How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

Man, wish it was real. I would defintaly let them know if you think they may get teased because of it.

You don’t. Harry Potter is a lot more than the books and Movies.

Don’t be that person


Don’t. Eventually they will discover that Harry Potter isn’t real but why spoil that for your kid!? Is it that necessary do you have to tell him that it’s not real? You’re more worried about him getting picked on then teaching him how to be strong when another kid wants to be a jerk? Did you go to other parents about how to tell your kids about Santa LMAO

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Kind of weird to me. All my kids know movies aren’t real, I dont think I could ever play into a movie like that being real.
But maybe have them watch the bonus features about how the movie was made and they’ll figure it out


Some of the women on here still think their man gonna change. Sometimes it’s fun to make believe :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming::joy:


Wow if your keep this up he will need therapy give him facts teach him to only follow facts not opinion


Sit down and talk to them??

Im wearing a shirt right now that says
“I never received my letter to Hogwarts so now I save lives”

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Do people not want their children to stay kids anymore ?


whaaaaaat? I’m that weird kid and now adult still waiting for my hogwarts letter. lol


You don’t. Let your child be a child. They grow up so fast as it is. Don’t ruin their innocence. He/she will eventually figure it out on their own. Unless it’s detrimental to their health or safety of course.


Let your child enjoy it. They are quite young. Kids believe in Santa and the Easter bunny. There isn’t a problem believing Harry Potter is a real person. It won’t be long before your child grows up and you’ll be wishing they were that cute little innocent child again. Some kids’ imagination starts to wear thin and they start to understand the reality of things.

Wait, you saying HOGWARTS ISNT REAL?! guess you gonna say santa, easter Bunny, tooth fairy ain’t real


They will figure it out.

Although the acceptance letters are given to 11 year olds. Lol there is nothing wrong with liking HP, I’m going to be 27 this year and still love it.


Why not just send your child. I mean a good education in magic can’t do any harm? :rofl::rofl:


I’m almost 30 and still waiting on my acceptance letter :joy:… let children be children for as long as they can :heart:

They may already know and not said anything. My daughter knew Santa was not real for 3 years and said nothing about it.

Let them believe it! I’ll never tell my kids that the paper Mills smoke stacks aren’t really cloud makers. Let life be fun!!

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Write them a letter saying Hogwarts is permanently closed due to covid 19 outbreak

Embrace it. Now hear me out, start saving money, as much as you can. Let them believe it, it’s likely that deep down they know it’s false but that childhood hope keeps them positive and enjoying life. And life SUCKS. So don’t take that away man. Now back to the moneys, save as much as possible and get close to several thousand. Then, when someone has the AUDACITY to try and destroy your babies dreams, TAKE THEM TO HARRY POTTER WORLD BC THEY DESERVE IT :heart:

My kid (7) is already getting bullied and isn’t a Harry Potter nerd, wanna know how to help? Tell the truth that kids like that are Aholes and not worthy of their attention. And a left hook is best, they won’t see it coming (if it ever get physical, hopefully it doesnt).


Oh I wouldn’t. I still have a part of me that believes it’s real at 24 years old even though I know it’s not and I still wanna go. Let them believe in the magic. Take them to the Harry Potter thing at universal studios I think is where it is

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Why ruin the magic ?


I don’t think you give your kids enough credit. I am pretty sure that they will figure it out when they find out Santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy aren’t real either.


So you’re telling me the reason I never got accepted is because it isn’t real? :sob: I thought there was a delay because of covid. :sneezing_face:


If they’re 12, you just tell them.
If they’re 7, you can play make believe with it. Imagination is a great thing.


When will we stop teaching our children to care what others think, and instead teach them how to stay their authentic selves? Fuck those other kids. I bet some of them still believe in Santa too.

How about you keep your trap shut​:rofl::rofl:


Why not just tell them.

Show them other movies with the Harry Potter characters in them and maybe they’ll just realize it on their own?


Don’t ruin the magic :skull:


Im 42 and I know it’s not real but that doesn’t mean I don’t check the mail everyday for my acceptance letter! Lol! Let them figure it out on their own. Don’t ruin the magic now! Maybe he/she will recruit new potter heads in school!


Dont you dare say anything to him!!! Im 30 years old and still waiting for my letter…I think the owl just got lost!!!


I’m 31, and still waiting to go home…


“Just because something is in your head, why should that mean its not real?”


I don’t think it will hurt them either way. They will eventually catch on just like with Santa… tell them or don’t, it’s completely up to you.

As a side note, my last name is McGonigle so I’m always having HP fans acting a little giddy over it lol


Omfg let them enjoy it while they still have the innocence and imagination to do so :person_facepalming:

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My kid just got into 6th grade, 11-12 yr old, there are PLENTY of Potter fans in elementary and jr high so don’t worry about your child being picked on for that! They will realize what’s real and not in their own time. No reason to ruin that excitement and magic just quite yet!
Best of luck

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Seriously… did they figure it out about Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc or did you kill that too?!

Tell them you couldn’t afford the tuition.


Just tell them. No one has ever agreed with mybhusnand and I for being honest with our kids but we’ve always been honest abt it all. Santa and the works. I hated being lied to only to feel like an idiot when my friends told me the truth so I didn’t do that to my kids and they aren’t any worse for the wear and their childhood isn’t affected. Be honest. Gently but honest


My 7 year old tells everyone hes a youtuber and friends with other youtubers. Dont crush their light, let them be the imaginative kids they are


You keep your mouth shut :sob:


“Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?” Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry’s ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure. “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
I think you can find a way to explain that it’s a story, just like the Lion King or Toy Story. I’m sure he realizes animals don’t talk and that some of the things he watches are make believe. So he can understand that the story is make believe. But you don’t have to squash everything. Let him believe there’s still magic in the world around him. There are things science can’t explain and if he still believes in Santa, tooth fairy, etc, then he still believes in magic. So while Harry Potter is just a character, that doesn’t mean that magic doesn’t exist out there. I’m convinced reading is magic because at some point the words fall away and you start seeing the story in your head. So if you approach it from that angle he might be sad that he can’t go to Hogwarts (aren’t we all though?) but he’ll still have something to believe in, and at 6 years old I still think seeing magic in the world is important


Wait…Harry Potter isn’t real???
Seriously though, let them enjoy the magic. If he starts asking questions, then you can explain to them…gently that it may not be real, but that it’s okay for him to still enjoy the magic of Harry Potter. I’m 36 and love me some HP!


Wait… It’s not real? :worried:


Just let them be. Dont fix a problem that hasn’t even happened yet.

Now if your child comes home and says 10 kids were picking on him telling him Harry Potter is make believe, thats a different story, but I wouldn’t soak the inside of my house because there might be a fire later.


I tell my kids, the world and galaxy is SO big… how do we know it’s not real?! Maybe not around here… but Noone can ever tell you it FOR SURE isn’t somewhere.
I’m still dead set that Cybertron is real…out there in the galaxy somewhere and one day I might get to meet bumblebee :rofl::woman_shrugging:


Let them believe for as long as they can. In all the things. We only get to be children for a very short amount of time. Then comes the soul crushing reality of life. Let them enjoy the magic of imagination and make believe.

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Take them to the wizard of world of hp, buy them a wand, and let them know that this is real as it can get without closing your eyes and going to sleep. My mom if that for me with sesame place and Elmo. It worked for me.


Don’t kill his magic. It’s fade fast enough on its own.


Im 23 and I still love harry potter as if its real. LET THE KID BELIEVE IN MAGIC :sob::heart:


You don’t… ill be 30 in March and I’m a true hufflepuff to the core :yellow_heart: kill your own dreams im patiently waiting to go see hogwarts at Universal … let people have some fantasy and fun in life .


I’m 1 month shy of 26.
I’m still waiting on my letter. I’m just a muggle in a HOGWARTS world :heart: sorry I got no good advice. The Harry Potter love lives strong here.


How about you let your child enjoy magic…

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I’m still waiting for my letter!

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Harry Potter has been magical for my 3 & 5 yr old. They believe 100%.
I couldn’t break their little hearts.
When I hear of Harry Potter I always think of their faces, the twinkle of magic in their eyes the very first time they watched it.
Don’t break his little heart, he’ll find out soon enough :heart:
My little one (3) is obsessed with Cars & thinks cars can talk. He will talk to a car, full conversations to no reply but completely fulfilled by it :heart::heart:


Let them believe, they will figure it out on their own time.

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Let them watch the new beauty and beast— they will see Emma Watson as Belle and you can explain then that Hermoine is just a character she plays… it’s just a movie


Why do you want to take the sense of wonder away from them?


Umm I’m almost 23 yrs old and the nursery I’m currently working on is Harry Potter I paid to have the castle painted in my room and it gives me the comfort and peace of mind that reality it that of perception.
Use it to teach them at home should be safe and comfort and warmth use it to teach them that there are bad people in the world and you have to fight the demons that try to convert you


How about you just don’t do that at all… they will find their own circle of like minded children.


This is why I don’t lie to my kid, even for fun. :sweat_smile:

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Wait?!!! Harry Potter is make believe!!! :sob::sob:


This world is pretty dull, shitty and magickless. Don’t take it away

But Harry Potter is real …

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Do what I did with my own Potterhead: In order to not expose ourselves to Muggles, we continue to go to Muggle School, but the teachers are from Hogwarts and are disguised as Muggles, you must never tell or the Ministry of Magic will show up and replace them with Muggle teachers. His 6th grade teacher was also a Potterhead and LOVED the idea… went right along with it.


Why would you ever want to tell your kid that something make believe is not real especially something like Harry Potter where people in their forties still believe it’s real it’s called imagination

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My 3yo great grandson was scared of monsters,I told him I threw there in the river, so now everytime he crosses the river he tells everyone that mamaw threw the monsters in the river,


Kiley ! Reminds me of Fe putting a spell on his daddy, LOL!

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A lot of kids and adults believe in Harry Potter and what the universe teaches. I wouldn’t say anything and destroy their love. They’re what, 9? They probably know that it’s just a story but they can experience the magic through the books and movies.


Why would you ever let it get that far? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I tell my kids Santa won’t bring them presents :gift: if they don’t behave they say to me stop it mommy wen know you guys bring them Santa is fake :face_with_raised_eyebrow::rofl:

Introduce your kids to another book

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Dose your child still mention it? If so maybe say that only people who are going are allowed to know, and not to tell there friends or something. That way they can still belive but not get made fun of.

You dont. Think of it as Santa, let them keep the spirit

Read them the books.

Wait uuntil their 13th birthday and dress up like Hagrid and take them to the nearest train station and have them run into a wall… When It doesnt work tell them they have been locked out.


Your kids get made fun of for liking harry potter and I will personally round house them mother fuckers😅

“let’s make a fake story just like Harry potter!” “I’ll start. there was once a little fairy she was the nicest fairy in aaall the lands.” “did you know the writer of Harry Potter thought about putting fairys in but exchanged it for a unicorn instead. a good fake story teller has to make sacrifices sometimes”

Your just evil… :rofl:

Harry Potter is real!
I’m 30 & still believe.
Favorite movies ever! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Guess you don’t have an imagination!


You don’t.

Hogwarts is home.


Harry Potter is real!

Aww I was this kid lol

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I am 30 and Love Harry Potter

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Dont ruin their childhood or Imagination. All kids believe in something. I have to laugh at these comments because my sister is 51 and when we went to Disney for our family trip she asked our mom if we could do Universal this time as well. I was never into HP but she certainly was and to see it all thru her eyes at 51 was amazing. Let kids and adults be themselves there’s nothing wrong with it. Good luck to you all.

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Im 33 love Harry Potter

You should explain to them that while the characters from the Harry Potter series are all fictional but magic is still real. And it’s okay to believe in things that you can’t see.


Harry Potter was an abused and neglected child. He was consistently locked in a closet under the stairs and never given food to eat. His mind made the wizardry world to get away from the world he was in. So, you can use it to teach them the truth about Harry Potter. Pending their age, of course. As there are real children that go through this everyday.


It’s been years and they still don’t know :joy:

Do they know Santa is fake and the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy and and and…

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Santa, tooth fairy easter bunny or HP…
All create imagination creation and wonder plus so much more!
School is tricky when kids views/teachings are different. Still not wrong just different.
I kept it all alive til double digits🤗
Their love and trust is usually enough to get them through outside influences. If that makes sense. He will love you more for it! It is a struggle but well worth it! Guard your heart and feelings and try to listen to them!
My kids(7) started looking at me funny by double digits​:laughing: youngest is 9… her bubble was burst around 7-8 by her older brothers and outside influences. She still holds on to belief and is waiting til shes ten to stop believing lol!:laughing:
All the best mummah!
You Rok!:purple_heart:


Why would you do such a thing?? :pleading_face::flushed: Let that little imagination flow as long as possible mama!! :wink: I’m 30 years old and still am in love with harry Potter !!! My Kids loooove when I do my Hermione voice!!! We really get a kick out of it :grin: :wink: just go with the flowww my 2 Biggs (two 11 yr olds) definitely know Santa is not real or the “tooth fairy” but they wouldn’t dare mess any of that up for the littles (5 & 7 yrs old) being a kid is awesome & growing up sucks!!!

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Don’t. If they come to you then you discuss it. You don’t actively destroy hope and creams in anyone.

Let them be kids, they will eventually figure it out on their own. DONT RUIN THE MAGIC.

We’ve been saving a letter for our son since he was born and he will get it when he’s 11 haha


If they have seen the movies they should know it’s not real and if they don’t then it’s past time to explain movies are made with actors and actresses and not real. Let them pretend they are going if they wish that’s why they call it pretend


How have you kept the movies away for so long?

Good lord. Children end up on tik tok snap chat fb Instagram and chanting rap lyrics in leggings and crops and if male with pants around their ankles trying to be thugging adults picking each other up. And you’re worried your child is still behaving their age with an imagination? You are LUCKY. While I understand they may get made fun of for being out there and it may inhibit social awkwardness. I’d give anything for a child these days to be in this mindset. To be honest it could be a coping mechanism to something between peers but likely your child is innocent which is rare. How sad that can’t be appreciated.


Why do u need to tell them at all?


Is this just for shts and gigs? :joy:

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

Take him to the book store and guide him toward the Harry Potter collection. Then start a conversation about “fantasy stories” and how movies make them seem so real. Power of imagination! Add in that it is a sign of a healthy brain.