How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

When my kiddo was 6 they were super into Harry Potter. They had a HP birthday and got an acceptance letter. Now a few years later I feel I should tell them because I do not want them to get picked on for believing they are going. How do I break the news to them?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

You sit them down and tell them?? This is how soft kids are made. No need to come slow, calm and shit. Just tell themā€¦wtf lol


How old is your child now?


Im 30 and I just think they forgot to send me my letter or it got lost in the mail.

Why would you let them believe Hogwarts was real for a few years? :woman_facepalming:t2:


You just donā€™t. Iā€™m 29 and Harry Potter is real haha


Mate thereā€™s some adults that still wanna go to Hogwarts :rofl:


Why does it matter if she letā€™s her kids believe in Harry Potter? Itā€™s just like 90% of the parents that tell their kids santas real or the easter bunnyā€¦dont go and crush your childā€™s happiness just because people tell u tooā€¦kids are forced way to young to grow up and leave all the fun make believe behind to deal with the stupid shit that most of us deal with nowā€¦I wouldnt let them get any older then maybe 10 before parents go and crush kids spirits

This is a joke post right? :woman_facepalming:t3::joy:

Iā€™m still waiting for my acceptance letter :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ummmmmmm YOU DONT! Because itā€™s very much real and Iā€™m 36! :rofl:TFā€¦



Ummmmm a better question would be why u let a kid think a movie was real?! Good luck deprogramming that child

Harry Potter is real!! Iā€™m getting my uv tattoo of my patronus soon!!:eyeglasses::zap::sparkles:
(my bestfriend wanted to get the dark mark but thankfully Iā€™ve already got my forearm covered and Iā€™m a Gryffindor so no chance!:unamused::no_entry_sign:)


Leave them babies to their imagination, more than likely theyā€™ll get made fun of for some reason or another so let em believe in magic


Haley Noel Stephanie Reynolds

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I havenā€™t seen a single nail on this page in the longestšŸ™„ what a jokeā€¦


Take her to the wizarding world of harry potter and show her magic is real oxox
Its all realā€¦ Just maybe not in the way she may think.
Its real in her heart, donā€™t take that away.


Let them believe! If u donā€™t believe in something you will fall for anything! :thinking::wink:

Idk why this is even a question lol let your kid be a kid dude. Iā€™m sure there are plenty of other children who ā€œbelieveā€ in Harry Potter. Hell, Iā€™m 29 and get all kind of Harry Potter things for my birthdays and holidays. How discouraging for your child.

As someone that is a pagan witch. He might be bullied for discriminating against people that actually practice the craft.


Shouldnā€™t of given them an acceptance letter to confuse the lines of make believe and reality

Wait im 48ā€¦dafug you mean Harry not real.


Lesson learned next time around teach them from a younger age.


They told me i didnt get in cause its a waiting list. Hmph

Kids need to know the difference between what is real and what is fiction


This is honestly the stupidest one yet. Iā€™m not sure what is worse OP or the it is real idiots.

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Why ruin their fantasy


Many of yall on here judging this lady and her baby, still believing that fairytale your man feeding you at your grown age! I say ā€œlet him beā€. If thereā€™s ever an issue of bullying, he will come to you with it and then you can explain whatā€™s real compared to whatā€™s fake and the beauty of Hollywood magic, how movies are made, etc. If itā€™s not a detriment to his health and heā€™s happy, chill out about it! You canā€™t shield your baby from everything, not even bullies, unfortunatelyā€¦they donā€™t need a reason.

Take him/her to wizarding world of Harry Potter if possible!! And while there you can explain how itā€™s real, but not really :rofl: kids can use their imagination and believe in magic. Itā€™s really ok.


You donā€™t. You let them believe as long as they want.


Iā€™d rather my kid be bullied for believing in Harry Potter then Santa.


Itā€™s just moviesā€¦ my son is 5 years old and he knows that most movies are make belief if the movie is based on a true story I make sure to tell himā€¦

Wait Harry potter is make believe???


Always let them know real vs a fantasy. Its called pretend this should be explained early on.

Wait seriously?? How old is your child that they dont get every story isnt real? Im pretty sure i never had to teach my child thatā€¦thought it was something that comes naturally but maybe not.
If youre legit Id just tell her its make believe and she can still love it and still wish to go to Hogwarts(I know i do :smile:) but Harry Potter is just a story. A great awesome story; but a story nonetheless. Other than that idk momma


Let kids be kids, let them believe in magic as long as they can


Take them to Universal Orlando was fun


Take them to the theme park in the UK. Its probably as close as they will get, but its pretty close.

odd in school we were taught Fiction and non fiction wish they still taught this


What wrong with a little imagination?


They are fucking 9 years old seriouslyā€¦and you are worried about them getting made fun of for believing in something that makes them happy??? Some of you all still think you can love jesus and fucking be the biggest judgemental asshole in the world and ohhhh thats okay. But you canā€™t let the child believe in harry potter. LET THE CHILD BE A CHILD. In this world someone is gonna get at them for something. PERIOD. why donā€™t you try teaching them to love themselves and fuck what everyone else thinks because that will go a hell of alot further and be more fucking helpful.

Just explain to him its a movie series just like any other show and explain how some things are real and some things are make believe or for pretend

You explain how people can make up stories that get turned into films, books, plays for people to enjoy.


Just tell him itā€™s all bullshit. Just like my wife just told me there is no Santa and no Easter bunny

Well that explains why Iā€™ve been waiting 10 years for my letter.


My daughter dressed up as Rowena Raven claw for school yesterday. Today she was a death eater. :rofl: Keep the magic alive. They have so little to enjoy. She is 8.


I am still waiting for my letter to go


When they donā€™t show magical abilities they can just get told they are a muggle :woman_shrugging: hogwarts starts when they are 12 by then they will realize itā€™s not real. Everyone needs something to believe in :slight_smile:

Lorna Mae De BrĆŗn how will you do it

Iā€™m 27 and am still upset when sept 1st comes around and I didnā€™t get my letter :sob::joy:


Hmm. Maybe Iā€™m missing something, is it not okay to just say Hey baby, Harry Potter is not real. He is a character of an amazing writers imagination. But, you can still love him and everything he represents for you. Itā€™s what I did about Santa. And my son is just fine.


Iā€™m still waiting for my Hogwarts letter and am low key pissed it hasnā€™t arrived yet, and Iā€™m 32 with kids of my own that donā€™t get the big deal. Let your kids be kids, thereā€™s enough miserable bullshit in this world to try and make them grow up too fast :woman_shrugging:t2:


Is santa clause next on the list?


Waitā€¦ you mean to tell me i have been waiting all this time for my acceptance letter and its not even real. I have waisted my life!
But on a real note
Iā€™m 30 and my room is all harry potter. Iā€™m that kid that never outgrew it, and now my kids are obsessed. They play games, watch the movies. My girls even have outfits for each house. They are 11 and 8. My 6yr old son is convinced heā€™s a wizard lol. They have been to universal and saw the Wizarding world. Why not let kids believe? Let his imagination grow. My 11 yr old still believes in the idea ofSanta and im not about to tell her different. Thereā€™s so much going on in the world, I want them to live with some sense of imagination

You donā€™t. Let them believe as long as the can


Joy Oā€™Brien Vickkie Doyle Chloe Crean Tighe picked on x

Why would you do this to us!??? I have been waiting for my letter :frowning:

Wait ā€¦ what do you mean itā€™s not real? :flushed:

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. . .seriously? This has to be the silliest thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Just tell them itā€™s not real. I highly doubt theyā€™re stupid :roll_eyes:

Just tell her the truthšŸ¤£

At 6 they had the letter, a few years later ā€¦ 9? 10? ā€¦ they havenā€™t worked out that itā€™s not real? And youā€™re only considering them being picked on now??? :joy:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

Explain to them what pretend and make believe are! And juat tell tell them the truth! Soon Santa and the rest will follow.

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If your kid is older than six and hasnā€™t figured out the difference between real and pretend, something is wrong. You shouldnā€™t have a kid as old as eight still believing in Santa Claus. Sounds like youā€™ve lied to him and super spoiled him all his life and heā€™s gonna keep that ā€œbabyā€ mindset unless you do some damage control and stop lying to him.


This canā€™t be a real genuine question. Have they read the books? If not, explain books, and how books get turned into movies, and franchise, and show them possibly pop on some Lord of the Rings, and if they havenā€™t read the booksā€¦ Well read the books!


So hes about 8? Just tell him.

Good morning! Ok so my kids still believe in Santa. One is 10 and one is 4. I told them not everyone believes but if you believe you will receive. I even went as far as to go through all of the lists at Macyā€™s to find theirs and keep the belief alive. So I totally get preserving your childā€™s innocence. In this case you can just explain fiction and non fiction and that it was just a special invitation for those of us who arenā€™t muggles. Explain that itā€™s still cool to love HP and show them that thereā€™s an entire community of people who love the books and movies and even cosplay. That way you wonā€™t be taking it away just showing your sweet innocent a new way to play and believe. These other comments are awful and I feel sorry for their kidsā€™ lack of a childhoodā€¦

I really think these questions are made up by bots to acquire data for Elon Musk bailon mosque! Thereā€™s no other reason for these asinine questions.


Some of these comments are really harshā€¦ sheā€™s asking for help not to be judged on what a good or bad parent she isā€¦ Iā€™m sure most of us lied to our kid or kids about supper heros or some other make believe character in the pastā€¦ my son believed in spiderman until he was 8 years old my daughter believed in Santa until she was six years oldā€¦ point is we were all kids at one point in life and believed in somethings and took our own time in letting go of that beliefā€¦ every child is differentā€¦

How about you take them to Harry Potter World! Not sure where you are but thereā€™s a few around the world.
Show them the set and that itā€™s like when you play pretend!
We donā€™t know the childā€™s needs or experiences so canā€™t possibly assume anything. Even if the child believed until a little later, it doesnā€™t mean their development is hindered.
Itā€™s a good way to talk through feelings, including dealing with disappointment. They might be sad itā€™s not real, but can find joy in other ways.
Just show love, and be gentle!
You got this :rainbow::hugs:


Thereā€™s some ugly people in this group! My Gosh how pathetic to be so petty that you would attack this lady. If you donā€™t want to answer fine, but donā€™t disrespect her AND call her child a baby. He is 6!! Thatā€™s still a very young child and if he wants to believe in Harry Potter or Santa, big deal! Let your children be children as long as possible. The world is screwed up and theyā€™re going to see that soon enough. I have a intellectually disabled son who is 13 but he still believes in Santa and guess what? Heā€™s a great kid and by far NOT spoiled! Itā€™s absolutely disgusting that these so called parents want to bash other parents!! Itā€™s also sad that their children isnā€™t allowed to be children.

Maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s wrong with this world everyone has so much to say about CHILDREN believing in such things as Santa clause Harry Potter etc. let the children be children if they are healthy and in good health let them play. I would rather my kids play a make believe game then being stuck to YouTube gaming console etc. As I was a kid I believed until probably around the age 10 and I came out just fine better then a lot of other people Iā€™m not a drug addict I work take care of my kids and live what they call the all American dream. Little girls believe a Prince Charming will come swoop them off there feet no one telling them thatā€™s just belief. No wonder these kids now days are so bad I see how many grown ups donā€™t want to let there CHILDREN BE CHILDREN they want them to be adults at the age of six? let them play has anyone ever said imagination is wrong for a child???

How about just tell the truth.

Itā€™s ok to pretend. Iā€™m 74 and I still pretend. My neighbor comes in my apartment and canā€™t see me if Iā€™m wearing my dark terry cloth robe. I tell itā€™s my cloak of invisibility! The Harry Potter books have fired up the imagination of both kids and adults. Harry Potter is an archetype of a wizard. Archetypes are powerful psychological tools for changing consciousness

Just tell them the truth

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SMHā€¦I just canā€™t with this nonsense.


Let them be children. Truth is for most children they do know itā€™s make believe they just find it a nice escape from reality but canā€™t figure out how to explain that being only 6.

At 6 Iā€™m schools children are still encouraged to use imaginations chill out.


Iā€™m sorry but this has got to be a wind up. But if itā€™s not just grow a pair and sodding tell them Hogwarts ainā€™t real. Deal with it

Are you serious :face_with_monocle: please donā€™t have anymore kids


Watch some films with the same actors in as Harry Potter. You can then explain about how the actors make other films!

Ultimately though, Iā€™d say donā€™t stress- enjoy the innocence whilst you can. :two_hearts:


God all these terribly negative women! Why even be on this page if youā€™re not going to offer anything other than judgement? Get a grip!

Also- if you look into research done by child psychologists and SCIENTISTS, not bored, judgemental mothers; youā€™ll see that using their imagination is a crucial developmental milestone and so, so important for them! Every child is different- KUDOS to you for having children who love stories and LOVE TO READ!!! and when the time is right for them, a simple explanation of how stories like these were made to create imaginative universes to immerse ourselves in and to learn from; isnā€™t that the point of all literature? And maybe, just maybe youā€™ll be lucky enough to have kids that even at my age- still believe in the magical world of Harry Potter- and the art and literature that was created because of it. My husband and I LOVE Harry Potter- love to read, both grew up disappointed it wasnā€™t real, but always holding onto to magic it inspired within us.
Youā€™re doing GREAT! keep encouraging :slightly_smiling_face:

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Someone tell this you the religious leaders of the world,Christianity has been getting away with that bearded BS for ages.


I mean it depends, if his friends are all into it together then you could be cutting off the opportunities for socialising. However, he may already have worked it out and is just playing along with you because itā€™s something they perhaps enjoy doing with you :thinking: if it were me then I would wait until they were 10, shattering what someone loves as lies or ā€˜make beliefā€™, to me, is a big no.

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What is this blasphemy you are speaking of muggle?


Anna Pemberton Rebecca Bland

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My 3 years old loves Harry Potter we were in the barber last week when a little boy walked in wearing glasses :nerd_face: my son was so excited shouting at the top of his voice mummy look there is Harry Potter! Lol

This is why I donā€™t lie to my kids. They know Santa isnā€™t real, Easter bunny etc.

Let them enjoy the fantasy


Pack their things and send them off to hogweed land , see how long it takes them to come home

They will figure it out. Just like Santa and the Easter Bunny. Let them enjoy the fantasy.


Let them enjoy their fantasya, and imagination for a while befor they learn the world they live i sometimes.stinks really bad.


If youā€™re serious youā€™ve failed as a parent :joy:


Pleased with how horrible and hateful this world is and how hard itā€™s going to be whenever he does turn adult allow this child to believe that it is not going to hurt anything. Let your children be children stop making them grow up too quick. They will live a whole entire life full of rules and expectations. At least give him a good childhood.


Life is hard enough as it is. I say leave them be to be a kid while they can We all need a little magic in our lives now and again :hugs:


Who said its make believe??? Its news to me if it is. Iā€™ve seen them on the TV flying around on their brooms and doing spells, I mean you canā€™t more real than that

Abi James hate to tell you this way x

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What do you mean itā€™s not real :scream:


Let them believe what they want toā€¦ they will figure it outā€¦


Tell them theyā€™re definitely going and wheel them into the disappointment them self, early life lesson

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