How do I tell my mom she needs to move out?

I’m sorry I could never tell my mom to get out ,no matter what the situation was,just think about it,did mom kick you out because of loss of room or space? Did mom kick you out because of mental status?

I would just tell her, your little family is growing and you all need your space and privacy back and it’s time she gets her own place. Help her find an income based housing. Maybe you and the brother could help with the deposit and electric payment if she’s not able to work or until she can get settled into a new job. Also, apply her for food stamps if she not able to work or if she just needs them temporarily to get on her feet at her new place and new employment. I would definitely talk to your brother about it and let him know that your at your wits end and need help. Best wishes.

Drop her at the Sally

As you written. That simply. Praying God’s guidance

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Just give it to her straight.

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Sit her down and be honest, tell her you love her but unfortunately this was a temporary situation and she needs to make other arrangements.

She is grown, tell her the truth give her a date like 30 days or something. Im not saying be disrespectful or anything but she is an adult, its really not your problem if she has a place to go. You have a family you need to take care of. God bless.

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Your not responsible for her she could get a job if she wanted one. Looks like she doesn’t want to work

Every dang company around where I live is hiring and desperate for workers, hard to believe she hasn’t found a job, tell her to go, she has had months.