How do other mummas cope with the constant judgement & criticism about how many children you have or want to have?

I have 5 children & constantly have people asking when the next 1 is coming. I was always unsure if I wanted anymore as I've hade some traumatic deliveries but have just found out contraception has failed & I am very early pregnant now I do not beleive in abortion (personal preference i do not judge against others) but after everyone judging how many children i already have although they are all very well taken car of & have all their needs attention etc met i am now concerned about breaking this news to anyone including my partner (who is the father of all my other children)

“None of your :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: business!” If someone is rude enough to make a stupid comment or ask a stupid question like that, then I can be just as rude in my reply.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do other mummas cope with the constant judgement & criticism about how many children you have or want to have?

We ignore it … Simple


I think it’s just important to be confident in our own decisions as parents. If somebody is willing to judge then they are not a friend anyways.


Ignore it, as long as your children are taken care of that’s literally all that matters. Congrats! Don’t let anyone make u feel like this baby shouldn’t be here


Ignore it … it’s your life not there’s … anyone who pays your bills has a day I. Your life if they don’t pay a bill then they have no ground to stand on :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Honey I’m on my 6th and had the same damn issue and struggle my due date was a week ago. You ignore what people have to say and do what you’ve been doing. If they are not for you than they dont need to be around u

If you care about the planet, 2 kids are the maximum you should have. As a feminist, I saw have as many as you want as long as you don’t turn the older children into “parents” for the younger ones. Let kids be kids.


I just say if your not taking care of them or paying for their need stfu. We have 4. All the same dad. We’re married and have been together for 10 years and rely on nobody to help us so I don’t think anyone should have an opinion on what we do.


You cannot go through this life worrying about what others think. Enjoy that baby and all the others. Keep their booties and baby books up to date. Make lots of memories. Children are expensive but a complete blessing.


I have 6, who cares what others think as long as you can care for them. My only concern are those women who keeps having babies just to collect a check and state gives the rest. While barely giving any care for the children


My mom had me when she was 17. She now has 6 kids and the youngest is 4. She’s been through a lot of judgement and name calling and such but she’s just ignored it and made sure everyone is taken care of.


Just live your life and don’t worry about what anyone else says. You dont owe anyone an explanation. As long as your kids are loved and taken care of is all that matters.


I’m 24 and on my 4th
Baby (all with the same man) we’ve been together for 7 years and It upsets me when someone’s like “y’all want more kids?” Or “your pregnant again” But I just remember no one is raising/ buying them stuff so their opinions don’t matter


As long as all the babies are very well taken care of take what others say with a grain of salt. All that matters is that you and your family (self, kids and husband) are happy. It doesn’t matter what other people have to say. It’s not their life it’s none of their business :woman_shrugging:


It takes 2…your partner helped make this baby just tell him
The others …who cares. Your kids are looked after and loved . Its not their business how many you have


Oh hun,it’s your life live it how how you want to. If people judge or have a negative opinion about it give them the boot,straight out of your life


I have 6!! When people comment about how many kids I have I always tell them I wish I had more. I love that I have a large family and that my children are growing up with many siblings. I grew up with 1 sister who was way older and 1 brother who was a few years younger. I definitely have middle child syndrome. I wish my parents had more children. I feel very blessed that all my children are close and when they are all together it’s the best feeling in the world. I wish I could have had more.


Don’t worry about other people, do you and your family. I look at is have as many as you can afford and care for!

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I’m on my 4th and constantly have everyone asking if this is my last. Honestly,it’s no one’s business. And if they aren’t paying for my kids then I don’t see how it’s their concern. Good luck xx


Sometimes it can be hard to ignore, I understand that, but you just have to keep focusing on you and your family. Set a boundary if they’re persistent that you don’t want to hear it and if it continues then you’re gonna take a step back. Do whatever makes you happy and what’s best for you and your family. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for how you live your life.

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TBH, I really don’t give a DAMN about people’s judgement/criticism. :woman_shrugging:t4:
Since their opinions don’t pay my bills, :fu:t4:them.
Get a shirt like this when you tell them

I’m a mom of 8… 5 on Earth and 3 in Heaven. Children are a blessing. Ignore the negative comments and enjoy your big family :heart:


Don’t worry about them… They don’t pay your bills… I understand I have 6! I wish I knew THEN what I know NOW

As long as you and your husband is happy its nobody’s business

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I know family that has 14 kids She good mum and her kids are all happy :blush: . You should tell other to fuck off bec it’s up to you and your partner to have kids . Congratulations :confetti_ball: on your little one too . :heart:

I grew up in a large family there was 6 of us . I have two currently pregnant with my third and I got alot of wows when I announced I was pregnant it kinda got under my skin like if you can’t say anything kind or supportive take your crusty ass to the corner. so I understand why you feel awkward. But these people aren’t raising your children, paying your bills or living your life so I’d tell them in the most foulest way to eat a bag of dicks! Congratulations and good luck.

Other people’s opinions don’t matter be happy enjoy your children

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Dang girl if you want a football team and can have and take of them well have that football team and forget about what others say and gossip about. Your husband and yourself obviously love each other and the children are blessings and have all their needs and some wants then let the talk or whatever. Just do y’all because haters going to hate no matter what

I have 8 kids. I told anyone with negative comments to keep their mouths shut. Made a big post on social media about it also so I didn’t have to tell people individually. I told them that while our 8th was not planned, we were still happy about it (we usually needed hormones to get pregnant and to stay pregnant) so it was a happy surprise that she came about on her own especially after 7 losses over the years. I told people they could be happy for us or shut their mouths and keep it shut because we wanted to enjoy our pregnancy. It seemed to work quite well and we didn’t get any more crappy comments.


The way I see it babe is it’s your life f*** what every one else says or thinks ( I mean except your partner). You are obviously a great mama who cares about her kids and takes care of them. Last time I checked you were the one who has to carry and grow a baby inside you, push him/her out and raise and pay for this child so why do they get an opinion? You keep doing you boo-boo and screw the haters!

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Welcome#6 as my Mom would say just put them in with rest. She loved her grandkids and great grandkids.


Tell those people to get bent! It’s none of their business how many children you have or want to have. Just like it’s no one’s business if women don’t want to have kids ever.

You only need to worry about your own opinion,
Anyone else’s is just that it’s theirs and theirs alone, it shouldn’t affect you as they don’t live your life or pay your bills, so do what’s right for you and ya family…

A mum of soon to 8 i learnt to just do me :blush: people will have a opinion and thats totally fine im blessed with a big whanau and wouldn’t have it any other way. My babies all get to grow up together :heart: that outways everything :blush:

I could of wrote this myself… I have 4 kids and early pregnant with number 5… in 2018 I had a medical abortion because pregnancy wasn’t viable amd my health problems wouldn’t allow things to go smoothly… I still hate myself for the abortion even knowing I had to, I got contraception and it’s now failed. The only contraception I’m able to use… so far this pregnancy is viable everyone is mad at me for not terminating but I don’t care I’m not doing that again I can’t. I didn’t want more kids but I know I can love it and care for it like the rest. So I’m doing it. 4 of my almost 5 kids were conceived on some form of contraception or conceived when I wasn’t supposed to be able to… honestly just ignore them and smile I use humour to deflect the rudeness :heart:


I have 6 kids 5 boys 1 girl but grandparents from the old days would say your rich when you have a lot of children sometimes I used to get discouraged when people would stare but I’ve just gotten used to it my husband still wants more but I don’t lol

I tell them to mind their own business

I have 7 beautiful daughters and every time it was heart breaking to tell my parents! It sucks instead of everyone being happy they would say really? Do you need another one? No no I don’t but I will

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I tell them how it is, you aren’t me, what I do with my life and my kids aren’t your concern, last but not least, nobody is pushing that baby out their coochie but me, and either enjoy it or completely leave me TF alone, that goes for family and friends :woman_shrugging::100::dart::dart:

My husband has 6 4 from previous relationships and a marriage. As long as your kids are taken care of healthy and happy screw everyone else’s feelings. My best friend has 5 and she’s a single mom! If your happy and feel you can handle it then more power to you momma!

Love and enjoy your wonderful family… God gave you every one of them… Ignore the haters

Stop worrying about what they think.

I have 6 kids. I want more. But each one is getting more risky. I just laugh at the judgment and jokes and remarks now. Dont let people run your life.

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Dont worry what others say. I’m 1 of 7. I have 4 kids, 2 step children and when we r out of lockdown we will trying for another one. My kids r boys and I’m wanting a girl. And I dont care what people think. Let them judge, u just know that u got your babies 100%

The hell with them!!! It’s your life.

Tell them to fck off and mind their own business. U don’t owe anyone an explanation. If the kids are well looked after and happy then that’s all that matters.

My mother has 6 with me being the oldest at 28 and the youngest just turned 4. she’s the best mother on the planet and makes sure she has time for all of us. She has struggled alot being a single mother due to my step father starting hardcore drug use. But she always made sure we were fed and always had nice clothes and nice things and was never put in a bad situation. People like my uncle talk shit and say she is always looking for a handout or assistance. But never in my life have i seen my mother not make her own money. Whether it be her doing foster care (which she is awesome at) working at the hospital or doing side jobs like flipping houses or cars for profit. And when my grandmother say she has too many kids. My mothers response is “Well which one should i get rid of” and every time the room goes silent. Its like people have nothing better to do but be overcritical and judge. in all reality none of this will matter in 100 years. Do you think on your death bed you will be worried what other people thought of you. Its better to be surrounded by people who love you and all your kids. .

If you can take care of them dnt worry about what others think,if they arent contributing they shouldn’t have a input.


If they get angry with you just ask them if they are paying for child and raising child.Then tell them it’s really none of their business how many children your having

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A child is a blessing!! Weather you have 1 or 10!! It’s no ones business…


Who cares what others think. Your kids are taken care of and they have both mom and dad. It’s your life your business. Enjoy them. Love life and live it to the fullest.


I’m sure that’s so hard :disappointed: we have the opposite issue lol we get the same question all the time but we are infertile. We want kids but sometimes God has different plans. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

Honestly I think people will judge no matter what you do, so you might as well do what makes you happy right? Like at the end of the day it’s your life, and up to you guys how to plan for your family. Wishing you guys love! :two_hearts:


Everyone elses opinion… Is none of your business! Its your life mama, live it! Love the life you live; live the life you love​:heartbeat::v:

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You can always say, “Why do you ask?” Or, “Why do you want to know?” while being as cool and aloof as you want. Hopefully it puts them on the spot and alerts them that they are nosing into what’s none of their business.

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Tbh it’s no one’s business. As long as all are happy, healthy and you take care of them have as many as you wish too. My brother has 6…I love them all BUT he does not support them all and 2 of them live with a horrible BM I can’t stand. He’s going to try and get custody of them because of their living conditions (it’s bad y’all). I judge him on making all these children and not taking care of them. Now as to breaking the news it will be tough. 6 is a lot, not gonna lie, but what’s one more at this point? Lol. Hope daddy to be takes it well. Good luck!

It’s your life so just do what you want . Shouldn’t matter what others think or say


To hell with them. Have as many babies as you want and don’t worry about what others say. My own father told me to hold an aspirin between my knees when I told him I was having baby #2. I had 2 babies in 2 years.

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When people ask tell them you couldn’t stop on an odd number lol Or that you are trying to raise your own softball team :grin:

As long as your children are loved and taken care of that’s all that matters but I do understand because when I was pregnant with just my fourth people acted like I was crazy! It shouldn’t be anybody’s business, children are blessings!

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If you are taking care of all your children, financially, emotionally, physically, who cares. I mean who cares anyway what others think. I personally don’t have any biological children and didn’t want them, so 2 of yours can be from the ones I didn’t have. Lol.

Screw everyone. Your family, not theirs. To hell w them

If you are happy with it. To hell with what people say! I personally do not care or listen to what people sY,if my happy wit it, whatever it may be, then they don’t have to like it!

I started to learn how to say fuck off and mind your own business in different languages. When they looked at my funny I would tell them the language I was speaking and to look it up when they got home :joy:

God Bless you honey…

If they comment, ask them “why are you so interested in my sex life?”

Ask them if they are the ones taking care of your children and meeting all of their needs…if they say no then you just say well then I guess it is none of your damn business how many kids I have.
I have 2 and sometime I get comments about having my hands full with two boys, I look them dead in the face and say " yup and they are MINE!" The people in our life choose to be there, there is the door if you’re not helping.

Everyone was sooo mad when my accident (3rd child) happened.
I work 2-4 jobs, take care of my kids, never pawn them off or barely ask anyone to babysit.
Yet, I’m alway told I bet not have anymore.
I just start cutting people off.
Wanna be rude or judge, I no longer associate with you!
Life is simple!

Who cares what people think as long as u love them all and can take care of them

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remind them you don’t recall asking for their opinions….?? It’s truly not that hard to be a bitch… I should know

Who cares what other people think. Just wait until the 2nd semester starts before telling the public in case of miscarriage (hopefully not). As long as you have the money to afford another baby, it’s nobody’s business. If you want this to be your last kid then see about getting your tubes tied orhubby get snippy snippy and you could also tell your family/friends this will be your last and you could enjoy knowing it’s your last even more.

Who cares what they think. If ur a good mom u go girl.

I have one child and I always face the “your kid needs a sibling because he will become a self entitled brat if he doesn’t” he goes to school and church he has several friends and is socialized just fine.

I have 5 as well from my last relationship. My now fiancé doesn’t have any, so we’re considering having another one (I had a tubal done so that’ll be a process in itself) but as they’re getting older I feel like less people are judging me than when I was 25 with 5, one being a newborn… I’ve also grown to not give a crap what anyone says. If your loving your babies and they’re healthy, that’s all that matters.

Stuff all them. I have 7 kids and if I want more I’ll have more.

God gave you that baby and it is a BLESSING! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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Tell them nicely to mind their own business. They are blessings from god

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Congrats!!! Wish I had that many. People are jealous and will criticize either way with one or six.

Just worry about you. If 5 is good then good if you want more good. It’s your choice as long as you take care of them. Tell ur haters to f off and do you! I’ve had ppl be negative after the first one… I have 3 and they are the greats love balls of all time

Tell them you love children you have always wanted them and you love being pregnant. If they can’t hush tell them how many children you have is up to you and your husband and God. They will hush.

I got 7 one on the way. If someone says something I take it with a grain of salt. All that matters is mine and my hubby’s opinion!! :clap::speaking_head:

I feel you there, I have 5 also and I get the same!! Specially from family or strangers ask !! Oh have they got the same father etc etc um yes not that it any of your business.
Its annoying I’ve just got to the point where I just don’t care what they say anymore , I just turn around laugh and say we’ll lucky you don’t have to look after them . Kids are a blessing
Plus My partner wants another once the older ones have grown up a bit more. I love my house full of love and life, couldn’t imagine it quiet and boring xx

Did you have c section or natural

You have as many as you want. I don’t know why people gotta judge like that.

Just curious as I’ve had 4 c sections and wanting to see if anyone had 5

Mom of five here. My oldest was seven when I brought my youngest home. No one that had an opinion on the number of children I had, assisted me in the feeding, nurturing, loving and homing my babies. Those people can eat bricks. Enjoy your family honey.


I think you should do a tubal ligation after this pregnancy if you aren’t planning on having any more children

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Congratulations!!! :confetti_ball::balloon::tada: babies are always blessings :heart: I’m happy for you. Screw the judgement haters. Those are your babies. Not theirs.

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Nothing is ever enough for ppl or it’s to much if you have 1 child you face the “aww your baby needs a siblings when are you planning on having another” or if you have 2-3 or more “well that’s enough kids or that’s too many kids” mama u do u if your children are takin care of tell whoever says anything “it’s my body and my kids if I want 25 kids I’ll have 25 kids it’s not your choice” and as far as your partner goes if he gave you 5 I don’t think he’ll mind one more and after that if you don’t want anymore get your tubes tied. Moral of the story everyone is gonna wanna put their two cents in but it’s not any of their decision. I hope everything works out for you mama good luck


Be happy you are having another baby. It is NO ONE else’s business how many children you intend to have. If they want 2 then great, but others need to stay in their lane

Tell them very sweetly that it is nice of them to be concerned, but not to worry, as you won’t be asking them for any financial help, or help in raising them.

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This is between you and your spouse.
If they are happy then embrace the journey

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As long as U take care of those babies ain’t nobodies business how many U have!


It’s no ones business on any information on how you want to have a family. The number, the raising, the baby daddy, etc. It is your life, as long as your babies are loved and taken care of, everyone’s opinion doesn’t matter.

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Tell them they are more than welcome to buy the diapers and do the changes and feed them if they want to insert their opinion. Since they don’t do all that it isn’t their business anyway

In one ear nad out the other!

Girl forget them. I’m gonna be 30 in October with 6 kids and another on the way. Pay these ppl no mind.

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When I was carrying my 5 child my Sister in law, who wasn’t a good mother. Ask what I was going to do with another child. I said feed it and love like we did the others. I had one more. No regrets.