I mean, a old school ass whooping will end that
Talk to her doctor. Look up Dr Ross Greene.
Good ol fashion ass whoopin!
Start putting her in time out. She needs to learn it’s not okay to hurt others. If nothing works and you feel like giving up, try talking to her Dr. It could be a behavioral thing.
My first question is when did this start? There’s usually a trigger. My answer depends on that. Does she even understand she’s hurting others? Some kids don’t know, have no concept
Hold her still as to not get injured, get on her level, keep a calm voice and explain why her behavior is wrong. Have her repeat it back to you. If that doesn’t work, the corner. When you have exhausted all other options, A pop on the butt won’t do damage!!
What happens when she acts out like that? When she kicks, screams, bites? Is there any punishment? A child will do what you allow them too at the age. She isn’t too young to learn her acts have consequences.
I would maybe check to see there is nothing wrong with her I’m not sure how to say correctly like she doesn’t have a behavioral problem caused by an underlying illness or something. If not try some form of punishment like time out or fun outings
Raising your Spirited Child
Clear expectations and boundaries are number 1. After that you have to be extremely consistent with the punishment, whether it’s taking something away, or spankings…. Or sitting in a corner for however long. I used to make my kiddos hold my hand until they calmed down and then some.
You’re going to have to find what works for her and it might not be any of those things. Good luck. I know how frustrating it is. It also wouldn’t hurt to talk to her doctor and other adults that she spends time with to see what may be setting her off.
A child is allowed to shoe emotions of rage, sadness, happyness ect… its just to teach them the right way to do it watch some supernanny shows and it should give you some pointers
If she throws a fit for not getting her way, put her in time out for 4mins (her age). The timer doesnt start until she is calmed down and isnt throwing things, hitting, bitting, etc. If she starts any of these while the timer is going, pause it. Wait for her to calm down again then restart the 4mins.
Once she is done with her time out sit down with her and explain why she was in time out and doing those again will put her in time out
She needs counseling - it will help everyone concerned- don’t wait
Spanking a child isn’t good tell her if she behaves like that then no one is going to talk to her if she say something tell her you didn’t hear until she realizes and say sorry
BE MEAN !!! Teach her self discipline or it will only get worse. She is old enough to understand time outs. Teach her to behave. Make a behavior/ reward chart. Check out a parenting from the library???
They stop when they get what they give.
Try spraying her like a cat. I have done it with my grands. The first thing they will do after spraying them, is look at directly at me. I take that moment to address the issue. I found a strait steam, with a quick shot, works best. You don’t have to soak her, just give her quick spray, then address the issue. I broke my grands from jumping on my furniture, and breaking up scuffles.
There may be a language developmental delay going on here…she may not understand you or may have difficulty in expressive language. This is a sure sign…uts frustratingfor them… see your pediatrician for referrals and get some speech evaluations done. Catching it early is so key​:pray: you’re a great parent for reaching out​:heart:
Fire that back side up
We do Not bite ppl we don’t kick our father .
Put her in time out everytine she acts out! And be consistent with it! She gets 1 minutes for each year old she is (so 4 minutes if she is 4 years old.) Make sure time out is in a corner or some other quiet place where you can keep an eye on her, away from distractions. If she decides to get up and act out while in time out before the time is up, set her back and start the time over. Once she cam sit in time out without getting up, get down to her level, look her in the eyes and explain why she was in time out. Let he know how that makes you and other feel when she acts out and make sure she says she is sorry. And don’t forget to tell her you love her even though you’ve punished her! She will learn eventually that there are proper ways to get all your emotions out without being mean. Best of luck to you!
See if you have a child center around don’t wait till there to old or it will get worse
Read 1,2,3 magic. BOTH parents need to be doing the same thing and stick to it. This method works.
You should ask her pediatrician about this. There could be numerous reasons for her behavior.
Take things away for bad behaviour n reward good behavior I have two special needs n my younger one use to do lot that she out grew it she had serizes n has learn issues n cari one malformation my older daughter downsyrome high function both I wrapped my kid in blanket like burrito talk to her clam away from things it helps she bit to
Be constant and have disciplined. If you said something to her compromise yourself to it. So she trusts you and know that when you are promising you are going to do it.
Good or not so good. She will learn to respect your authority. Also be firm on your speaking don’t doubt kids learn to know you well and know what’s your thin side.
My son just turned 5. It’s been a tough year. He would get really mad and lash out, hitting, pinching, yelling. I would react by telling him to stop being naughty, horrible, mean. Before play dates I would tell him to be nice and to remember to be kind, I’d say if he’s nasty we will be leaving and his friend won’t want to be his friend anymore. It would always end badly.
Then I listened to a podcast about “naughty children”. It said that by telling our kids to stop being bad we are actually telling them that we think they are bad, and if we think it then they might as well be it. In these situations they know you are expecting the behaviour so they don’t disappoint.
I started telling my boy all the time that I know he is kind and so caring. I’d tell him that his friend loves him and can’t wait to see him. The change was crazy, he stopped lashing out, he was playing nicely with his friends. Of course he still got upset at times but that’s normal. If he started to be unkind I’d walk him away from the situation, offer him a cuddle and remind him that I know he’s kind and does he want to tell me why he’s feeling upset. I made sure he knew I was on his team and not worrying about everyone else.
I would suggest to you that while your daughter is happy tell her how amazing she is and what a kind, caring girl she is. Tell her everyday. She’ll start believing it and being it.
Sorry that was long
Get on YouTube and watch a few super nanny episodes. Simple but effective as long as you stick to it!!
Beat HER ASS​:exclamation:SHE 4 WTF. No it’s NOT NEGATIVE
What the doctor going to tell her that you can’t? They will give her medicine that to strong in really mess her up. Introduce her to BELT​:blush:
You have to show her productive ways to release her anger. The thing parents often forget is that kids are going to have the same type of emotions adults have… and we as parents are responsible for showing them how to properly deal with these emotions, because let’s face it I’m sure you’ve gotten angry before and wanted to throw things and scream.
I went through this same thing with my daughter when she was 4/5. It’s a challenge, it really is. But I highly suggest finding healthy ways to allow your daughter to release her anger. You might have to try multiple different approaches, but eventually one will stick. I’m sure you can Google and find ways to show kids how to deal with their angry emotions.
I wouldn’t discipline her at all until you find out WHY?! Get her in to see a therapist possibly. A professional for her to talk to. Did it just come out of nowhere? I hate to say this but I hope no one is the cause of this behavior. Meaning hopefully no one is abusing her. If she has been this way since baby, she obviously needs help. Why is she kicking her dad in between the legs?
My advice is to spank her butt
I had a family members kid that thought it was funny to bite. I told her it’s not cute or funny and if this child bites me, I WILL bite back. The punishment at this point was telling them to stop because it’s mean and hurts. Didn’t phase this kid.
Not long after, this child came up and bit me. They were promptly met with a smack (they pretended to hug me and bit my thigh) and then I grabbed their arm and bit them hard enough to hurt but not enough to cause damage or a bruise.
That kid NEVER bit anyone again.
The behavior was allowed to happen because there wasn’t really any recourse. Kid just did it to get a reaction (only kid at the time and was definitely not neglected in any form)
Every thing a child does is communication. Find out what she’s trying to communicate, and then you can address the problem.
I mean you could start punishing her right away. That’s the easy thing to do. That’s for you though not her. If you want her voice to matter later you’ve gotta figure out what she can’t say now. Look at new changes in her life even the smallest of things could matter. Also consider when it started what developmental things start happening at that time. You could also see if there’s anything that triggers this behavior. There’s also medical things to consider as well so you might consider taking her to the doctor and speaking to them about it.
Take her for an evaluation… sometimes they suffer from depression or any other condition ;
I’m not a doctor but sometimes behind the behaviour is a reason that is not quite easy to control for a child please evaluate with a doctor
Good luck and blessings… meantime be patient and talk to her at her high level and teller I know you are angry / upset because (whatever reason) and it’s fine to be mad but is not right to hurt others or yourself when that happens …. Breathing excercisses for example or counting to 10 or hitting a pillow if she needs to ( never try but my friends did)
I can also recommend a book
Good old fashioned spanking! Legally allowed three swats. Sometimes talking doesn’t work.
Gone keep my mouth shut on this.
Treat her how she’s treating others and see how she likes it
Definitely fix it now , if she’s going to end up in kindergarten doing that . You don’t want her severely hurting someone else’s child . Most people don’t play with that . Good luck
When our youngest went through this, we limited her toys, play times, and time spent at grandparents. No reward for bad behavior. Once she did hit her dad. She got 1 big spanking. I swear after that she totally chilled out. We don’t spank our kids unless they are extremely bad. That was the only time she was ever spanked, and she knew if she acted out by hitting or biting she will be punished. Thank God we didn’t have to spank her ever again. We went through this with all our kids. All it took was 1 big spanking. I did what I did to discipline my child. You’ll figure something out. Good luck
A hair brush on her butt would work.
Discipline. Kids raised without discipline turn into little fucking entitled assholes. The parent is there to teach. Not to be a friend. Raise the kid. Theyre not wild. Civilization didnt get this far for nothing
Yes, i think your daughter needs to see a child psychologist. Soon
Steve Herman
Train Your Angry Dragon: A Cute Children Story To Teach Kids About Emotions and Anger Management
4.6 out of 5 stars (3,014)
Idk really I thought my daughter was suffering from a anger issue and she stopped at 5 when she started school now she’s selective about the issues and wants to confront her frustration
Get her evaluated by a psychiatrist. Sounds like oppositional disorder and you need to start early if she has that. Spanking could turn her into a violent adult if she has OD. Good luck.
Good ol ass whooping. She needs to know who is in charge and clearly she is. Get under control before she gets older then in school.
MY son is now 7 buy he has acted that same way that you have explained since he was 3 we took him to a Dr that specializes in child behavior and got told that it was normal this was when he was 4 he goes to school and has no problem with outburst of anger I’ve been trying to find someone that specializes in behavior problems in children to have him tested for everything under the sun…I’ve taking to ignoring him when he has an outburst and it’s helped some I mean I don’t completely ignore him but when he says he’s gonna hit or kick me I tell him he will sit on the couch til I say if he is gonna be mean
This is going to be so controversial, but here it goes. Neither of my kids were hitters or biters. When they hit someone they got a spanking. The first time they bit? I bit back. Not hard, but enough to let them know that it hurts and is not okay. As far as biting, my son did it once and my daughter twice, that’s all it took. I was never ever physical with them except when they were physical with me, because they needed to know what they were doing felt like, and that it was not okay.
If a 4 yr old didn’t do this kinda stuff it wouldn’t be normal
Do it back to her so she know how it feels
You don’t teach a kid not to hurt people by hurting them. That’s the most ridiculous thing ever. We did corner time outs and every time she would try and leave the corner we would put her back. Also be calm while doing it. If she hits calmly tell her no and put her in the corner. When she is done crying or being angry let her off and sit her down and explain why she is in trouble.
I’m no pro but I believe it’s for attention. My 5.5 year old and 19 month old push every boundary. But we are a busy family that could use and extra 20 hours in a 24 hour day lol! I give them the most love I can. But even a small chore like emptying dishwasher can become an hour long chore. Kids look for attention. Best challenge of my life tho!
We do spankings and time outs. When they are done crying/ throwing fit then we will come talk to them.
A biting kid will keep on biting UNTIL YOU BIT HER TO LET HER KNOW HOW BAD IT HURTS. And temper tantrums are nor acceptable. You are the adult. You have to teach her there are consequences to her bad behavior. She is running your house. Spanking is not beating and sometimes that is all that will work
Test her for allergies. Sometimes they affect you emotionally rather than physically.
My son is the same way. He is in therapies. And he had a follow up with a psychiatrist today who wants to put him in counseling. I expressed my concerns and stated that I want to get him the help that he needs asap before he becomes worse. Good luck.
Man some of u parents are weak af. Spank that little girls butt then put her in time out. Stop tiptoeing around a 4 year old child. She’s doing it cause she knows she can get away with it. It’s simple as that. You’re the parent she’s the child so take back your control over the household and stop letting her get away with everything. Obviously redirecting her behaviors isn’t working so. Also take everything fun away from her. She needs to learn that bad behaviors have consequences and once bad behaviors stop then rewards happen.
Bust her little ass!!!
Beat that ass… sorry so up front, but we’re from a Era where if your disrespectful you get a spanking. At least I did and it’s worked for me and my kids.
When he starts to escalate, ignore him. Go about talking with hubby, cleaning, tv, etc. Walk out of the room and if he follows, ignore his existence. When he calms explain to him that you need talk about his behavior. This is normal behavior for this stage of development. However, it’s a crucial time to teach him emotional regulation.
A quick throat jab any time she’s mean should help x
I suggest reading The Explosive Child by Dr. Ross Greene. My 11 year old son has ADHD and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and this book describes the different parenting techniques to help children that have challenges. I have used many of the techniques and they do work as long as you are consistent in using them. I also suggest therapy. My boy has been going weekly for almost 5 years. I know the struggle, good luck!
You give her time in the corner or outside but be firm a child does not behave this way.
There are some good books on parenting behavior issues. Four can be a very difficult age
Sounds like something is upsetting her? Can she communicated if not than this may be why?
Small child, big feelings. That’s kind of the reality. We have to redirect and lead by example. Sometimes we feel big things, but we can’t use our emotions as weapons. Reenforce that often.
Take her to her pediatrician for a complete exam - there could be physical issues - .
If my children i would do the same back to them but not to r eally hurt yhem and i would say see it hurts
If she bites bite her back it’s amazing how pain changes everything…
Whoop That asssss
To me there’s no spanking or discipline in this story
Honestly I’d look into why she is being like that. There are many kids languages and behaviors for many reasons. They are either emotions she doesn’t know how to express or a way or sign that something may be going on. You know your daughter and her environment better than anyone online. Try Googling her behaviors and your concerns. Honestly though, a behavior therapist will be your best bet. They’ll know what’s up and help you resolve it.
I would be getting a referral for an assessment. If the on the spectrum would explain a lot
What a load of pure nonsense! No wonder the generations get worse each time.
Thank God I had responsible parents.
Why would you tell that time out bologna to a woman who’s daughter will be beating her at 16 years old because she got no discipline at 4?? One spanking would stop that behavior cold.
Istg. Spanking is not OK. Ever. Period.
Children are little people. Unless you are OK being hit when you do something someone else doesn’t like, then don’t hit children. And I don’t care how you sugar coat it with a word like spanking to make you feel better or justified, but when you take your hand or an object and strike another human, no matter what body part, you are hitting them.
I have no understanding why children deserve less respect than adults. If you don’t want to be hit, don’t hit them. If they were adults, it would be called assault. Somehow being your kid makes it OK.
Take away electronics or her favorite toys. Time out. Spank her, especially if she’s hitting and biting people (hopefully not other children).
Put her in the corner, like face the corner no TV no interactions 1 min for each yr.
Spanking, if you can show her things hurt maybe she’ll stop hurting others.
Quiet time in her room, again no interactions.
First off she’s 4 be her mother not her friend! What do you mean you don’t want to be “mean”? It sounds like she needs her ass beat!
Try positive reinforcement and punishments. If nothing at all seems to work bring it up to her dr. My son is 7 now and does all this and is now being looked into anxiety, sensory processing disorder, adhd, autism and oppositional defiance disorder
I feel sorry for all these children whos parents are hitting(spanking) them I hope karma fucking hits you!
She needs discipline. If she were my child she would get her ass whipped.
Following my 15 month old baby girl is doing this alot now
My question is why this behavior has gone on this long she is 4 . Maybe it has because mom and dad might have thought it was cute at first or were really busy and didn’t pay attention feeling she would grow out of it. You better wake up because when she starts to school you will be getting alot of phone calls or emails . As I stated she should have had her butt spanked and strick rules played out long before becoming 4.
Look into behavioral therapy. My son was the same way and started around 18 months old in therapy. The awesome thing is that it’s not about teaching him just with the teacher, the parent is involved and the therapist teaches you skills to control the behavior. They also helped me figure out that he actually had a speech delay and eventually because of their guidance we figured out he couldn’t actually hear, he was only at 20 percent hearing. He stayed in behavioral therapy and speech therapy and then he got ear surgery and now he is 4 and the sweetest calmest boy ever.
Take to a doctor. Facebook is not a good place for such advice. Especially if it’s medical or mental. If nothing is wrong with her then take parenting classes.
Sorry to laugh! But my
Bonus four year old is a mean too lol. I love him so much . He’s honestly my sweetest sour patch… but my
God his mouth lol . He will smile while cutting ya down!
He’s savage ! First one to snitch but first one to sneak and hit or throw a fit.
He calls
Me a fart sniffer usually all day which is fun and games but here recently as he’s getting closer to five he’s pushing his luck at times … he will laugh in our faces and straight get himself in trouble for rudeness!
Yet he’s the cuddly kid. He’s the shy sweet one. They say they are worse with who they are comfortable with… I’m strict on them as I am the kiddo that came out my vag but … finding a happy medium between playing around and being a brat is a fine fine line we are balancing on
Take her to see a paediatrician. They will be able to point you in the right direction. Don’t give up on her there is a very special girl in her. Good luck.
Give her a damn good hiding she’ll never do it again lol
ABA therapy. I do line therapy and it works!
No response is a response, ignore her while not being good but acknowledge & praise other ( wanted) behaviours
Discipline the child. Watch supernanny
Whoop her ass and put her in a corner or her room
It’s ok to spank your child as long as you are not beating them like a grown adult
Tap on the hand , ass or mouth is not going to mark you as a bad parent
Animals inflict pain on their young to show them who’s in charge too
My four year old sees a psychologist for this very reason
Don’t only notice the bad behavior realize the good as well!!!
It took me awhile to catch on but it works!!
He has been doing great with a “magic jar”
Get a small jar and some jewel rocks
Also get a basket and put small toys in it that she might like to pick her prize(dollar tree has everything you will need)
When she does good things or has good behavior reward her! Give her a jewel and say “thank you for listening or thank you for doing that” whatever “that“ may be let her put it in her jar and when it fills up she gets to pick a prize!
$10 in prizes $1 for the basket $1 for the jar and $1-$2 for the jewels….
Trust me it works!!!
Patience is key tho mama and pay close attention when she is doing good try to get her to fill up her jar atleast one every day or so and she will catch on
My son has been doing so much better now he does nice things purposely and says yay now i get a rock haha
Good luck!!!
At that age those kind of outburst could be something deeper. I would talk to her pediatrician and have her evaluated.
Take her to the doctor, sounds like she may have ADHD
It’s called spanking and discipline
There could be another reason, I’d take her to a good doctor who will investigate.
My daughter has autistic trates, shz not in school because they can’t control her behaviour, which includes all what ur talking about, but it was her principal sh kicked in the unmentionables,. I tried to tell the principal how to manage her behaviour, but because the principal thought he knew better because he has more experience with children then I, this is my advice…
Learn her triggers, if sh might be on the spectrum, light, loud noisies, too much things going on around her, over excited (as they have trouble expressing emotions) change of routine, feels not listened to can also be a trigger
Have a bag of toys that u know sh absolutely loves so whn u see her being triggered pull them out, remember children feel our anxiety so u will need to control ur emotions b4 meltdown hits, through meltdown and after…
Whn u want her to do something don’t use heaps of words and tell her to do it in lil steps as it overwhelms them and they will forget and carry on which will look like they ain’t listening
Try get her to eat or drink something as it will help calm her down, have a lil safe place for her and tell her whn sh feels upset tht is where sh can go, tht will help u know whn sometimes up
Help her make rules, like whn shz feeling upset, go to her safe space and noone is allowed in, once sh is ready sh can come to u and let u know so uz can have cuddles, let her know its ok to feel the way sh is feeling but, its not ok to use not nice to use th behaviour sh is using
Also have a place u can put her whn out of control. Put her in there and leave her there until sh calms down. Go in down to her level and give her a hug and ask if shz ready to come out, if sh starts up again, don’t say anything, just walk out and close the door, then whn sh calms down, go in and ask if sh is ready to come out,tell her tht this is what will happen every time she hurts uz, bites uz ect, and stick to tht righteously, every bad behaviour or meltdowns.
offer her a drink or a snack once sh is calming down or soon as u can as u have to calm down to drink or eat It’s f’ing heartbreaking but u need her to know u r the boss not her, u say what goes not miss 4 year old, take ur power back mum