How do I start a conversation about starting a family with my boyfriend?

Just have an open and honest conversation with him. You won’t know if you don’t

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Invite him to dinner…and start of with, I’d like to ask you something. I hope it doesn’t intimidate you, start by letting him know you keep an open mind as you deeply appreciate him and just want to be on the same page. Then elaborate your wants and needs…ask him what his take is, but also keep an open mind to all possibilities because you mentioned he’s a great man and someone like that is worth waiting for. This conversation can be intimidating at any time in a relationship. Not just because it’s been a year and a half… it is difficult even if it’s a four year relationship. Telling you from experience. Try not be demanding, but rather expressive. And try to work something out that works for both of you… he’s great with other children but once raising your own it’s very difficult and there’s a slight change. Go over all of your pros and cons before making the ultimate decision. Best of luck ladykinz.

Start a conversation about marriage first!


It’s my personal opinion, but a year and a half isn’t long enough to know someone well enough to marry them and have children with them. If you think this talk will scare him or “be too much” chances are you should wait a little longer.
You have a child to think about, not just yourself.

Be honest :slight_smile: If course, be gentle and tell him it’s just what’s in your heart. And that any decision has to be mutual. Give him time to think about it - assure him it’s not something you need a response to in 24 hours or something :blush: It would be good to start it by asking him what he sees his future as? I.e. what does HE want and then outline what you want and ask him where he sees you in the picture. All the best :blush:


After being in a relationship for a year and a half if you think he may want to bail if you bring up the subject of marriage and children then PLEASE waste no time in asking him. His reaction will tell you everything you need to know.


Get marriered frist. Then wait a few years. You do have a daughter from another man already.


sounds like he has money and u don’t want him to get away. LOL😂

Conversation should be about where your relationship is going. You two gave been together for

You need to start a conversation about your relationship. You say you have been together a year and a half
I would think that he would want to make some kind of commitment to you by now. Just because he is good with your child doesn’t mean he is ready or want his own.

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Ughh some people are so rude. Honey u need to have a sit down with him. Explain to him that all u want to do is see if yall are on the same page and see where his head is at about the situation. I will agree with another comment that if you arent ready for the conversation then u arent ready to marry or have a baby. Make sure u are ready for any kind of conversation whether about dinner or about something serious. Once u have your sit down and find out where he is, then u can decide what u wanna do. If hes not ready when will he be? Are u willing to wait? If he is against marriage is that ok with u? Just start with that talk love. And good luck!!!

Umm it’s only been 1 year tho…imo too soon!


I told my (now husband) about a year into dating that I wanted another kid, he came into me and my son’s life when my son was about 6mo old, and I wanted one with him and if that wasn’t going to happen he needed to not waste my time. I was an only child and I didn’t want my son to be an only child. I told him on the way back from meeting his mom on Christmas. He said we would talk about it in about a year. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him his year.

Our daughter was planned and we are going to try for kid 3 I a few months.

Break it to him. Pour it out on the floor. If you don’t like the answer at least you know and can decide what to do with it. And who knows. He might be game on.

I would definitely have the marriage talk first and go that route. It definitely sucks to have kids when you aren’t for sure if you’re going to stay together or not and then end up splitting up for good. You should have the marriage talk first and after youre married, try for another kid


A year is to soon to talk about kids maybe talk about marriage and see if he agrees with marriage because what happens u fall pregnant and he can’t handle it and runs the kids will be destroyed

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You don’t wanna push a baby onto someone who’s not ready or you may just end up being a single mom… A lot of men run from responsibility in this day of age lol

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Just say it when you have a quiet moment what are your thoughts about marriage and children

Men know from day 1 if he would ever marry a girl or not, that being said it’s not in a man’s best interest to marry a single mother.

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My advice would be to ask him what he wants from your relationship. Does he see himself one day wanting to get married and have kids? Has this been something he’s thought about before?
Praise him for his relationship with your daughter. Then tell him that in your future you want to get married and have another child (doesn’t matter what order that’s in. Some people need to get their heads into the 21st century. No one should be shamed for not being married and having children).
I hope it goes well for you and that he wants the same things you want :slightly_smiling_face:

You don’t have to get married btw, marriage is just as easy for a person to bail from. Just ask him if he ever sees himself as a parent to his own children, what his long term life plans are…just have a conversation about what you both want from life and see if you fit.

Just sit him down and have a talk with him…just start of like I’ve been thinking and was wondering what your thoughts were about marriage and kids soon or one day


Hes a person not a feral kitten.
You won’t scare him off. Just tell him you’ve been thinking about the idea of getting married someday. And that you have been thinking about expanding your family…there really isn’t any “gentle” way to bring it up.
As long as he’s a grown adult he should be fine.
But remember if he says he isn’t interested in either now, in the future or ever to keep your composure and respect that choice at the time in the moment. It may be something he also needs some time to think over.


Ask “where do you see us a year from now?” And see what he says.


Just start it off with small talk. Like say something like:
Where do you see yourself in 2 yrs? What is your goals in the next 5 yrs. Or you could discuss what your goals and ambitions are. It doesn’t all have to be family related. It could be financial goals, vacation goals, savings goals.
Throw it out there. These are conversations you should be having at this point anyway before having a baby.

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Sitting down after bedtime, and ask if he wants to get married down the road and if you wants kids. What’s the worst thing you can say, no?

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Ask him “where do you see us in so and so time?”
Let him know how much he means to you, and you want to stay with him always.

Sit down and have an adult conversation about it. If the conversation scares him off, then count your blessings. That just means he wasn’t as amazing as he seems.


If you don’t feel comfortable talking to him about getting married and starting a family, what makes you think the 2 of you are in a good place to get married and start a family in 4 months? Maybe slow down a little? You wanna marry someone who you have no need to keep secrets from, who doesn’t judge you, who isn’t scared off by anything. You want to marry your best friend. You talk about this man like you don’t know him inside and out. That’s not someone you’re ready to marry and start a family with.


If you are afraid of scaring him off, then it’s not the time to discuss having children.

Ask him how he feels about having a baby.

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Well you could word it like this hey I was just wondering what are your long term goal as far as relationships go ya know kids marriage ect and it will totally be random and he’ll ask why and take it from there that’s how my now husband and I convo started

When you guys were first starting out you never asked him if he ever wanted kids? Not necessarily with you but in general or if he can see himself getting married. Sometimes these are needed questions to prevent people from waiting theirs and others time. That’s why it’s called dating.

If it’s not an open discussion already between y’all then it is too soon to get off the birth control.

Its a little to early for that in my opinion

Casually mention about the possible afe difference of your kid and future kids…that was a great idea. U need to know where he stands so u can make decisions for your life.

Just say it… if your not comfortable with talking to your man about anything and afraid after that long he’ll run then neither of you are ready to get married and have kids together…

Just be point blank what you think about having kids… if his answer is like what in 5 years? There’s your answer… don’t push a man that’s not ready and don’t ever be afraid of speaking your mind and feelings thats why woman waste so much of their lives in pointless relationships… get out and if he ain’t the one someone is

If after 4 years you have to tippy toe around these 2 important conversations then YOU not ready. Work on you 1st!!!

What color are her nails tho

Easy just ASK don’t beat around the bush

“When are you going to marry me?”

Maybe find out how he feels about marriage and having kids if you haven’t already… if you have, just ask him. It’s an important conversation in a relationship that should be had

If you feel like this about talking to him about it then don’t bother as you obviously don’t really know each other well enough yet. Why rush … there’s more to life than having children.


If he’s so great then why is he yelling at you and confusing you and he’s not working, doesn’t do housework, sits around the house on his computer games all day? You must be desperate.


If this hasn’t come up yet in a year, and you can’t just bring up the conversation, you guys aren’t there yet.

A year and a half is not long enough.

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Seems you already know his answer or wouldn’t be afraid to talk about it…but confirm your suspicions and if he says no, stay or go…stop guessing, make decisions, live your dream…I’m in my 60s and wasted most of my life making others happy, doing vary LITTLE for myself…made for nothing but others just wanting more…no give and take, no 50/50, if both of you don’t take care of EACH OTHERS dreams, the one sided crap will waste your life away! And you only get one life!!!

You never know , maybe he has the same questions running through his head …I’d just ask him how he’d feel about growing your family

Be upfront and honest with him :woman_shrugging:. If it’s not what he wants at least you know from him.

If you don’t feel you can bring this up, probably not a good time in this relationship for marriage or more babies.

A year of dating and you want to talk about having children? Slow down. He’s obviously into dating you at the moment. Stop rushing the relationship. You’re talking about lifetime commitment issues.

if you marry that man, then, make sure that the guy from previos relationship that you had a kid with…does not come back and want to play “BABY DADY” to your kid…we MEN dont like that, beside it not nice raising another mans baby…

anyway…Just ask him what he feel about that subject, if he is not ready to talk about it, then dont…but if he want to talk then continue. DOES HE KNOW YOU ARE IN BIRTH COTROL? IT MAY BE possible tha he want a Baby but he thinks he CANT or it May be that HE THINKS YOU ARE NOT READY, SINCE YOU ARE IN BIRTH CONTROL…SOLUTION : TALK TO HIM, HE WILL SAY IF HE IS NOT READY.

A year and a half? Start a family?


Have a conversation about “what is our future? Where do you see this relationship heading in the future? Because I am a mother and don’t want to have my daughter getting too attached to you if you aren’t committing to us and becoming a family.” He knew you were a mother and in that phase of your life when he started dating you. It does not make you look desperate to have that conversation. There is nothing wrong with protecting your interests, your future and that of your child’s. Better than you investing 5 years of your life in him before finding out you’re not on the same page of your life plan. Stand up for yourself.

Sit him down and be forward. Ask him, do you see us getting married and having children. It is something I would like and just want to make sure we have the same goals. If not, ask why? These are things you need to know in a healthy relationship


It’s to early in your relationship. And the talk should be natural. I suggest pillow talk. Be calm, start talking about anything and slowly bring the convo towards kids. Just let the conversation flow.

Just be open and honest man. If you can’t be open about how you feel then maybe he’s not right for you.

Start with do you want more kids .

Surely not on social media

If your asking fb for advice on how to talk to him about something, imo it is too soon cause you haven’t learned how to talk to him yet…about anything.

The right man won’t run.

Marriage should definitely be before trying to try for a second child in my opinion.

You need to make sure your marriage is in a stable place to bring on a second child which can sometimes be much harder than a second child.

I mean after a year and a half I would think you two would know what you wanted out of said relationship… If not, what have you guys been talking about for the past year and a half?

1.5 years is NOT too soon to TALK about it. This is a year and a half we’re talking about and it’s not like you need to wed and get knocked up tomorrow. If hes not wanting to commit with marriage and a kid in the near future, then you need to evaluate your relationship. Yall need to be on the same page or you’re just wasting your time. 1.5 years is long enough to know if you guys are right for each other or not.

A year and half is not too soon to bring up marriage.
My husband proposed after 4 months of dating. Got married a year later 3 years together 2 married. Got married in September got pregnant the following March. When you know you know.
Just bring it up when you have a quiet moment. Depending on your ages y’all should be dating to marry anyways. :woman_shrugging:t3: just my opinion.

You don’t even know how to talk to him and yet want another baby? Maybe wait until he at least proposes marriage. A year and a half is not very long at all.


Marriage then kids. There’s a reason it’s in that order. You wait for him to propose and then you get married and start a family. If he hasn’t asked you yet then he is not ready. Don’t allow your emotions to cloud better judgement. :slight_smile:


just say u prego now before u really prego

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tel him what’s ur feeling abt him and try ur best to convince him…i think it’s best to take sometime and rethink abt ur both kids

Hmm :thinking: I don’t know because I talked to my boyfriend about marriage and having children before we ever got into a relationship together we were friends 1 st . I’ve always asked before the relationship ever started it’s so much easier that way well at least it was for me . Good luck

He’s faking it. Ur relationship is fresh so understandable that hes so good at everything

Ask him like you would anything else that’s what’s wrong with these ladies now don’t want to ask the only way you’re going to know if you ask if you ask he could lie or he can tell you the truth either way you won’t be hurt because you ask

I think that man knows within the first year if they want to marry his girlfriend.
A year an a half is plenty of time for him to think about it.
I mean what’s the purpose of dating someone if isn’t to marry?
Unless that he is one of those people that thinks that a “ paper” means nothing. He should be the one bringing it up, not you.