How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

Tell him dumbledoor died and ‘you know who’ is back and the death eaters have taken over hogwarts and he’s not allowed to go and that if they’re naughty they’ll use the cruciatus curse on him and it’s hurts very badly

Play along right to the moment u take them to Kings cross station and they run full pelt at platform 9 3/4 and you can capture every glorious second of them hitting the floor :joy:
Great future wedding footage.


Surely make believe is already a concept they understand?!?

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Not until after they ram into the train plateform wall.


Gently teach about imagination.

I was told that “you must not tell lies”


Luke Roddison this will be our kids🤣

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Children in general csnt understand that movies and tv arent real until 8 or so. But 6 is too young for HP anyways.


No different than Santa they will figure it out!


Kristyn Guns Hinchliffe

Becki Takle you’d do this to your child :speak_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Just tell him when hes ready. When my oldest found out Santa was not real I said well if you don’t believe in magic that’s fine but we don’t ruin it for other people that still believe. We still to this day do the Santa thing and they are adults and (for the ones being party poopers) have no delusions on real and fake! And btw neither do I and I grew up believing in Santa and the Easter bunny etc. It’s all part of the fun let kids be kids they will figure it all out in the end. It’s all make believe but the magic and delight in a child’s eye about the magic is priceless. They have enough time in the world to do adult things and not believe in a simple thing like Santa or Harry Potter.

Eventually he will figure out. Kids are smart

Get them down to the station and have them run into a wall. They’ll figure it out themselves :joy:


Kids gunna have a very tough life if your having an issue with how to tell him HP aint real…


Lems Lemonheigh ffs this will be all the kids because of you!!!:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

How old is this child ? Had Harry potter birthday when they were 6…it’s now a ‘few’ years later :thinking::thinking:

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Show them the making of the movie

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Gabby Zanot-beard hate to break it to you mate


Charlie Bell this you? :rofl:

Take them to Universal Studios. Visit the Harry Potter sections as well as the other areas so that it’s all included in one experience, making sure they experience areas that they already know are make believe. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Don’t tell them! Lol let them be kids a little longer. Let them have their imagination and excitement. Yeah, they’ll find out one day and it might be hard on them but don’t take it away yet. Let them find out naturally.


Tanya Wearn you as a mum :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Brooke Mansfield is this you? :joy::joy:

Wait its not real. :frowning:

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I remember when my mom told me there was no fairy tales and no magic and no heroes. I was devastated :cry:and I held on to my belief. If not there is no magic in a sunrise or sunset. Or the sound of the waves crashing, so there is magic in the :earth_americas:

Do they still believe in Santa? Easter bunny ? Tooth fairy ?
Harry Potter is just another childhood fantasy. Leave them be. They grow out of these things in their own time.
Anyway…you dont go to Hogwarts till your 12yo…


Other than the flying … is it tho ? Lol


Elaine Ní Chiarba :arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up:
Sorry … not sorry

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Why tell them?…. I never told my kiddos that Santa wasn’t real. They would ask me if he was real and my reply every time was what ever you feel in your is what it is….
And that we have a responsibility to cherish and share the spirit from within our hearts.
The other kids would tell them that there was no such thing …. And they would come home and ask.

Stop sugar coating shit for kids omg they should of known better Its lack of common sense js. Mom just be blunt it’s fake lol not hard at all. Oh and my son’s now grown was a child when the first ones came out. Guess what at 9 he knew better . What makes you think they don’t know tho?

Rebecca Boyce some advice for years to come!

Take them to Harry Potter Land at Universal!

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Allow a child
To have a imagination who fucking cares if they believe it’s real
This world we live in is a hell hole
Maybe Harry Potter is their escape from reality there isn’t anything wrong with that :confused:
Plus Harry Potter is as real as you make it there is a entire theme park devoted to Harry Potter at universal studios
Magic my dear is real you just have to believe in it

you do it the same way you explain santa …the eater bunny and the tooth fairy …but i would bet he /she already knows

LOL good one. Next you will say dragons weren’t real. Seriously thou, less creapy then Santa. A stranger in a red suit that you ask gifts from and accept lollies or a balloon from. Or a bunny that lays chocolate eggs. Let them come up with their own stories. And that they need a parent present to have their wishes come true. So that have protection while they believe in make believe, keep the imagation alive.

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Ashley McVeigh Could you imagine if Charlie believed it!!

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U got to tell them. When my sister was younger she went into school saying she had seen santa because I dreamed I had seen him and told her I had… she got the piss taken out of her.

Let them find out on their own

Heidy Ozuna-Valdez reminded me of u​:joy::joy:

:thinking: ive spent years convincing my kids harry potter and magic is real… i may be parenting wrong… is their a manual or something??

dont lie to them to start with

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

Just tell them it’s not real. And that most movies arent real buts it’s okay to have an imagination.


I’m 30 and stillwaiting for my hogwarts letter :rofl:


Still waiting for my Hogwarts letter over here​:woman_shrugging:t3::joy:


Just straight out tell them it’s just a movie. I dont see that being detrimental to their overall well being

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Just explain most movies are make believe and that’s it’s great to have an imagination. I don’t think it’s gonna damage your child to realize Harry Potter isn’t real

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Idk I think it’s pretty impressive they still have that spark of believing in magic. One of my kids is 9 and I’m sure he knows we are Santa, but he doesn’t want us to know it.


It’s make believe??? Are you sure, have you been to Universal Studios??


Explain Fictional and non fictional books then get them a book and ask what kind of book it is. :grin: it’s like telling them but not crushing them.

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Few years later ? Just tell them they should know the difference between real and fake by now.


You dont you let them believe in magic as long as possible especially the way the world is!!!


I think about this often but not necessarily Harry Potter my son is 4.5 and LOVES all super heros. But then wants to know if one’s like groot are real… how can he be real “he’s a tree” in my son’s head. But superheroes make perfect sense lol just not sure when to end the excitement of believing in those characters I hoped to get to Disney and Universal and have him in awe to meet the characters but don’t wanna straight out lie and say they are real.

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You do not. Lol Harry Potter is like Santa. Let them believe In the magic as long as possible.


Go ahead and tell them Santa, the tooth fairy and Easter bunny aren’t real either.


Show the kids the behind the scenes of the movie making and the interviews with the actors to help explain that it’s not real.

Who says HP isn’t real? Lol j/k I thought a lot of things would/could never be reality lately and yet they are?! Let them be kids for as long as possible. Cross that bridge when u get to it momma :wink:

Wow just wow you want to break their spirit smh. If u tell your child Harry Potter is fake then you’re an a**hole Foreal. Let that child believe as long as he wants.


Why ruin the magic for them…

Just let them belive and leave them be… their children.

I’m 30 still waiting for my hogwarts letter, waiting till my daughter will actually sit and enjoy the movies, then when she turns 11, guess what she is getting delivered…


You don’t. Unless they don’t believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. LOL.

Harry Potter is real damnit!

Make Hogwarts at home for them. My friend and I did and we had a blast.

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They will figure it out on their own. Let them be kids and believe in magic. Kids are forced to grow up too quick .


It’s make believe for crying out loud. Let that child have an imagination and don’t ruin it for them.

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Let that baby believe in magic as long as it’s physically possible. The way this world is, kids need something to escape from their reality that they currently live in. My 8 year is OBSESSED with Harry Potter and he believes in all of that and I won’t tell him any different until he starts asking. So what if that makes him a nerd. He doesn’t get bullied for it at school either. Don’t take that away from that baby…:heart:


Surely they know their not going to hog warts… I’m guessing their friends will like Harry Potter. And their not all planning what chocolate frogs their going to eat on the train, and talking about which house their going to be, and wether their going to get a road or an owl. :flushed::flushed::flushed:

You dont. They figure it out themselves eventually it’s part of the magic x

My 10 year old is obsessed with grogu, Harry Potter, and other fictional characters. But then again she has known about Santa, tooth fairy, and whoever else since she was like 6. Shes known fake and real for a long time.

I see where your coming from with this. My daughter realized iron man wasn’t real in kindergarten whe we got her an Ironman costume and it didn’t have powers. When she asked why it didn’t work we told her because iron man is a superhero in a movie and that it was an actor playing a role. While it’s super cool, it wasn’t real life. I agree with you that kids may pick on your kid at school if he says HP is real. Kids can be mean. Harry Potter doesn’t need to be real to enjoy the magic and fun associated with it.

For the people being rude on here to this woman, when my daughter found out that Santa and the elf on the shelf were not real she was a little bit mad at us for what she felt was “lying to her”. She isn’t wrong to be miffed. I get the belief in magic being important, but if this is one of the earliest lessons we teach our kids in trust and honesty, are we really doing them any favors?

This is a tough one. if you ever have the opportunity to go to universal studios Harry potter world i highly suggest its! super cool

This is a real question, that’s great.

Never tell! Sheesh :roll_eyes: I let my oldest daughter believe in Santa until she was 12 then some mean kids in school laughed at her and told her he wasn’t real :woman_facepalming: I am a don’t ruin the magic kinda mom. Let them be little and believe as long as possible. They’ll eventually know but it is what it is ya know then you can explain if they ask.

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You don’t. “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.”


My grown adult children grew up on HP! Everything is about HP. Leave it alone!


Once they read all the books they’ll know the letter wasn’t real because they were too young to get the letter at age 6.

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You go to Disney and show them Hogwarts! If you can’t do it by that magical 11th birthday, show them the theme park and start saving to go as a family <3

My daughter is 10 and knows it’s make believe she still dreams about going to hogwarts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: sometimes magic is just that magic it doesn’t hurt to believe a little that there are fantastical things out there

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Me and my best friend group still give Harry Potter gifts to each other every Christmas and we’re 30. :rofl: All of our kids love Harry Potter and go around with wands. They’ll figure it out eventually, but I’d let them enjoy the magic.

I’ve always told my kids that most shows & movies are fake. I’ve pointed out that certain things aren’t possible & it’s all “TV tricks”, exaggeration or imagination. I’ve got kids that live in the now. They don’t expect the unrealistic.

They’re not supposed to get at acceptance letter at age 6. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


If you can afford to, take them to Hogwarts at Universal! It’s pretty magical there.


They are going where? Are we talking one child or more? And how old is this child now?

Harry potter is not make believe you filthy mudblood!


U don’t let them b kids

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Show them nothing flies if they say a spell.

I’m 29 I love Harry Potter Doesn’t matter what age there are still people that believe in unicorns are real let them be kids

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My son actually wanted glasses…I took him to get his eyes checked perfect vision…I got him glasses with just glass no prescription…he wore them 3 days…he realized he wasn’t that much of a fan after all

Young one they will figure it out. Childhood is so brief - you know that now remembering yours - right- let them enjoy it sweetie.

You should have let your kids know already that Harry Potter isn’t real. My daughter is 7 and had known for a long time its not real. I’m gonna assume the kid is like 10. Tell them now before they start talking to kids at school like Harry Potter is real


Um… I’m 26 and still waiting on my acceptance letter!

How dare you crush my wizard dreams, you muggle​:expressionless::rofl:


They will figure it out

Look. I’m an HP fan through and through. I love the magic in it.
But even as a kid I knew it wasn’t “real”.
My family made sure I knew the difference.
And that’s important.
The thing is adults may joke around about how it’s real, but kids trust adults to be honest. They fully believe that when we say something is real it is and will for sometimes years beyond the norm.
So if you told your child she’s a witch and going to Hogwarts that’s what she believed…and as you’ve said…still believes Especially if you’ve never say her down and had the fiction verses non fiction discussion.

From your post I’m guessing your child is at least 8/9. It’s way past time to have the real verses fake conversation with her.

It’s not just about getting made fun of. If she makes every decision based on the fact that she thinks she’s going to Hogwarts it could really screw her up and it’ll get worse as she gets older.


Girl, I’m still waiting on my acceptance letter and I’m 31. It’s just like Santa and the Easter bunny… they’ll figure it out when it’s appropriate. Don’t crush your babe’s hopes and dreams.

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Lol tell them the train is currently out of service till further notice. Then they won’t be expecting to go.

Kids believe in santa, tooth fairy ,Easter bunny… let them have their imagination while they still can … but make sure they don’t harm themselves by trying to fly… lol. My sister thought she could be Mary Poppins and jumped off the roof of our house with an umbrella …thank God it wasn’t a 2 story home. Lol she learned but it could have been prevented.


I still love harry Potter and I’m almost 28. Please don’t crush her dreams by just flat out saying it. If you already let her have a fb (since we don’t know her age) let her join kid friendly harry Potter pages or groups. She’ll understand that it’s just a made up world and such on her own. But there’s nothing wrong with liking something that’s not real. Support her dreams.


They will figure it out judt like the tooth fairy and Santa

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Sorry I can’t get past the fact that you gave your child an acceptance letter at 6 years old that is ridiculous nobody goes to Hogwarts at 6 years old… Only a muggle would make that mistake…


Let her keep her innocence wtf


Poor kid lol in still waiting for my letter too!!!
If you feel you should then tell the kid the truth. But keep the magic alive as long as possible. You’ll never get that back.