How do you clean a carseat?

You can wash the seat cover but the straps can only be cleaned with water. I didn’t know this and after I did it, graco sent me a brand new car seat at no charge!! Cleaning the straps with any type of chemical or even oils makes them break down over time. I had no idea…

I take the whole thing apart and wash it on Sanitary in the washing machine the fabric at least the other i wipe down with Clorox wipes

Spray with vinegar. It breaks down the thing causing the smell

White Vinager!!! I use it on everything to get the pee or vomit smell out

I’ve taken car seats to car washes and cleansed them. Then sat them outside to dry in the sun. It actually has worked great. Just as long as you don’t need them ASAP.

The entire cloth cover comes off of mine and I just throw it in the washing machine. Then the base can be cleaned as needed. It’s not like that with all car seats?

Take the seat off the fabric it detaches and wash it in machine

We use Lysol in the bleach part of our washer. It works wonders.

Remove the car seat covers and throw in the wash

Make sure to wash the car too the seat drains into your cars seat even if you clean the car seat it will still reek until you take the seat out and wash the base and the actual seat of the car

Baking soda for a while and vacuum it up after at least half an hour

#1: Give that child more water. Their urine shouldn’t smell that bad.

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Did u take the car seat cover off and throw it in a washer it helped for us

Take it to car wash that you wash your self hose it!! It works everytime for me

What do you mean with soap? You put it in the washer… use reg detergent and that Lysol sanitizer detergent

Dawn dish soap and baking powder. Use a little bit of lemon juoce or even melt a candle down and put in Tupperware so every time your car sits in sun the wax makes it smell. Just saw that on FB few days ago

Baking soda. Put heaps on and leave over night then shake off excess then vacuum.

Leave in the sun before drying! For some reason the sun bakes out the smell. Works with dog urine to

Dawn dish soap and Odor ban. The odorban is washing machine safe. I literally use it on everything in my home and my bnb properties I clean.

Put a cup of vinegar in your car overnight and see if that takes the smell out :smiling_face:

Put some kitty litter on it, let it sit for 24 hrs, then wash it

Take out the seat padding, wash\wipe the hard plastic car seat, hand wash the padding\ soak a few minutes in large tall bucket of laundry soap\ diluted vinegar and rinse. Air dry.
Extra diapers in the diaper bag and leave some in the car.

Wash the cover in baking soda and distilled vinegar.

Vinegar water will neutralize the urine smell🙂

Vinegar will take urine smell away

You cannot use chemicals on it. Wash it as it says in the manual or replace it. I’d just replace it

Tske seat out and apart bucket of soapy water… hose it off scrub … and turn upside down let dry… clean the seat also…

Bicarbonate of soda, sprinkle on all the seats that may have pee on, allow to dry naturally, vacuum off, will get rid of the smell as well

Hot water baking soda & peroxide in the wash. Gets the pee smell out of blankets & everything.

wash the cover. there should be a tag with directions you can follow.

Contact the seat manufacturer, all seats are different and some don’t allow machine washing at all.
The best way to remove odors from any fabrics would be leaving them in sunlight after washing.

U shouldn’t wash car seats it removes the fire retardant and would then be deemed faulty and need replacing

Baking soda. And get your toddler a uti test cuz the smell shouldn’t be that strong

Put coffee powder in a saucer and place in car. All smell gone.
Thank me after.

Follow the manuals instruction for laundering. You could also place it in the sun outside, after washing it, while it’s still wet.

You can get enzyme spray from the pet section. Works with human pee too.

The cloth part comes off and throw it in the washer

Add some white vinegar to the wash and it will fix that

If washing with a mild detergent (not additives) isn’t working, call your car seat manufacturer. They very well might be able to send a new cover. Please don’t use anything like Febreeze or other chemicals to clean it because it jeopardizes the integrity of the seat and can deem it not usable. I would also join a group like car seat for the littles or car seat safety to help with further seat questions vs some of these suggestions.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide or dawn and vinegar

Read your car seats manual, because you need to make sure you properly wash it.

Ya’ll that are so up in arms about someone not listening to you to not wash the carseat or its cover really need to chill. There are many different manufacturers of carseats and they each have their own set of instructions.

Some say NO chemicals, others say NO HARSH CHEMICALS, and yet others say You Can Use MILD Chemicals. Some say no dryer and only air dry it out in the sun and others say a dryer on low is fine.

Stop thinking that the instructions you have are universal, and that your perspective is the only perspective to have. And simply leave it at Read YOUR Manual!

All the perfect mothers out there talking smack and treating each other like :poop: I bet if you didn’t breast feed your kid dies also….

Vinegar soak it and dawn soap and then rinse out and then wash with vinegar and laundry detergent

Odoban. You can thank me later… Love, an old mom with a very sensitive nose.


Urine Gone at Walmart.

Check underneath the seat, we had the same problem and there was urine that had collected under the seat.

Use pin sol and laundry soap than rewash with just regular soap and fabric softener

Take it out, cloth section off and then through washing Machine, plastic and straps in shower… can you spot clean your back car seat bench?

Buy odor ban at home depot saturate the seat with it. It kills odors and germs

Baking soda. Pour a good amount in let sit for a couple hours then vacuum it off


Oxiclean with the odor eliminator in it! If that don’t help white vinegar or baking soda

Did you also clean the seat of the car?

I used to be a CMA in an assisted living facility and we used Odoban

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Wash it in the washer. Spray with some type of freshener, let it sun dry. Spray with Lysol

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Normally you can take the cover off and throw it in the washer :woman_shrugging:t2:

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We take ours apart and throw it in the washing machine. Comes out looking brand new :blush:

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Pet spray cleaner. Its amazing

Mild detergent in washer or by hand. Then let it dry in the sun!

Bicarb of soda and sprinkle it over then leave as long as possible before hoovering

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Washing machine. Hose and Dawn power wash for plastic seat


I throw mine in the washer with tide

We clean our car seats once a month. We put them in the washer not dryer.

Please check the owner manual for your specific seat.

Bicarbonate of soda sprinkled over and leave overnight then hoover off next day

Enzyme cleaner or vinegar

White vinegar helps with pee smells! :blush:

I take to self serve car wash water super hot spray of use soap clean the rinse to all soap gone dry on sun :sun_with_face:

I take the whole cover off and throw it in the washing machine

Baking powder and vinegar! Then gently wash with soap

Baking soda n vinegar helps with all pee smells. I have 3 lil boys still learning to not pee everywhere :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming::nauseated_face:

Throw it in the washer

Baking soda, wash and put under sun for a day

Laundry sanitizer strip the whole seat lysol one is at Walmart

Yikes, so much misinformation on how to clean carseats…

CarSeat Safety is a fantastic group to get information from.

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Vinegar or hydrogen peroxide

SO much incredibly unsafe advice on this thread omg :flushed:

Wash it and dry in the sun.

Take it off and wash it!

Wash by hand with blue dawn

I pressure wash mine!

Peroxide eliminates the smell of Pee

Vinegar and baking soda in the washer

Resolve for pets or hydrogen peroxide

I used oxygen and baking soda

Vinegar takes cat pee scent.

Set it in the sun after a wash. Good luck

Soak it in white vinegar

You can pour white vinegar in the washer with your laundry detergent and wash like you normally would. White vinegar is a great deodorizer!

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White vinegar ! Swear by it

Powdered Tide and vinegar.

Take the seat out, take the cover off. Wash it like normal and add a little baking soda. Wipe off the seat with Clorox wipes while the cover dries. Also if you have cloth seats you may want to clean the seat underneath.

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in the washing machine

Odoban. You can get it on Amazon.

Vinager :ok_hand:t2::raised_hands:t2: tide pods in the washing machine on hot

Read the manual and/or call the company. That’s safest.

First of all of his urine smells that strong get that pore boy more water. Second you can take the cover off the base and toss it in your washer. Use some baking soda to get the smell out.

Add 1/4 box of baking soda and a cup of vinegar in the washer with it. I’d let it soak for 30 mins at least. That even works on cat pee!

I always soaked the cover in the bathtub with tide and scrubbed the base with dawn dish soap. I would do it out in the backyard with a bucket of HOT water and hose off when done, let it drip dry and then finish air drying inside the house.

Take the cover off machine wash. Wash belts too and wash base while thats in machine