How do we work through this?

Ew… if this was reversed it would be gross…


Be open intimacy and communication go hand in hand . Have a conversation about how you feel and what you like and what youd like to get out of sex . Maybe try more foreplay or add toys . Also maybe try planning time for just the two of you more than once a month , practice makes perfect lmfaoooo

Get a damn vibrator lol why not spice it up. But that’s on u lol 5 mins poor dude probably wants to get u off but you only giving him pleasures once a month I will call you selfish. Both of ya need to realize that sex isn’t the key to relationships but it sure in hell can destroy one if you dont make ur man happy just cause you dont want it doesnt mean you can ignor his needs.

Why did you get married then? Bring a vibrator into the activities.

This is the reason I have no trust in this gross world anymore.


Takes two to tango. Have you tried teasing him as well not just a get it over job.

You have to learn how to get yourself off when you guys are doing it. and im sure he does only take 5 minutes to get off if you are having sex once a month the dudes pent up. It’s not only the man’s responsibility to get you off. Do foreplay. Clitoral stimulation while he’s in you. I meann

If you are not happy get out if the relationship.

I feel sad for your husband. He deserves someone who thinks he is cute. Truly. Everyone is beautiful. It’s just only right person could see that.


I bet you’re an absolute goddess yourself.


Why dont you find him sexually attractive?? Is it something he can change?? Things change after you have kids, maybe you just need some time. You could try vitamins or even some CBD :smirk: if u r comfortable with toys use em!! Make sure you talk to him though, that u need to get there too and that u need to try new things…good luck!:purple_heart:

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Why did you get married?


Then why did you marry him?? Poor man. Have you tried communicating with him? Let him know you want sexy time to last a little longer. There’s things y’all can try. But definitely talk to him. If you can’t fix this problem you need to let him move on. He deserves someone who loves him completely and finds him attractive.


Are you not attracted to him or are you holding ill feelings towards not being able to get off ??? If you’re not attracted to him that is 100% why you can’t get off… if you’re mad at your sex life then discuss it with him … Either way it was definitely unfair to marry him with those feelings.

Girl get you some toys. Tell him he needs help and hand him the toy & tell him 2 get 2 work


Why did you marry him?


Why did you marry him then


Tell him he isn’t getting you off so it can be worked on


Wait so why did you marry him?


Then why did you marry him? This isn’t something that just started, you don’t get married and then all of a sudden your sex life turns to bad. This is something you should have thought of before you married him.

Obviously you have been feeling like this for a while now and if so why would you get married. You sound like a very selfish person. Like did ye ever think to ask your husband was everything ok with him. If you honestly feel like that towards him please let him go, let him find someone that actually fancies him and appreciate him.


all im gonna say is invest in TOYS forsure

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Your happiness and satisfaction is up to you. You need to tell him what you like/need, maybe a few times. And for the too quick part if your dont get yours, just five yourself a hand :wink:

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Does he have money? This obviously isn’t something new, why did you marry him?


Ummm I think it’s time to leave, sounds like you shouldn’t have even gotten married in the first place.


After having a baby your body definitely changes,
I’d say to try different things to spice things up in the bedroom, and both have to commite to it.
Marriage is two people, so you both need to give 50/50 at least :slight_smile:

First and foremost GET THE KID OUT OF YOUR BED! Then you need to know infrequent sex makes men unable to hold back. Talk to him tell him you want more sex and that you need more foreplay. You have to communicate with him if you can’t then get out of the relationship and let him find the happiness he deserves.

Everyone in the comments acting like sex has to be a high priority in a relationship. It doesn’t.

Why you get married???


He can’t fix what he don’t knows broken.

You came here to speak up. Have you spoken up to him? Most guys love sex. Honestly, if you would just talk about it with him, you both might have a lot more fun trying to get to where you want to be and I can bet he’d be more than happy to try!

Try new position. Get the 30 day s€x calendar, Try to add toys to the bedroom.
Get one of those ‘sucking’ vibrators for woman. And use it during sex. That way if he last only 5 mins your done before him. :joy: It works and your both happy.

Your going to have this problem with any man if you don’t speak up! So go speak up, buy some toys together. And have fun! :wink:

So I heard it explained to me like this once and it makes sense and stuck with me. Men are like microwaves: they are ready to go very quickly. Women are like slow cookers:. It takes a while to warm them up and get them ready to cook, I’ve always been told a woman needs a minimum of 20 minutes of foreplay to be ready to go so both can have an enjoyable time. If all else fails get in contact with pure romance consultant and purchase the product known as O. Even if he doesn’t last or know what he’s doing you should go within five minutes.

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You have to make time and effort more now than ever. Communication is huge. Explain to him you’re feeling off, but don’t place blame. Have someone watch the baby so you both can go do something you used to, or make a new tradition. Reignite the spark. You have to remember why you married him. What made you fall for him. And the situation with him finishing too quick, you have to understand if it’s been awhile for him, it will happen fast. Take your time. Tease him. Have him try to please you first or take turns before you guys finish. Both of you need to put effort into this. It’s not as easy now.


Women who fall out of attraction with there men ussally do so because there emotional needs aren’t being met or it’s hit a certain year period/ after kids where sex isn’t amusing and lust and attraction wears of. I’ve heard from older long lasting couples that this can happen to either person and it’s something you have to work at and reconnect.

Y’all need to communicate and definitely be gentle about this. Mens egos are ahhh… yea

Communicate with him about your needs. That’s all you can do…

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So, are you not attracted to him or are you unsatisfied with his performance in bed? Those are two very different things. I can’t imagine why you would have a child with and get married to someone you don’t find attractive at all so I’m assuming it’s more the later. Unless you’ve already tried to discuss and work on this and he just doesn’t care, he probably wants help knowing how to please you and probably doesn’t initiate sex because he doesn’t want to disappoint you. You need to speak up and be very blunt about what you need and want and if he’s a good man he will be happy to work on it. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t work this out before getting married but that’s too late now so now it’s time to see if you can fix it.

Get on top or TALK TO HIM about not being able to get you off. Why did you even marry him? A child isnt a good enough excuse.


You Knew this BEFORE a you got married… smh :woman_facepalming:t2:
Your an asshole for marrying him…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. HE deserves better then you. EVERYONE deserves someone who is really gunna love them… mentally and physically

Jackie Martino Stevens I believe it

Were you ever attracted to him? If so, what changed? Is the change emotionally on your end? Has there been a gradual disconnect between you? If so, address it. If it’s physical appearance, you can’t sit there and act like your physical state hasn’t changed since before marriage and baby, and it would be immature and unrealistic to expect that out of your spouse. If that is indeed the issue in this case, you shouldn’t have gotten married because YOU weren’t ready. Regardless, you need to tell him you don’t want to have sex if all he thinks about is HIS own happy ending and couldn’t care less about yours. Couples that please each other have more sex, it’s pretty simple. This behavior should be a dealbreaker. If he cares about you, he will change it, but it starts with a conversation. If you have the conversation, and he refuses, then you know and can decide further action. But communicate first. You dont just dump the marriage. Not until you’ve taken the steps to see if the issues can be addressed and then be fixed.

Role play babbbbbby!


Ok, so there is absolutely not enough information for any real advise. I normally don’t ask, but maybe repost with a lot more information… then maybe our opinions may be relevant.

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He’s going fast bc u only have sex once a month. I’m sorry but u should have not married him if u were nor sexually attracted. Maybe he’s not attracted to u either and that’s why he has no interest in sex w u. Talk to him if it’d mutual it may be time for an annollment. If ur taking anti depressants or BP meds they can make it impossible to climax. Along w other meds.

I’m sorry lol you only have sex with your husband maybe once a month and then you’re upset because he only lasts 5mins? That’s why he only lasts 5 mins… :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2:

Wait only a few months and your not attracted to him. Why did you marry him? Was it arranged?


Add some toys and awesome lubes :slight_smile:


If you wanna stay with him, I’d invest in a good vibrator

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Communication… tell him how and what you want… before he even gets his 5min. If he isn’t willing then that is a different conversation to have.


But why did you marry him then?


Therapy and communication and a good ol conversation with him about how you feel is a good place to start

Have you communicated to him that you aren’t getting off? Told him that you need more foreplay? This happened for a long time in my relationship and nothing changed until I communicated it too him. I know ot might feel like an awkward conversation but it’s important. My husband will not end things until I get off anymore. If he finishes before me he’ll finish me off in other ways. Have you guys tried incorporating toys? The biggest advice I can give you is COMMUNICATE WITH HIM ABOUT IT! it makes a world of difference. Going on 10 years with my husband and the last year has been the best sex we’ve ever had.

Then why get married at all :person_shrugging:
You knew how you felt before you said I do.


Everyone’s getting mad at her for not being attracted too him abymore…but I wouldn’t be attracted to someone anymore if they weren’t getting me off either. She just needs to communicate


This makes no damn since at all. You just married him but you don’t like having sex with him. I would delete this post if I was you.Sounds like something is wrong with you.

You need to talk to him men have no clue what’s going on in your head unless you tell them


Why did you marry him??!


Has he been to a doctor. Maybe low testorone?

Girl get some toys :wink: if I’m not done and he can’t preform then he uses the toys


So I’m just gonna say that if you’re only having sex once a month that is a huge contributer to the 5 minutes. In my experience the more frequent you do it the better the stamina :woman_shrugging: Also if he isn’t initiating maybe he has some personal stuff going on to cause low sex drive, or maybe he senses that you don’t find him attractive and therefore has lost interest in you as well… honestly we could all speculate on here for days but there really isn’t enough info to give you solid advice outside of you needing to communicate with your partner and in a respectful manner that doesn’t belittle him.

You’ve hit that slump in your marriage with a child. You need to transition your child to their own bed. If you don’t it’s going to get far worse. Start doing things to initiate in your marriage or it’s going to go downhill very fast. As other comments have stated do a little foreplay with your husband the second time is always better. Realize that if both of you are doing that both of you in the end will get off. You need to move the child out of your bed if you don’t it’s going to destroy your marriage even more than just the heat it’s disgusting you know I can’t look at on my way I’d rather sleep at somebody else. That will change real quick but you’ve slumped into a routine with your child sleeping in your bed and it makes it more convenient as an excuse instead you married somebody remember that you married them because you love them you’re physically attracted to them all of that is still there he just kind of swallowed it down and pushed it in the corner. Pull that puppy back up girl.


You need to tell your husband this and tell him what you need. He would probably be really excited to hear you tell him what you want him to do. Communication makes a huge difference and it needs to go both ways.


Why did you marry him? :roll_eyes:

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the more you have sex the longer he will last as well and do a lot more foreplay maybe? have him help you get yourself there before intercourse

did you talk to him? I mean also he’s not lasting long because he’s not getting it. not your fault just saying he needs to build stamina and learn to eat like a champ


Have you tried talking to him about your sex life? What you would like and your feelings? Maybe he has some things to say about it as well. Expectations and things to not do etc.

There are toys and also there are pills you can buy over the counter at adult bookstore that will help him with stamina and lasting longer. Have him try SWAG or Rhino 24k thats what my husband uses and he had his prostate removed due to cancer and if you don’t coach him he will never know what gets you off so you need to communicate. A woman’s body is complex and takes more stimulation than a man but if he doesn’t know he isn’t satisfying you then how can he even try to begin with. Communicate communicate communicate it excites my husband when I tell him what he needs to do and it may be the same way with your husband most men liked to be talked dirty to.

What about him makes you not sexually attracted to him? Im a pure romance consultant. Women need connection to get turned on. Have you told him he doesn’t get you off? Have you attempted to connect mentally? You have to communicate what you want, tell him how you want it etc. There are lots of things out there to spice things up for you and the both of you.


Toys are amazing and help spice things up

Communication is key. If you’re feeling this way but turning to Facebook instead of talking to him and expressing your feelings it will not help. Also, if he’s only lasting 5 minutes its probably because it is only happening once a month. Communicate but do it calmly and openly. You should be careful not to make him feel bad about not getting you off, and instead you should express to him that you need more foreplay or something. You don’t want to make him feel like he’s inadequate because that will never make it better.

You both need a healthy talk about your sexul needs. You may need some more hyped up energy from him, and some cltoral stimulation during.

Talk to him about it. Sex once a month for 5 minutes would turn anyone off.

He may suffer premature ejeculation, it can be quite embarrassing for some men, if you have complained on the past he might just prefer not to put himself through the stress

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No offense but if he got laid more than once a month maybe he would last longer… :woman_shrugging:


If you don’t find him sexually attractive and want to sleep with someone else don’t you think it was a waste of time and money getting married?

Tell him you want him to go down on you, more foreplay before hand, you go on top and see how that goes.


Seriously why did u marry him if you don’t find him attractive enough to sleep with. What do you expect if you aren’t having sex with him his performance isn’t going to be great. Poor chap obviously can’t control how excited he is because he hasn’t had it in so long :woman_shrugging:

Have sex more, and he’ll last longer. Buy the game “loopy” it’ll help you guys. Go too a sex store. Introduce new sex partners if you guys are open too it, tell him what u want. Communicate. Any man who hasn’t had sex in 30 that last longer than a minute is actually trying. Lol.

Sounds like you got married for all the wrong reasons. Not sure what you were really thinking or wanting to hear🤷‍♀️


If yall only have sex that little maybe thats why he nuts so quick… But if you feel that way about your partner then its time to leave.

Have you tried talking about it. And maybe if yall had more sex it would last longer and foreplay helps alot

Definitely need more foreplay and there are products out there for him and you need to communicate to him you need to get off. And add toys if you are more comfortable with them but communication is key, I am a Pure Romance consultant and can give you ideas or tips. :blush: Good luck

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You need to tell him what you like so that it will help you to be satisfied even if its actually after he has finished

Why did you marry someone your not attracted to???


Toys sister and get a sitter.

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The child does not belong in your bed at any time. As for sex is him or is it YOU. Men were not born knowing all there is to know about sex. Not all woman like the same thing or respond in the same way. TEACH HIM

And you just got married??? Counseling and talking to each other

Could be postpartum depression. I’m sure you were attracted to him at one time. Maybe it’s just something you have to work through. Communicate about the sex thing! Like hey that’s not okay, I need mine too. Raising a baby alone would be no fun either. When they find another partner they will take on another family, and have less time for your child regardless of whether they’re still in the kids life or not. When you have children it’s not about you anymore. Not saying to stay miserable but at least try to make it work.

And you just got married sorry don’t feel sorry for you you will just have to live with it as it is It is not fair to marry the guy and suddenly you don’t like how thingsare


Oof. This is a conversation that needs to be done with your husband. Are you not sexually attracted to him because of his body and looks? Or is it just because he can’t please you?


It could also be hormonal issues as well that are causing this.


Gotta open your mouth. Women are attracted to men who help around the house and are emotionally available. So if he’s neither then tell him what you need…in bed tell him what feels good and what doesn’t/.here not there, harder softer slower faster/. If he can’t take the advice then you’ve made a mistake. No sense in dragging it out


I just left a relationship like this only different is we didn’t have a child together nor married I’m glad I dodged that :zipper_mouth_face:

Why marry him ? IDIOT


Wow your poor husband. He should be allowed to dissolve this based on fraud.


Ok first. No. Second why did you marry him this way. 3rd. He last 5 mins bc you don’t give it up. And 4 shame fucking on you.

Sounds like you’ve made a mistake getting married?


He’s gonna finish early an your not gonna be satisfied either, or ever, because he finished fast because you need to do it more an then he will last longer…your only doing it 1 a month …couples should do it more than 1x month…but if u don’t want him that’s bigger problem to the situation…more sex often im not saying every day, but it makes him last longer :woman_shrugging:

Your husband deserves better.


Is it a just him or you just aren’t feeling sexual? Cause those are 2 different situations if its just him then you definitely made the wrong decision marrying him and other than therapy and divorce not much else that can be done now if you just aren’t feeling sexual in general I am going through that currently after my 2nd open communication self care date nights and they say masturbation is what helps (he eats me out plenty but even that was like not feelin it) I am finally starting to get a little bit of my sex drive back but its pretty common after having a baby

Why did you marry a man who you are not even sexually attracted to?


I feel sorry for your husband.