How do I support my 17 year old who ran away to her bio dads?

I am sorry for your pain. She is old enough to know. She needs to learn this lesson for herself. As parents we want to protect our kids but their lessons are theirs to learn. The best thing is to be supportive of her decision and welcome her with open arms when she comes back to you. She will realise that you are there for her and you support her no matter what. That will stand strong throughout her life, she will always remember this time when you were just there for her, when you supported her instead of telling her what to do, when you trusted her to make a decision on her own instead of judging her. She will be confident to go forward in life and make tough decisions, she will learn consequences of her decisions. Itā€™s a blessing in disguise.


She will be back. Let her go see for herself what she didnā€™t miss out on.


You accept her choice and leave your door always open, the child support is between you and him , she has nothing to do with it ā€¦ if you want her to stay in touch donā€™t play good parent bad parent ā€¦ she will learn


All you can do is support her, accept the choice she has chosen. She will see what living with her dad is all about and if she doesnā€™t like it just let her know she is always welcome back in your home.


Let her live with her dad and see how it works out,she old enough decide who see wants to live with. She needs to see his faults for herself. She will be 18 with in a yr then she can Leave anyway. Have you tried sitting her down and discussing why she is not happy living with you. At Her you need to start having discussing with them like you would with adults. They are no longer children that needs 24 hr protection. Itā€™s time for her to see things for what they are.We used to rush on being all grown up because we didnā€™t understand what grown up really was. Now we wish we were still kids.Sit down with her Boi father and her and discuss what needs to be done.

Unless he lets her run around willy-nilly let her be. If she is off the rails with him document everything you learn and take him to court to get her back.

You leave her be. Sheā€™s old enough to make her own choices. Let her decide herself if he should be in her life or not. If she wants to come home, let her. Until then, let her decide.


Love her unconditionally


Just keep loving them please. Teens are nuts. Let them try living at Dads, maybe they crave the independence and lack luster ways of their Dad or they need to know what the relationship is all about.

My daughter moved out at 16, if she wants to go, let her go. I live over 1000 miles away. I visit every few months. So is 20 now with a baby.

Sounds very similar to what I did to my mom when I was about 13 years old. My bio dad always knew how to contact my mom- he never did. Owed about 14K when I was that age. To top it off I resided in NC while he lived 14 hrs away, in WI.

He filled my head with all sorts of things and promises. I hurt my mom and I am ashamed of it. Because she was both a mom and dad to me for a very long time.

From personal experience, I suggest you let her learn from it. She will quickly realize that even though heā€™s her dad the reality of it is that heā€™s a complete stranger and she will miss home. Her true home.

Iā€™m more than positive that you might feel how my mom once felt. But youā€™ll see that once she realizes what she did and returns home, this situation will only bring the both of you closer.

My mom became my best friend at the end and I love that woman to pieces. I now realize that she was the only one in my corner when I needed someone the most.

Donā€™t let your hopes up. Sheā€™ll go back to youā€¦ when sheā€™s readyā€¦ just takes a little faith.


You have to let them learn. He is not gonna want her there and that is a lesson no one can teach her. We hate to see our children hurt but sometimes itā€™s unavoidableā€¦ just let her know she can call or come home anytime and be supportive of her getting to know her dad. Then wait! She will be back.

Let her be she will come back on her own

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Advocate for her always, give her grace and unconditionally love her . Send care packages if poss . Its temping to want to let her learn the hard way ( and I am sure she will) but have faith , hope for the best prepare for the worst. Seventeen is a hard age for parents and kids .

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She is 17, pretty much an adult in some states, thereā€™s not much you can do if he takes her in. I would let her for the time being, she will realize that you were always there for her and the grass really isnā€™t greener with her dad. Itā€™s a lesson she has to learn on her own as much as you want to protect her. Itā€™s a really hard spot to be in, Iā€™m sure.

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I did the exact same thing right after I graduated high school. My bio dad wasnā€™t in my life for over 10 years and one day he just showed back up. There is a ton of back story, but I just needed to feel that connection for some reason. I lasted 3 months before I realized I just really didnā€™t want to be around him and asked to go ā€œhomeā€ā€¦to my Mom. Now 30 years later I am glad I had that experienceā€¦and to this day it is rare I talk to my bio dad. Keep your chin up. Love her, support her amd just be accessible of she needs you. Hugs!


Just be there for her when she finds out he wonā€™t make her happy.

She will be back, let her try this. He will disappoint all on his own.


She is 17 let her see for her self ā€¦

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My 18 year old thought she was going to leave last weekendā€¦ Let her go. Tell her you love her. Let her know she can always come home. Just be open to talk to her, to listen. My daughter realized quickly that it wasnā€™t what she expected and came home.


Sheā€™s old enough to know which parent she wants to live. If heā€™s a bad parent then she will come home soon but itā€™s up to her. Maybe she will see him another way than you do

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Because sheā€™s at an age where she wants to do what she wants and Dads guna let her, why? hasnt been there for years so last thing heā€™s guna do is give her rules and boundaries and she knows it, shes being a fckn big talker and shes guna play the game right, because when dad finally says NO she guna use her Ace card im going back to mums Lol


Donā€™t turn it into a fight. Let her know youā€™re there for her if she wants to talk and leave it be.


Support her and tell her you love her, let her have this time with her father she will be back just her do it in her time, yes it hurts but if you force her to choose between you both it wonā€™t end the way you want


Let her find out on her own how much of a good life she will have. Let her be with her dad and see the truth for herself :100::dart::ok_hand:


Unfortunately you have to let her find out on her own that he isnā€™t a good person. Itā€™s heartbreaking for us moms but she is old enough to realize


Child support donā€™t matter tbh. As for the rest, she will have to figure that out on her own. All you can do is be there for her if or when things go bad. Keep in contact with her as much as u can so u know sheā€™s safe but other than that let her be. Donā€™t talk bad about her dad or tell her u think itā€™s a horrible idea a the time. Say your peace one time and let her learn. Who knows, it could turn out to be just fine. But either way you want her to feel like she has a choice in her life and you want her to see that you were there for her, supporting her through the entire thing no matter what she chose.


She will come back. My 17 year old son just ran away from me in Georgia to his bio dad in Oklahoma. I didnt even know where he was for 8 days. I think they (the kids) are just becoming their own person and they need to find out why these men abandoned them. I know it hurts but just hang in there. She will be back once she sees the truth for herself.


I was that kid. My dad is from over 1,200 miles from me and my mom so growing up I only saw him a few times when I was little. The money part of their relationship doesnā€™t matter, at least they have a relationship. Kids donā€™t remember money, they remember who was there. My dad begged me to move with him when I was 16 and up, and my mom always badmouthed him. 2 1/2 years ago I hit a bad time in my life and wanted and needed a fresh start so myself and my kids took the leap and moved away from everyone and everything we knew halfway across the country and it was the best decision. My dad is amazing and has helped so much and is always there for me. Now I am 1 semester away from graduating college to make a better future for myself and my kids because of all of the help and support from my dad and his family. I am very thankful I took this leap and got to know my other family and experience so many new things and grow within myself. Let her go and see how she likes it.


Unfortunately our attorney says you canā€™t throw them out and you canā€™t force them to stay. So thereā€™s no legal fight to be had. All you can do now is love her snd pray you taught her enough along the way. Our kids becoming responsible for their own choices is terrifying!


I know how hurt and betrayed you feel. But she needs to do this, or she will have abandonment issues, or daddy issues. He is a pos for not being in her life and supporting her more. But you have to let her discover this for herself. She is seeking any type of connection with him, and if he canā€™t follow through on his end, she is going to be hurt all over again. But she needs to go through this to be stronger. And she may do great with counseling. But as her mother who HAS been there, through absolutely everything, you have to do the hardest part, and let her do this. Support her, or she will resent you later. And if it doesnā€™t work out, you will be there for her too. Its so hard to watch our children make decisions that we know are wrong, but knowing that you are there, will help her come out of this a little stronger than before this journey. 12 hours is a long way, face time her, but try not to ask too many questions, it might put her on the defensive and you donā€™t want to push her into staying with him just to prove you wrong. Good luck momma

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When I was 14, I kept telling my mom I wanted to go live with my dad. He was also never there and never even tried to be. So, she let me. I was there 2 days before I was ready to go back home. Sheā€™ll figure it out.

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Back away and let her figure it outā€¦she will be back! Trust me

Yep. You have to let her see for herself ā€¦ she will be back

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Hmm $15,000 in child support it have some fathers who owes more than that in child support.

The grass isnā€™t always greener on the other side. :woman_shrugging:t4: she will figure it out.

Let her know youā€™re there for her to come back home but give her a chance to find out for herself while youā€™re not with him and why you feel the way you do


If sheā€™s happy, thatā€™s all that matters

If sheā€™s 17 thereā€™s not a lot to be done. Keep communication open and let her know your home is open for her if she wants to return.

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Sheā€™ll see by herself it wonā€™t help

It will be ok. My daughter went to her dad when she was a teenager. (Same situation, except only six hours away) but she thought I was unreasonable, I wouldnā€™t allow certain things.
She called within a few months, she wanted to come home. She told me later, he didnā€™t care because there were no rules, he didnā€™t care because there was never food, etc. They learn, sometimes the hard way. She will come home and she will appreciate how you have loved and raised her. Support her decision and support her for now.


There is nothing you can do. She will learn on her own if it was the right thing to do or not. At least you wonā€™t be blamed for it. All you can do is be there for herā€¦right or wrong.

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As much as it hurts you got to let her find out on her own how he is because she will if she has never really been around him when she was little!! And it may not seem like it now but I am sure she appreciates all you have done for her , i have 3 kids they are 23,20,and 15 and their dad was never really in their life but my 20 year old decided last April to go live with his dad and stepmom I was hurt but he made it clear that he just wanted to get to Know him , just be there for her and still have your doors open because you never knowā€¦

Keep communicating. Leave your money issue aside. Encourage her to get to know him . You have a good foundation with her she will see what is what . If sheā€™s happy seeing him be happy for her itā€™s the best thing you can do sadly. Been there one of my sons commicates with his dad the other just will not entertain it . If I fell out with my son for having a relationship it would destroy ours . Stay strong and just worry about your bond and always have a home for her :heart::heart::heart::heart::pleading_face::pleading_face::heart::heart::heart:


Be there and support her xxx grass is always green so they think she soon be home xxxx

I literally did this to my mom when I was 15. I was back home within 2 months because my dad was still not ā€œdadā€.


You take a step back. As much as it hurts you and as much as you know itā€™s the wrong decision for her, you let her make the decision for herself, and when she realizes her mistake, you welcome her home with open arms. With that said, you also put your foot down and donā€™t let her run back and forth. She has to know that she canā€™t run to him when sheā€™s mad at you and vice versa. I attempted to do this when I was about 15. I didnā€™t like the rules at home, so I said I was going to move in with my biological dad who wasnā€™t involved and had nothing to do with me. I changed my mind in no time because I realized he didnā€™t actually want me, he just wanted a way out of paying child support.


Iā€™m afraid of this. My daughter is only 7 now but if this day comes, Iā€™m gonna try to remember this thread and advice


Text her, call her, support her. She may not be back like everyone says. Donā€™t get your hopes up. I know that sounds mean, but our 18 year old left mom for dad and has no intent to return.

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They usually learn the hard way

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Let her learn. Thatā€™s the only way. I did the exact same thing and was home within a month.

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ā€œShe went to live with her dad and he owes child support!ā€
:roll_eyes::man_facepalming:t5: are you mad at the money part?


You drag his name through the dirt yet she would still prefer to be with him. What does that tell ya?

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My stepson did this when he turned 18,he was back in a months time!!!

Sheā€™s old enough to decide which parent she wants to live with so let her be and be supportive, you never know she may decide to come back on her own. Maybe she just wants to spend time with dad or talk to her and see if theirs issues with you that needs to be worked on.


I feel for you, but she is old enough to make this decision. Pray someday she will see the light and come home.

Sheā€™ll see the light before you doā€¦ live & learn. Dads will never be home.

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Take your time she will find out it is not what she thinks my son did that and was gone 3weeks


I did this at 15.moved in with my dad and step mom. Only lasted a month.

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Sometimes the best way to learn the facts is to live them, so let her live them. Legally he hasnā€™t custody so at anytime you can assert your rights if you must. He probably has another life with another family and soon sheā€™ll return wanting mom and the life she knew and loved whether she realized it or not.

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This is my absolute worst fear as a parent for my son. Did anything cause her to go be with him? Have you guys been arguing a lot? What would trigger her to up and leave like that?

Sheā€™ll figure it out. Just be there when she does. Took me less then a year for my piece of shit sperm donor

Unfortunately youā€™re just gonna have to ride it out. Best thing you can do is just support whatever decision she makes. Be her rock. Could have been worse, she could have just ran away to nowhere you know of. At least you know where sheā€™s at. :raised_hands::heart:


Whatever you do do not close the door on her return. Sheā€™s old enough to make this decision and it may be what she needs to get over the fantasy that her dad will be so much better. Let her know she can always come home


I did this when I was 15, moved out of my grandparents house with my mom. They talked badly about her my whole life. My dad wasnā€™t in the picture much. But when I got in contact with her when I was 14/15 I decided I wanted to live with her despite only know what others had told me. She eventually ended up abandoning me along with various other things over some years that I kept her in my life. I said all that to say,sometimes kids just want to find out for themselves. But, looking back, I feel that all of the horrible things they told me about my mother (even though it was true) made me want to know for myselfā€¦ so thatā€™s what I did. Didnā€™t take long to realize that was a bad decision though.


Donā€™t hold that decision against her for the rest of her life donā€™t say ā€œyou moved in with your dad so itā€™s not my issueā€ ā€¦ be her parent regardless! Iā€™m currently dealing with a decision I made when I was 17 and itā€™s still held against meā€¦:roll_eyes:

Youā€™re dying inside because your daughter wants to be with her dad?? Are you made because he hasnā€™t been there for her and she still chose him or are you mad because he hasnā€™t paid you?? And if he owed you $15,000 in child support, heā€™d be in jail. Especially if itā€™s court ordered.


Let her go and be supportive. And when she comes back, bc she will, welcome her back with open arms and donā€™t rub her ā€œfailuresā€ in her face. Sheā€™s still learning how to be an adult too.


She just wants to see what sheā€™s been missing. It doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t call her. You can still keep in touch.
Sheā€™s curious to know her father. All children go thru it. We all need to know where we came from. You raised herā€¦sheā€™ll be back. She loves you. Have faith. Pray about it. God bless. Sheā€™s in Godā€™s hands.


Itā€™s so horrible that she wants to see her father, who sheā€™s probably been alienated from for years? What he owes in child support means nothing. Your daughter deserves to know her father.


Obviously she wants to he away from you for a reason so just let her be

What he owes in child support has nothing to do with anything. Shes old enough to choose where she wants to be.


This is hard to say as a parent , and the worst fear. But let her stay , she will see if it helps her or doesnā€™t give or take a month or soā€¦ but whatever you do DONT SHUT HER OUT, donā€™t turn the opposite way just support her , be there for her. Sheā€™ll still need youā€¦ sometimes these kidā€™s just want to get to know their other parentā€™s and she is well old enough to decided if she wants something to do with him or not and see how it goes. Iā€™m not no whereā€™s close yet but my 8 year old dad left her after 10 months of age. We tried , and tried , and triedā€¦ sheā€™s run up to him in walmart begging him to have something to do with her , she has a brother and sister with him and his gf as well. He turned his head to her and said ok. Iā€™ve begged this man to be in her lifeā€¦ but my so has been raising her since she was 10 months old , although we split for 8 monthā€™s she never once disclaimed him as her daddy. She knowā€™s his isnā€™t her bio dad , but grew up calling him daddy. Me and my so has even went and picked her bio dad up to see her before he meet his gf and decided to walk out of her life because he let her choose for himā€¦ he doesnā€™t count her as his child. I still hold onto every memory I have of them when she was a baby for her keepsake, those are hers they arenā€™t mineā€¦ then this is a little different but i have 2 girls who Iā€™ve raised for 8 yearā€™s 15&14 , they have issues with their mom because of the way she has done them. We have custody of them two, she has acted like they dont exist and choose the other 3 kids over them two , and as well as her ex boyfriend who she was with for 3 years and always believed him and never themā€¦ she just left him , and is already moved another guy into her house she doesnā€™t know. My kidā€™s havenā€™t seen their mom in 8 months besides 3 times due to her coming up with excusesā€¦ when she left her ex she said she realized how they dont want nothing to do with her because of him, and expects them to just jump back in and love her new bf like she does. Mind you she hasnā€™t known him long 4 monthsā€¦ kids already caught her in a lie a few times since. When her and her ex was together and me and my so was split her ex busted my so window out in the car with the kids up in it and told her they was in her vehicle. Still to this day she still believes him, and there is proof where my child had glass cuts all over her and in her hair cause she was upfront. Dont be that kind of mom!!!

I know itā€™s hard but she needs to see for herself. Hang in there and give her some space. She will be back.


Everyone has told you excellent advice! Call her every other day or send a text. I personally wouldnā€™t do it every day because she may feel smothered. Tell her she is always welcomed back and make sure you tell her you love her and that youā€™re proud of her! Have you discussed this with her father and know he is really ok with it and up to it? If he is just doing because he feels he has to and not because he wants her to, then it might not be very enjoyable for her and she may be back soon!


What a bunch of judgmental assholes on here!!! ā€œOh she mustā€™ve left for a reasonā€ ā€œwhy are you mad she wants to be with her dadā€. Sheā€™s a freaking teenage girl!!! I have two teen girls and it would definitely hurt my feelings if they wanted to move in with their dad whoā€™s been nothing but a pos to me and them. The womanā€™s just looking for a little advice or reassurance! I agree with other comments just let her know your door is always open to her and communicate with her.

Let her figure it out.

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Sheā€™ll be back so fast ,You wonā€™t have time to clean Her room !

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Sometimes they need to see the grass isnā€™t always greener. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this.

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Let her figure it out. If heā€™s good to her and steps up then amazing. If not sheā€™ll quickly learn and form her own opinion.

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I did this when I was a kid.
She will come home Mama.
Youā€™ve been her safe place this entire time. She will come home.
Even though I left & I was seeming ā€œtoughā€ & like I wanted to go, I cried every night.
Nobody replaces your mom. Just know that. She will come home to you. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but she will. Give her time to see the grass isnā€™t greener on the other side. :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Send her positive quotes and tell her you still love her. Ask about school and if she is in sports as about them and show interest from afar. If anything try to show up at her event and surprise her. Showing you support her will help both of you!

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Sometimes kids have to learn the hard way. My kid did the same. It lasted about 2 months until he realized the grass wasnā€™t always greener. His dad promised him everything under the sun but once he was there he couldnā€™t even take a shower without being lectured on how much money it was costing.

Just wait patiently, sheā€™ll be back.


She probably wants a relationship with him.

Child support literally should never come between a relationship with a child and a parent. Itā€™s not here to ā€œbuyā€ the child and any form of relationship they build with the parent. Its there to help support them.

Now, idk the back story behind everything, but she is 17 years old. She practically an adult who can make her own decisions now. Sheā€™s not 6.

Its time that she needs to make her own life choices and learn from them rather bad or good. And you should just be there to try and help guide her along the way. Regardless of which direction she decides to take. She will learn.

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Let her go mama. Iā€™ve never kept my kids from their dads, and now almost 11, my daughter is absolutely disgusted in hers! And it didnā€™t take an ounce of convincing. I think the human part of us wants to believe the grass is greener on the other side. She needs to experience this herself, and you just hold tight. Sheā€™ll be home!

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I did the same thing after high school. It was fun for a few weeks. But then he went back to his typical habits. Ended up only living there 3ish months, and my mother welcomed me back with wide open loving arms. She just needs to realize herself that itā€™s not going to make a difference. Just support her and her decision and when it turns south, donā€™t be snarky or ā€œI told you soā€ just welcome her back with open loving arms and let it be an experience. You can always try to convince someone the situation is no good for them. But until they realize it themselves all you can do is love her and remind her if it isnā€™t what she wants, she can always come home!

Just be there for her as much as she will let you and it might just have to be a lesson she learns the hard way. Continue being the best parent that you clearly always have been for her and she will come to her senses

In my experience, experience is the best teacher. If their dad is a piece of shit, that will show itself soon enough and it wonā€™t be your fault. Itā€™ll be a hard lesson learned for them. However, on the off chance dad is in a better place now as a person if not financially, your kid gains a valuable relationship. Just keep the lines of communication open and be there when the chips fall wherever they fall.

:hugs: Hugs mama!! I know your heart aches but sometimes you have to let them learn own their own. I have a hard time with this except mine is financially, if they get in trouble Iā€™ll break myself to help them.

Itā€™s difficult as youā€™ve done everything in your power, as hard as this is, she must learn for herself, as long as she is safe and there is no safe guarding issues if sheā€™s happy thatā€™s the main thing

Honestly you canā€™t really do anything. And if she stays the child support
Will be reversed each month sheā€™s within if he takes you to court. Sheā€™s also 17 so thereā€™s nothing you can really do.
Been there. Just let her know she can come home whenever as thereā€™s nothing else you can do andnit sucks on the other hand of you fight it. It could work with it worse and your the only one stressed out. Hugs. It

I thought about doing this but my momma was right about my dad. Found out for myself. As will your daughter (find out for herself) and someday might find out what itā€™s like to be you right now. Advice to give you is to be calm and invite her back when she decides. Your support and secure (safe place) is all we can do as parents for our babies.

Let her go just her support and be there for her . She will eventually see what she needs to and stay or come home again . Hang in there. Itā€™s okay to be upset and confused about what she is s doing . They come home again. Itā€™s the age she is at her brain and body are also confused and she needs to work through it

The only thing you can do is let her know you will be there when she wants to come back and trust me. She will come back. I did the same when I was younger. I was raised by my grandmother. I tried my momā€™s and my dadā€™s and neither was what I thought it would be.

How long has she been with him? If it hasnā€™t been long just wait it out. Once she sees it isnā€™t the she hoped she will come back. Just let her know sheā€™s always welcome to return

Itā€™s her dad regardless of back child support owed that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t be a father to his child. Let her see who he is as a father. She may think sheā€™s going to be spoiled and a Princess with her father. At first it maybe nice then when dad has to enforce rules, it could change her world. They deserve a chance to bond regardless of what the past was. As long as he isnā€™t a rapist or living criminal lifestyle, let her go there. Honey from 13 to 17 these children boys and girls smell their back sides and become chaos for no reason. Take this time as a break. Let him worry like crazy. But open up communication with her father so coparenting can try to go smoothly. You donā€™t want to be the enemy with dad. Just polite long as itā€™s not abusive or dangerous.

Let her learn and experience it. She will be back eventually. Pray for her safety! :heart::muscle:t3::heart::pray::raised_hands:t3:

Sheā€™s 17, nothing much she can do. The girl needs to find out on her own. Be supportive. Remember the old saying if you love them let them go and if itā€™s meant to be theyā€™ll return.

Just because someone donā€™t pay child support does NOT mean they are a bad parentā€¦ are you upset with her or himā€¦ if keeping child away from parent because of money then your child has every right