How do you deal with toddler tantrums?

My son is older, but it sounds similar. He has DMDD

My 4 year old acts similar at home and at school. His teacher recommended him see a psychologist. He will be starting wrap around services at school and at home.

Have him tested for ADHD or Autism

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I thought I posted, but not seeing it, so I apologize if this is a duplicate :

Your child needs HELP. I do home child care for age 5 and under and I’ll be the first one to advise a parent to use more consistency, structure, time outs, be the authority figure, etc. In your son’s case, this is not normal “bad” behavior that a few more time outs are going to solve. You need to see your family doctor / pediatrician. Tell them that his behavior is violent and you need a referral for a behavioral health evaluation. If you get resistance, Google “children behavioral health” and your city. Once you find an office, call them and tell them what you are seeking. Good luck!


Give him more attention when he shows POSITIVE behaviour. Even small positive things. Reinforce positive behaviour. This child needs more attention, so he’s acting out to get your attention by doing negative things. Negative attention is still attention.

More quality time, play outdoors with him, take him to the park. Remove the TV from the home. Build things, feed the birds, read books, trips to the library, swimming lessons.

Where did he learn to swear like that at 3 years old? Be careful whom you have around him. Children don’t act out like that out of no where, and a 3 year old learnt that language from someone you’ve exposed him to. Take care of your precious boy.


Where the hell does a 3 year old hear those words???
Look in your own backyard to see why your 3 year old is acting like that.


Not to sound bad but those words are a learned behavior. Normal 3 year olds dont walk around saying them. So your kid had to of learned them at home. I’d start with the living situation first make sure that its all good then dont be ashamed to contact a child therapist, they can truly help. Some kids do need tougher punishments. Some kids respond well to an ass spanking, I’m just sayin

This is where sadly spanking comes into play. You need to be the parent not the friend. The child sees you aren’t going to actually punish him in any way to make him learn it’s wrong. If you are too scared to spank then deal with the behavior :woman_shrugging:t4: plain and simple.


Or spank his little butt

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Make him stand in the corner it works! My son is five but he went through the terrible fours and that worked. Also take stuff away. Especially the iPad (you know kids now think they’re life) also…bite him back! I know sounds mean but my son only but me one time and he learned. Good luck!

Spare the rod spoil the child


Be the parent and you wouldn’t have this problem. I’m sorry :woman_shrugging:


Everyone’s saying to not use those words in front of him. I curse all the time and my kids don’t because they know they aren’t aloud to. My oldest is 6 and has probably used a bad word once or twice. There are strict rules in my house and no means no and I’m the parent.


It sounds like behavior medical may be your best bet. Hitting the child (spanking flicking biting) may just make it worse if the child has a mental or medical issue thats not very apparent. My nephew has ODD which is a behavioural disorder which when told to do something they dont want to it kind of triggers bad behaviour but not intentionally. Telling them to clean their room may sound like your grounded to your room to them.

Either way dont get discouraged. Most parents go through a bad spell with their child NEVER feel like you cannot reach out for help. Weather it be medical, school or even advice.

I really do think the childs doctor may he the next step to correct the issue. Its better that its happening now to fix the issue then happening when a teenager where no matter what you do they wont listen since they think they know better. Also… if needed dont be ashamed to get upset but dont blame yourself for doing something wrong. :heart::heart::heart: be strong mama itll get better hugs


Children learn from adults. So…:woman_shrugging:t2:


I think it’s time for therapy or something. He is learning this behavior from somewhere.


I suggest you set strong boundaries around his behavior and be CONSISTENT! Disciplining your child CONSISTENTLY is the key. It will be tough at first but you are the reason he is as bad as he is now–you’ve allowed him to act this way. Lay down the law, stay consistent no matter how bad he gets…he’ll come around. And you better start ths RIGHT. NOW. The older he gets the harder he will be to handle. Good luck


Whoever is saying those things and acting that way is who he’s mimicking :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Have you found that he acts out more after some foods? Allergies to foods can do this. If autistic there are things to help.

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My son does the same thing. 1st… they are 3
2nd… don’t let anyone here make you feel like it’s something YOU did. It’s easier for ppl to judge then to help smfh and 3rd… trust your instincts IF YOU think there’s something really wrong with him, then have him see someone… Or hold on for the sassy crazy ride & it WILL pass & get better

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Lots of unsupportive people on this thread… this group might help. It sounds like you’re a mother to a dragon. This group is full of them and might even have tips and tricks to help. If not, at the very least it can be a safe space to vent without being told “be the parent and you wouldn’t have this problem.”


This is learned behavior. Where is he exposed to people who talk like that? They are not words he made up on his own, you know. Is there a Daddy in the house? Does Daddy talk to you like that? Do you talk ugly in front of him? The point is, remove him from an environment where anyone tslks or behaves like thst, or even remotely so. Spend all of your time with him, redirectlng his thought process. Help him deal with anger and frustration. Don’t react to his bad behavior. Simply offer other things to do and distracting conversation. You won’t straighten him out at once, but, you can fix this problem. Once you have him calmer more of the time, simply tell nim thT he is not talk to you that way again, EVER. If there is a Daddy in the house, he needs to begin to teach this child how to behave and how to treat women. You and Daddy need to discuss how you will handle this and both be diligent in staying with the program.


Get a glass of very cold water and splash it right in his face. It will not hurt him, and he will change from be mad to shocked at first. If that don’t work take him clothes and all throw him in a cold shower. Your not hurting him. Last I checked it wasn’t against the law either.

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He needs to see a doctor and then go to therapy. It could very well be a medical problem.

Smack him ! No therapy just a fee good ass whooping and mouth punched

Watch what’s said in front of kids, that age. They learn bad language & behavior from those around them.

I have one that has fits of rage hold there hands and feet so they can’t kick or hit me and just keep telling them how much I love them and will always be here for them and that everything will be ok after 30 mins they wear them selves out and usually fall asleep

Too much negative feed here. I have a son who threw fits like that. Screaming “I hate you” & other lovely things. My response was usually well I LOVE you but I don’t like you very much rite now. In the Dr’s office once he threw a tantrum banging his head on the floor so hard he raised a huge knot on his forehead. Testing showed him to be extremely ADHD. We found that a mild medication & getting him into structured activities like sports which he EXCELLED at (yes I’m bragging lol). Today he has a wonderful wife, a good job & is expecting his 2nd child. Have your son checked out medically. Hope it all works out for him sweetie

Stay strong, Momma. My son tried that and I whooped his ass. And when he tried screaming, I screamed right back. Not yelling at him. Just a short burst of scream and it scared him. He started crying and ran to me, so I picked him up and told him screaming is not good. He understands No and he can grasp basic rules for him. As far as the biting? My mom used to bite us back. I didn’t do that with my son. I “popped” his mouth. Not hard, but enough to make a sound and get his attention enough to let go. And then I put him in a room by himself with no toys or anything and let him cry without me for 5 minutes. Then I opened the door, and he never bit again.
I know one thing doesn’t work for every kid, but it’s worth a shot. If all of that doesn’t help, start filming his fits and take them to counseling. That way the can see the full on fit and decide how to proceed from there. Because whenever a different person is around, they act different.

id spank my daughters butt if she called me a bitch… sometimes u gotta disciple l.

I suggest you take him down to the Broward County Stockade where they have the bad kids and he have a cop lock him up for a couple hours and you leave and he see how he turns out he’ll straighten his ass up

Consistency is big! My best friends kid was a beast and she would do all of this and then some. I would not budge an inch. I was sadly the only person that would or could watch her since grandparent on both sides of the family caved in or spoiled her. I once had to chase her ass down when I was 7 or 8 months pregnant throw her over my knee in front of my kid and another friends kid I was babysitting and smack her ass. I did it in front of the other kids because humiliation is big to little kids. She didn’t do it again. Kids need structure rules a good home environment and they need to be fucking disciplined when needed! Same kid I am talking about was a bad bitter. She bit her step mom in the store one day so bad she drew blood. I told her you bite that fucking kid back now! She did and shortly after stopped biting. I was raised with and without structure believe me I know what I’m talking about. The kids in my group of friends love me and I’m usually the first one they go to when they are hurt or sad or happy but they all know damn well I don’t take shit from kids and I am not afraid to punish them accordingly.

I don’t think there’s any such thing as a “bad kid”, especially at 3 years old. He has big emotions that he doesn’t have the capacity to control and he’s expressing it in an inappropriate way.
Maggie Dent is brilliant - check her out. Then GP, child health nurse and LOTS of attention focussed on good behaviours - we use a tick chart (just a sheet of paper with rows of 10 boxes ruled onto it) and ticks for good behaviours, with a sticker & stamp at the end of 10 ticks. I’m generous with the ticks - they get them for good manners, talking nicely, playing nicely … any positive thing you can acknowledge them doing. I do a kinder surprise egg every 5th row as an extra incentive. All of this because our child health nurse gave me the best advice: “the behaviours you pay attention to are the behaviours you’ll see more of.”
So lots of attention on the positive and seek help from experts (especially Maggie Dent) te the negatives. Good luck :wink:

Call Mensah clinic, Chicago, Ill. Could be chemical brain imbalance.

Did you get this issue handled yet. Get a few defusers place frankincense :100:% therapeutics pure and burn constantly in areas where the child goes like bedroom, living room. When you talk to child go to his/her level don’t look down on him. Be firm. When child uses bad words don’t pay attention when he is go give praise. Don’t give incentives unless he’s good for 7 days straight but stay little like a little Reese’s peanut cup. They use to be all natural. Give nothing with artificial anything. Try that for a few months.