Kick him to the curb.
I think you already know what needs to happen.
If u already pay the bills file a divorce … runnn
Leave!! Your journey is far greater
I’d be gone. Bye bye!
Why are you married to this man? Would your life be better with him or without him? You’re lucky that he’s military, because they will make certain all child support and alimony will be paid straight from his paycheck when you divorce.
You and your children deserve better. Go.
The Army is very anti cheating if you’re not happy anymore take him down. Talk to his superior about what you found out and they’ll deal with him. Divorce him and take as much as you can for your children.
You’ve wasted enough time on him. Kick him to the curb.
I think you have finally come to and see just where you are and don’t want to be any longer! Be quiet, make your plans thoroughly and then when YOU are ready, leave! Live a life you deserve and sure as hell have earned! Make plans girlfriend, make plans!
No one can take advantage of you unless you let them.
He treats you the way you allow him to treat you. Those other women weren’t going on a vacation or were not going to pay for anything out of their pocket so he had to, he knew that.
I’m confused. How long ago was this? I feel like reading the story this was before y’all were together/ when you first started dating. You said y’all have kids so this has to be minimum few years ago. Leave the past in the past y’all have already moved on from it got married and had kids and now years later it’s a problem all cause you just happened to find out about certain things of his past that sound pretty irrelevant now? My husband did shit with his ex wife that him and I haven’t gotten to yet that’s kinda what happens when you get farther in life and kids and stuff happen… think you should get over his past as I’m sure you are no angel and probably did something he wouldn’t of liked in your past too
Get rid of him, he is trash.
Step out of the victim mode and save youself…seek help.
Leave him! You have no reason to stay. He’s never going to change and you are going to become bitter and angry all the time. You are worth a lot more than how he treats you. There’s a good man out there for you. Not all men are alike. Good luck!
You sound better off without him.
You’re taking care of things financially and he isn’t even spoiling you to say the least.
Go find someone else who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated and he can go back to treating his ex’s the same way since he wants to do everything with them and not you.
The army doesn’t give a shit about cheating. They make it out like they do but they do not. Girl get rid of his ass.
Why on earth would you put up with that?
NOTHING WRONG with you , He is a looser , Divorce him and let HIM BE SOMEONE ELSES EMBARRASEMENT !!! He doesn’t deserve you
I agree with the comments about leaving and filing for a divorce. Prayers. Good luck!
Dump him. He doesn’t love you he loved what you do for him. I’m so sorry you are dealing with that but you deserve better
Forget about how he treated his ex. If you don’t like how he treats you, then that’s a problem.
If you are truly tired of being treated like second hand labor, not wife, then kick him out today, now. He will stress you out, tire your body to death. Ask yourself, do you want to see your kids to grow up to be anything like him, to treat another woman the way he treats you. If not, kick him out. Again this guy will will keep doing as he does until it kills you. Can you be the mother who puts your kids before yourself to live long enough to see them finish school, walk them down the isle, have grand kids for you. Life is not about today, but its your choice right now that will define the future for you and your kids. If your kids have any value to you, which im sure they do, you need to do right by them and kick him out now.
For one this is your guyses relationship noone elses…you cant force a person to buy you stuff…and to comparison yourself to his ex is absurd like someone girl stop your thinking into this to much. Who cares what he did in the past that wasnt your guyses relationship so why dwell on something so petty?
I don’t know man sounds like things didn’t work out with the other woman and made his second choice.
Run and don’t look back. Do it for your kids. If he did this once that you know about, how many other times has he done it that you don’t know about? You deserve so much more.
Well… fuck it. Leave him. There is someone better out there. He isn’t the only man out there. If he was better to others and he doesn’t care or value you and treats you like a second choice make him a last choice and leave for you. You are first choice or else you should be. I know it’s not easy but he isn’t gonna change even if you told him a 100 times how you feel. The change is never real or honest. It’s a bandaid and the wound will fester again. So leave.
Really, you allow this by accepting this, and then complain about the hurt you feel. And still you want to reset him. Are you on medications for your delusional thoughts?? The only thing that should need reset is your ankle after you punt him right out the door and across the lawn. Women listen up, you cannot change a person, they change for themselves, never for you. They say and act like they will , but only untill you shut the heck up and then, its back to the old ways, and rest assured it will always be your fault for their bad decisions and behaviors. So just what the heck is it you are trying to hang on to anyway? You really love that much misery in your life?
You deserve much better. Children need a happy, well adjusted momma. You’ll look back and be happy for you and your children that you moved on…
Miss you just need to leave your post is radiating RAGE etc. You need to step back and figure out what YOU want to do. If you are unhappy by all means you don’t have to stay with him. Step back take a break from the marriage and then decide. But the anger you feel won’t resolve on its own. It just sounds like you were eager to be in a relationship and he was not ready yet hence why he was chasing other women while supposed to be committed to you.
1st of all you can’t live in the past . Period ! Otherwise you will never be happy and as far as you paying for everything from day 1 , that’s your fault .He looked at you as the provider and he spent his $$ on other woman and you still married him so , either Forgive him and move on or go your seperate ways…
Why are you still there asking questions?
If you can’t seem to let it go the best thing would be to walk away. You can’t force a man to do things he himself wouldn’t do on his own. A man will do the things you want him to do for the woman he wants to do them for, and it looks like you aren’t that woman. I’m sorry.
He does it because he can. I’m sorry hon. He is showing you how he feels and what level he places on you by his actions. You should feel resentful. But instead of rage, step back and get a very clear head about that. Note the different treatment, ask him to talk when you are calm and then sit down and point it out and ask him if it’s because he settled for you? Be prepared to leave. He may not even know that he loves you. I know this sounds stupid. But sometimes people get so caught up in fantasies from the past they don’t see what’s in front of them. Your good old reliable. You deserve someone who loves you all the way. Be prepared to end it and find someone who will when you have that talk. Hugs.
I think you are more mad at yourself that you tolerate this behavior. He will never appreciate you. Love yourself and get your own life and take care of you and your children. God bless
I was married to a career soldier that did this same stuff. My opinion feom extensive similar experience - get out now before you waste more of your life.
I think it’s time for therapy for you to see why you missed some red flags, and maybe together if you want to save the marriage but I think it should be for coparenting.
For every man who treats a woman like they’re an option there’s a dozen wishing to be in his place and take you to do all the things like a partner should not treat you like an option and just the one to raise the kids. Feeling like you feel will eat you alive wondering why. He needs a wake up call that you’re not willing to settle for it anymore.
You set the standards for this type of treatment cause paying for all that wth?
Don’t be mad, babe. Be single.
So, he married you under false pretenses bc he lied about everything.
Divorce him.
If he’s done it before, chances are he may have done it more recently or may even actively be doing it
Stop being a sugar mama , don’t pay anymore and never wait for him to show up. If he’s not on time to take you out then leave without him.
Thats cheating. I’d separate.
You need to talk to him
Don’t ever compare yourself to anyone. That your first mistake. Next…you seem to have set the tone for the way things have gone, you never set boundaries or standards for yourself. Now it’s got you feeling bitter. If there’s nothing good why stay? If you carry the financial burden of everything and he’s a cheater…what is your reason for holding on? Let that shit go, stop feeling bitter and letting this affect your self worth, your kids are watching and learning. You sound like the type to stay just so he can’t be with someone else. The truth is….you might wait forever to get what you think you deserve and never get it, and then the next girl will…who cares….there is someone out there who is wishing for a woman like you…
You were betrayed and it’s normal to feel anger resentment. You are not at fault in his choices and do not beat yourself up in believing that he was telling the truth because we’re supposed to believe our loved ones. The question is, can you work through that and move on. Can you forgive his shitty choices and lies? Only time can tell and yourself.
There is a special person waiting for you so kick him to the curb. Good luck.
Kick his ass and make him pay child support. Plus take half his pension and let him be happy with all his exes. Love yourself
That’s because you were not his first choice. That’s why he didn’t and doesn’t put any effort in your relationship. It sounds harsh but reality isn’t always sunshine and rainbows especially when speaking the truth
I wish I had good advice, but I’d be pissed that he made me buy tickets when he KNEW he wouldn’t go and went silent.
Girl . You need to stop being his doormat . He can split the cooking / cleaning responsibilities! Care for the kids etc. once you begin to stand up for your rights , he most likely will respect you !
You didnt say anything about him helping you with snything. If you both have jobs then both need to shate the work at home and childcare. What exactly does he do? Maybe you should think aboit leaving him.
He can only treat you the way you accept being treated
Is this real? Divorce him.
Unfortunately, he treats you exactly how you allowed him to treat you. From the beginning you had red flags and u ignored them. Now u have the answers to all your questions, deep down you know what’s up and what u gotta do. Stand up for yourself , and run as far as you can.
You seem desperate for a man. Kick his grouchy butt out. You will be happier and can find a good man then who appreciates you.
I think it’s time you take yourself and your kids out, fuck him. Shit go on a weekend trip just you and the kids if he’s not in the relationship then keep him out. Also I’d start looking into a divorce.
I can’t believe this is real…? How can any woman stay with a man that she has to support as much as this girl has…. Is this real…?
Who in their right mind, would even post such stupid comments??
Cut him off, NEVER be second choice
You don’t have to stay in that relationship. You need to be on your own. You know how to take care of someone so take care of yourself.
Stay if you like to be treated as a foot wiping rug. No one can make the decision for you.
Drop him and get a new man sis
The guy sounds like a loser, so best to cut your losses ASAP. People rarely change.
Tell him to leave and divorce him ,zDont keep putting up with that
Please please please LEAVE
He’s for the streets drop him and focus on yourself
Life is too short to settle for this type of human. Make an exit plan and be with someone who treats you like a queen.
There’s something not good enough with him.
You deserve better! Stop doing everything for him! He is taking advantage of you and he always has, which you have allowed, so start sticking up for yourself and stop letting him walk all over you!
He is LIAR. It wasn’t the first time and it sure as hell won’t be the last. Get a lawyer and bleed him dry for every penny. Child support. Alimony. Therapy for you and your children. Screw him. You should be resentful. You should be pissed. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Dump his ass. Like yesterday. There is no coming back from that.
No offense meant by what I’m about to say. He’s saw early on that you were either too naive and/or desperate. He literally stood you up for several days and you still stayed. He then knew that he could get away with lying as well we you paying for everything…so of course he stayed with you. He has you right where he wants you to cook, clean, and pay his bills. The red flags are all over the place. You don’t need a man, remember that. Stand up for yourself. I would highly suggest you seek an attorney and divorce him.
He’s with you because those other women would not put up with being treated that way. I bet those women are still with men being showered with gifts and expensive trips. Raise your standards. You deserve the appreciation just as much as the next girl
I am forever disabled from a violent vicious attack from my STBX husband while he was screwing around with his ex-girlfriend.
Do you have any idea of what it is like to be healthy one day and completely disabled the next? I would not wish this on anyone. I didn’t ask for this! I didn’t sign up for this!
He did it because he was being unfaithful!
I suggest that anyone in a relationship where there is no respect and he is being unfaithful to get out immediately or you could turn out like me!
Completely disabled!
He’s disgusting, move on. He’s capable of treating you the same, he doesn’t.
Once a liar always a liar. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Leopards don’t change their spots remember…Personally he would of been a weird smell. I can’t deal with people like this. They’re better off rotting in a hole.
I would be really petty first stop doing his washing, cleaning, dinners, tea and breakfast let him do them himself and get yourself set up to get rid of his arse when you feel right to do so or give him enough hell he may just walk himself!! He’s just a waste of time!!