My husband wouldnt take that job. There are many jobs out there. My husband being with his family is most important. No way could I handle him being gone for 2 months.
Video calls & the 2 year old should get you through it
Enjoy your time away from him! It sucks im sure but it isn’t that big of a deal
U get used to it after a while. It eventually gets easier but sometimes I still cry and hang on to my hubs like a little kid .
When my ex started driving truck over the road I used 2 cry a lot but I got used 2 him being gone. I was a stay at home mom with 3 kids at the time. Kids kept me busy. Hugs 2 u
Idk how I’d cope. I have a hard enough time being away from my hubby for even a normal work day
Our military men can be gone at least a year! You will survive!
I haven’t gone without my spouse that long. But when my daughter was under 1yr old he would leave for a week at a time for work. And now with 2 kids he’s done the same. Not gonna lie it sucks. Mainly because he is a big help and the kids miss him.
I try to keep myself busy and on a nice routine. Talk to him daily and stay positive.
My husband used to b a over the road driver. It’s very hard in the beginning we just talked on the phone a lot he would but one of his shirts he wore a lot on a stuffed anmial for me to sleep with and during the day I would just keep myself busy with our kids or house work or hanging out with family and friends. Then I started enjoying my me time at night after the kids went to sleep. Our relationship actually was better then
Any way u could go see him on a weekend ?
I wish mine would go away for that long
How do you think military spouses feel???
All this husband bad, wife bad… divorce is easier than living with someone you cannot stand. sad.
I am a pipeliner’s wife. He can be gone for weeks/months at a time. He does try to be home on the weekends for briefly, depending on where he is at. It is hard at first but you’ll get used to it eventually. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old plus one on the way. They have adjusted well
Military mum here too iv seen a few others comment too but we make a big jar and pop a sweety in for each day daddy is away kind of like a big advent calander I always start with about 30 and then add to it when the kids go to bed we did mini fudge bars last time ended up topping it up to 296 days worth by the time he came home but to the kids it never looked that full we also got daddy to read a selection of their favourite night time books on video which we played before bed every night and we kept a sort
Of diary daily with everything they did picture’s etc first steps, words etc accomplishments for daddy to look at when he got back keep busy 2 months will fly by
My husband works off, and comes home some. The biggest thing that kept me busy was a 4 mile walk everyday outside, taking care of the baby, and cleaning. Going to sleep was the hardest but then you get use to it.
Military families face this everyday.
Very easily I’ve been doing the leave & come home routine for 3 years now.
Find a routines for you and your son it will help pass time. Play with him even do a day where y’all be lazy an watch movies too occupy time.
We are an oilfield family I get my man sometimes one week out of the month. Even sometimes one night before he’s out again.
People are so insensitive to others feelings. Good grief. The longest I’ve had to be without my fiance was 13 days. It was a different situation than this. But we facetimed as much as possible and I tried to make sure to mention him to our son. You’ll manage just fine. It’s not going to be easy, but it will eventually get a little easier. Stay strong!
Be married to a truck driver, or a sailor, you learn to stand on your own two feet. There is always the phone, Facetime, skype, it’s a lot easier now days then it was 30 years ago when all you had was a land line, and if say your sailor was on the water, you had to wait till they came into shore for a phone call or your truck driver had to wait till they stopped at a truck stop. It’s not the end of the world, you’ll survive. Get into a routine and stick to it.
Don’t let people laugh at you just because some people deal with it or longer. Smdh. It isn’t easy.
It’s not easy the forts time… I have been married for thirty years now, my hubby gave 24 years to the military. I have dealt with him being gone for a day, all the way to a year. Was not easy! Sometimes better. Keep busy, try to remember to care for you. Long bath, get your hair done. What makes you happy Your baby will be just fine. Kid’s react off of your responses…. Try to just keeping a normal routine. Most of all love your man, support him, he is trying to provide for you all
after a few times, you will know it will all be just fine! Sending hugs, love and support! You got this far, you will do just fine!
It’s gross how many people are laughing. Some people enjoy being around their partners… so mock them for it
these a rough fucking times we live in.
Try to FaceTime with him and your 2 year old so he can see daddy, maybe dad can pack some books with him so he can read to your child on video conference every night before bedtime.
Spend time with your family and friends to get some support and not get so anxious about your husband being away.
Plan some playdates or go out to have mom and child adventures ( zoo, park, etc)
2 months is not that long! It will be hard but you got this!
My husband is a power lineman. Always worked in home territory. Now he’s not. After almost 9 years together, he got tired of the co-op life and is doing union contracting. He’s gone a lot . Works 4 hours from home, he lives in our camper. It is quite the adjustment for everyone. To everyone that laughed at this, shame. It’s not an easy adjustment for everyone. Let alone do you know what someone else is going through
Relief is one…does a relationship good to be apart once in a while
This would be really hard for me too! Any chance you could go visit for a weekend?
Believe it or not it might actually help your relationship. I was in your situation where I was very codependent on my boyfriend we have a kid together and I just didn’t feel right when he wasn’t with us even if it was just for a minute. Well after a few years of this our relationship was kinda in a bad spot. Not really fighting but just in the same routine for so long ya know. Well i had to move to another state for a few months for certain reasons he couldn’t come with, it was so horrible for me and my son! But in a way it made us grow closer we seen what it was like to miss eachother again, we was able to find peace in being alone again, it was new talking on FaceTime (sending pics lol) just doing things we never really did before and I know 2 months seems like forever right now but I promise u 2 months is nothing when u know your gonna be with him for the rest of your life, just keep reminding your self of that. This is just a small test in your relationship, u can either be miserable the whole time or try to find the good in it. You got this girl!
It is something that definitely gets easier each time. It helps in this day and age that we have FaceTime, etc so you can still “see” each other, but you will still have your moments, and that’s ok! It will make you better understand the roles each of you play in your relationship, and more conscious of what each of you contributes to the other’s day. It will make you appreciate each other so much more.
Grow up! You sound more like a child than an adult.
Think of those in the military who deal with this often and stop whining and deal with it like the grownup you are and teach your child the same. Be grateful for what you have and appreciate it and show it daily
Most couples in loving relationships have to endure separations at some time. It is the hallmark of mature individuals that you accept this fact as a part of life and make the best out an unpleasant situation. Time goes really fast. Keep busy, keep in touch and don’t waste valuable energy anticipating how terrible things will be. Like everything else in life, it won’t be as bad as you expect.
My husband are retired military. Been married 33 years. It’s tough being separated. My advise is remember it is only temporary. Trust, faith, love will get you through. Friends and family help out. Don’t dwell on him being gone. It’s hard on him too. Be supportive to him because it is work. If military can do a year. Two months ha will be over in no time.
So much what William Wolff said. Keep busy and always remember to take care of yourself so that you’re the best mom that you can be for your son. You Will get through it. Both of you will be perfectly fine
Get over it. My husband had to leave for 9 months over seas with the Marines. I was lefted with my new born twins (12) days old.
It will be an adjustment but in today’s world you have Skype, FaceTime and the plain old phone. Think about all the military families that don’t see their lives ones for up to 2 years. 2 months would be a cake walk for them. I know you aren’t them but it’s going to go by very fast.
Since the first day I met my boyfriend last July up to now I’ve only been able to see & spend time with my man 1-2 days total each week. When Sunday Morning comes & he gets out of bed to get ready for work it is THE HARDEST thing for me. The longer we are together & the more love I hold in my heart for that amazing human being, the harder it gets for me to let him leave knowing I won’t see him until the next weekend. It’s never easy, & I’ve been told that distance makes the heart grow fonder. But it breaks me to watch him leave each week without being able to constantly text through the week. How I get through it? I know how much he loves me, & I hold onto the sweet memory of his soft kisses on my forehead, on my shoulders, across my hands & elsewhere. I think of the tickle sessions, & the sincere look in his eyes when he tells me how attractive I am & how much he loves me. I remember those moments during the distant days until I get to see him again & it helps keep me whole. It hurts, & it’s hard, but if your love is strong, you’ll be able to make it each day until you’re in each other’s arms again.
Being a military spouse I have spent the last 17 years going through this. My advice is to make a calendar for your son to mark off each day. Pick a day of the week, say Thursday, for a special activity that your husband can partake in as well - it can be reading a bed time story together, coloring a picture that everyone has, really anything that is rewarding and bonding. Also, get your son a daddy doll. You can order them on Etsy. They are really cute. I would try to limit the FaceTime to every other day or something like twice a week as it does become less exciting talking every day.
For you, I would say do things that maybe you haven’t done in a long time or find something new to learn. Keep a diary of your thoughts and jot down notes of things you want to talk about when you have alone time with your husband. Write letters and save them for when he gets home. And please don’t tell him about any small issues, such as a bad day with your son or a flat tire. There is nothing he can do for you and it’s best not to have him worry while he is gone. Unless it’s a major issue keep the conversations in an up beat time.
The days will go by fast. The first week will be a mourning period so to speak and then you will have a routine. Good luck!
I did it for years…with no cell phone or face time. People need to grow up! Work is work unless there’s a trust issue you do what you need to do to keep a good job!
You can 100% make it through this and will come out better. Find things that you and your kid can do. Tie-dye can be a fun hobby or teach yourself some new recipies to suprise your man with when he gets back. The first 2 weeks will be the hardest but before you know it the time will have passed and he will be home again. I also found that either actually calling or face timing helps to feel more connected than just texting all day. Maybe schedule like 30 mins a week to call or video chat. You will do just fine:black_heart:
My spouse has always had jobs that had him on the road for the 20 years we’ve been together…and we have seven children between us. Only one together. The separation has actually helped us out. Sometimes the every day life stuff gets mundane and the separation makes us appreciate each other more. We call each other nightly. You have facetime and such now…that wasn’t always available to us. It was always sad seeing him leave, but it was always something we were able to get through. If your relationship is strong…you’ll be fine. And the kids are fine if you are fine.
You have to cope and start taking your daughter on play dates with other moms with small kids
Wow! 2 months! Thats a breeze! Think of some projects you want to do around the house, set up a photo shoot, re arrange the house, take up a hobby, start preparing your child for preschool by teaching him, letters, colors, etc,…, grow a garden, volunteer,… think about how military wives and others that do it for months!
Think how those that serve in military feel. Sometimes 1 year or better. Be thankful. Been there done that.
I never had to do this but makes me think of our service men and women. They would probably have some good advice. Is there a possibility of your visiting him? Maybe about halfway thru his job.
My husband will sometimes be gone 1 to 3 weeks at a time and I do enjoy my alone time no problem. Granted we been married for 40 years but the maid is cleaning his nice motel room he is eating at good restaurants so neither one of us is suffering and I do work part time.
When my husband work in the Navy, he would be gone for months at a time. We had a 1 yr old. It’s always difficult, but you find your routine.
I’m not in that situation because I don’t have kids until after I married!
Suck it up buttercup, at least he has a job and us able to help support your family. There are so many things available to keep in touch, ie…the phone
We survived. Hubby for many years was on 4 hour notice to anywhere in world. Would not talk ir see him sometimes for months.
It actually made us closer.
Face time with each other everyday so your little one can see him.
honey be happy its just for 2 months 5 monrhs ago to day i lost my husband of 45 years
Consider those who see their spouse or partner in a box and see that spouse or partner lowered in the ground knowing you’ll never see them again on this earth
Maybe that perspective will help you deal with 2 months. Not trying to be mean but I’d gladly settle for 2 months right now.
Keep daddy’s picture close and talk about him every day so baby will know him when he comes home.
Not trying to be mean but grow up. Life will send you alot of curve balls worse than this. That is how we grow. Just have chat sessions and things will be OK. Happen 2 me years ago.
As a military wife, my suggestion is to get a job, or volunteer in your community or take up a hobby, something to keep you busy. Being idle seems to make time pass more slowly.
Men leave overseas for the service of their country…others get locked up for yrs …two months for the job that supports you and your child is not to much to ask…so dont over react and hold it down…
Also, remember it is hard on your man too, being away from you and his son. You can do things to keep busy, all he has is work.
Boyfriend of 4 years??? It’s time he stepped up and became your husband. HIs being away for work is the least of your issues, I’d imagine.
This is the time to grow up and do things by yourself
Find out who you are
Ever hear of service people risking lives 4 u cry babies ?
Stand by your man …don’t bring him down and your child’s life down…yours too… You also do courses and keep yourself occupied …its not all about you now …its about him and your kid too
You have to look ahead to the next video chat, next phone call, and then ultimately the day you will see him again.
Get a calendar to put on your wall and mark off the days.
You focus on your child, and keep busy. That’s what us military wives do.
Video calls daily for that sweet baby and lots of self-care of Mama! Take advantage of the time for yourself! Find a good Netflix binge… nothing kills time like TV. lol Best wishes to you!
Trust your boyfriend. Call each other every night. Enjoy some time with your son.
Be thankful you have a hard working boyfriend they’re hard to come by
Put on your “big girl panties” and deal with it ! For lots of folks this is the norm !
Military wives deal with this all the time.
Keep busy! Two months will go by in a flash!
Omg grow husband left every year for months working in alaska.i stayed took care of 3 kids cats dogs.i threw my self into a home fixer up projects to keep me busy .place always looked great when he came home.
Be an adult.It Isnt forever
Military families have to do it longer than that. You will be sad, but ok.
Damn. Grow up and let the man be a man and go to work to support his family. Selfish.
Service members leave their families for many months
Grow up and depend on yourself for happiness.
You have a Gardner don’t you?
Grow up. You are a drama queen.
Come on lady! Be a woman, thousands of military wives do this but from 6 mos to 2 years. Pull up your big girl panties and get through it.
You need to put your big girl panties on and deal with it. That is what Women do…
Be glad he is leaving for a JOB and not to fight a war overseas.
You can keep that little one in touch with daddy on FaceTime, and 8 weeks will go by quickly, you’ll see.
Ok from experience.
I believe you are a little bit clinging to what is comfortable for you .
You should think about the things he want to do or get done and do them i m going to say some people are going to speculate but here it is …
When someone dies that you love there gone right so most people tend to think what would they do and u do it …
Well same principal but tbe best thing is there going to come home i. Trust me i wouldn’t lie … Just how i feel
Your son will be okay!!
You, on the other hand need to grow up and be thankful he even HAS a job in todays world!!
Be careful letting people know that you’re significant other will be out of the home for two months straight… could be a dangerous game.
Ask the millions of military people out there who have to figure it out,it’s always hard but love makes it worth the wait.
I just can’t,wtf is wrong with people today,no one can post without someone acting like an ass
Jesus grow up, scroll past