Military wiges do it all the time. Its hard at first but you’ll grow stronger every day.
Someone is going to do a lot of growing up in those two months. Sounds very codependent at the moment.
Being a military spouse for 22 years I got use to him being gone, most of the time I didn’t know where he was, we couldn’t even talk on the phone. We had two children that I had to keep up with. You get use to it. You do what ya gotta do. It’s hard at times but put your mind to it and you can do anything. Good Luck. Hang in there!!
Head to Build A Bear. Your husband can get him a stuffed animal and record his voice inside.
If you are able to have zoom calls or face time, it will be invaluable.
Lots of photos of Dad and little one and Dad and Mom, then Dad alone will be helpful.
Can Dad record himself reading the little one’s favorite story?
For the adults missing each other, lots of written note, photos and texts of possible.
Good luck.
My sons in law were in the Navy and deployed 6 months out of the year. Their wives were working so kept busy. That lasted 10 years.
Do things your boyfriend does not to do. Rearrange the furniture in your house …paint the walls wash the windows scrub the garage take your son to the movies to the zoo to the park.
Days will go fast if you keep busy. Do not cry ! He is at work not dead! Enjoy the time !
My husband traveled all the time with his job. To me it was like a honeymoon everytime he came home and here we are 25 years later. You just have to keep doing what you do. Life doesn’t stop it just keeps going forward. You got this, you are stronger than you think.
PLEASE use this as an oppurtunity to find out who you are! You didn’t mention if you work. If you don’t - DO! Even just a part time job.
Do a Mommy and Me thing at least once a week, I personally love swimming.
Set up certain times of the day with baby and hubby to chit-chat.
In the evening, after the baby is down, pour a bath, a glass of wine and read a good book! No, not your i-phone, television, etc. A real book! Did you know the lights from all our devices actually changes our chemistry??!!
Then call hubby, blow him kisses and get some sleep. Follow this, I promise he will be asking if you had an affair when he comes home. You will be glowing!
You have to choose. Send him off with a smile and wish him luck or make yourselves miserable and in thaf way help him lose hus job! It’s life and reality! Get with it!!
Use William Woolfs advice and the 2 months will sail buy so quickly. It’s not nice to be left on your own with children but its do able.
Wives and girlfriends of our military service people should comment. If anyone has experience with this they do. My granddaughter’s husband is a Marine and has been deployed three times for 6 to 9 months at a time. Having a child to take care of will help make the time go faster. If she has a job that will help. That helped my granddaughter.
8 weeks will fly by. Make an event of it to mark off the calendar, each passing day.
Might want to talk to some military wives whose husbands are gone for months and years even.
get over it, he’s not going off to war, is he? If so then you can cry, if not just be glad that he has a job.
use this time and commit your family to GOD IN prayer make sure you both chat on phone like he does when he was around make sure you put d phone on ur son,s eyes each day to remind him he has family never fight with him on phone for any reason till he comes back nd make sure before he go,s to bed you both pray together on phone God grace will see u tru shalom
One area that bad one is there has never been any pitch in the roof.water won’t drain That was the worst, patio is a not so bad fix, but with the damn constant rain and humidity just a bad situation. Carpet has to go but it was not that great to start with. Didn’t have the muscle to rip it out so just left for now.
Go visit…and your son will be fine…it’s you I am more worried about…lol…I understand you have been real close with him but you will live…you may have a few sleepless nights but hold your child that much tighter and say a prayer…then wake up and do it again…lol…he will be home for good when it’s all said and done…just remember that and cherish what you have…good luck
We always video called so the kids and I could see him. But it is very hard. Scream and cry if you have to. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Have a friend sleepover party and watch movies or have a few drinks. It will take your mind off…
Grow up and start taking responsibility …you can do fine if you stay busy and your child will adjust. How do u think military wives do this? It will be easier as time goes by. Get with other moms and see how they do it.
Called “being a grownup”. Really?
Really? Never spent a minute apart?
Just remember, being married to someone in the military. They are gone for a very long time.
Grow up & thank your blessings he has a job. You’ll will be fine.
I think you should go with him and take your baby to.
Part of life. Learn to be independent. Be strong for your son.
My husband works away too. His longest was 6 months. Video chatting, routine, texts, phonecalls on breaks, open communication, understanding, patience and respect. It’s totally do able! We’re into this 6 years going now! You get really use dto it, so your time home is SO great!
Just take each day at a time. I’ve learned to keep myself busy with gardening and household task and the kids, and to be honest when my partner is home it kinda throws us of routine
You learn to cope, for me I have a strict routine of washing, cooking, outings ect and anything we do has to fit in that routine while he’s gone. Also if your able have someone come over once a week or have your child while they nap so you can get out of the house and do your own thing
Now a days hun you can Face Time think of it like this your Love will Only Grow Founder For Eavh Other in the Long Run.
Thankfully you can & should video chat when able. The 2 yr old will react to your feelings so please be careful.
You are lucky … we were only able to use phone calls… also remember he will not be able to contact you as much during working hours ESPECIALLY if hours vary … time zones
Support him & he will support you.
I was fortunate had Family and Friends plus work to help me thru the times my Hubby was gone.
Good Luck
my husband and i were the opposite. we met while he was working where i lived. after a few months he left to “never return “ but ended up getting another job out there for almost a year. after that we only say each other for a week or so every 3-6 months. we have 2 kids our oldest being 5 next month and i guess he was used to it but it seemed he didnt really realize how long he was gone. we have been living together now since december and im so ready for him to get a job out of town i say that but i know i will miss him like crazy. lol
Face time on the phone
Don’t be a Wuss & be glad he’s working!!
Ever hear of FaceTime?
Hope you can trust him…question is will he cheat on you…
2 months?? Thats it.
Find a support group. Military wives go through this all the time, and for much longer. Find something to take your mind off the time.
you be fine it not healthy to together all the time. take the time to learn yourself
Look at the positive. Don’t have to cook every night. Start reading some books you haven’t had a chance to. I know it can be hard. You can do it.
my husband was in USAF and would be gone 2 weeks out of every month also sometimes 6mos.longest time was a year … I had 3 children.Just kept busy and networked with other Moms…
Kids 2 after a day or so he won’t care, u being like this tho will cause the child more issues so u need to pull urself together. Just imagine if he actually left u
…hobbies, friends, plan hikes/walks. Do something for yourself
Be happy he has a job. Phone, video chats and live life
Skype. Virtual internet services…
My dad is a ex lorry driver and racer, he would work away from home alot. So when I was little my mum made it out to be a little game, we would get a map and we would guess where he was. Guess the time or day he may come home, make surprises for him ect. It was never a sad moment.
Just keep on smiling and make it fun for your child.
Im sorry but i just cant get it why is this a problem.
Think of our soldiers when deployed, not only are they in overseas but months to almost a year that they are not home and their life is in danger all the time not knowing if they can still see their family… and you, only 2 months and you are dying despite of all the techs and apps?
Dont let him work if that satisfies you…
Again, im sorry. But this really feels childish and nonsense.
Learn to be independent.
This sounds way over the top. It’s okay to miss someone but this is extreme. A 2 year old will keep you busy, 2 months is not that long and you can video call daily you’ll survive
Grow up and learn how to be okay on your own because that’s not healthy.
Im a Truckers wife. Our youngest was 6 months when he started, he was gone 3/4 months at time. Yes it sucks but wit time you will get to a routine. We did Skype and WhatsApp video calls every day so the kids could see him and talk wit him. The loneliness is hard but you will get to a point that it gets easier, just remember that he is missing you and the kids just as much you guys are. Its harder for them cuz lots of times they are missing bdays and other special occasions. You are not alone on this momma. Hang on
Btw ignore all the bitter ones saying to grow up. They sound like they have the perfect life. Is not easy and it doesn’t matter if he is gone 3 weeks or 8 or a year. Its never easy on the kids or spouses. People dont know how to give a response without been assholes
Girl same. I wouldn’t know what to do. Don’t listen to the negaverse
I don’t get why people are laughing at this question farkin dicks
Sorry for all the negative comments you’ve received. Hope you’re okay.
When my husband was away I made sure to plan visits with friends, (even sleepovers sometimes!) so that I wouldn’t be lonely. Also working out his work schedule to know when to call, etc. You’ll get through it
You need to get a life he doesn’t need to be your whole world. Try to get interested in some other things.
There’s FaceTime for you and the kid. He’s not leaving the earth, just gone for work. It will be OK.
As with anything a change in environment and transitioning is so very challenging. My husband is my best friend and vice versa. We both get a sort of separation anxiety when we are apart for too long. We both work and our time is limited so having that quality time means so much to us both and equally important. I see alot of “nay sayers” on here. So what if it was a different situation…like your child? Be the same thing. When one has become comfortable and you have a close healthy relationship it is heart wrenching to be apart from the one you love. Time is so precious.
Just because someone has to “deal with it”…doesnt mean its not hard. Quit minimizing peoples feelings its rude and truly uncalled for. If you cant offer positive coping suggestions without attacking someone maybe you should find a group that is accepting of verbal abuse. Be nice or move on!
Okay, so my bf went to America for uni for 6 months. In the begining, damn straight I cried my eyes out and didn’t really know what to do with myself but over time we would message and video call via Skype, the time difference was a bit of a nightmare bit we managed, I was working in a bar so my shifts didn’t start till the evening, so I could stay up till 6am talking and be okay for my shift. Anyway, send him packages every now and then, video call when you can coz you know he’s working so it will be tricky and just remember, he’ll be home soon.
You’re gonna be in a world of trouble if he died. Speaking from experience. I was like that. Then the virus took his life. I’m still stuck almost a year later. Cannot figure out life without him.
Two months is actually a long time for someone who hasn’t been used to being with out their partner…you have to have trust and patience …The amount of people on here saying rude things it’s uncalled for … I would suggest lots of video calls, Snapchats, and lots of planning for you and little one to do…stay busy and in his down time if he can find something to match his pay if possible maybe try to find a job that doesn’t require so much time away .
It is called being an adult.
I am a writer so when my fiance leaves even for 1 night I wrote him a note now he looks for them when he has to go over nights for work. Longest was 2 weeks and it was hard. It don’t mean you don’t have your own life ignore those comments. You love him and your going to miss him that’s what a strong relationship is.
Wow grow up that’s how
Hahaha… How about learning to be independent and learn to be completely comfortable by yourself. Be comfortable in silence, with who you are as a person. You don’t need your boyfriend/baby daddy up your arse 24/7 geeesh that’s unhealthy…It’s not good for you or your boyfriend. Take this time away from him and grow as an independent woman. Start by taking your mind off of him gone and set things up like hobbies, play dates for your baby, hanging out with friends, taking your baby out on walks, doing activities with your baby, discover a new tv series, work out, play video games ect… you get what I’m saying? If your whole world is revolved around your man what’s that say about you as an individual? That your clingy,that you don’t like being alone, that you have no real identity outside of your boyfriend, that your scared and uncomfortable with the unknown. Its okay to have a life outside of your significant actually its encouraged to! In order to grow and learn you gotta step outside that comfort zone that lil box you put yourself in. Its okay to be without him
How about 13 months in the Military.Stay close to your Friends and Families.Little will keep asking but give lots of hugs and Daddy is working the time will fly don’t cry.
Grow up your child needs a mother not a crying little schoolgirl.
Suck it up and hold it down while he is gone. You will be fine!!!
Hey, it’s not easy but you’ll get through it. Set aside time for video chats, phone time, etc. Surround yourself with a support system and know it’s ok to ask for help or just to get time for yourself. Work on a fun project, hobby, or something to absorb your mind that you can enjoy. Remind yourself it’s only temporary and I think you’ll find that you realize you’re stronger than you know. It’s one of life’s tests and you’re gonna do just fine.
As far as the hateful insensitive remarks, ignore them. These people clearly cannot handle their own selves without being dicks to someone else. Speaks volumes to what they truly are.
I know this is scary I would feel exactly the same way. Find things to keep you busy. Phone calls, video chat, texting can all help to keep you connected to your partner. Maybe if you don’t have one already get a dog to help you feel safer. Join a Mums group/Playgroup or go for play dates with friends. As long as your little one is loved and given extra attention (and lots of cuddles) he will be fine. Plan some activities to make gifts together (artwork etc) to surprise Daddy with when he comes home. Take lots of photos to send him. You can do this its not easy but you will find a strength you didn’t have before. Hang in there.
Women should support each other. How about offer her some kind words and community instead of belittling her. Do better.
From someone who has worked FIFO for a long time. Video chat or phone call daily keep as much regular contact as you can. Being apart and being on your is damn hard and its just as hard for your partner as it is for you. As soon as they return make some special time for just you and your partner date night a day out together whatever. Also make that time for you both to spend with your kids. Yeah its hard work but you can make it through it.
I understand i remember i was used sleeping next to my baby daddy puting my legs on top of him the whole night but the day he left for some work i cried the whole night just remembering how we used to stay together it was even hard to sleep but with time it will pass sweetheart😚
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Well ::: Go visit him at his work place once a week or so ::; take baby ::: phone calls ::;video chats ::: U can do it and all will be fine :::Have faith :::he is making money :::hopefully a good job :::Just hang in there for a bit .
You will find an amazing routine
We have 5 kids and my husband used to be always gone for work when they were you g
My husband is military.(13 yrs in). after a while you get used to it, and get into a routine. The weird part will be when he comes back and you have to change it up.
Well first off, ignore the women here who are making it seem like they want it to be a competition that their s/o has been away longer. Your allowed to feel sad and lonely. Invest your time in New or old hobbies, trying new things with your child or even slowly redo your living space (paint the walls and move around furniture) it may be hard at times, but keep reminding yourself, you got this and that this isn’t something permanent. He will come home and FaceTime while he’s away. You’re relationship will be stronger than ever
It will pass…mu g more quickly than you imagine.
I would Keep a shirt that smelled like him and would wrap her in it when she was little and we would FaceTime when he wasn’t working since yours is older just facetime as often as possible and send daddy videos whenever little one wants to.
That’s your fault for dating someone who’s willing to travel for work. Sorry, but I make it known. No truck drivers, no musicians, absolutely one that I can’t see every single day. If they choose that life, they aren’t choosing me to stick around so I’d dip. Maybe you should have thought about that before being in this position.
Grow up,He’ll be back,it’s not the end of the world.suck it up.
I just got out of the military in February and my spouse is still active duty. I was a military brat too. Do things that occupy your time that you enjoy. Pick up a new hobby, read that book you’ve been dying to open, crochet a blanket, or try painting along with Bob Ross videos. Be thankful because it sounds like he isn’t in the military so he sounds like he’s going to be safe.
Gotta keep busy and keep communication. My man leaves for work anywhere from a week to 3 months just depends on the job we have 3 kids and its a little overwhelming when he’s gone but I have the support of both our moms so its not so bad. His job is very strenuous and he’ll work from 6am till 8 or 9 o’clock at night and take a shower and pass out and I won’t hear from him till the next day but he’ll call me at 2 or 3 in the morning if he didn’t get a chance to call just to say I love you or send flowers or send tic toks its just all about communication and understanding. You got this
You have co dependency issues… you should look into therapy. It’s not healthy.
Jeez, some people are pretty darn harsh on here. I don’t think you need to “grow up” considering you’re just sad your spouse is going to be away longer than he ever has before. The positive being that you could still FaceTime or use technology when missing him. The negative being potentially less help with your child. It may feel hard at first but you will get a routine with your sweet babe and give them extra snuggles when you’re missing your SO.
My husband is in the military, so he leaves a lot. I get sad even if he leaves for a week! It’s normal to feel sad about them leaving. My advice to you is to stay busy & do things you enjoy. The time will pass.
Keep the same routines as much as possible for your child. Keep a routine of contact with phone calls and face - time if possible. It’s not the same as in person hugs, but having a routine helps to normalize the situation for your child. Try to be positive … remember that he is working to help provide for his family. Be a positive shoulder for your boyfriend … keep in mind that the separation will be just as devastating for him as it is for you, and he needs your support, just like you need his. Building a life together means pulling together to make the best of some of the situations you will go through as a couple. Keep your eye on the prize, which is a better life together.
It can’t hurt to try out new hobbies to busy your time😊
I wish my husband would leave for work for two months
Be happy, he has a job and can help support his family!
My husband is military and is gone alot for training and has been deployed twice. It’s rough at first but you get into a routine and it gets better. Try skyping if possible for your little one. We did a countdown and I let them help make or pick things for care packages. Have your husband record himself reading your kid’s favorite book.
Some of these women in here commenting are pure TRASH!
first let me say I’m so happy that you found someone you love being around and will miss while he’s gone. A lot of these women on here are spewing their hate because their own husbands and boyfriends ignore them and they don’t know what it’s like being loved like this.
the women that are giving you positive advice on this thread those are who you pay attention to!!! Use the time he’s away to do a fun surprise for him. Maybe redecorate your space, use the time to do some squats and get that booty thicc lol, an art project from you and the baby, make a love book with pictures and write cute memories!
I know it’s hard but absence makes the heart grow fonder. Just remind your baby everyday that daddy is working hard for your family.
sucks but I’ve been with my significant other for 10 1/2 years and we have a 5 year old together. We’ve never been apart. In January he started a job out in Washington DC which is a 4 1/2 hour drive from home. Communication is definitely key! If he has some down time ,can you travel out with your son ? It’s very hard to deal with , it’s been 5 months on my end. I actually came out this weekend so spend some time with him and reassure him he’s very much missed haha. Being away from your other half does make you miss the little things ! Having a kid can throw off some of those emotions (been there done that ) but I can say it will be worth it all at the end of his trip. He’s supporting you guys all while missing out on the little things. Good luck
Just be honest. Daddy is gone for work, he’ll be back. I think you’re over thinking this.
Stay busy, FaceTime often and enjoy some time with you and your LO!
I thinks it’s always hard when someone leaves for 2 months when you’ve spent every day for the past 4 years together. My husband has left us many times for work, it does suck, if you let it. Take this time to work on yourself, find something you love doing, and bond 1 on 1 with your baby. He will be back.
Why does this relationship sound a little unhealthy…
Girl I totally get it. My husband is a commercial fisherman and he goes out anywhere to a week to a month. We’ve been together for 10 years and he’s been doing this since we’ve got together and it doesn’t get any easier. I get sad just about everything he leaves. Its hard but if you have a good group to help and support while he’s away it definitely helps. You don’t have to grow up, you don’t have problems. You’ve got this!! Hang in there mama, sending prayers your way
Im sure it’s difficult…but it’ll fly by. Keep busy. Stop dwelling on it…just tell your son dad has to work. That’s it. Ya it sucks but 2 months isn’t that long …you guys will be just fine
Military family here, it is hard but you learn to adjust. Keep yourself busy stay close to your family and good friends you’ll be alright