How do I tell my mom she needs to move out?

My mom moved here from Tennessee because she lost her job, she said she’d only be here a few months, but it’s been since April and I’m about to have my second child and I’m running out of room now that she’s here. She doesn’t respect any of mine or my fiancé’s rules, she has always been a toxic person in my life but I thought things had changed since she moved but now that she’s back here in my life and I’m my house things are even worse than when I was growing up. I need her to leave for mine and my fiancé’s mental health but she still isn’t working and doesn’t really have anywhere to go except maybe my brothers house… how do I tell her she needs to move?

Be honest. I would say you’re running out space and you’re giving her x amount of time to find somewhere else. Bring it up calmly, and at a time where if she wants to talk about you have time. I would just say that to begin with to avoid a even bigger situation, but if she wants to get into it then I would bring up how she doesn’t follow rules either. It’s your house so she can’t really do anything

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I tell my mom she needs to move out?

“We are ready to have our living space back to just us, as we want some time alone before our baby comes. You have 30 days to find new living arrangements.”

If you want to go down the rabbit hole about all the issues you have with her, fine, but I’d suggest taking the “my home my rules” type stance and just saying “this is what we want, and I expect you as an adult to respect our wishes”.

Help her find housing and send her job listings. Get your brother involved. Caring for parents should not be all on one sibling’s shoulders when others are capable.


Maybe it’s time brother steps up! Talk to bro and let him know you need your space mentally and physically since the new baby is coming. Give her a date and don’t back down!!!


Need the bedroom for the baby. :person_shrugging: I’d suggest answering questions but not volunteer information. If it starts getting disrespectful I’d suggest having to run an errand to let the situation calm down a bit.

Exactly how you jus did straight to the point no sugar coat


Just tell her point blank. If that sounds harsh, I’m sorry but there’s really only one way to do it in my opinion. Just be honest.


Give her a move out by date.


Send her to your brothers. Have him talk with her.


Sit her down and just say you have 30 days to leave . Explain again to her about respecting your boundaries etc…

I second helping her get in government housing.

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Help her get in government housing.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I tell my mom she needs to move out?

Unfortunately children come first and I would kindly tell her that yoir child needs the room and she got to go you can visit but you can’t stay here anymore sorry


Straight up, tell her she needs to move… Rip the band-aid off


I can’t deal with confrontation so this would be my plan.

When she is out I would pack up all her things, and have them at the front door.

I would have a painter in the room.

You’re redecorating and she needs to go elsewhere :smile:.

Especially as she is toxic there will be a confrontation, so anyway to minimise that especially in front of company it might reduce it :smile:


I would reach out to brother and get him on board. Then maybe the both of you talk to her. Let her know you need space for the newborn and brother says you can stay with him until you find a job.


I would say that you need to start getting the room ready for baby and that she will need to see if she can stay with your brother.


Explain it her just like you explained it to us… be firm yet compassionate. Give her a reasonable goal to be out and stick to it. Advise your brother what is going on so he is not blindsided…


Personally wouldnt have allowed her to move in. She’s an adult and shouldn’t need to be told she’s outstanding her welcome. Just tell her you need her gone. Dont let her guilt trip you…


You just have to tell her. She wouldn’t think twice about telling you.


First look up how to evict someone but I would Give her a 30 60 or 90 day notice depending on your state IN WRITING EMAIL IT TEXT IT AND HAND DELIVER do all that so when shit hits the fan and it goes to court You are in the right

Tell her she needs to find employment and an apartment as your busting at the seams and would like each child to have their own room.

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Bye mom you have to go. …

Just tell her with love that she needs to move on . She is old enough to work things out for herself. Life is too short to be unhappy especially in your own home .

Your Mom is an adult and you are under no obligation to allow her to live with you. She has had plenty of time to save for a place of her own. I would sit her down and be straight with her. Your children come first.


Serve her with a 30 day notice by law.


Well communicating the problems she is creating would be a good start. I would also tell her that your family is growing so you need the space for them.

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Really??? This comment to all comments that says kick her out she is adult :woman_facepalming:t2: . I grown up here but I did have healthy culture within my family. I am not sure what kind culture all of you have. But in my family we help each other, we never say I don’t have room, because house is just 4 walls, and if your heart is big then there’s room everywhere. We use to live in 1 bedroom house 6 of us. When I say 1 bedroom I mean just living room, in Russia. And it was never small. For god sick she is your mother, she lost her figure for you, she had worse pain to bring you to this world, she had sleepless nights, etc… you just name it. Maybe help her to stand up back to his feet’s, she helped you


You gotta evict her sorry. Legally she’s claimed your place as a residence n your hands are tied in the end. That’s what ppl do not understand if someone stays at your place longer than 30 days they have claimed legal residence. You can tell her to move out but I can guarantee it that’s not going to work n oh yes if she’s toxic she’s going to play victim


Just come out and say mom get a job it’s time.

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Drive her over to your Brother house, an her clothes,an drop her OFF there.


Don’t let your family ruin your FAMILY!!


Shouldn’t have let her move in. You have a family of your own and you knew it would affect it some day.

Tell her. Flat out. Ypu don’t respect my wishes aren’t working. I’m uncertain you’ve even tried finding a job you need to leave.


You just tell her. Give her a proper 30 day notice, and set FIRM unbreakable boundaries.


Tell her but if she is that toxic then just serve her with legal eviction papers


I’d tell her she has one month and I’m changing the locks regardless of if she has her stuff out or somewhere to go. Shes had almost 6 months to figure something out but she hasn’t. Seems to me like shes just using you

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You should have established rules before she moved in. If a job was required, what she will pay each month, what chores she’ll do, how long she can stay, etc. I can only assume she isn’t contributing financially and that’s sad that anyone would sponge off family for that long.


You just need to talk to her… of course you should try to be nice and respectful bc she is your mom…just let her know how you’re feeling and that her moving on is important for your family because honestly that’s what matters, it’s not about your mom or your brothers and sisters … your family is what you’re creating and you shouldn’t feel bad about putting your family first… If your mom can’t understand that then throw the respect out the window and just tell her she’s gotta go…

Talk to her first but if that doesn’t go well then with you being pregnant go to the courts and see if they can do emergency evictions because you’re in fear of your safety and your babies because of what she’s doing.
My POS cousin got a 14 day eviction notice because he was always threatening the landlords and being a menace so they said they were in fear and boom he had 2 weeks to leave.

You need to tell her asap so she has a legal amount of time to get her stuff together and find a place. I typically wouldn’t agree with kicking out per say but explain its crunch time and she needs to go. Sorry thay I has t always worked out well between yoh that’s never a good time. I’ve been there so I know how you feel. Be patient vut definitely make sure you’ve give. A notice with at least the 30 days to find a new place bu law she lives there and you gotta do thr eviction correctly or it will come back on you

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Once you let someone in for free they never will leave.


Personally, I’d talk to her. Give her a deadline. But just in case she’s one of those that decide to squat, also file for eviction.


What a great happiness to me and my family I have been married for 8 good years no child with my lover so my lover decided to leave me and follow another woman ??? so we break up for 1 month when I came across with this man here online called Dr Mighty how he brings back couples that seperated for years back together again and i explain everything to him. When he just tell me to wait for 2 hours so I wait after waiting my lover just called me and started apologize to me everything he did so if you need help you can also reach him on this or whatsapp:+2348161569177

There is low income places if she is that bad as u say just tell her to start looking r she will b on street

Find her a shelter to go toAnd tell her to pack up you found Her a new place to live


Mom make a plan to move before the new baby arrives. We need the space for the baby and you are welcome to visit.
Talk to your brother and come up with a plan together.


Tell her. She’s toxic. She’ll throw a fit. Say nothing.
There are plenty of places that help homeless. Give her a taxi ride to anywhere but your spare bedroom.


I’ve been in a similar situation and honestly there is no easy way she’ll guilt trip you no matter what …maybe call ur bro and see if he can let her stay but u may need to accept this won’t go well because its not about her anymore its about the family ur creating , I get being pregnant an having hope for your mother but it seems like your better off without the toxic shit best of luck

If she collects mail there, you need to go through the eviction process or you may have legal repercussions.

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Sit her down and tell her look you have to go. U r unhealthy for me my kids and my finance. Just be blunt and hold to it. Your family comes first not her.


Flat out say

“You’ve been toxic my whole life and you refuse to change your behavior, you need to move out ASAP because I won’t have this shit around my children”

It will probably hurt her, but she needs that point blank explanation.

Pack her things in her car and lock her out. Leave a note on the door that reads “you ain’t gotta go home but you do gotta go…”


Tell her what you just told us :woman_shrugging:t4:


Time to go. Let her know she has 2 weeks to move.

Everyone saying “throw her out” I mean it’s only her mama but I guess y’all must come from shitty families!!! :woman_shrugging:t2:

Close mouths don’t get fed ! Also what you allow will continue. If I was in your situation , I’d just flat out tell her . But if she gets mail there your probably gonna have to file to evict her . Hopefully she just leaves and you don’t have to do all of that . Best of luck to you .

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Ask her if she needs you to assist her with her job search and pick her up some apartment applications


Talk to ur brother explain ur situation n then tell her together!

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Just start bossing her around and tell her my rules my house


You. Communicate. Maybe give your brother a heads up about it too…


Give her a written deadline and let her know you will go through the legal eviction process. I think you have to give 30 days when you go to the courts to legally evict. And actually do it. Don’t worry about where she’s going to go. She’s a big girl she needs to put her big girl panties on. She can stay at a women’s shelter or something. Theres tons of resources there and I think many of them have a time limit for her to get her act together too. And them never let her foot back in the door again.


Tell her she needs to find somewhere to stay give a date that she needs to be out


There’s all kinds of shelters out there that will get her help, job training, hep with a place of her own


Tell her the truth. With new baby coming there isn’t enough room and you all need your space and she needs to leave. She’s had more then enough time. Give her a months notice like any normal landlord or roommate would and if she doesn’t leave, do like someone else said. Pack all her shit in her car and lock the doors (change locks if you have to) and god bless….not much more you can do without getting the cops involved. If she pushes that far then call the cops….

Tell her you need her room for the baby and she needs to move out asap.


Give her a time line to get out. There’s no reason she should not have a job. Most every business is hiring. If she doesn’t leave in that time frame get the police involved. Do your research before so you have everything lined up


She’s a grow ass adult. It’s not your responsibility to make sure she has a home. Toxic is toxic blood or not. And never let anyone tell you “well She’s your mom” you don’t owe toxic people anything! Give her a timeline. If she’s been there a few months she had squatters right. Go down and file and eviction notice and tell her she has 30 days. And then wipe your hands clean of her and prepare for that beautiful new baby.

Sometimes you just have to be blunt,and let the ashes fall where they may…there are jobs out there, she’ll stay if you dont speak your mind. Don’t be a door mat, 'cause she’ll evidently walk all over you!..may God bless you.:heart:


I would have a talk with her and search places where she could move. She is not your responsibility, although she is your mother.

Your kids are your main priority and looks like she is taking advantage of the situation and glued into you.

She needs to accept it’s her time to move on and allow space for you and your family :family:. If she disrespects you and your partner just be aware that she may put a fight.


Talk to bro first!
Then tell her we’re making other arrangements for you mom.
She’ll be pissed. Expect that. But it’s truly for the best. A blessing in disguise if you will.
She AND you guys will be more happy after the fact

Stick to your guns…especially if she inconsiderate of the rules


Damn just send her to the old folks home like most spoiled brats do lol. Why say yes in the beginning ?? mental health my ass she’s your mom you didn’t have a job when you were living with her now she needs your help especially in the middle of a pandemic

Start recommending places for her to apply hinting that this job or that job can afford apartment rent.


She is your mother but that doesn’t mean you have to provide a place for her to stay especially if she’s toxic. Be up front and tell her she has until set date to move. There so many places hiring and there’s women’s shelters. Your kids come first!!!


Unfortunately in a lot of states once someone moves in you legally cannot kick them out unless you give them a 30 day notice. If you don’t, the person doesn’t have to leave


Well, legally, now you have to evict her. In some states, if someone is with you for 30/60 days, they can’t just be thrown out. So, I’d evict her. :woman_shrugging:
That said, I’d also help her get wet up with every assistance program you can find. Section 8 included.
I dealt with this and I eventually had to cut her off. 100%.
It’s so hard bc that’s your mom. You love her. You want to help…but you’re not. You’re enabling. You have to protect your little family.
Remember, this cycle can end with you. Heal and do better than what you got. :heart:


Give her a deadline to get a job by if not she can leave. If she gets a job give her at least 2 pay periods to save up for a deposit to move out.

Be firm and set boundaries with her. Do not let her disrespect you in your own home.

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I’d tell mine remember when you’d say my house my rules if you don’t like it move out?


Just tell her she needs to get out you have baby need room


You say to her, Mom, you need to move out. Set a specific date. If she’s not out by then, get an eviction notice. She’ll then have 30 days to leave. Easy peasy.

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I would say it exactly how you said it in your post tbh. You helped enough and if you don’t put a stop to it now, she will never move out.

For sure encourage her to find a job …there are typically resources available such as income housing and local assistance options for someone with finances…maybe those things will also encourage her to get her independence back…i would set a time frame for her 2 do this…maybe two months…good luck

Plain and simple. Time for you to move out. You need that room for the new baby. Plenty of jobs so NO excuse!

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Pack her bags snd put her out

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If she can’t respect you then tell her to get out

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Just be honest and sincere about needing the space and the need to be alone with your family!

She’s an adult, she’ll figure it out. It’s time for you to focus on your own family!


Give her a thirty day notice.

I would give her a move out date! Tell her she has 1 month or however much time to sort her shit out but it’s time for her to go.

Give her a date to move out. Keep that date. Then change all the locks on your doors. You have to set boundaries and stick to them. You don’t need extra stress when you’re about to have a new born.


Minimum of 30 days Notice to Vacate and send it to her.

Give her 30 days. If she makes you feel guilty for putting the room your baby needs before her needs then she’s showing you what she thinks of you. She’s had plenty of time to get work & get on her feet but she’s not using her time effectively. Your priority is your baby.


Both you and your fiancé sit her down and be honest.
Tell her y’all have to prepare for the new baby. So to be fair , you’re giving her a couple of months to move .
( give her an exact date )
Advise her that she can take this opportunity to get a job and get on her feet , and / or find another place to live.

You have to do what works for your own family . If she really wanted to stay with you , she would’ve tried hard to make it work .
She’ll be fine


Now would be a good time. My mom is the same way which is why I’d never allow her to live with me.

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My mom lived with my family in a small two bedroom apartment I literally had to go out and find a job and room for her to rent and paid her first months rent and told her I couldn’t help her any further

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my brother did the same. but he brought a family and pets and 5 bucks to their name…long story short. i had to pay 2 months rent and got them out…lost my other family members over it because i wouldnt take care of them…but now hes their problem

Mom get a job because I need you to move out. We need the space.

:heart::heart::heart::heart: some of these comments DON’T listen to. You can be the bigger person here. I know she’s the parent but I come from a toxic family as well and I broke that vicious cycle. Just talk to her. Maybe take her to lunch and just really open your heart to her. It may not matter and she may blow up but how she reacts isn’t your issue. I would just tell her, mom we need space and privacy. I would appreciate if you started to look for a new place. Then set a move date, give her a little time. I promise you even if she reacts badly that you will feel better about the way you handled it.