How do I tell a woman I don’t know her husband has been cheating for 25 years (with my mother)?
I think its none of your buisness
Stay out of it its not ur business
For 25 years??? I’m invested in this story.
You tell her the truth. Just let her know what you know and show her the proof. Don’t let her continue to look like a fool. I was pissed when I found out and no one told me and many people knew
You must not be wanting to be on good terms with your mother anymore? If he’s been married that long he ain’t gonna divorce that woman and if he was it would’ve been long before now
None of your business. Stay out of it.
Yes she should tell her!! I’m sure the woman would like to know her husband is cheating she deserves to know! Send her the proof
Have you guys thought that maybe that could be her dad!
Those saying not your business have probably cheated or like to look stupid
It’s 100% your business!!! Coming from someone who got cheated on for YEARS, add her on Facebook. Giver her your number. And tell her. Let her decide what she wants to do but you keeping that from her is bullshit!!! That man is ruining his wife. The longer it happens the more the chances of her losing herself.
Definitely have proof. If someone knew that my husband was cheating and didn’t tell me I would be just as pissed at them as at him.
She likely already knows…
If it’s been 25 years the wife probably already knows & doesn’t care. I’d keep my mouth shut & mind my business. Sometimes leaving things unsaid is better.
25 years !!! Just tell her. I’m sure she already knows.
I’m surprised by all the comments saying it’s none of her business and to leave it alone… that’s so crazy to me. I personally would want someone to tell me, if my husband was cheating on me, especially for that long… because guess what, I SNITCHING! Smh Why allow that woman to continue looking like a fool… this is why I dont trust females
Kinda astonishing people are saying it’s not your business wouldn’t want you as friends. Tell her! No one deserves that. Ever. I don’t care who it is. Cheating is the worst and anyone/everyone needs to be called out on it.
Sounds like something your mom is capable of doing herself
Provide evidence and apologies not much else you can do.
Right or wrong you must really not like your mom or be mad at her. Why are you just now interested in telling ? I would stay out of it.
You don’t. Stay in your own lane.
Make your mom tell her herself. Or make your mom make the husband tell his wife.
Well, for 25 years… There’s absolutely no way the wife doesn’t know. Perhaps it’s an agreement?
Is he your dad? I need back story
My question would be have you known for 25 years? Or did you just find out? Bc if you knew and kept it to yourself your no better than your mama. If you didn’t know id say it asap.
Mind your business!!!
Just tell her. Like ASAP!
You better come with some serious proof if you are planning to let go and let god and let the cat out the bag! Those are some pretty costly words! Your actions better show proof or you are bringing on a lot of unnecessary harm to several peoples lives!!!
She can’t be that blind 25years
Are you sure she doesn’t know? People are into very weird shit and maybe his marriage is open. Who seriously wants to be the other women for 25 yrs…
She isn’t completely stupid, she knows. Leave it alone.
Only with proof … she may hate you for it at first but she may appreciate you later … I would wanna know but you have to have solid eveidence before doing so… especially depending how your relationship is with said person
Stay out of it. Ever heard the expression "don’t shoot the messenger:.
How does it effect you? If it doesn’t then stay out of it. Your Mom is an adult.
Just tell her. Have proof ready!
If he’s been doing it that long it’s almost guaranteed she already knows and is staying for her own reasons. What are you hoping to get out of it because she’s not going anywhere so he or your mom won’t end up hurt from this.
25 years shitttt that lady got a side piece of her own to
I can’t believe people really say to leave it alone or mind your own business. if I know someone is cheating idc who it is I’m snitchinnn
Stay in your own lane…
Tell me, I’ll tell her!!
If it’s been 25 years I doubt she doesnt already know unfortunately. She probably just doesnt want to believe it.
Id say she already knows if its been 25 years daaannngggg!!!
Uh ur mom needs to step up and that cheating liar bastard. I would tell the lady. But you need to make sure u hv proof and tell her you didn’t know what to do and u thought she should know. I would want to know.
Oh that’s just opening a door you don’t want to open. Unless it’s directly effecting your life you don’t need to spill the beans. To much drama and no one needs that in their life
I tried telling someone once that their bf was cheating on them because I know if I was being cheated on, I would want to know. She thanked me for telling her but ending up not confronting him about it and stayed with him. They then bought a house together and he still continues to cheat. She has been told by others about it as well but does nothing about it…poor self esteem I’m assuming. At least she knows and can do what she wants with the info
They know about each other lmao
Can’t believe how many people are saying to stay out of it lol
I wouldnt want to look like a fool, definitely spill the beans asap
She knows. Mind your business lol
25 years? I’d bet good $ she already knows
Your mums a home wrecker & id be telling that poor woman, God knows what her husband has given her
Via text…so you can get screen shots…to share the tea with us
Get proof, send that shit, spill it right out. End it there and walk away.
How do you know she already knows. I don’t thinkbit is your place to say. It’s between the husband, wife and loosely your mother. Stay out of it. Sucks but don’t do it.
Id be ashamed to even admit I knew my mum was sleeping with a married man for 25yr!! Dirty trollop
My first question, does your mom know he’s married?
Why any of you would be ok with sharing someone else’s man or allowing it to happen, baffles me🤦 if your best friend or loved one was with a man who was taken and she didn’t know, nor the other woman knew and you did, you’d be ok with them being deceived? Or what if it were you who were with a man, not knowing you were the other woman? Smh
Are you close with that woman? Are you doing it out of loyalty or hate? Different reasons call for different answers.
Mail her proof anonymously then stay out of it
You are all a bunch of liars. If my husband was cheating on me… Which in the end he was… I would have wanted someone… ANYONE to come up to me with evidence that he was!! And so would you. As the wife, yes you have little suspicions, but you want to believe your spouse and make up all of the excuses in the world for them and Give them the benefit of the doubt.
So ur mom is okay with this man cheating on his wife n ur mom
I beg to differ I was the wife. Ironically we’ve been together 25 years. I can only tell you I was grateful to find out. It actually set me free from a narcissistic relationship. Never been happier in my life to find out the truth about anything
Maybe they are open. Maybe it’s none of your business.
You don’t! Everybody is happy as they want to be!
Eh pretty sure she knows…with that amount of time…she probally has her side piece and all is well…mind yo buisness
This is horrible u could tell but she knew you have known this long and not said anything until now she wouldn’t be very happy I probley wouldn’t gonna get in that fight at all
Your dont! You mind your business
I would tell her. My thought is that she deserves to know. I would hope someone would tell me.
I told a woman flat out. She told me to eff off and that her man wouldn’t do that. Even though I had screen shots of our conversation (before I found out he was married)
Your husband is cheating…here are the receipts. Disgusts me to hear people say you don’t.
Wow- what a story. Good luck !
If my man was cheating I wouldn’t care how I was told as long as I was told as long as your willing to show me proof !!! Yoh cant just send some on a random message /letter then walk away you either tell and show all or mind your business there is no inbetween
25 year !!! Christ that’s a long time to knock someone off , might as well ave got married
25 years? She part of the family, wym?
I’m sure the man and his wife have already worked through that. You don’t have an affair for 25 years and the spouse not know something is up… Mind your business. She’s your mom, why would you try to ruin her reputation? The only way I’d say it’s good to tell, is if he is possibly your father.
I wouldn’t listen to these comments saying not to tell her. Why wouldn’t you? Or any of you? We’re all women, we need to protect each other man. Why would you wanna let an Innocent woman go on any longer being humiliated and played like this? I would definitely tell her. Stick up for her, be a friend and break it to her the best way you can because I seriously couldn’t even imagine my husband cheating on me for 25 years let alone people knowing about it all along and me looking like a fucking idiot
She knows. Shut up. Why are you doing this to your mother?
If you really feel the need to tell her I would just send an anonymous letter. Don’t open yourself up for more involvement in it.
Sorry, NO ONE goes 25 years w/o knowing. She knows… And if she doesn’t “know” … She’s probably screwing around as well.
Wow. There’s no way she doesn’t know. Or at least a part of her suspects it. You can always send her an anonymous message. But, that’s opening an entire can for yourself. His wife thou, can’t be that naive. She most likely does know, but is one of those wife’s, that she doesn’t wanna admit it to herself. Or she really is that naive but damn… That’s a lot of years to cheat on your wife… I foresee an episode of snap coming:person_shrugging:
shit she’s probably planning an escape already lol
It’s very likely she already knows. On one level or another. Women usually feel these things out after awhile. 25 years? I’m betting she’s aware.
So…I’m usually a mind your own business person but I would want to know so I could get out and stop looking like an idiot and get on with my life. I don’t care what anyone on here is saying…you’d want to know too.
Provide evidence anonymously and send it to her.
Orrrrr of you live in Houston, you could blast him on the Roula/Ryan radio show with Revenge Roses Thursday’s and out him that way
After 25 years im sure she knows and probably has her own thing on the side as well. 25 years a long time to be clueless and not reading the room
She knows…she may not have admitted it to herself yet but after all that time I am sure she is aware.
It should be a common practice that Women should look out for other women. We would avoid alot of fuck boys using this method.
Tell her. 25 years is fucking ridiculous.
She wasted her damn life!!!
She knows. Let it be. I knew of a similar situation and everyone knew but it was easier to just not say anything and live almost separate lives. After 25 years… they all know
Why? After all this time would you do this, who do you want to hurt?
You definitely want evidence before you say anything because without evidence it can be turned on you for starting trouble and I would do it anonymous but I’d definitely tell her because if it were me I’d want someone to tell me if they knew something like that it’s also possible she could also know to bring that long and maybe they could have a open relationship but definitely do it anonymously
Don’t listen to anyone saying not to tell her, if you were in her position you would want to know, and on the off chance that she already knows then why would she be mad about you telling her something she already knows, don’t be part of the problem, this isn’t something to sweep under the rug
Question your father before you speak to your stepmother respect your mother
Not your battle stay out of it you’ll only get Caught in the middle especially for not minding your business your mom is grown
I’d just tell her. Sucks that the other women is your mom though. The fact that people are saying to not tell her she mind your business is disgusting.
25 years… his wife knows sweetie
Hold up!!! Wait a minute! Is this the 25th Anniversary tell tale? Are you the child of this affair or are you mad at your mom for something and this is payback because mom shouldn’t have participated. Just make sure you are prepared for that chaos that’s coming once you open that door!!!
How lo f have you known and why now do you want to say something? I mean I would want to know but it’s a real snake pit so get in get out and have proof .
Provide actual evidence. People won’t believe words if they don’t want to. I think you should. I would want to know.
The wife knows…probably has for the last 24 1/2 yrs! My father did this also to my mom and when they lived separately we knew the gfs and yet he was always coming back to my mom…he loved her but loved all women…so really she knows and always has…but maybe the wife is the true love ! And now after this time past you want to speak up…if your not 25 or younger then why now? Jealous? Something piss you off? Seriously…I have been in this type of relationship and the women that told me and knew from Day 1 pissed me off more than he did…
I would be thankful as hell if you told me… Maybe she’s tired if his dusty ass anyways.
Just explain to her what’s going on… she either knows and doesn’t care or is completely fooled and has no idea. Either way, you telling her would be the right thing. I know I’d want to know if my husband was cheating on me… no matter how many years it’s been going on. If she knows, at least you know you can leave it alone and ease your mind.
I’d want to know if I was cheated on. But then again I’d be devasted after 25 years. Wow how horrible.
If you were married and your husband cheated would you want to know? In my opinion I think I would want to know, yes I’d need to see proof of course I mean who wouldn’t…but living with someone cheating continually would hurt more, I’d rather move on.