How do you clean a carseat?

You need to wash according to the manual.

Baking soda vinegar in the wash. Smell should come right out

Open a small can of coffee over night. It will absorb alot of smell

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Vinegar and baking soda paste?

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If you personal message me, I will buy you some diapers so you donā€™t have to go through that again!!


Sunshine got the smell out for me, after a gently hand wash in warm water.

What we do is we take the whole thing apart. Like the cloth cover. We spray it with Shout stain remover where any stains are or could appear. Scrub it with a very very soft brush unless the material is made out of rough fabric. Then we put it in the washer and use Tide, Downy fabric softer, and we also use Lysol fabric sanitizer. I know most small children canā€™t use Tide because it breaks them out. But after giving it that deep clean you can go back and rewash it in whatever detergent they can use. Our son isnā€™t affected by Tide so he uses Tide like we do. :woman_shrugging: But all kids are different. Our son is MESSY and we do a WHOLE LOT of traveling for my husbandā€™s job. Last time we were in Washington State and we live in Alabama. He gets food, candy, spit, drink, poop, pee, EVERYTHING IMAGINEABLE in his car seat and it comes out looking brand new everytime we clean it

Baking soda and dawn dish soap.

Throw it out! lol No but once you get it cleaned get a piddle pad and if he has a accident then it will stay on the pad! Best invention ever!

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Wash the carseat frame and the seat get a spot carpet shampooer and do the whole seat and the car seat also sprinkle bi carb soda on the seats and leave for a few hours so it absorbs the smell. Then vacuum and then clean the vacuum cleaner.

Wash according to manual.

Depends on the carseat. Id remove the whole seatā€¦wash the cover as per instruction and wipe the frame with vinegar then soap and water.
Wash the actual car seat as wellā€¦pee is bound to have got on that too. Good upholstery cleaner should sort that and remember you may have to wash out the boot and move the seat outā€¦its amazing where pee can get to lolā€¦easier to use pull ups or training pants in future. Save yourself some work

Probably trickled onto the actual seat in the car not just on the baby seat.
Probably a whole clean of the inside with a shampoo machine and could probably try some pee pet spray for the smell also once cleaned

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So I had to take ours completely apart when my daughter did this, it was in the bottom plate of the car seat and the only way was to take the screws out and disassembled it to clean it.

Vinegar add it to the load works great

Vinager or peroxide they have peroxide cleaner

Take the cover off the car seat and wash it. Spray the plastic down and wash it with soapy water.

Take cover off Putin washer use baking soda or do extra rinse

White vinegar neutralizes urine.

Please follow the manual for cleaning intructions and/or contact the manufacturer.

My Pet Peed - Pet Urine Remover ā€”>this stuff works on human pee as well :eyes: I definitely recommend this to get the smell out

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Lemon juice I have heard

I use resolve carpet foam on my sons and it works wonders!

Take the cover off and wash it in the washing machine with detergent, baking soda, and vinegar. If it got on the seats or floor of the car spread baking soda and vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes, scrub and vacuum it up.


I saw this lady do it and used shaving cream

hose it down, if it needs stain cleaner use it. And hose it down again.

Take the cover off and wash it in your washer

Hydrogen peroxide. My youngest son had a bed wetting problem and I refused to buy him new blankets until the problem stopped so I sprayed it on them before they got washed and it took away most of the pee smell

Try odor ban. Follow directions on bottle for different uses. Can buy it in the cleaning supplies section.

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Use a cat pee remover enzyme they sell at pet storeā€¦ took care of my elderly father who dribbledā€¦took care of smell

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Soak it in the sink with vinegar and baking soda. Then wash it with detergent oxy clean and vinegar.

Take the whole thing apart and wash the cushions on gentle with laundry detergent. Dry them on low heat and put back together. Itā€™s a pain in the ass.

Try Lemon Windex. Let it soak a while then wash.

I pulled them apart often and washed them. Soak in vinegar and water (add 1 cup of vinegar, fill machine with water and then pause the cycle for a few hours).

Good godā€¦car seat nazi on the loose.


Did you takeout the car seat completely.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you clean a car seat?

Carpet cleaner with upholstery attachment or try a pet odour remover

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Mine, you can take all the fabric off and put it in the washing machine, then Iā€™d put the base into the bath with disinfect for a while, rinse off and let dry and put the fabric back on

If you have already washed it. Spray a little dettol. Just let it dry. The smell will go when itā€™s dry but if you keep wetting it will keep coming back.

Read your manual. All of these suggestions are wrong and go against what the manufacturer says. You can only wash the covers on a cold gentle cycle, with a mild detergent and dry flat in the shade. Most bases can only be wiped down with a damp cloth, same as the straps.

Use white vinegar. It will smell of vinegar initially but when it dries the vinegar smell will go.

Works for dog wee on carpet/upholstery anyway

Bicarbonate of soda. Leave on there overnight then Hoover.


Biological washing detergent

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you clean a car seat?

Pet urine spray cleaner. Fun fact it works on human pee also :rofl:


You can detach and throw it in washer machine.


Not sure how to get the smell out other than putting baking soda on it. For a while when my daughter was first going without diapers we put a puppy pee OAD under herā€¦just in case.


Pet stain and odor carpet/furniture cleaner should do the trick. Used it on our car but we had a shampooer to help too

I always took the cloth part off and threw it in the washer and then air dried it.


I take care of an elderly that has accidents Alot. Take the cover off wash with arm and hammer laundry soap and a quarter box of baking soda. Use an upholstery cleaner on the seat of the car if it was peed on.


I use fabreeze pet odorā€¦ you can take the car seat apart and wash it but wipe the straps donā€™t wash themā€¦ they have something on them that makes them fire resistant

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Im pretty sure a good one is 1 part vinegar and 1 part baking soda! One of my cats peed on my toddlers carseat and it got the smell right out! My mom ended up mixing it for me so i dont know the right measurements but im pretty sure thats it! :blush:


Car Seats for the Littles please, please join this group! Any and all parents should be in it that own carseats! You should only be cleaning with what is recommended by the manual and the manufacturer. You can destroy the integrity of the car seat, the cover and the straps if you use anything against the recommendationsā€¦which can result in harming the precious cargo that is your little ones. This group is certified carseat technicians & professionals. Theyā€™re easy to talk to and respond relatively quickly.:grin:


Someone really needs to create a carseat that can just be taken out of the car and hosed down with cleaners and disinfectant and whatever else is needed. Do car seat manufacturers really think a car seat can go 5 years without being peed, pooped, or thrown up on? Looooooord. :roll_eyes: My kid peed in his seat and Iā€™m terrified to do anything because I was in a serious accident earlier this year - thankfully without my son - but it was scary and the car seat had to be replaced of course so now it is top of mind for me how durable but ridiculously ā€œfragileā€ they really are.


Kids -n- pets, itā€™s the only thing I found when I was potty training my boys


Wash exactly how the manual states to wash it. You cannot use any chemicals on any part of the seat whatsoever. That includes vinegar, Odoban, Lysol, etc. The straps can be wiped with a baby wipe or a little regular blue dawn on a wash cloth. Same with the shell of the seat. Do not submerge the straps or the shell in water. No hosing either.


Dang, if your childā€™s pee smells that bad, he needs to drink more water! My kids have had accidents while on family trips and their pee didnā€™t smell like that. Yikes.


I take ours to the car wash and power wash the absolute living shit out of it :rofl: bonus points if they have the hand held dryer too, one stop shop for car seats, high chairs, large toys & bikes/trikes


You got to read the manual and see how they reccomend you clean it. Otherwise the straps or anything can fail when your kiddo needs them most!


Check the owners manual, and contact the company if need be.
If you do it wrong, you can affect the straps and wash away the flame retardant on the seat. Which you really donā€™t want to remove.


Odoban. Found in pet section at Walmart or near other cleaners usually at the bottom shelf

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CarSeat Safety is a good place to learn! Always follow the manual or contact the manufacturer, your CarSeat can fail to properly protect your kids if itā€™s not cleaned the correct way. Most things cannot be used on carseats as it causes the materials to break down and become dangerous in the event of an accident


Do not get the plastic part of the seat wet or it will compromise it. Only wash the seat cover EXACTLY how the user manual stats. Do NOT submerge seatbelt straps


Iā€™d clean the seat of my car. Most likely if youā€™ve cleaned the car seat and it still smell itā€™s on the seat in your car too. Good luck.


Vinegar takes the smell out and you can spray the straps with it also ā€¦ then keep a cup of it in the car over night to get the smell to

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You should be able to remove the cover of the car seat and wash in ur washer, and clean the seat itself with bleach.

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Car seats have lots of nooks, crannies and holes. It may not be the toddler car seat cover that smells but urine sitting in the base or the actual seats of the car itself that smells.


It probably leaked onto your actual carā€™s seat too so you might want to clean that as well. Oh and Odoban is great

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I take my kidā€™s car seat completely apart and wash all the fabric then put it back together. Iā€™ve done it with all my kids and multiple times. Never have an issue car seats are pretty easy to get apart and back together luckily


Read your manual! Do NOT soak the straps ā€¦ if you do the manufacturer will tell you to throw out the seat ā€¦ also not all seat covers are machine washable ! No bleach products either


Please read the manual on how to clean your seat. You can Google a pdf version if you no longer have it. Some seat covers can be washed in the washing machine with mild detergent, some need to be hand washed. I donā€™t think any car seats allow harsh chemicals, baking soda, etc. They can ruin the fire resistance of the car seat covers, in case of a bad accident. Also check the website for your seats manufacturer. You can probably email them and get a new cover for much cheaper than replacing the seat.


White vinegar will remove the smell. Just add 1/4 c to your wash. No fabric softener! If it smells like vinegar just do a regular wash and youā€™ll be set.


itā€™s important to check the ownerā€™s manual on what is allowed and not allowed to clean the car seat. they are very specific in how to clean. you can also call the manufacturer who will help you.


You can set it out in the sun and the sun will help get the smell out. Just make sure you donā€™t leave it out if it starts raining or anything because if it gets soaked, it compromises the integrity of the seat.

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White vinegar with water and Dawn dish soap. The vinegar gets rid of the smell, if you clean the inside of your car just leave your doors open for a bit and the vinegar smell will go away too.

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You can wash cover in the washer and clean the underneath of the cover with your fav spray cleaning stuff


Spray it with vinegar and let it sit in the sun


Urine smell can be gotten out easily with two simple sprays. One is natureā€™s miracle you can find at pet stores and Walmart now as well, this product also works well on vomit smells. Easy to use donā€™t have to take the seat apart. You will need to soak it down good. The 2nd product is kids n pets Walmart has it as well

If the pee smell is that bad your baby needs to be checked for a bladder infection or UTI. Good luck!

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We use mypetpeed for anything bodily fluid related. Got it because of my cat and Iā€™ve used it for everything from the car seat, mattresses, couches, you name it!

Take the car seat to the car wash and spray with the high powered soap and rinse. Also works for the stroller.

I take the cover off and wash in my washing machine on gentle hang dry then wipe the seat out with My scentsy counter clean. put the seat back together and spray my whole car with my scentsy fresh (I sell it .itā€™s amazing . gets smoke smells out too.

Take apart and throw the covering into the wash with soap and some Lysol

Every single person commenting on this suggesting ANYTHING other than a mild soap and water or mild detergent, youā€™ve probably already ruined your carseats and they need replacing. The amount of people that donā€™t take carseat safety seriously when it comes to their own kids is disgusting. You canā€™t take the easy way for everything. STOP hosing down your carseats, STOP using harsh chemicals on ANY part of the seat!

To the OP, check your manual or Google the exact carseat to look it up. My oldest had an accident in her carseat a few years ago, putting it in the sun after washing it with Tide free and clear did the trick for me. I also called Safety 1st and they said it was okay to use baby wipes on the straps and the actual seat to clean the gunk.

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You have to take the cover off but remember exactly how you did it the straps usually can slide off metal things in the back but make sure you remember because if you forget you might as well get a new one :joy: mine did this the other day

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I just throw it in the washer and add softener. Try adding the beads and see if it helps.

Sprinkle some baking soda and carpet refresh powder on the seat and the car and if possible leave it outside overnight to air out.

I sprinkle baking soda then pour over with vinegar I then throw it in the washer with 2 tide or gain pods , smells like new

This thread is troublesome. Please refer to your car seat manufacturers manual. Alot of these suggestions will ruin the integrity of the seat. The car seat is the difference between life and death should you be in an accident and you should only wash it per the instructions.

Itā€™s likely the pee is elsewhere not just in the car seat. Iā€™d have a detailer come out and clean the car and maybe consider buying a new seat.

Odoban works great, we use it to remove urine smells in the nursing home, Walmart carries it

The smell comes out when you put the cover in the washing machine and wash it the rest of it I would spray down with bleach let it set for about 5-10 minutes and then either one scrub it really really good and all the nooks and crannies or get a high pressure water hose and hose it out and let it dry by the time you set it outside it dries the dryer is done

I take the cover off, throw in washer alone for a good washā€¦ then I squirt dawn and wipe down then hose down the chair and let air dry over night.

Read the manual on how to take it apart. I can take all the fabric off my kids carseats and wash them

My mom uses diluded ammonia and detergent and washes them twice. Oila! No more pee smell.

Chances are itā€™s leaked onto your actual seats. Cars shampoo and plenty of scrubbing.

Never had the pee problem, weā€™re not quite there yet but heā€™s gotten car sick a couple times & i just take all the covers off, wash & dry like anything elseā€¦ the straps come out too but seems a bit of a pain in the ass so i just wipe the crap outta them with lysol wipes & also wipe down the rest of it before putting the covers back on. Every bit of his seat is just as good as when i got it. As for your car seatsā€¦ um maybe try baking soda after soaking up as much as you can with paper towels or an actual towel. Then get some urine spray from the store, they have different kinds for humans & pets.

you can look up on youtube how to take the cloth off of your car seat. itā€™s very tedious on some of the graco onesā€¦used borax, laundry detergent & apple cider vinegar

White vinegarā€¦soak excess with paper towels. Sprinkle baking soda over and leave for several hours. Vacuum once fully dry

I remove the cover and put it in the washing machine and then hang dry