How do you cope with your boyfriend leaving for work?

If you can go visit him

My hubby does a lot of stay aways, it’s something you never think would be an obstacle in any relationship. Without changing jobs it isn’t going to change anytime soon so Ive made my own coping techniques lol. We try to FaceTime halfway through the week for our daughter, catching up with people throughout the week helps distract me sometimes. Otherwise I try my best not to think about it until we’re on the countdown of him coming home. It’s really really hard, communication needs to be kept, and be honest with each other on how your feeling. The hardest thing I think is you spend all this time adjusting to living without them there then when they come back you’ve got to adjust to living with them again.
Be honest with little one and if there’s any chance to travel to where he is even just to spend the night, have dinner or whatever def do it.

Try and FaceTime as much as u can so u can see eachother as much as u can… keep urself occupied… I was going to college while my husband was gone for long periods of time… I started crocheting too… good luck momma I know it’s hard but u can do it!!


I’ve been with my husband for 10 years and we haven’t spent a night apart in 8 years! Even if it’s only for 2 months that will be rough when you’re used to having that person sleep next to you but I recommend facetiming and keep yourself busy, spend time with friends/family members


You will be just fine!!!
Be brave
Be strong
Stay busy with your little guy.
Spend time with family, friends!! Duo calls, facetime!!!

I’m so sorry that some of these women are down right hateful. Ignore the pettiness. I know it’s very upsetting and scary to think that he will be gone for 60 days.

I would suggest maybe getting a calender. Have your little one and you cross each day off before bed time. Count down how many more sleeps before Daddy is home. You can also schedule video calls, send pictures back and forth, frequent phone calls etc. Lean on your friends and family for support as well.

Best of luck Momma! <3


Keep yourself busy busy busy.
My ex husband was on a deployment for 7 months, when he left we had a 2 week old.
I kept myself busy allll the time.

Routine. Stick to the normal routine. And make sure you FaceTime each other at least once a day.

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I guess try to keep it in perspective. 2 months isn’t long. I’ve dealt with deployments that were well over a year. There are all sorts of women out there with children and husbands/fathers that are away for many reasons whether it be some kind of job or deployment or whatever. Maybe even prison. It will go fast and be okay. You can do it.

You grow up. Military spouses do it all the time.

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This would be a great post to share to a military spouses group. I’m sure you can find some great answers from them.

My hubby works a week on week off camp job, so he is gone half the time. We talk every night and I send him lots of photos of the kids and things we are doing. We also have dinner at the table together as a family every night and I try to limit sleepovers away when he’s home so he gets as much family time in as possible.

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Girl my husband left for 9 months at a time amnd will be gone again for 6 months come beginning of next year. U just manage. Facetime, stay busy and take it day by day. #militarylifesucks

Literally I don’t know cause when mine works 2,12’s in a row I freak out :rofl:

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Omg enjoy it! I wish I was in your shoes


Separation anxiety is a thing.
Keep in communication facetime.
Calls make arrangements to go see him.


Your child will take cues from you. Be strong, controlled, and stable for them.


It sucks but you’ll do fine. Mine is always gone for work heck he had to leave the state for like 4 months when my son was little and it is a huge adjustment but you’ll be ok. You’re stronger than you think you are!

My husband did out of town work a ton before we got together since we have been together he has switched jobs to avoid going out of town. Now he told his boss at the company he’s at he won’t go out of town and doesn’t want to. So they won’t ask him.

Clare Whayman Gotta love all the ignorant single mothers and army wives comments :joy::man_facepalming:


Oh my girl I’m so will servive this,keep in mind he’s doing this for your familytry to keep busy,or take a course,and give it your best shot

Try not to give him a guilt trip if possible. That’s one thing we dont realize. We think we are telling them how much we love them when we say I cant make it without you. But all that does is put guilt on the man. If he’s doing this for family , be supportive. He dosent have to know every time you cry .


Well dear, thank God he’s only gone for two months. I know you’ll miss him but thank God he will return mine died js.


The time will pass by quickly if you keep busy

It’s hard for the first couple weeks but u get used to it make sure u talk on the phone write letters and even do some facetime it will go quicker than u think and make sure to stay busy

Save a time to talk to him when you both have time to talk together.

Not trying to make it sound like nothing but in my husbands line of work people travel for years and years and may be lucky to get home once a year for a holiday. It will go by semi quick and you’ll probably appreciate each other a little more once he does return home. You find the strength for your babies and pull together. I don’t know how far away he’ll be but we travel all over visiting my husband or visiting family while traveling with my husband. We’ve done both lived and traveled with and stayed home.


Coming from an ex military wife here. I don’t understand why people have to be ugly! She’s not a military spouse, PERIOD! She is clearly asking for advice. Unless you military wives or married women ABSOLUTELY HATE YOUR HUSBANDS, there was a first time deployment or training they were gone to for over a month. There was that FIRST SEPARATION that was fucking tough and scary etc. So how about show some human fucking decency toward people! If you want to comment on here about how your husband is gone all the time etc how about comment and help in ways to help her cope with it!

You gotta calm down down so baby calms down.


Just look at it as this. It’s something you have to do. It’s something you’re going to do. Figure out a communication schedule with him that will work well. If he can FaceTime you and your son that will help your son some as well. Find little things to do to keep you busy. If you can have regular scheduled company do it. Before you know it he will be home and that reunion will mean a lot.


Come on ladies. She asked for advice. Not for some of you sarcastic asshole comments. “Suck it up” “my husband was away in the army” “I’m a single mum”.
Yes we completely understand that some partners need to leave for work. If you can’t give her nice advice to cope with her baby. Then don’t comment at all!!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder :woman_shrugging: I haven’t been there myself yet but I know my time will come. Enjoy the time to yourself!!

Find things to keep you busy. Especially the first few weeks because those (atleast for me) always seem to be the hardest.

I’m a milspouse. I have been having to go through this for years… And I still panic and get upset when he has to leave. You’re not wrong, or crazy, or stupid for feeling this way. Ignore the rude comments trying to tear you apart. It’s not easy hun. <3

But, because I do this a lot, I sort of know how to make it pass by faster. Hopefully I can help you out!

Focus on your love. Let your love for each other just fill you and try to focus on nothing but that, when emotions flare.

Skype/FB video chat/phone calls/ect every night if you can, or at least as often as possible, are huge lifesavers.

Text as often as you can.

Try to not focus on each day. Only celebrate bigger milestones. Since your time apart is only two months (Trust me, I know “only” feels and sounds harsh… Even a one month training still kills me, but it’s better to think, “ONLY two months!”), focus on weeks. One week down, two weeks down, three weeks down… two weeks left, one week left, and then count days.

Pour all your time into your little one. Focus on them in your free time.

Don’t let yourself think about it. Keep busy.

It’s fine to talk to him about how yyoure feeling, but be mindful of his feelings too. He’s going through it also… Watch what you say and how you say it. You don’t want to risk making his time harder. Just as he should hopefully do the same for you. Remember that he also is having to be apart, from both of you. That’s not easy either.

It’s no fun. But it’s short in the grand scheme of things. Super hard to think that in the moment, but it is. You’ve got this :slight_smile:


Girl I’d enjoy the time to myself, and keep busy! Makes time go faster, and also your baby is small enough he probably won’t even notice. If he asks, just say he’s at work and he’ll be home soon as he can!

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Facetime at night so your little one can see him, explain that daddy is gone to work and you will call him when he’s done work. Just try and keep busy with friends and family or plan things to do with you little one to make it go by a bit faster and make the days fun, thats what we do, i have a 2.5 year old and my mans out of town for a month at a time and back for two weeks give or take. Its hard but we gotta do what we gotta do! Stay strong, its the best feeling when you miss someone for a while and get to see them again, im so excited every time he comes back home!


Video chats nightly for bedtime with the little! Text call stay in contact. You can also take the little and go visit when he will be off


I’ve been living 1100 miles away from my husband for 3 years. Two months will fly by so quick. Maybe you can visit if it’s not too far.

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Your child is going to start feeling your emotions.
You need to keep it together… its 2 months.
I’ve been with my husband for almost 7 years and he has had to work out of town plenty, even with us having 3 children!
There are single parents who would love to know its only going to be 2 months that they have to be alone and especially be alone with a child. There’s military families who are away for years at a time.
Hold it together.


Face time, remind yourself it’s only 8 Mondays, try to watch movies together on Netflix watch party or even initiate games on the phone if you are interested in that, little things like that keep it closer. (They also have sex toys that can be phone operated if that’s something you’re in to!) :grin:


Omg how would u survive if yous broke up :rofl::woman_facepalming:


Video calls hun, he will understand daddy is at work, and if you are happy and not make it a huge deal, your child will see that and be fine too, just learn how he does things that he does with your boy, and start getting used to doing things all yourself, missing him will be hard, but I think the being a solo parent for 2 months will be the harder part.

You need codependency therapy dear.


My hubby goes out of town for work for about 3 months once a year and it’s rough especially when you have kids. Focus on your baby and call and face time every day. Multiple times a day if you need to! The last couple years me and the kids or just myself were able to go out and visit a weekend about half way though and that visit held us over until the end. My hubby had to work during the day while we were there so me and the kids ventured out of the hotel to explore but we were able to have dinners and hit the hotel pool together and sleep next to each other though for a couple days at least. It never gets easy but after a while you’ll get into your own routine and you’ll make it though. Be strong! You got this. Don’t mind others talking shit. We all have different types of relationships with our spouses and it’s not their place to judge.

My husband is National Guard and is on his 4th year long deployment and he has done 2 6 month trainings away from home. He does trainings and weekends/weeks away all year long. We have 5 kids. I am by no means trying to “one up you” just speaking from experience. The days will feel long. There will be tears. But the time will pass quicker than you think. You get into a routine. Keep busy, talk as often as you can, and try not to make him feel guilty for doing his job because I am guessing he doesn’t want to be away from home either. Extended time away from each other can teach a couple to not take little things or each other for granted. It can be a blessing. Make it a special time for you and your 2 year old. Go on little trips, the zoo, the beach, or picnics. This deployment it’s down to just my 15 year old daughter and me and we have tried to make it a special year of just us since she only has a few more years before she graduates. It has really helped us get through the year. Just some advice from a little bit of a pro at dealing with separation.


Keep yourself super busy! Good luck to you mama is so hard but you can do it darlin! Go visit if you can! It’s ok to cry and have bad days ! Get back up the next day and just kick ass, you can do it it’s so worth it when they come home! Stay strong!!!

I can’t believe how many unsupportive women there are on here. I’ve been a military spouse for 12 years and it doesn’t matter if it’s for 6 months or a weekend, an empty space in your normally full home is still empty space. That’s not codependency, that’s loving your spouse with a routine. Everyone handles stuff differently but judging doesn’t look good on anyone.

That being said, my kids are older now and it’s still an adjustment for them. We play lots of games, we go outside when we can, go swimming, video chat (it doesn’t always work for everyone because it can play as a reminder that they’re gone. We’ve been there before with my daughter). Keep your routine as much as you can, just with adjustments. Get your son some candies or his favorite snack and put it in a container. Let him take one out every day and when it’s gone, that’s when daddy comes back. It’s hard but eventually you do get through it. Everything will be just fine!


My husband works 6 days a week 12+ hour days… you’ll get use to it. Just keep that love alive and you’ll be fine.

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Sheesh a lot of y’all sound like you don’t really like your spouse all that much


Man, some of the comments here seem so harsh. When you’re in a healthy loving relationship, you’re first time apart, especially a prolonged amount of time, can seem scary and hard! But just like when life throws anything at us, we persevere. You’ll be ok and when you guys get to be together again it’ll be like a honey moon phase all over again! TAke the time to maybe learn something new, try a new exercise ect to show him when he gets home, teach the baby something new ect :slightly_smiling_face: what a prime opportunity to truly surprise daddy with something!


I know the feeling evn if my man is gone for hours or days I am just as anxious. It wont be easy communicating is key late night phone calls during the day texts and voice notes. Take that time to deep clean the house treat yourself and get cute for his return.

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You”ll adjust and you and baby will bond

If weekend trips for you and baby are possible maybe rent out a a hotel near him and y’all stay together a couple of nights. When my husband would work out of town I would pack a weekend bag for my daughter and I and just go stay w him for a weekend.

Cheat on him worked for my wife. Or don’t put your personal shit in fb

U gotta be strong …

For those who gave kind advice brovo to you. For the ones who wanted to be bully’s and neg. Nancys and ugly yall need to keep your sorry remarks and sorry advice and move on. Stop waisting oxygen.


2 months is nothing before me and my husband were married while I was pregnant with our third and my first two were 6 years old and 8 months old me and their dad (my boyfriend at the time) were apart in different states for exactly 5 months. Just keep busy and focus on your son.

My husband goes out of town for work every once and awhile. The first time was hard but it gets easier. Just making time out of the day to talk on the phone helps a lot.

You’ll be fine. Humans just adjust to things pretty easily. Not being mean but my daughter’s dad (my late husband) passed when she was two and a half. It was hard at first, but you just get used to it. She’s 14 now and such a great kid! Trust me when I say, you’ll be fine and so will your baby.

So disappointed with most of these comments. As someone who literally used to be this way and then got forced into the deep end of being a single mum - IT DOESN’T GET EASIER. OP is asking for advice, not judgement. Feel for the poor girl reading through this crap.
Try and stick to your routine as much as you possibly can. Face time where possible, or just phone calls if thats the only option. Perhaps you and bub can visit dad if thats feasible?
DO NOT feel bad for struggling with this. People handle things differently. I hope the 2 months fly by for you!


Decades long Army wife here and please ignore the rude comments. I remember this same struggle when my husband signed up for the military, I cried my eyes out at any thought of our separation (I was 8 months pregnant but still).
You just keep yourself busy. The better you do at that, the faster the time goes. You will get thru it if you are a strong couple. It’s true the saying “people always asked me how I could be strong and I always answered it’s not a choice.” Or “you don’t know how strong you are til you have no other choice”.
You got this!


You will adjust and so will the baby. A couple years ago my husband went from being a roofer home nightly and weekends to a truck driver home most weekends but gone all week and during busy times gone for a month or more at a time. It was hard at first but we adjusted and treasure the time we get together

It gets easier! Just find ways to fill your days, I’m a single mum with a 16 month old, daddy has him one day every 2 weeks, while I work. It is hard and lonely, not having someone to stick the kettle on and share the cooking and cleaning. But get out and about abit each day, goto a park, for a walk, shopping and meet friends and the days dont seem so long. Good luck xxx

Stay busy and communicate when possible

My partner is away currently for 5 months were 12 weeks in we have a 7 year old and 2 year old he’s always worked away but never this long it’s hard on all of us when he leaves and the first few weeks but it gets easier he calls several times a day and messages too this helps alot with the girls he’s then only home for 1 month before going again for 5 months try to think of the positive he’s doing it to provide for us and so we can buy a house remember it’s not forever keep yourself busy and out with friends as much as possible x

My husband worked away all my life its not easy but it can work.I had four children all adults together for the same goals.

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Keep your mind busy, Sister. Ignore those who are being insensitive to your question!

Try to be positive around your son & not to show him your so sad. Also if your partner can facetime or call every day that will be helpful. Good luck x

Oh girl let me tell you. We were never apart since we got married 4 days after graduating high-school. Before we got married we dated for 3 years. In 2018 my husband got his first job in Michigan. It was only 2 weeks long but extremely hard for us. We had never been apart. My husband’s job has him doing the same exact thing! He left for his second job assignment when I first got pregnant with our son and neither one of us knew I was pregnant! He was there for like 2 days and I took a positive test. I didn’t get to go on that one neither. It was supposed to be only three weeks in Arizona and there was no room for me to ride with him at the time. This was before we got a reliable truck to go across the country. He got to know through text he was going to be a daddy. It was so upsetting. It wasn’t until about 2 months later we got to be together. The job ended up lasting way longer than 3 weeks and was projected to last 3 months. So my brother in law flew home so he could drive back (he works with my husband) and I flew out there all alone for the first time and pregnant. Then I gave birth in October. My husband was at work and came home for the birth. Then he got to spend FOUR DAYS with me and our newborn before he had to leave his child right after meeting him. I cried for days just wanting to be together as a family. We couldn’t go with him because I mean… our baby was 4 days old. They didn’t need to be in the car from Tennessee to Ohio and he had Dr’s appointments of course he couldn’t miss. It was a long time before our son and I got to go with him. We are with him right now actually on a job. We are in Washington. But we can’t go on every job with him. His next job is supposed to be in Montana in September. We are both going to be in our friends wedding in October. It will be so much cheaper for him to fly home for the wedding than all three of us fly home. And the part of Montana he is staying has one little convenience store and a nasty Dairy Queen. Nothing else to eat and the rooms are tiny. Our son doesn’t need to go there. He’s 2 in October and a growing boy. That means my husband will most likely miss our sons second birthday but it’s a sacrifice we will have to make. We have to make them all the time. Our son has already been to Montana before he turned 1 and it was hard Then. Ignore these people that say your feelings aren’t valid. They clearly aren’t that happy with their marriages. I don’t sit around and cry anymore when I can’t go with my husband. But that’s only because he’s been doing this for 3 years now. It will be 4 in October. I’m used to it. I still miss him for sure! But I put all of my focus on our son and we FaceTime my husband during all 3 of his breaks and when he gets off work. Our son knows who his daddy is. My husband has claimed the role of putting him to sleep every night himself. He won’t let me, that’s what he wants to do. So when he’s not home I make a point to FaceTime him when our son is going to sleep so he can also tell him goodnight himself and see him while I lay him down for bed. It will get easier I promise. And your daughter will begin to understand. Go with him when yall can and FaceTime him when yall can’t. :heart: It’s a hard lifestyle especially with a child but I still love what he does. When we get to go with him we get to see things together we would never see on a normal day. Our sons birth was announced at the Grand Canyon, our son got to go see the grand canyon himself exactly a year after his birth announcement, he’s played on the natural beaches in Washington collecting sand dollars, looking at hermit crabs and sea stars, he’s been to El Paso, Texas looking at the boarders of Mexico, he’s been through Texas, he’s seen Montana, we have went to Yellowstone together and seen moose, he got to go to Disney at like 2 months old (it was a family trip with most of our older nephews. But we still have some pretty cute pics of our newborn with the characters. He even got to ride safer rides with us), our little family has been everywhere just about. We would like to see California before we go home in about a week. And guess what? When we go home my husband doesn’t have to work until September. We stack thousands while he’s working so when we go home we have all that money to live life and enjoy it together. He gets to spend every second of the day with us without having to go to a daily job. We get to have cookouts with friends and go to events ppl that have to work can’t go to. While he’s working we also pay up our bills so we have no bills but utilities and phone bill as well. So we are living life doing what we want when he’s not working. It will get easier girl and you will learn to love it. :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My husband and I seen each other maybe every other weekend most of the time not for a month sometimes up to 3 months for the first 10 years of our marriage. I had a five month old and a baby on the way, my boys are 14 months apart. Get into your own routine, keep yourself busy. Live your life, go out with friends, have fun. Don’t let him being gone keep you from living your life. He will be back and he is doing it to make money for your family. You will make it and your son will be just fine, he will adjust faster than you!

Stay busy during the day/pick up a new hobby that you have always wanted to try. And video chat when he gets off work and then again before you go to sleep. You will still miss him but it will definitely help a little bit until he comes home. :blush: also enjoy the extra cuddles and bonding time with your child. I usually let my toddler sleep in my bed with me when my boyfriend isnt here.

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My hubby and i been together for 9 years never apart til 3 years ago when he started a job that has him traveling nation wide. Hes now home with us 12 hrs a month. Eventually u get use to it

Youl be fine enjoy the peace


My hubby and I have worked jobs together for the last 8 years. I completely understand why this us heartbreaking for you. The best you can do is video call, talk, and text often. If you’re financially able see if you can visit him on his days off and if the job allows it

Give it 20 years you will enjoy the time he is away, :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Focus on your son & being the best mommy & wife you can be. Start baby on flash cards, teach him letters, basic numbers & shapes. You will miss your husband of course but send him a quick nude every so often (TRUST ME​:kissing_heart: “Wife of the year :raised_hands:”), see if he can call you for 5 mins during his lunch (let the man decompress and eat) & a maybe phone call when he gets back to his room or before bed just to talk a bit longer about your days and connect. Try not to smother him as you don’t want him to get too homesick but maintain a solid balance in your relationship. Remember above all else you are a TEAM, your roles are just a little different for the time being. Take the time to acknowledge how much you appreciate your hubby & value your other relationships/friendships/life roles, abd acknowledge how strong & independent you are even when you don’t feel it, SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE :muscle:. TRY to not let your emotions get the best of you. Keep telling yourself he’s doing it FOR his family, NOT to his family. You all, baby included, will have days that can be harder than others & it can become exhausting, physically and mentally, give them/yourself GRACE. Do your best DAILY to appreciate the good and make light of any dim situation. Daily Affirmations are my favorite :heart: 11 years with my hubby. We were 6 years in, without spending a day apart, before he had to go half ways cross country for 6 months with only 3 days notice. It was tough on all of us but made us stronger, me and our daughter closer, & I stopped being as codependent/anxious. I still get sad when he’s gone for super long but once I feel it kicking in I make myself busy & I tell myself how proud I am that I did small tasks like cleaned the house, organized this or that, grocery shopped on my own, taught our daughter “ xyz “, made it to church even though I woke up late and my daughter couldn’t find her shoe :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl:. Those little victories and a whole lot of gratitude will get you through everything. You got this momma :heart:


As someone who has been a military wife for 21 yrs, and who’s husband has probably been gone for a good 6 yrs on deployments, leaving behind myself and 2 kids, it sucks. But what i always do is allow myself one pitty party day (day he leaves), then I get it together and do what i have to do because someone has to be there for my children and there is no reason we can’t just talk about when daddy will be home, and do a count down. There is always emails, or texts, or video chats. It’s not easy, but you can do this.


Be happy that he has a job that he is successful in. He is probably feeling torn about leaving you for an extended period of time, also. Create a project for yourself to keep busy while he is away. Perhaps a home improvement job, that would improve your outlook. Do not spend the time counting the hours until he returns. Be supportive of his efforts Showing him that you can stand on your own will go a long way to solidify your commitment to growing as a team. He will love you for it.


become yourself again.

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Be thankful my husband is passing away. I wish it was just 2 months away.


I’ve never enjoyed separation from my husband, but I’ve always believed the times we do spend apart only build us closer together. We’ve learned to appreciate each other much more afterwards. It’s not easy it’ll be something you’ll have to cope with and definitely adjust to. As soon as he gets back you’ll see a new spark in one others hearts because as the song says “reunited and it feels so goooooooood” :smiling_face:

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That was a vacation for me tbh.


Girl once you get over the initial sadness you’re going to love some alone time. Space will do wonders for your relationship too.


My husband and I have been together 10 years and married 7. He’s traveled for on and off for 4 of those years. 8 months being the longest he was gone. It is very hard and you will probably always get emotional but you must find yourself a hobby, work, take care of your kid, and use FaceTime. My kids were young so they probably won’t remember him ever being gone but we always take lots of pictures and had plenty of phone calls and facetime twice a day if possible

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you cope with your boyfriend leaving for work?

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One thing I learned being in an off and on relationship with my daughter dad— is to not be dependent on ANYONE. Try to find a way to be happy being alone, enjoying quality time with your baby :heart: my daughter is 4 and her dad works in another state, we travel to him once a month and I fully enjoy my time alone just my baby and I


I travel for work also. Video chat, a good morning text every morning and random text during the day. Just trust your mate and take care if yourself, mind, body and soul.

You wouldn’t have to worry about a thing dear if you had a good church home. People that you can hang out with and your son could have plenty of safe play days

My son lived in Texas for several years. Saw him once a year but video chatted often. Really helped talking and being able to see him.

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Keep a journal…share with him when he gets back. Take your little one on fun day trips. Your partner will take joy in reading about the positive impact you had on your child.

You realize he is doing this for the family. You keep busy. Learn something new. FaceTime is great. Make sure your son sees and talks to Daddy as much as possible. See friends. Count on them. Take care of yourself. Pamper yourself once in a while. All the things I wish I’d known for over 20 years of hubby being gone all the time for work.


Embrace your baby. 2 months of “special” time. Make it memorable. Make it count. You got this!


my husband was in the military and left for asia the day after our first anniversary . you grow up and develop bravery and stay focused . prayer is essential. you model mature behavior fir your child

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Stop the drama, stand up and be a capable mother to your child. That would set a much more profound example for the child. Think of the wives that have seen their husband’s or sons off to war.


Put your big girl pants on. Realize a lot of us have to give up things to exist daily. It’s not the end of the world or your not gonna die because of it. Keep busy with your little one or get a part time job. Be thankful you have a good man that works. Some women don’t even have that. You’ll be ok.


Momma you got this! I’m older now and if I would have just listen and took advise oh my! All these positive comments keep them fresh in your mind it’s just 8 weeks enjoy baby time and self time

Keep going on with your life. I mean it’s temporary. You have to adjust. Be independent. I have done it. My husband work out of town for several years and we had two teenagers at the time. I would talk with him everyday and sometimes I would go visit on weekends. It’s life and you just have to do it! Your child will be fine.

Think of this time as a learning experience Sew. Clean house. Start a moms group.

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This may be good for you to be a little bit more independent🥰


With being an army veteran, and my husband being an army veteran, I know all too well about being away from family. My husband was away for a few months in the army while I was big pregnant… I kept busy as best I could. Went out with my kids and found activities for them to do and have fun. Video chatted with my husband while he was away…even if it was just for a little bit while he got ready for the day. Your little one is still little so hopefully they won’t be too affected by his absence. Make sure to include your significant other in daily conversations like “I wonder what daddy is doing, let’s call him” or “I sure miss daddy, can’t wait till he gives us a bunch of kisses when he’s back” all while showering your little one in kisses. Make each day fun instead of sad. Create a calendar where your little one can mark off each day that yall are closer to being together again… hang in there mama. Time will go by before you know it!