How do I start a conversation about starting a family with my boyfriend?

If you have to ask, after 1.5yrs, then sis - he is NOT the one!


Itā€™s too soonā€¦get to know him for who he really is before thinking about having another child


You donā€™t. Thatā€™s what you donā€™t do. Why are you even considering having another baby with someone who isnā€™t even trying to commit to you for the long term? Are you capable of supporting 2 kids on your own if he runs? Are you living off of some other manā€™s child support to survive currently? Maybe consider just being happy with what you have and where you are for the time being.


I think you should wait, but thatā€™s just my opinion.

Casually ask. I wouldā€™ve thought by now the conversation of wants etc wouldā€™ve came upā€¦


No, nope, nada, negative,ā€¦DONā€™T


If heā€™s never mentioned marriage or babies, I wouldnā€™t bring the subject up


Just causally (if you see kids out or something) say ā€œid love for (current kid) to have siblings one dayā€ see what he says. If he doesnā€™t respond ask what he thinks about it.


I mean just ask, make it clear that youā€™re not in any big rush but just ask if heā€™s thought about having more kids at some point in the future


I personally donā€™t think a year is enough time. My last boyfriend was perfect for a year and then he turned out to be a complete sociopath.

If you feel that this talk would scare him away after 1.5 years heā€™s not the one.


If he is the man you think he is you should be able to bring this up with no problemā€¦ if not then I would try to find someone else that is looking for the same things that you are looking forā€¦

If heā€™s a grown man, having a grown conversation wonā€™t scare him nor scare him away. Just expect an honest answer even if itā€™s not what you were hoping for. Men love women who can communicate directly. Itā€™ll probably build a better relationship between you guys as far as being on the same page. He might want the same thing just a little further down the road. He might not. He might want to do it but differently. Just go for it while heā€™s in a good mood.

Just be open about ur feelings. Communication is key. In a relationship you should never be afraid to open up and share your thoughts and opinions as he should not feel scared to do that either. Its a conversation that obviously needs to be talked about.


You just do. Or let things evolve naturally.


I waited 3 years to have this convo with my man (marriage not babies) in order to not scare him off and it basically ended the relationship. Therefore I wasted three years of my life on a man that didnā€™t want the same things as me. Be brave my friend, do it now so if things donā€™t work out the way you want them too you can cut your losses, move on and find someone who does what the same thing as you!

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Like thisā€¦ ā€œI want babies!ā€

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Girl you need to chill, year and a half. Let the man come to you and let you know heā€™s ready. You want pickney and wedding all in the same day. Is he financially ready to take on marriage, sounds like pickney first then maybe marriage. Your first one is only 4 yrs old. Girl your doing and expecting too much. What you need to be asking is what if he has plans to stay with you. Are you who he truly who he wants. Just because heā€™s with u doesnā€™t mean he is happy with you. Just because you want all these things dosenā€™t mean a man is wanting the same. Year and a half, your doing way too much.


Oh my I have never seen so much crappy advice in my life. Yes there are a few good ones but its not much.
Honestly casually ask dont beat around the bush. Guys think differently then women do. He may be ready to wife ya but wants to wait a year or so. Its ok to have this conversation with your man. Talk about marriage n babies. You dont want to go on in a relationship with someone who doesnt want the same things as you do. Only you two know when the best time to get married will be and when to start trying for a baby. No one else. My husband and have been together 6 1/2 years married 2 1/2. Itā€™s how it worked out for us. We talked about marriage n babies. Neither of us want babies (we have 5 kids) but if it happens we wont be mad. Do what makes you two happy, just talk and screw society

A year and a half isnā€™t long imo, Iā€™d wait.


No advice, men suck in my opinionā€¦hence the group weā€™re having this conversation in :rofl:

Well, how about donā€™t be afraid to just ask him a subtle question hinting about getting hitched. See what he says then. Just maybe heā€™s thinking about it too and is afraid to ask as well. 2 years is about the proper amount of time that a guy would be sure. At least he will know if your someone he doesnā€™t wanna be without. ~~ any one hating is proberbly the one that someone COULD do without :rofl: (good luck)

Honestly just straight up say what does your life look like in 2 years? 5 years? Tell him in 5 years you see the two of you married and you have kids. And go from there, see how he responds and what he wants


Give it more time,thereā€™s no rush,heā€™ll let you know if and when heā€™s ready

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What you think one might say he might think what you might say and also scared to bring it up, this is a decision you must make on your own.

Talk to him about marriage firstā€¦ then Everything else should answer itselfā€¦


Just start brining it up casually. Tell him someone you know is getting married and youā€™d love to be married and have more kids someday. This whole ā€œdonā€™t bring it up! Heā€™ll run! That seems desperate!ā€ advice is bad. Yes, bring it up. You have to be able to communicate, about EVERY THING. The whole notion men will just run on sight at the mention of marriage is bewildering. If simply you inquiring or bringing it up makes him run, he wasnā€™t the one thenā€¦

My man and I just looked at rings and tried some on a year and a half into dating. I wanted to look at jewelry and we looked at rings while in the store at the mall. About 3 and a half years in, he proposed. He actually had bought me the ring I tried on and loved. Heā€™d been saving up to make sure it was completely paid off when he proposed.

Donā€™t fear talking to your significant other about life, the steps you want to take, and what youā€™re both looking for.

Donā€™t. I can understand asking if he sees the relationship going somewhere. If this is something he sees being permanent. However bringing up having kids soon is too much. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years and he is amazing with my daughter. He has been in her life since she was 6 months old. If we were in a better position right now we would have a kid of our own. It just isnā€™t in the cards right now. Wait it out.

I would talk with him about it. Maybe start with marriage. Ignore anyone that says he has to be the one to bring it up. Thatā€™s ridiculous. Yall are a team. I would say focus on the marriage discussion before the kids discussion. Just tell him how you are feeling and that you are ready for the next step whenever he is ready for it. He doesnā€™t have to be rushed. But good for him to know where you stand.

Ppl r such asshls just ignore these negative commits. Just say i was thinkingā€¦ But didnt know to bring it up

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A year-and-a-half isnā€™t that long please donā€™t stop your birth control and please donā€™t get pregnant by him because then he will feel like youā€™re trying to trap him and forced him into a marriage slow down continue to build on your relationship and just have casual and small talk about it


Just talk bout it . Bring it up whenever or however he should be willing to at least have a conversation about it . But also be open minded going into it .

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Having a kid doesnā€™t guarantee keeping a guy around. Do you want another previous relationship kid?


At this point, this type of convo shouldnā€™t be scary.
Just ask what are his relationship goals/does he see this going any further and go from there.
Tell him, the same way you told us strangers on FB.
This will be a defining point of your relationship, so just be ready if heā€™s not feeling the same as you.


Tell exactly what you just posted.

You could have a talk about what he wants for the future and your future together and maybe casually see if he has any idea of when heā€™d like those things to happen.

Over a year and a half can feel like a while for some and not for others. He may need more time than that though

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You should raise it with him directly. You also donā€™t want to rush into a marriageā€¦take things slow and enjoy the moment. Also, and not to sound negativeā€¦if things do go pear-shaped, after youā€™ve had a child together- will you be okay raising 2 kids on your own?? Just sayingā€¦

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Just come out and ask. Men donā€™t like beating around the bush.

U should be able to communicate by now ?


Best way to bring it up is after sex :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: or a nice dinner or both

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I wouldnā€™t bring it up

Tell him exactly what you want for your future. Be honest but gentle. Hopefully you guys are on the same page, but prepare yourself for an answer you may not want to hear.

I would start by talking about your future with himā€¦ just simple talk nothing crazy but honestly most importantly pray about itā€¦ Godā€™s timing is perfect. Dont rush anythingā€¦ If heā€™s the one, trust me it will happenā€‹:pray: on his watch not yours and it will be more perfect then you could imagineā€¦ Good luck :blush:

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Just be open ask him if he could see the future of you both eventually moving further such as kids or marriage. Tell him you are not talking or expecting it to happen quick and that it was just something you feel concerned about to see where he can see the relationship going. Worse he will do is end the relationship which saves your child now from too much of attachment to the man rather then staying silent and not knowing if he is wanting just as you do.


I would just say it, if he gets scared away after that time you guys have been together would be worrisome. I also brought it up to my boyfriend at the time (fiance now) by using an example such as at the time my sister just got engaged and we were helping plan her wedding and I brought up what I would want in that case if it was me and he continued the conversation. Then I did the same thing because my sister was pregnant Short after so I brought up what if that was us and we had the talk then

Can you afford another child

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Think the question is what are both peopleā€™s age involved in thisā€¦ He obviously wants kids at a later time, but does he see you as being the possible mother of his child or is it someone elseā€¦


Had a friend in this situationā€¦ a great with my son unlike his deadbeat dad situationā€¦ yeah he was but itā€™s different when itā€™s their kid that they actually have to be responsible forā€¦ he tried to kill her and their 2 boys plus her older son he was so good with by burning down the house with them in it

Dont have a kid till youā€™re marriedā€¦


Just talk to him about it. Thatā€™s what I did with my husband before we had any kids or got married, we had been together 4 months when we started talking about what we wanted for our future.

Maybe you could say something like hey I was just wondering how you feel about taking the next step in our relationship. Iā€™m not saying tomorrow or anything. Iā€™m just trying to gauge when/how you would like to go about it. Itā€™s okay if you arenā€™t ready yet.


If heā€™s not talking to you about a year and a half in heā€™s not that into you.


If your worried about starting a conversation with him better forget a bout having a family with him.


Just tell him what you want and see if he feels the same way too. No point in staying in a relationship if the future you want is not what he wants. Keep it :100:

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Start there. Have you thought at all about having more children?

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Bring it up. Honestly why waste more time with someone who doesnt want the same things? After a year and a half he should know if this is the life he wants.


If itā€™s meant to happen it will naturally, the conversation included. A year n a half is not long by any means, sounds more like a young lady dreaming of what could be instead of a grown conversation of goals, wants, and real life.


Why would you give him ā€œwifeyā€ privileges?!? Who keeps telling young women to go this direction in life?!? Itā€™s counterproductive and stupid!!!

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I would wait until youā€™re married for kids. Just start doodling your name and his last name together in front of him and see how it goes when he sees that youā€™re writing it. His reaction will say it all.


If he has not brought this up in conversation in a year and a half I have questions about this relationship. Have you never discussed any of this with him? That you donā€™t know how to bring this up in conversation really makes me think that one, you are no where near in that type of a relationship at this point where you should be have children together and two you both do not have the type of intimacy where you should be considering children because it doesnā€™t appear youā€™re on the same page. I recommend that you continue to let your relationship develop and grown and you do some work on intimacy issues. You shouldnā€™t feel scared or awkward that youā€™re going to scare him away by talking about a baby. If youā€™re feeling that way the relationship is not ready. You should probably focus on long term and reach more permanent future goals and revisit this in another year. Hey I was wondering how you felt about having a baby in the next year. Is bringing it up. You already making out a timeline of when you want to get off birth control without discussing this and including him seems like this is all your idea and he is clueless and this conversation might not go well. Hugs :heart:

Part of a healthy relationship is open communication. After a year and a half yā€™all should both be comfortable about discussing your future together. If yā€™all arenā€™t comfortable about it then maybe marriage and having kids together isnā€™t the best idea at this point


Shouldnā€™t u have talked about that on one of the first few dates?

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If you still calling him your BOYFRIEND, yā€™all not ready


One day while heā€™s playing with your child tell him how great he is with them and say something like ā€œmaybe we can get married in the future and have moreā€ and see what his response is.


Prank him with a fake positive pregnancy testā€¦how he reacts will tell ya everything. Lol.


Easy! Total honesty! Are you gonna marry me? If He doesnā€™t know! Mostly is not gonna happen! I learned it! A man :man: should love you more that you do for you to have a happy relationship + marriage.

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That is not a safe amount of time to decide if a person will make a good parent and if you can last through all the difficulties. People can Jekyll and hyde in 3 yrs as was my experience. Just a bad decision, itā€™s not like itā€™s a dog that will be ok if you break up. Get a plant and maybe a cat or dog first, if he can help keep the plant and animal alive with the relationship in tact after at least 4 yrs then you talk about babies.

It you dont feel comfortable bringing it up yet, then itā€™s not the time. Also, a year and a half is not long at all. You guys are still in the honeymoon phase.


Why have you waited a year and half without having a conversation about the future each of you see for this relationship? Youā€™re just letting your kid (and you) get more and more attached to someone who may see a completely different future than what youā€™re looking for. You probably shouldnā€™t have even let your kid get to know him, until you knew if he was considering marrying you at some point in the future.


It wonā€™t sound desperate dear these are issues you both must discuss so that you are aware of the direction of your relationship. What is important however is how and when you bring up the issue. It is better to know coz you end up taking that contraceptive for ever.

Some of these comments are weird :joy:
I definitely say if your communication with one another is healthy, go ahead and just bring it up. Ask him where he stands on marriage and what his ideas are about the right time for kids. Maybe he has certain goals heā€™d like to achieve first: career, home owning etc.
Be open about your feelings on having more children and that you feel like youā€™re in a good place to start having that conversation. Express your love and admiration for him and the relationship he has with your daughter.
Overall just be open honest and understand that you may not get the reaction youā€™re hoping for and you need to accept that. Encourage him to be honest and open. You never know, he could be having similar feelings.

This hits home for me, extremely relatable to my own relationship. I had a (then) 4 year old and we were together for a year. I told him that I was ready to take that step. (Keep in mind we were best friends for a decade). Well now 2+ years together, now 5 year old, our almost 5 month old daughter, and engaged!
Iā€™m in love with him and our family.

Just be open with each other. Good luck! :heart:

Ask him where he sees this relationship going. If heā€™s talking about a future with you and with children you have your answer. Be realistic though. He might see marriage and children in your mutual future, but he may not be ready to start this year. If you pressure him into doing this too soon it may not turn out the way you plan. And just because heā€™s not ready right now doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t the one or that he doesnā€™t want the same things. Be honest. Be realistic and go from there


Ask him if he ever wants to have kids i usually ask people questions in the getting to know them stage before dating to make sure we are on the same page but yeah just ask if he has ever thought about having kids he should be okay with questions rather than just being awkward and saying you want one soon

I donā€™t know if anyone has told you yet, but we live in the 21st century. We donā€™t have to be married to live with a man. We donā€™t need to have it approved by a paper that we are with this person
A ring wonā€™t change his love to you.


It would be better to stick wid just 1 kid and plan your future around her. Like you mentioned they get get along well so i feel thatā€™s the way to move forward.

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are u an agony aunt now love it

It takes about 4 years for a man to show his true self to you and less if you get pregnant by him.:100:
There are posts EVERYDAY from women who got pregnant by the perfect man that turned into a controlling, no help, you cook, clean, take care of kids And work pos right after delivery.
Take your time so you donā€™t end up like the others.


Hey babe have U ever thought about getting married?? Because I have and I want to spend rest of my life with you but no pressure! Just putting it out there I love you so damn much lol :joy: mean Iā€™d just be blunt .

Sounds like your not readyā€¦if you donā€™t know how to bring it up then donā€™t.


You donā€™t. If he was interested in a family youā€™d have a ring on your finger. Having no ring on your finger is a huge indication that the man isnā€™t ready to move forward.


Too soon I think. These things come up when the relationship is at the right point naturally


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Start a conversation about how expensive birth control is, time for baby or vasectomy.


Just ask him . Only way to know, :grin::hugs:

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There is no way around it but ask him straight up. Be prepared for the outcome. He may want it too but if not, be prepared to respect his decision. He might have his own reasons for not wanting it too but at least you know where his head is at on this matter. Maybe he isnā€™t ready. Maybe he is thinking about it too. He is the only one who can answer this. No one else because itā€™s his life thatā€™s going to change. Whether you come up with the less intimidating line to say to him, he will run away if he is not ready. Who knows, maybe youā€™re on the same page. Just ask him. Make it simple and drama free.

Why donā€™t you wait and discuss it with your husband!


Youā€™re both grown up, just ask straight :woman_shrugging:t2:


Look how you came on Facebook on had a conversation. Do the same thing with your BF.

Maybe start by asking him where he sees himself in a year? And where he sees your relationship in a year? He may surprise you and be thinking the same or similarly. The nature of a conversation about life goals may naturally include a timeline including children in the near future. Itā€™s at least a good way to feel it out and ease into the topic.


If after a year and a half you donā€™t know how to approach him about a baby, then youā€™re in the wrong relationship. If itā€™s the right person, by now you should be able to discuss anything and everything. Besides, you should talk about marriage before baby.


Get a puppy. Cheaper. Easier.


Yā€™all quit making jokes. She politely asked for serious answers


Do you really want to keep having children for your boyfriends? Nothing is guaranteed but maybe save something for your husband as well. If you can ask about a baby, you can also bring up marriage if thatā€™s something you want as well.


If this talk scares himā€¦then go find someone who isnā€™t scared.


if you have to go to FB for advice perhaps youā€™re not ready to raise children


A year? Youā€™re still in the getting to know you stage.
I guess I move slower than most lol.

But, if heā€™s so great, thereā€™s no reason to be worried about having the conversation. Best to know now where his head is at. Good luck!


I personally feel if you arenā€™t ready to have every single type of conversation in the world with this man, then it isnt the right time yet to have a baby with him either. If having this discussion is too worrisome about how it may change the relationship, how on earth will adding another human being that needs constant attention into the mix help?

You have time to have more babies. You only have so many chances to pick their fathers though.


Just voice it, if itā€™s a serious relationship you should be able to talk about anything.


Get off of Facebook and go talk to him.


Just ask him. No point dragging it out, itā€™s best to know now rather than later