How do you deal with toddler tantrums?

Spank his ass and put him to bed and make him stay there. Im not for child abuse by any means but if you dont get control over this now you never will. There is nothing wrong with a good spanking on the butt.

That’s bad parenting.
I suggest structure.
He obviously needs counciling and rules. And a routine. Buckle down and stop being soft.
He hears the band language from some where. So wherever he is hearing it, it obviously needs to stop


Counseling can help. They help my daughter but most of all they help me how to handle her. Sometimes if they see the parents going to counseling they don’t feel alone.

Honestly the way i look at kids and getting them to do what i needed them to do (I have 4 kids all under 9 and a year about a year and a half apart) is acting like a drill instructor. At first it seems tough and mean and hard…but as they get older they dont push their boundaries because they know the rules and what is expected. Its being consistent and staying on top of what your asking from them. Its learning. They need to learn and if you dont teach them consistently they dont learn. As i said before its mean at first but if they learn that their behavior will not be tolerated then as they get older they know these rules thus making them break the rules often meaning your job isnt as difficult. Kids need structure. Now again im not saying its perfect but since being hard with them from the start and having them follow MY RULES my kids Do Not swear, yell at me, fight me, when i ask them to do something most of the time they do it, they use their manners most of the time, and their good fun loving kids. My kids and I have a great relationship and I love them with all of my heart. Tough love seems to be working with me. I just hope this continues.


Whip his little butt!! You’re the adult, so put his butt in check! If you don’t stop it now, a judge will in the future. Step up, whip his butt, and put an end to that nonsense.


Spank his ass as many times as it takes.

Maybe he’s acting out for attention? Sometimes kids think bad attention is good attention if they feel they aren’t getting enough attention or something is bothering them, they are so little and have so many emotions and he just needs to learn how to process all his emotions in a healthy way. I don’t know what the home situation is like or if you’re with the father still or not, if something has happened to him or there’s other siblings at home. It just depends… Just be patient as much as you can and sometimes spanking isn’t going to do anything but make the situation worse and escalate it. But sounds like he needs to calm down or work on his temper since he’s getting so worked up and it could be over a trivial thing but to them it is a big deal. No shame in asking for help. Every kid is different and takes to different approaches but deep breathes Mama!! Hopefully you guys can work on it together and figure out what’s going on and if he’s watching or listening to this in real life or on tv/radio then time to monitor that and change the situation to a less stressful environment. Good luck. :hugs:

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structure structure structure.


Wash his mouth out if he is picking it up from family keep him away from them and bust his butt if one of mine had done that they would of got a spanking

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I would get him evaluated for any defiance disorder’s. And to those of you that are attacking her parenting need to look at your own damn self. Maybe get him in to some sort of counseling…And you too mom! (A mom group?)
Time outs are sometimes good but I’d be spanking that butt also. Maybe take a toy he likes for a bit.

This makes me feel so thankful I have such an amazing kid, man. Parent’s appreciate your kids​:heart::baby::man::blonde_man::woman::heart::blush:


Soap and a corner !!! Old school .none of this baby crap !!!


Read the book “The connected Child” has he had trauma in his life?

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Have him tested for Autism…my 4yr old has these symptoms and was diagnosed with it…with her theory she is doing MUCH better

I’m just curious as to were a 3 year old is hearing these words at😢


As a mom of 7 have been through most ages multiple times already 26,17,14,11,10,4,1. Old fashioned spanking n sit in his room with no TV tablet whatever is entertaining to him! Discipline has been Takin out this world n people wonder why all these new generations are spoiled brats if it Takin from us and then we don’t discipline our kids world is gonna get worse n worse! Spank his butt tell him this behavior is not happening put him in his room until he comes to you showing he knows he did wrong then talk to him tell him why you think it is bad to act this way! And keep on it of Do it and stop they are gonna think can do it still every time he does it do it! Old fashion tough love NEES more of it back our kids sure get it and have learned from all! Good luck being parent is the hardest job in this world now days


Kids don’t learn behaviors that they don’t see… Just sayin


When them fits come, bear hug his ass til he stop. I have a kid whom does the same thing. I also do the drill Sargent “mean mom” single parent. My Kids love and respect me. And when they don’t and throw a fit. I’ll Hold them down and sit on them. So they don’t hurt me, themselves, each other.

Bring him to the Caribbean!!!

Sounds like he needs therapy. No offense, just looking out for the little guy.

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Where did a 3 year old learn those words from? Try not to give him attention when he tantrums. Make sure there are no things around that he could hurt himself with or important, valuable things he could destroy. Don’t yell as this will make him escalate more. Speak in a normal tone yet firmly. If need be, you may have to let him tantrum till he wears himself out. I know this could take time and is hard to do, but he must learn that YOU have control of yourself and help teach him to control himself.


He needs to be taken to a counselor NOW.It will only get worse if you wait.


Sit him down n talk to him. If he continues spank him let him know he can’t act like that

This is a at least partially learned behavior


Children mirror the behavior that they see.


Where did he hear that language?

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Where is he learning those words??? Time to stop being soft on him now


Well, take a look where hes learned that behavior and cut that out of his life asap. Bar soap in the mouth when he curses and screams at you. That absolutely shouldn’t be tolerated. If hes as bad as you say, i think therapy or counseling may be needed…idk if you can turn all that around on your own if he was clearly never taught to listen to, or respect you.


Honestly sounds like you need some professional help with him. Is he autistic possibly? Not knowing true diagnosis will definitely be a problem. Counseling is needed.


Smack him and bite him back :woman_shrugging:


He has learned this from someone. Either an older sibling or a parent or someone in their life has been allowed to act this way. You have to put a stop to it now in all aspects of his life not just him. Please dont beat your 3 year old for acting what he has been taught smdh


How can you blame a 3 year old for that behaviour and call him “BAD”. Correct or get rid of the person using that language. Kids don’t just start using those words out of the blue. Someone uses it on him or in front of him he will start using it too. :confused:


Bust his tail and put pepper on his thumb every time he curses put it in his mouth he will stop after a few times

Spank him. Flat hand on his butt. It will not hurt him.


This behavior didn’t start out of the blue sounds like he’s never been corrected. Behavior has to be corrected at the beginning when they first start to get into things and throwing fits sounds like you haven’t done it


Talk to his pediatrician.

I started ignoring my son’s behavior when he throws a fit. He doesnt hit throw things or cuss but he’ll stop his fits after 10 mins and fits have been getting shorter and shorter. Put him in an area where there isn’t anything around and ignore him. If he moves put him back in that area. After he calms down tell him hitting and kicking is not ok. U need to listen to mama and ask for him to apologise to u and give u a hug. If that don’t work spank him. Some kids need to spanked if nothing else works. Whoever is cussing around him needs to stop if they don’t then don’t be around the child. I made that a strict rules when it comes to being around my son.

He didn’t learn all of this on his own, who is he seeing treat people this way? Especially the name-calling. Soap in his mouth. Swat on the ass. Bite him back.

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Get a little thin switch and swish it on the back of his legs , don’t stop until he does , the switch is not going to hurt him , and it maybe your only hope ! Kids need discipline, you have to teach them to behave in a manner that is acceptable to you, no haters please, just my advice


Ummmm beat his ass and take away all his toys/games. His ass would be on lockdown!

That kid is just a reflection of his parents. And quite frankly that fact that YOU allow this behavior happen is crazy. CORRECT it now. A good spank for swearing, calling you names or anything else is what that brat needs. You know what to do, problem is you are to scared to do it cause of CPS. Discipline him! or someone else will.


He will never show respect unless he is taught but he hears it somewhere sometimes when we argue we forget little ears are listening this kind of talk is not good for anyone to hear they think its ok because big people said it

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Everyone saying autism is wrong asd is much more than bad behaviour and autistic children are not just naughty most of the time they are just misunderstood that leads to bad behaviour my son has adhd and asd and yes he is naughty but only when he is in a situation he carnt handle I would say get a professional opinion but if its just bad behaviour I very much doubt its autism does he have any sensory issues??

A Great Big Spanking , Time Out , grounding him from TV ECT … Don’t let him win


Who are you hanging around that your son picks that stuff up…


Jesus Christ I didn’t know so many moms spank or bite their children in 2019 :grimacing:


Better get a handle on this fast…spank his bottom …cause if he’s this bad now just imagine what he’s going to be like at 13


Whoop his ass than tell him if wants to be treated with kindness he got to learn to behave himself and speak with respect. It may take a few whoops to get thru to him. DON’T BACK DOWN and FEEL GUILTY foe what you have to do. If you don’t the jails or prisons will plus other evil things. So it’s up to you if you love your child.

Bar of soap to the mouth never hurt anyone


I find it insane that a 3 yr old knows how to use those swear words properly… Clearly he hears it from somewhere.


Spank that lil butt n give him a lil pop on the mouth


Where does he learn those words from???

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You need to get him in a better environment, he is learning these behavior where it is taught to be excepted! He need discipline and structure!


Ues the switch is good


Spank not beat a person told my mother that boys need to be spanked daily she didn’t do it and at 57 my brother still a bad boy

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My kids got a bar of soap in their mouths when they started talking back. All kids do it, and I’d say 3 years old is when they start testing boundaries A LOT. Whoever is helping you raise this kid (because clearly there is someone calling you a b*tch in front of him) that person needs to be a PARTNER, not a roommate. Every adult in your child’s life is important for a lot of reasons and they are all heavy influences on children. Be careful the situations he is in and start some discipline. He will hate it, you will hate it, there will be a lot of tears on both parts, but it’s gotta start somewhere. Good luck girl.


Family therapy and behavioral specialist


Switch his butt and take his toys. And next time he says those words put a drop of liquid shampoo in his mouth


He should beat your ass for slowing this, ,Beat he’ll out of him.

Hes learnt those words somewhere I would be taking away t.v tablet if he has one and everytime he spoke to me like that or hit me etc he would be spending time in his bedroom you need to get very strict on him and if that doesnt work behaviour specialist. My 2.5 year old is naughty too doesnt listen etc always getting into stuff hes not ment to but never swears like that


Where does he see this behavior?? This is learned


He had to have learn it from somewhere any clues

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Also, when I put my kids in time out. The only way they can get out is when they are ready to talk about what happened. It might be an hour, I dont do this “1 minutes for each year” crap. And when they are ready to talk (they will eventually) you hug it out. Even if they are still bitter, make them hug you. It’s important that they know you are no longer upset. And everyone needs to move on with the day.

Love him. He wants your attention and doesn’t know how else to get it


The wooden spoon on his ass and chili on his tongue

These comments make me want to cry. I would ask his pediatrician for a referral to a specialist to have him evaluated for autism, asperger’s, or tourette’s. A 3 year old isnt naturally bad to this extreme, and you are clearly a caring parent to be seeking advice on how to help him. My guess is that he needs some special help. I have an autistic son and he is my world. :heart:


You need to talk to his dr. In a kid his age these are signs of behavior disorders and anxiety. Your dr will refer you to a behavioral therapist who then may refer you to a child psychiatrist. Nothing wrong with advocating for your kid and getting them the help they need. A lot of preschools can start him at this age and his therapist could visit him at school


Also please do not use any weapons such as a switch or a belt on your 3 year old he is still a baby :sob::sob::sob:


Where would he have seen this behavior??


He needs his ass beat!

Ok, I know this is not a popular opinion but an butt whoopin is in order. Never do it angry be calm when this lesson is given and maybe washing his mouth out with soup when he cusses. My mother did it with us and while we still cussed when she wasn’t around we thought twice about doing it within a 20 mile radius of her. She had ears and eyes everywhere…


You don’t want my suggestions becausewith my suggestions he would of never started acting that way or calling names BET


Tear that ass up! I don’t even whoop my daughter but if she did any of these things your son is doing I’d tear that ass up!! That’s probably why she don’t test me like that too

Where has a 3 year old learned this kind of language??? Someone is modeling this behavior in front of him, the language at least.


My son was the same way till about 5-6years old the main thing is to mean what you say…if you tell him no tv for 72 hrs than do it! Yes it was hard and fits was bad but, after he figured out I was not going to give up than he knew… whooping my son butt made it worse ( yes I believe in whopping a kid but at the same time you are telling him not to hit bur, you hitting him)

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I used hot chili oil when my kids said bad words. Needless to say I only had to use it a few times. That is edible so no child abuse. I put a little bit on my finger and just touched there lips lightly. The taste is what stops them. It is not hot. It just isn’t a pleasant taste and it won’t hurt them. My son was horrible at 3. Thank God it stopped when he got older but you have to be consistent. I would just have to take the bottle out and the attitude would change

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You wouldn’t want my suggestion so good luck

DO NOT CALL A CHILD BAD.Innocent … The most beautiful time of your life. It is up to US parents . He needs help , You sound like a caring mommy , talk to his Dr. May God Bless your family.

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He needs disapline that you aare not giving, he is one spoiled kids


Applied Behavior Analyst specializing in this type of aggressive behavior…
also dr check for pandas

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Wow…where did he get those words?

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It’s your fault he’s using that language anyway. Start punishing him for it, and let people who are around you know not to use that language around the kid. Actually follow through on punishment threats.
There’s no such thing as a “bad” child.


My kids never acted like that.they new better or there ass was torn up big time

The Language comes from grownups talking it. Please take him to the Dr’s, definitely there are Issues and he’s crying out in Anger. Please keep God and prayer first in home, That’s the PROBLEM. :pray::sparkling_heart:

Spank his but for real


Put him in time out take things away some thing bc no dose nothing its just a word

Consult your doctor or a preschool for help.Do it right away!

i would have him tested. And as far as everybody who indicates she is a bad mom or doesn’t discipline him- How do you know she isn’t disciplining him? She would most likely not be asking for help if she hadn’t already tried many things. She is on here asking for help. If you are just going to be on the mom-shaming wagon, you should keep you thoughts and concerns to yourself. Apparently some of your mothers didn’t do such a great job either, because mine taught me 2 things 1- do unto others as you would have others do unto you and 2) keep your mouth shut if you don’t have something nice to say!


Where is he learning all of these bad words?


Trust me my daughter is 5 and dose the same thing. Hardly any punishment works where I’m at…only punishment you can do is time out and groundings. But my daughter also has ADHD so it’s kinda…worse

Spank his arse then haul him off to the doctors and have him tested for ADHD and Oppositional Defiance Disorder as well as sensory disorders

This is not normal behavior for a child brought up in a loving home. It is learned behavior. This is a child acting out because he needs unconditional love!!! And yes consistency as far a discipline goes. My heart aches for this child


Beat his ass !!! Teach him to respect you !!!

Change your companions. Stop all swearing around him. Change his companions. Pay more attention to him. Use positive reinforcement.


Make your punishment fit the crime. If you say no tv for 24 hours, that is too long for a 5 year old. Make it for 3 hours or something like that. Remembr, time is much longer to a child. Remember how we all thought the school day would never end?

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Maybe stop swearing in front of him? Don’t let him be around whomever is. Someone’s acting a mess around him. Someone is swearing. Someone is throwing shit. Throwing stuff, sure. Normal. In a rage? Seems like he learned that from someone else’s behavior. Act right around your kids and you won’t have to wonder why they’re acting like such an asshole.

Have him tested, or start disciplining…

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Who cares about the language?! That sounds like the least of your concerns. WALK AWAY. and read some books on difficult children. I saw something about a book called, The 5 Love Languages of Children.


If it was my child, I would call the pediatrician explain what is going on have him tested… knock out everything that it could be medically… if it came out that he’s fine, and having a tantrum… I would woop his behind and put him in his room for a time out till he behaves… as far as the language he’s had to of heard the language some where and I would try hard to not allow him to be around it least till he is past this stage… as far as spanking goes I’m from the south where the schools still do corporal punishment…


He bites your you bite him back, my daughter only bit me once, cut off who ever taught him that disrespectful attitude, he cusses at you flick him in the mouth, flick his hand when he throws things… An stick to it, you are the parent he is the child, if it doesn’t change then take him to a behavior therapist, my daughter had to see one for different reasons an it does help, my sister is taking her son an he’s already improving.