mrs Taylor was in the room already…
My heart broke I was the mother of his child and I was there for him through all the ups and down. I also took care of his even after divorced and buried his father and he wouldn’t even come back for his fathers funeral … I got the shaft and treated like crap , while the other woman got 25,0000 spent on her with in a year on trips and gifts and I not once got anything from ex . Not even a nice vacation even when I helped him pay child support for his other kid … we was married for 17 years and he cheated . Leave him , divorce him and let him go . He is a self centered scumbag …
Prayers and blessings sweet lady
Have you had this conversation with him yet?
I don’t know how to advise you because that’s something I simply would not tolerate I have requirements in my relationship and that’s a big one so I don’t know if you’re really trying to stay with this man I suggest counseling although it doesn’t seems like for your mental health obviously you’re not happy so I would suggest you reconsider
He doesn’t appreciate or respect you as a person or as his wife; you deserve better than his scraps. Leave him before it [he] really turns nasty.
Leave… What are you waiting for ? Go go … If you allow your husband treating you without respect , he will always treat you like that … Stand up for yourself or leave.
If i felt that way, I would leave.
Oh my gosh! Yep don’t care if I had been married 20 years none of that is ok! You need to leave. The fact that you work hard and he’s still manipulating to cook clean and take care of the kids by yourself is such a toxic and selfish thing. And you’re right he used you. And he’s still using you. Cut him off. Not just financially, but in every way. You’re already doing everything anyways. You can and will be happy again. Move forward now. You can have a life! Don’t regret not acting on this is 10 years. Put yourself first. So you can be the best version of yourself for your kids. They deserve that too!
Why would you have even married him?
Have rage. Have lots and lots of rage because you deserved so much better. Take him for all he’s worth and then some. You go girl!!!
Umm why haven’t you left yet?
Make plans to leave, go to a therapist and think of you as deserving the best. It is important for you and your child.
YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!! HE IS NOT! Please leave, you’ll be much happier after your heart heals.
Y’all need to go to therapy together.
I stopped reading halfway through… if you care about yourself as a person, you will leave him…if you don’t… we’ll idk what to say
Get rid of him.You are in charge of your life
You deserve so much better!
Leave him.you deserve better
I can’t believe you are still with him ???
His pay is public info (I’m in the military) and he actually gets paid an extra portion of housing allowance to ensure he is taking care of his family. I know that’s not the whole point but def something to consider in the lines of helping and priority of care. …
problem is your too good for him
I don’t know how you still with him. He get extra money just by being married and he probably use it with them women for vacation. If you really wants to mess him up and have proof, you can go to his commander and made the complaint. They will check him…. That’s if you have the heart to do so. ANYWAYS, you need therapy and if this marriage can’t be safe, move on. Never stop parenting for the well being of the child. But if you can’t past this anger, I don’t see any future with him. Time to evaluate your life and what you want in the next 3 years.
People treat us the way we allow them to test us.
Get a life. Go out after work, have a couple of drinks and meet people. He and the kids will survive. Do for you. Let them do for themselves
Say bye bye. He does not respect you and all you do, your a live in maid. Leave, you deserve better
STOP treating him like he is worth all of you. Then get a good divorce attorney. This guy is a player and a user. AND, find your own self worth - I speak from experience. You are giving everything to a man who is USING you and exploiting your efforts because he knows he can.
Sounds like he found a homebody. Someone to be at home base to cook clean give him children ( be his maid) while he has other women for play time. He can play wine and dine and your safe at home, you done showed him he doesn’t have to do much for you too be there. SADLY
You just pick up the slack!
Leave! Your worth more than that