How do I start a conversation about starting a family with my boyfriend?

I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and a half. I have a four-year-old daughter from a previous relationship that my man is GREAT with. I really love this man more than anything, and things are great in our relationship; otherwise, I want to bring up the possibility of marriage and having more kids, but I’m not sure how to go about it without it being too much and scaring him. I’m not trying to pressure him in any way, just looking for advice on starting the conversation in less intimidating ways. I would love to be able to end my birth control around autumn but only after a real conversation and if it’s agreed on. He’s an amazing man, great with kids (mine and any other we’ve been around), and does EVENTUALLY want his own it’s just never been discussed like this between us.


Just bring it up and see how it goes

Ask him ic he is even interested in being married having a child biologically first off

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Base your decision offa that

I would have a sit down conversation and just ask him how he thinks the relationship between you two is going and see if he would want to pursue that relationship further than express your wishes and wants and see how he feels about them


Don’t let yourself get pregnant. A baby will not make a relationship much less marriage.
Find out what he sees in his future. Where does he want to be. Does he see you and your daughter in it. Does he want any children.
What is his dream.

I say jump in with both feet! My husband and I went pretty fast when we started dating… we have now been together for 10 years and married for 3. Had our 1st child together at 1 year… well I found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks after our 1 year anniversary (dating) and now we are trying for another.

If you dont know how to talk to your man about starting a family then its not a good idea… besides a year isn’t long enough to know someone and sounds like a bad choice

I’ve noticed if a man hasn’t brought up a conversation like that usually within the first year of you being together they don’t see a future with you. My husband wanted to marry me after a few months of talking and got me pregnant a couple of months later after that. A man knows what he wants.

Ask him flat out how he feels about marriage and more kids. If that’s something you really want then it matters. If he gets scared then he’s not the one. Just make sure he knows these aren’t immediate goals for you but are definitely goals in your life

Hey… so what do you think about us having a kid of our own?.is it out? Are you for it? Or you think we should wait?..while you’re stirring something lol he’s gonna say… I dunno. I never thought about it… then you say what you just told us.

Would you wait another year before talking about it? A year is too early but that’s me.

Give it some time before you make the big decision of having a child he may be great but it’s totally different when the responsibility is yours . Sit down with him away from everyone and start by acknowledging to him how you feel about his he treats your daughter . Tell him what is it that you want but also understand this there are men out there that dont want to get married right away not because they are not ready but because they feel they need to be prepared for what that entails including the finances . Along the way you two will gradually talk about the next step without really mentioning the topics specifically. But be clear where he stands in your life and let him know that you see him long term in your life.

If he had marriage on his mind he would be talking about it .


Fuckin…get married first…


Ask him where he sees himself in 5 years… for me I ask these types of questions early on- “do you want children, or more children if applicable and do you plan on getting married” i think it’s good to know up front what goals and aspirations the other person has before you start getting serious. No sense in wasting time if you both want different things. Good luck

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I wish you luck sweetie…
#happymothersday to all of the beautiful mother’s reading this :rose:

A year is so soon eeks too fast after 3 is reasonable

If this is someone you are considering building a life with, you have to be fearless about having these types of conversations. And conversations about debt, savings, finances, etc. If you aren’t comfortable talking to him, really examine why that is. If you are worried about scaring him off, maybe neither of you are ready for this. If he’s the right person, there’s no scaring him off. But, maybe he is and you are carrying some baggage that makes it hard for you to really believe that? I don’t know you, so I don’t know. But, I do know that healthy relationships are built on open and honest communication and can’t thrive when there’s fear around speaking what’s in your heart. If he’s easily scared off - better to know now so that you can have a come to Jesus with yourself about whether or not you are truly ok with waiting for him or him never being ready.


If you’ve only been together a year I would give it some more time. It is reallyyyy soon you’re still in the prime of your relationship! That’s probably why you guys haven’t had the convo yet bc it is super early yet :smiling_face:

When did this become an advice column? Wheres the nails?


Just talk to him. Maybe he’s on the same page


Ask him is he planning to marry u

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Beautiful nails! :woman_facepalming:


I’d bring it up that you want siblings for the kid, and not a 10 year difference in age. See what he says


I believe, if he was sure he wanted it, he would have brought the subject up by now. When he is sure, he will mention it to you.


You and him need to have a serious talk about what’s important to each of you and where is your relationship heading for your future together or not! Conversation,conversation is the most important decision you should be contemplating and very soon!

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Goodbye Nails page…


All you can do is tell him that your in the point in your life where you wanna settle down and think about having more kids and ask him if he is at that point as well that’s all you can do it can go one of two ways I know you don’t want it to go one of the ways but better to know now then later


Maybe have the marriage talk first


Then wait!!! When he’s ready, he’ll bring it up. And if you love him, you’ll respect his timing. It takes time for someone who doesnt have kids yet to decide when its gonna be the right time for THEM. You already have one…wait for HIM to be ready, it’s not just about YOU!


First of all … you don’t need to tell him nothing . He the man … when he ready he will talk to you …

Just appreciate the time you have now! Why change what is already good

Don’t let this subject stress you out nor your relationship. Sure the conversation will come up in due time if he’s ready to discuss, men work in mysterious ways. Just enjoy the happy times with him and it will work out for the both of you in the end, as long as the relationship is strong and getting stronger with each passing day.
Happy Mothers Day ⚘

Girl umm I was on top and said
Hey let’s make a baby. He laughed. I didn’t I was so serious and wallah lol


Propose to him. Tell him your ready to take next step in relationship and would like to grow your family. In today’s world no rule says it has to be man to take that initiative. Maybe he wants to but has fear of rejection

hell why have a child out of wedlock for benefits>

WTF is going on with this page??? Leaving if this shit keeps up. I wanna see cool nail ideas not hear about whinny women. I don’t ask nobody’s opinion about shit I’m too scared to face. Probably cause I’m not scared of anything. AND I WEAR the pants in our family. Husband either gets on board with my train or can drop him at whatever location he’s like. :roll_eyes:

Start talking about childhood stuff and graduate to the real topic :wink:

Just ask his thoughts on things in general n see what his feelings are ? Be open n it shouldn’t be an issue communication is easy n go from there !! Maybe he’s thought of those things too n not sure when or how to find out your ideas on same stuff??


Start convo. Tell him what you want.

Start marriage talk or child raising bc it causes hufe issues if u dont parent similarly.

Marriage first. Please.


Just tell him how you feel and what you’ve been thinking about. Be straight up and straight forward. You need to make sure you both have the same or similar wants and goals on the big life changing topics.


Be honest about your wants and needs… If he loves you they should matter to him.

I would look at why you have trouble talking to him.


Let him know that you love the way he is with your daughter…and other children. Show him that appreciation. Praise him for it…and I imagine the topic will come up naturally.


I’m a big fan of being upfront. Just put it out there, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about us and our future. Wondering where you’re at? Have you thought about family marriage?”. I feel like it’s really important to be honest and not beat around the bush. Too important!


If this is difficult, you aren’t ready for kids


A year is long enough to decide on marriage. Decisions must be made.

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Since Father’s Day is coming up soon, you could test the waters and give him a gift from your child to Acknowledge him as a fatherly role in ur child’s life. See how he reacts to that. If he responds positively then you can start long term plans. If he thinks you’ve overstepped his boundaries then you will know he’s not ready for that life with you and go from there.


Will you marry me? Or wait for him to ask.

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Just start the conversation. If you have to tip toe around that means all is not that great .If you fear upsetting him that means all is not well


Ummmm the new boy smell hasnt even worn off yet …wait til yr 5… if you can still stand that mfker then just come right out nd say it


Seems you have everything planned out over there without even discussing it with him :grimacing:. Don’t be so anxious.


Why rush into having another child just because he’s good to your current child. 1.5 years isn’t a long time that you’ve been together. And if you feel it’s that important why can’t you just ask him how he would feel about having a baby of his own.


Use the same question college asks.Where do u see us 5 yrs from now.? How can we work on those goals.Mention death and your son being taken care of .

I was wondering how old you are??
Makes a big difference if you two are only say about 24… then if your 34…
If closer to the later then I would be up front but gentle…how do you feel about our future??
Do you ever talk about things that may happen in a few years .dreams…goals??
A guy in his early years may not be thinking that far ahead


You just said it perfectly. Talk to him about it. You’re not pressuring him. You just want him to know what you would like and find out his thoughts. It sounds like he’s a good guy so he should be able to handle the conversation


A year and a half and it’s never come up before? Depends on age, if he’s under 25 let him bring it up. Otherwise I’m sure he knows if he wants to get married or not so just ask him what his thoughts are on marriage.

If you are with your man for over 1 year, then this is something he should have already invested his mind and heart into. Either he is putting it off bc he doesn’t want it and wants you only or he is wanting you to say something. Either way, being 100% in communication should have come long ago about marriage, kids, etc. I would give a soft ultimatum about what you want and except with how much time has already passed with the relationship. If he doesn’t see a future with you, marriage, and kids, then you need to move on. Not fair to either of you.

1.5 yrs is not long to be with someone and have a kid with them


Not sure as to why you are asking strangers online?! Why not ask your family or even your partner’s?! They’ll know the whole situation.


Love this. Go for it!

Pregnant with our son a month after dating.
Had him 2015.
Our second 2018.
Our third 2020.
7 years together this year :black_heart:

If he wanted to, he would have…


How would I want to marry him but no more kids right now I know all of his buttons If you had to push can get him like you want him I have a baby

If you are close and happy just say how do you feel about having children and when

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Understand having kids with someone is a lifelong commitment and it could change things between you two if he agrees you possibly could lose him faster then if you didn’t have kids with him. If you mention it it could make him run because then he might think you’re gonna try and trap him and lock him down that’s what his friends will tell him 1 year absolutely is not long enough to make that kind of decision there’s a lot to it in the long run I know I’m 30 years in and it’s not fun.

Didn’t start a family with my other until 4 years later! And I had a 3 year old when I met him. It’s way to soon!

Don’t understand why u are tip-toeing around him. Just ask him straight out. If he’s the man u think he is, he’ll talk, if he doesn’t, he wasn’t as fabulous as u thought. Get over it or, move on…


You are a grown woman (I’m assuming). No conversation with family is needed. The o y conversation about starting a family is between you and your significant other.

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I remember when people talked about marriage before having children.


Hmm a year I think Marriage b4 kids n time to get to know each other more … but the decision is yurs dear …


Wait for him
A year is not enough to start another family


A man who is ready for that… would have already brought up the issue. After a year and a half you wouldn’t be wondering how he felt about it.


Do what feels right for you and him you could be with someone 10 years and not feel what could with someone you have been with 6 months have a talk and see what he has to say and go from there xx

If you’re not comfortable enough with him to talk about making a baby,maybe it’s too soon to be making a baby.:+1:t3::kissing_heart:


If you’re the one who wants he would have already asked you to marry him not have kids and then still thinking about it


Good god! You sound like a lovely person so one night (pillow talk) ask him how he feels about bringing a baby into the mix. You’ve both got to be on the same page so bring it up! He may (on the off chance) not thought about it too much. TALK xx

If you’ve only been together a yr and a half then maybe you need to slow the heel down,try building a real foundation before trying to build your Family, 18 months is nothing if you plan to spend the rest of your life with him, if you feel the need to rush then ,maybe your the problem here.wake up and smell the roses, the dad thing about most broken families these days is they rushed into things only to learn they are not that much alike,the fact that you don’t have any communication in your relationship is a major red flag in my book… And airing your business on public media is only going to make it you should be speaking to him about such matters,as he is the only person that matters on this subject

Just throw a comment out there, about having a brother/ sister for your little one, keep it light, see where it leads!


Be like, “babe were pregnant”. Then yall best get to work🤷‍♂️


You’re already a single mother of one… don’t make yourself a single mother of two.


You two have not been together long get to know him and he get to know you children will come when it’s time


Ask him to Marry you. That will soon tell you if he’s serious.


After a year and a half I wouldn’t. Seems way to soon


I may be biases here… but i would wait until he wifed you to have kids


1 year is not long enough. Wait … til about 5. Your still in the honeymoon stage!!!


These comments are crazy. This women is just asking for advice. Yall dont know their relationship and how it runs. Just because they’ve been together a year and a half. My husband and i got married 3 months after we met and were going on two years and its the best relationship ive ever had. I had my daughter in sep 2019 and we got married in dec 2019. Now we’re expecting our second in sep again. Dont judge. This is why people dont reach out

Casually ask what his thoughts are about marriage. Some ppl never want to with anyone, and if he feels that way how do you feel about that? Is marriage something you must have eventually because if it is and he never wants to then you may have a problem.


Well mine started by my boyfriend at the time (now husband) telling me he didn’t want me to get my depo shot when it was due … took a year to wear off now I’m 12wks pregnant. Between us both this is baby #6. He had 2 from previous relationship and I had 3 from previous marriage. He wanted one together.

Maybe try just casually asking if he’s thought about it, let him lead the conversation? If you’re wanting to lightly bring up the conversation it might be good to start with a sense of curiosity about his perspective.


Call me weird but I’m just very open with my husband. Always have been. I told him when I was ready to start trying and we went over everything together

Follow ur heart :heart: enjoy another yr or 2 how it is there’s no rush! :kissing_heart:

What’s the rush? The world is kinda shit right now.


If he is the one you are meant to start a family with son that conversation shouldn’t be able to scare him away :100::speaking_head:

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This is the last place you should be seeking advice.


Getting married first and wait… don’t rush kids.

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Just chill and never bring it up! Let it be his idea!!


I’m sorry but why don’t people want to get married anymore? If you’ve lived together this long why not get married than talk about a child. If he say yes to marriage he’s committed if not he never was. 62 years of experience.