How do other mummas cope with the constant judgement & criticism about how many children you have or want to have?

If their not supporting you the the answer is just a smile from you!


I have 4 and get bothered by people close to me saying the same thing “when are you gonna have another?” And so forth. I just say idk, probably in 5 years or so… it is what it is. Not like its them taking care of the kids or their body. My 4th, I kept it to myself til i got my ultrasound around 18 weeks. Then i posted it. Got lots of “congrats”, itll only bother people til they realize you’re having a baby. Even tho it shouldn’t bother them at all or they shouldn’t even be obsessing when you’re going to have another or what not. Congrats on your blessing, he/she is a blessing that’s why your contraceptive failed, it was meant to be. :sparkling_heart:

I grew up in a large family and always had someone to play with. Brothers and sisters make the best life long friends. Congratulations

I mean after this one just snip him or tie your tubes… yall already have 6 then and then you won’t have to tell anyone you got knocked up again.

I have 9 children. I get criticized a LOT!! I just tell people if you don’t support them then don’t worry about it. I know it sounds rude but you have to think about what it’s doing to you children’s feelings when they hear people saying ugly things! Congratulations momma!

NOBODY has the right to judge you! Keep being a good Momma …it’ll keep them quiet! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Congrat! Been there. I dont understand why people think it is any of their business. Its just as rude to tell a woman without kids for whatever reason as it is to say something to women with many children.

My husband has a good job and I’m a sahm. We own our own home, pay our bills and take care of our kids. No one is neglected and all five are loved. However, I’ve always gotten the judgment from others. I just ignore it and keep moving. Sometimes I tell people about our great sex life, which keeps them from making future comments. You just have to keep going. People who don’t pay your bills, live in your house, sleep in your bed or take care of your kids are welcome to their own opinions, but the truth is that their feelings are totally irrelevant.

Congrats tell them to get bent your partner will be happy

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Tell them the hospital was having a have three get three sale and you just couldn’t resist.

Seriously. Ignore the haters, all that matters is your family. People are always gonna judge for one reason or another. Hold your head up and be the best mama you can.

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To he’ll with them…as long as u can care for them and dnt pawn them off on everyone all the time so dam what. It’s not like u planned it and was taking measures to prevent it but well shit happens…

Don’t pay attention to them! If you are taking care of your children it is no one else’s business! I had 5 and adopted our 6th!

I have 5. I am 39 with a grand child too.

I mess with ppl
Of all the same dad? Nope 6 different ones.

Are you having anymore ? Yup 7

Wow you guys really like to get it on? Nope only 4 times but you have one kid. Yup he’s adopted.

Oh twins nope none but thanks for asking. Oh I just assumed because they look close in age Yup you look like an ass.

I like to have fun with ppl

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Ignore it! It’s nobody’s business.

I have 8 kids (5 biological and 3 adopted) I get wow that’s alot of kids all the time I just ignore it. Or I say yea but I love every minute of it! Don’t let ppl judge you or make you feel anything but 100% proud to have a big family!


I am a PROUD mama of SIX amazing little souls. 5 very active boys, and a very very sweet 5 month old daughter I KNOW for a fact I have been judged by many people. And at one point in time I cared about the comments especially with my last pregnancy with my daughter, a “Christian “ man old enough to be my grandfather looked at my spouse and stated “I can’t believe you knocked that poor girl up again” I was so hurt when I found this out. This man was a very respected person in our house hold and he’s respected by so MANY people in my town, someone who I thought genuinely cared about my family not someone who judged us. I pretty much told him my feelings were hurt, and now that I see his very un asked for opinion we would respectfully like to say F you :joy::sob::joy: that was a turning point for me! You will have yours as well!!! I LOVE MY LIFE that I have with my kiddos, my life is no business of anyone. My life is crazy, it’s FAR from boring, my life is fun! I don’t care any more I will look at people now who chose to comment and say “obviously we have lots of fun making them” that usually gets a laugh or it gets awkward and they get very silent, it’s an amazing feeling! Try it, when people ask when you’re having another one look at them and say “you know what it’s so much fun making them I should do it again “
I’m fixed now I’m blessed with the ones I have as 6 is quite a bit thankfully 2 are grown or just about grown :joy:

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I have 9 kids lol i just smile at them anymore when they ask if i know what causes it yet and my response is yea but its too much fun :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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If the people criticizing you aren’t paying your bills, buying your kid’s diapers, putting food on the table for you and your kids, putting a roof over your head, then their opinion is irrelevant. Now, if you don’t want any more children and birth control isn’t working (I know women who’s body’s don’t react well to any form of bc or they’re just very fertile) then you can always consider having your tubes tied (if you don’t wish to have more). And if you do wish to have more, then have more. It’s nobody’s business but yours and your husband’s. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy :heart:

I am the oldest of nine. Mom had 9 children in 12 years. We didn’t have a lot of material things but, we had more than we needed. We have always been very close and supportive of each other. I wanted a big family when I got married. The Lord only blessed me with 3 wonderful sons… But has added daughters in love that I adore, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Plus many young ladies that I have babysit for that are like daughters to me and their children. I don’t know how many bonus grandchildren and children.I do have. I love them all dearly. Children are a blessing. Enjoy yours, love them and forget what people say. Prayers for you, Momma and for your partner. It take 2. :heartpulse:, blessings, peace and joy of the Lord.

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It’s not anyone else’s business to know. people will judge you with 5 kids or 0, just be the best mom you can, if the ones so worried aren’t helping you buy diapers or coming to help out at 2am when you’re sleep deprived, then their opinions don’t matter.

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Fuck them! Do they pay your bills or take care of your kids?

I am one of twelve. We are always there for each other. My parents worked hard and took care of us. I say it’s no one else’s business. Tell them where to step off.

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Seriously? Dont know what to do about people talking badly or judging you about your own body and how many children you have? Nosy f***ers, aint they? Tell them to mind their own and you do the same. Take care.

I have 7 children & I have received both positive & negative opinions, I had always wanted a big family & that’s what I got, when people have spewed out there negative thoughts, I have always told them calmly, my life my choice & I didn’t ask for your judgemental opinions & walk away.

Dot worry about what people think just pray you have a healthy baby my mom had nine and we all love each other.

I just don’t care anymore. No matter how many kids you have people are going to be a holes about it. I have 6. Lots of people like to judge. My own family didn’t like it but they got over it. If your kids are loved and their needs are met than stop worrying about what others think or say.


Don’t let anyone else’s opinion influence your decisions, it’s your life, be happy.

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Well I guess you guys just have to both get fixed after this one , actually he should asap to give him time to make sure it worked then after this blessing you get your tubal and you guys should be good .


One time I was at the grocery store with a cart load of groceries, for 2 weeks for 4 kids cuz I try to go as little as i can since i hate taking the kids. Some guy was like wow you’re full up. I said yeah
I have 4 kids. They eat a lot. He goes oh I wonder whose paying for that huge food bill. I was so baffled. I was like uh my husband who else. Asshole. Don’t let ppl judge you and if they do just ignore them. They are just a passing breeze in your life. The haters mean absolutely nothing. Remember that. Its your life and your body and your income supporting YOUR KIDS. Not not their life not their business in the least.

I have 7 and want 1 more… Who cares what ppl think. Its your life and you’re the one taking care of them all… If u have 20 thats your choice


I have 6kids and this b@tch said to me cos I had my last at 44 she said fckkk another one shit when are you guna stop Lmao i said fuck don’t worry about me your the one raising your grandchildren maybe you should say that to your useless daughter :joy::rofl:

Screw what other think! It’s your life. If you and your partner want another baby then have another one. You can have as many children as you want as long as you have the means to take care of them, which it sounds like you do.

I don’t really care
Back in the day they had like 12 kids lmfao

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Six times blessed. You owe noone any explanation. Live your life, love your children and to hell with anyone judging you.

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If they don’t pay for your children’s care they don’t get a say. As far as your partner goes, I would assume he understands that as long as you are having sex that a baby is a possibility as contraception isn’t a guarantee.

Take their opinions, and throw them in the trash where they belong. :hugs:

Well your husband made this baby too. If he doesn’t want more he should get snipped.


It is what it is. Your life, your body, your choices

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When people ask, respond with a highly intrusive personal question right back at them. If they insist on a response, stare at them without saying anything for a uncomfortable amount of time then walk away shaking your head. Bottom line……it’s none of their F***ing business what you do with your partner in your relationship. Good for you for keeping your baby! I’m prolife and I laud your choice and respect for life. :baby::heart:


Your choice…as long as you can afford a big family…if you truly don’t want anymore after this one get tubes tied…

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Not their uterus or body, not their business, not their responsibility or their decisions… only people it matters to is you/hubs/kids… screw everyone else & their opinions :heart:

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5 and they want more. Write a list of all baby requirements, include delivery,your cravings while pregnant appointments upto graduation in university and tell them to make a full payment and u will gladly take up baby number 6🤷🏾‍♀️

Stop giving a shit about other people opinions .

At least all ur kids have the same dad. Ur supposed to have lots of kids with ur husband. Tell ppl to mind their business

I have 8 so I know what your going through. You just have to try and ignore them. People will always judge.

I have 6 children and get shit like that ALL the time… no one elses business how many children you have aslong as they are taken care of. Good Luck mumma you got this :muscle: congratulations on new babba xx

I have 7 and same as u had everyone asking wen was the nxt after my 5th but screw everyone else if ur babies r loved and cared 4 it’s no1 elses business my life is my babies as long as ur not expecting everyone else to care for them then it’s ur life and ur hard work u got this mumma n if you partner doesn’t want anymore then spk about the snip. X

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I’ve 8 youngest 12 weeks …don’t think twice about what people say I don’t…its ur choice & ur business not there’s x


Don’t live for others, you n ur family is the most important thing in this world, others dont feed ya, why would u care ehat they think.
Toxic people need to stay out of ur lives.
Good luck with ur baby, they r a blessing

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do other mummas cope with the constant judgement & criticism about how many children you have or want to have?

Congrats :partying_face:
I just say their father was paralysed in a crash and we can’t have kids now (I have 5) trust me I’ve never seen so many awkward people after I say it :woman_facepalming:t2:


First,congratulations! Next,it’s nobodys business but yours and your husbands! You’ve made a decision to have a big family and that’s fine…it does not matter about others. Personal family decisions are just that…PERSONAL! Ignore the ignorant questions and comments…be proud of your family!


Congratulations!! I bought a shirt that said “Yes, they’re all mine. Yes, I’m Catholic. Yes, I know what causes it. Yes, I’m very glad they’re mine and not yours, too!”. I usually just try to smile and answer questions with, ‘I couldn’t imagine it any other way.’ and change the subject. If you’re braver then just say you’re really not confortable discussing it. Best of luck :heart:


Congratulations first off momma :slight_smile: I’m pregnant with twins and this will be child 4 and 5 for us. People tell me 'keep it up and you’ll need to buy a bus " I just roll my eyes. We don’t get food stamps or anything like that. I work (part time at the moment since I’m getting futher along) and my s/o is the main supporter and he works a good job and makes sure we are all provided for and bills taken care of. It matters what you and your spouse think. Not what everyone else does!!! Just ignore people. It’s not their business. Be happy and enjoy your family and your pregnancy


It’s nobody’s business how many kiddos you have, especially if they’re all well taken care of. This is up to you if you want to continue with this pregnancy or not

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At the end of the day if your children are all taken care of and all loved than what anybody else has to say does not matter. If your significant other is OK with the amount of children that you have then there really shouldn’t be any problem with the fact that you’re already pregnant. You guys took the proper precautions and it failed, that happens. But at the end of the day if you and your significant other are OK with it and then nobody else’s opinion really matters. The amount of children that you guys have is your business nobody else’s

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I feel your pain… I have 5 kids under 7(eldest is 7 and youngest almost 2) we constantly get people asking if we have a tv at home and that we have been very busy… god will bless you with what he feels you need. Every child is a blessing. Embrace it and enjoy every moment… dont worry about what others think and say just tell them to go shove it :grimacing:

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Im pregnant with my 6th as well & I’m judged for it alot. Hugs. Here if you need to talk

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Eff what every one thinks or says if they are taken care of it doesn’t matter what they think! Every baby is a blessing and born for a reason!


All my life I have fought the what will people think attitude. Be proud! Personally, I fought the why do you work question. I shut them up by saying I want to teach my children to be productive members of society. Tell people you are raising a family that will pay toward reducing the national debt.

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Chica, embrace and love this new little blessing! To H with anyone who doesn’t support you. You don’t have to explain anything to anyone.

I am the oldest of 7. Don’t worry about what others think just love your family. Everybody thought I was crazy for choosing to have 4. Couldn’t do without any of them.


Tell them to mind their own business. My husband and I are on our 4th child at the moment I’m 8 months pregnant and I get comments and looks all the time. If you have the resources to take care of your children everyone else can shove their opinions. I used to be nice to other when comments were made but by child 3 that’ll all stopped lol no more patience for it


Respectfully tell them that is between you and your husband. People are so nosy today


Congratulations and answer them”Do you normally ask such personal and rude questions?”

If your a happy family taking care of what needs taken care don’t worry about what others think. Your family your life so what is best for y’all.

It’s your business. No one else’s. Congratulations. Take care of yourself.

If someone stares just say ‘booo!’ lol I have 6 (1 set of twins) all close in age (9,8,6,6,4,2) :heart: busy house but it’s worth it

I have 6 kids. I don’t regret it at all and never cared what anyone thought or said. This is my life not theirs! & my family is amazing.

What a wonderful blessing :blush:
It’s your life not theirs.

I wish I could have just one more :pensive:

Someone asked my dad, “aren’t you ashamed for having 7 kids”. He answered " yes I am, I wanted 10".


My new favorite way to respond to questions that are none of the other person’s business is, “I’m surprised you feel comfortable asking someone that” and just stare aggressively until they stfu. :grimacing: Congrats on your new blessing.


Congratulations I have 3 kids 7 3 n 3 month old n everyone asks me if I am having anymore n I just say maybe but in all honesty I don’t think I do

I have 7 kids they are all a blessing :heartpulse:

Omg. You don’t need to tell anyone. People are so nosey!

Stop caring what others think.
The end.

I have 5 children also. On my 5th pregnancy, I was so nervous to tell anyone besides my children and husband that I hid my belly until 22 weeks😔 no one takes care of our children but us, we aren’t on any government programs and my husbands job is well enough to allow me to stay home and not work. But the amount of judgement I got when baby #4 came, 3 years earlier, made me nervous. I didn’t want anyone to steal my joy with comments. I wish I could go back and tell everyone to screw themselves. Seriously. Just enjoy your family. Forget the haters and judgers. No regrets🙌🏽 You’ll be glad you did.


It’s nobody’s business but your own🖖

No ones business but yours. Congratulations :heart:
Best wishes. I’m sure your partner will love this one too.:hibiscus::ear_of_rice:

Also congratulations

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People will always have their judgments and opinions. Ignore them and do what makes you happy! :heart:

The day you stop worrying about others opinions is when a whole new world starts!


I had four kids and I know that’s not as many as you but it’s still enough that people were making the same comments to me I just laughed it off and went on about my business because my kids were well taken care of and as long as my kids were well taken care of that’s all that mattered you can have as many kids as you want as long as you take care of them

It is what it is. Your husband helped make the baby so you need to tell him as soon as you can. He deserves to know. Everyone else, especially those you judge you, screw em. They arent helping you raise those kids they don’t have a say. If y’all don’t want anymore after this get your tubes tied or him a vesectomy. Or both.

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I don’t understand people who make these comments if they kids are taken care of what concern or business is it of theirs :woman_facepalming:t2: when people start pick on you tell them your creating your own baseball team and mind their business unless it’s to say how happy they are for you

I have eight four boys four girls youngest seven got asked when I was gonna stop all the time . I said when I was ready my kids are taken care of n loved its no ones business

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Tell people to mind their own business.
It’s quite simple, if they aren’t feeding, fucking, or financing you, their opinions mean absolutely nothing. :grin:

Don’t worry about what other people think or say it none of there business!
The main thing that matters is that you are happy and healthy :grinning:

It’s no one else’s business. As long as you and your partner are happy & on the same page and the kids are taken care of that’s all that matters! Congrats on the new bundle of joy :heart:


Congratulations momma! You are so blessed :tada::balloon:

They are blessings god gave them to you I was done same way…itS your buisness have many as u want u must love children and god knows your loveing mom…I would have had more after 34 years he passed away…good luck enjoy your blessings

Shake it off n carry on, I am the sibling that has had the most children in my family, when I started out all my friends and even my dad would comment nastily about the amount of children I had even though my baby’s never wanted for anything and always had my love and devotion and I kept a super clean house, now years later I’ve had baby number 9 and my dad is now asking when can he get number 10…have however many children you feel you want , only you will know when enough is enough for you, much love and blessings to you and your family :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Your body not theirs. Your choice not theirs. You see what I’m saying? It’s up to you if you want your body to Carry kids. As far as your husband goes I hope he stands up next to you and help you out.

Your telling folks in here before your partner? Hmmmm.

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I tell people to mind their business. I have five and I love it. I don’t need anyone’s approval.

When people ask if I’m having any more I tell them “If I do you’ll be the first to know!” And that usually shuts them up.

Hold ur head up high when people pass judgement and say “I’ll stop when I feel like it”

Who cares what other people think!

If you can support them yourself and not need any help form the state by all means have is many as you want

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Nothing for you to cope with. It seems it’s the ones who are judging you are the ones who need to cope if they have a problem with it. It’s none of anyone’s business how many kids you have.

Ignore everyone else . They wish they could have that many :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: