How do I tell my child that Harry Potter is make believe?

my 8 year old just asked me if the tooth fairy was real because a classmate told her it was her parents so i finally broke down but then she said so……is santa real? i was like OF COURSE! maybe i’m a terrible example though lol :joy: i just want my baby to believe in all the magic and wonderful things wile she can


Please don’t tell them. They sre children an need make believe/pretend at their young age. They will grow up and learn about the magic of Santa, the tooth fairy, Easter Bunny and Harry Potter in tome. Until then please let the make believe.


I told my grandson’s hp is just a movie during the first movie. It didn’t damper their enthusiasm any. We talked about how smart the art department was with all the props used and how Harry always did the right thing, etc. I never told them witch craft was real or any other untruths. But each parent to his own.


Let them believe. The truth will dawn on them soon enough. Let them look for magic and miracles wherever they can.


My 9 yr old is fully convinced that unicorns will exsist AGAIN one day in our dimension.
Can’t argue with that logic, so I just say, well maybe you’re right. :person_shrugging: Either shes gonna grow up and realize it, or shes gonna grow up and find a unicorn dimension.


You don’t state how old your child is now, but with so much pain, heartache, and trauma in the world , let your child believe for every moment they can. They will figure it out on their own. There is also a chance your child already knows but still wants to, and enjoys in believeing.


I never believe in lying to my kids .I was a single mom to 3 now adult kids and no way Am I going to let some fiction somebody take credit for my hard labour .Plus I want to teach them to be truthful and later they find out I’ve been telling them lies all there life .No Santa clause no toot fairies not Harry potter etc.They still enjoy and have fun with the fiction characters .A bunny that lay eggs ? Come on .


What surprises me is that your children would even believe that Harry Potter is real. Wouldn’t they have heard of Hogwarts or have some of their friends leave four a witch and wizardry school when they turned 11 by now if they actually thought it was real


Does he still believe in Santa? Same thing in time they’ll figure it out…


Coming from a stone cold Potterhead… don’t. What does it hurt if they believe they’re a witch/wizard and believe magic exists? They’ll figure it out eventually, but if HP is what brings them comfort in this wild crazy world, don’t take it from them.


Hogwarts is real duh im 21 walking around pretending im a wizard with sticks its not something to be bullied about its pretty cool


Take them to universal studios


Tell them the complete truth. Every parent makes mistakes and tell them you should have told them before . I have found that when I admitted my mistakes to my 4 children, they are very quick to forgive. If we show them that we are human and make mistakes, then it opens the door for honest communication now and later on as they get older. Children can handle the truth more than lies . Developing Trust is so important.

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Well first off you don’t get your acceptance letter til you’re 11 so you messed up! Lol but for real. If you don’t want to completely ruin the magic, maybe introduce a new fictional character and then they can compare and make their own choice

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I still believe in Fairies… and I’m 53 … but seriously… he’ll figure it out. Don’t stress. It’s all part of growing up…

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Do not tell them let them believe in it they will know that it’s not real as time goes on. I read it when I was young and I still believe in it and I’m 31.


Now you’ve gone and spoiled it for me. At 75 I still think Harry Potter is real. He lives in your imagination. When I read the people in the book become real. I can get so absorbed into a book I can almost smell the flowers or rain or whatever is being described in the book. It’s real if you want it to be.

They figure it out on their own but life with magic is sweeter. I never told my son about Santa’s not being real and at 26 he still gets a santa letter.

Let it be….my son thought wrestling was real! He is 40 now and a wonderful man. We all need to believe this world is magical

Start with using him or her, not them for one person. It’s a good way to start distinguishing real from fantasy.

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I am still waiting acceptance letter to Hogwarts and I am over 50.

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Just tell him, like father Christmas he will cop on like the rest of is when he is older.

Just tell them the school is permanently closed, due to the witches brew. :slight_smile:
It’s okay for a kid to think something is real, do you have that same energy when it comes to Santa Claus, or the Easter bunny?
Yea he’s older, instead of having him stop what he loves due to others possibly bullying him, why don’t you try to teach others not to bully because of someone’s high interests.

I would explain fiction to them. Use another example from a book or movie and then let them know that everything they read or see isn’t real it’s entertainment. My Mom explained it early on and I understood. It might still be an issue if their heart was set on going. They may be upset but it’s better for them to know.

With all they have experienced in the last two years let them believe and go on with imagination as long as they can.

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Others really can’t tell you when is the right time to tell them HP is fantasy fiction. If they are overly obsessed with all things HP, I would first discuss fiction with them (they should know the difference by now from lessons at school). Then I would talk about historical fiction (stories based on things that really or could’ve happened) and fantasy fiction. They probably don’t believe in Aladdin or Little Mermaid.


Kids have a way of figuring things out for themselves as they grow. I’ll use myself as an example. I believed in Santa Claus. I also grew up in the Cold War era. I was exposed to adult themed news and current events. Somewhere along the way, my child’s mind thought “If there is a Santa Claus and flying reindeer, how come he hasn’t been shot down or shot at by the Soviet, Chinese, or North Korean Communists?” As I said, current events, politics and everything was openly discussed in front of me by the adults. Anyway, I eventually realized that Santa Claus was a children’s story/myth. Life has a way of replacing one thing with another when one grows out of it. Shortly after I concluded that there was no Santa Claus, the Beatles arrived in America, and in no time it was “Santa who?”

Sit down with them, and let them watch the you tube videos of making the film x

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pretty sure the kid is playing along…

6 is too young for HP. He can’t tell real from fiction.

Let him still believe this world is horrible right now. He will figure it out on his own don’t kill that magic yet.

I always tell my Son this is only in the movies

They will figure it out, just like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Just open your mouth and say Harry Potter is not real he is just a story character

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Roy Rogers was a real cowboy but that Superman wasn’t at 9 years old

I am pretty sure they can already figure that out if they are 8-9 years old. It is rather like when we figure out the reality of Santa. It is a rite of passage towards maturity. They will tell you. Meanwhile, talk about the difference between reality and fantasy. Their teachers have been doing it since Kinder. They will figure it out soon enough but they probably already know.

Well, truth is needed. Age can affect how we process it.

The same way they find out you lied about the Tooth Fairy and Santa.

How old and don’t tell if he still believes in Santa the world is ugly now let him have this

I would never have let them. Believe was real ever just saying. Ut guess already passed that point

Depends on what the acceptance letter said as far as timeline.

Depending on the age, let them “accidentally” find the xmas presents that Santa will put under the tree on xmas morning. They will figure it out

Do you still think they really believe and don’t realize it’s a story?

Explain fiction and non-fiction books. Some people like to write about pretend stories and characters in their minds, some like to write about facts.

Let him still believe in magic he realized it on his own one day

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Let them figure it out on their own time.


6 years old. They know

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Please Dont tell them…seriously they will know soon enough…just like santa and the easter bunny. They will find out eventually…let them believe!!

Don’t he will find out. Let him be a kid

Heck there are ADULTS who think Harry Potter is real… let him keep believing. Life is full of magical moments. Don’t take that away from him.


I always say to remember it is just a movie.

Let your child figure it out

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" Harry Potter is such a great story isn’t it? But that’s all it is…a story. It’s make believe. There are no witches and warlocks like that. It is just a story like cartoons. Or a video game… Snap out of it.":rofl:

Why in gods name has everything become so difficult🤦🏻‍♀️kids have believed in make believe characters beginning of time.As they grow older they realize what it was just like to Santa Claus and the Easter bunny for gods sake stop making everything such a big deal for children just let them be kids🤦🏻‍♀️

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I’m sure they’ll figure it out in time


Lady! They will figure it out.

They find these things out. Always. And it is ok. Even getting teased a little will ok. That happens too. A child cant live in a bubble. Life is real. It doesnt have to be terrible and ugly and sordid, please shelter your child from ugly. But every day isnt a rainbow and finding out what fiction is and a bit of being teased isnt a catastrophe. Itll be ok.

Same way and time you reveal the truth about Santa and the tooth fairy. Not such a hard decision… just the timing, different for every kid.

He’ll figure it out in time, I’m sure. But does he still believe in Santa & the Easter Bunny?

My kids are littles and know it’s fake lol

Um…tell them it’s not real :roll_eyes:

This is a joke right?

Melinda Pettingill you should probably take this question.

Tell Kayda Mcneely Ashley Rogers Taddy :laughing:

Lol. They already know

Wait what. He’s not real?

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SMH…I just can’t with this nonsense.


I thought it was real until i was like 12 yes its upsetting but you can tell them thats its not real but i would just let them.find out on there own dont be the one to take the fun away

Act casual about it, people know its not real and still get to enjoy it and the “culture” thats come of it at times if he’d like. Kids play pretend all the time.

Just say it. He’s a make believe fake. It’s not real. It’s easy

Show him the behind the scenes on how they make the movie!!

Omg… these questions you guys post sometimes, feel like they are make believe :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Why ruin the joy of childhood? They only get it for so long

same way you tell him their is no santa

you don’t … He’ll come too realise sooner or later😂
But for now don’t break that joy of his beliefs he or she is still young living the dream (Won’t be for long) .
Who cares what other kids think … Teach them that.

Jessica Dotson :joy: i’m upset it’s not real too

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I’m 31 and still belive in Harry Potter :rofl::rofl:

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Don’t be a muggle! Let kids believe!

I’m 31 and still believe Harry Potter is real :joy::joy::joy: don’t ruin the magic woman :rofl::rofl:


Might as well tell them about Santa too

Should not have let them believe a lie to start with

How about Harry Potter is fake. Just another story.