How do you deal with your fussy kids?

Sounds like a spoiled brat spank his a**


Let him starve he will eat when he’s hungey

Stop coddling him he will eat if hungry

I don’t believe in feedi,g tantrums…I think I was blessed that my kids didn’t do things like this…

We would eat or not eat

Not a mom, but I was a “fussy” eater. I was never given a choice. Either I ate what mom made or I didn’t eat. it was a battle of the wills almost every night. She took me to the doctor to make sure I was healthy and I took a Flintstone vitamin everyday. :woman_shrugging:

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It goes like this, “sit at the table and don’t leave until the food is done.”
If I allowed my kids to do this they would have eaten 0 veggies at this point in life. He needs a balanced diet and he doesn’t understand that so this is one of those things you have to force.

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try being the adult

Geez, who’s the parent here

I feel bad for alot of these kids belonging to these commenters. Food should never be a traumatic issue. My kids are picky and have an inherited gag reflex so bad that they will literally throw up if they eat something that doesn’t agree with their tastebuds. I would never let them starve because their tastes aren’t the same as mine. I am no short-order cook either. I simply include things in meals that I know they like. It’s so very simple. And you know what? As they have gotten older they have voluntarily explored other things on the table and found they like them too! No force or punishing required. And if your kids don’t like veggies right now (mine did, until they didn’t) Bolthouse farms green juice covered that area for me just fine. They loved it and didn’t realize they were drinking vegetables. Now they like some vegetables again. Kid’s tastebuds absolutely do evolve and change. They should never have to starve because of it…


9 year old fussy? Demands? :woman_facepalming: I just can’t.

You are his mother,not his maid. You put food on the table, he either eats it or goes to bed hungry, which won’t kill him. You are letting a 9 year old run the house. Get control now or when he hits his teens all hell will break loose.

He does what you allow him to do!!!

You are the boss of him. Be the boss.

Be consistent in your punishments.

Have him help cook maybe.

He is running the parents.

Let him go hungry. He’ll eat what you cook. And put him in his bedroom until he can behave himself

Good God, what is wrong with you ? Are you incapable of being a
“parent” ? Fix a meal, put it on the table, let him eat, or go hungry. He will not miss more than 1-3 meals, before you find yourself in control again.

let him go to bed hungry he will soon get tired of it

You make the rules
And you don’t give in

Each of my kids went thru a picky phase. I was yelled at, mistreated & hit because I was very picky, especially about meat. I would literally gag at the table. I couldn’t help it. So, I tried not to make a big deal out of it & made foods they liked. I found that eventually they’d venture into trying different foods. They all became good eaters.

Insist he sits at table for meals…Fix a plate for him and apply the “3 BITES MANDATE”…at least 3 bites of every food!! My Mom & BigMamma enforced that!! The worst…LIVER…:disappointed:!!! My baby Sis left her “cleaned plate” surrounded under the rim with green little peas!!

He’ll eat when hungry. Don’t worry about it. Don’t keep serving his favorite food. You’ll end up regreting it.

You are mom. He eats what you give him and buy for him. Skipping a meal will not kill him

Give them Nyquil and put them to bed! LMBO


Kid wont starve himself. He will eat if he gets hungry enough

Skip breakfast and skip lunch

He gets hungry enough he will eat

Put your foot down asap

say gnight, see ya in morning.

best that ass one time

Ignore him, he’ll learn

Hell eventually give in. Consistency is key

Give him breakfast food for dinner

My kids eat what I make for dinner, or they can just not eat dinner. They learn quickly to try new things or be really hungry come breakfast time!

This sounds like more than just a picky eater. It sounds like he has food aversion. It’s a real thing, my brother has it. My mom made the rule, you try at least one bite and if you truly 100% can’t stand it then you can have X (whatever he will eat).

Remember, when you were a kid. if you don’t like what Mama cooked you went to bed hungry. He’ll eat when he gets hungry. At the age of nine if he runs that show, watch out when he turns fifteen

Yep my 7 year old daughter is fussy most of the time cause I am not letting her have her way on things.

Teach him about nutrition and why he needs good food then cook your regular meals tell him he doesn’t have to eat it all but he has to try everything at least once then if he won’t eat it he doesn’t get anything till breakfast don’t worry he won’t starve you can’t run your household according to his wishes he can’t make you a hostage to his food dislikes having said that I wouldn’t force him to eat anything he hates if there is a variety of good food at dinner he will pick something eventually that he likes

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My picky eater knew that he could eat what was on the table or quietly make himself a PB&J - not discussion. The very first whining should be stopped as there is no place for whining. If a child is troubled and crying, they need to be heard and loved. If they just did not get their way, they need to know that the world does not walk to the beat of their drum! Don’t listen. Don’t give in!


I guess I got lucky, my kids knew that I wasn’t cooking a second meal. They ate what I served, or went hungry. I can’t remember this ever being a real issue.

My grandson, is a picky eater for his parents. He tried it one time at my house, he sat at the table all evening until he was picked up to go home. He hasn’t acted that way at my house since. He still does it at home, but he knows I won’t give in, so he eats his dinner at my house.

I take it you don’t run a restaurant so don’t start. No snack when he gets home from school. He eat what you fix or he goes hungry. Just make sure any of his favorite snacks are locked away so he can’t sneam food. When dinner is over for the family your kitchen is closed. Do not let am9 year old brat dictate what you fix for meals

I put the plate in front of my children and never forced them to eat. If I heard something like " I hate peas" i would say :we don’t make any remarks. If there is something you don’t like just leave it on the side of your plate." They never got something else…and all three are good eaters.

What ever you are making let him help you in the kitchen maybe by including him he will realize that everyone has to eat and tell him what a good chef he will make

Will the food you cook hurt your child? No, it won’t. Neither will going hungry. With my kids you ate what was fixed- 3 bite minimum of each food. All my kids had 2 foods they hated- still had to try each time. If they didn’t eat at dinner, they got their plate at snack. They were warned breakfast is a long time away… they only skipped a few meals before they learned. One thing that helped me as a parent… look at the behavior… and ask would this behavior be ok at an older age. If not, then why is it ok now? Just remember… you are mom and you got this.

My daughter has struggled to eat anything. Doctor said she will eat when shes hungry. She likes the pediatric shakes, so that has been a life saver for keeping her on track growth wise. I make dinner sometimes she eats, sometimes she doesnt, doctor said not to force her that it will make her worse. She has started eating more, I always make her a plate, she has to stay at the dinner table while we eat, but doesnt have to eat. She knows that if she doesnr eat dinner she gets no other food to eat the rest of the day.

I would consult his doctor.

Feed him what ever he likes I have 2 grandson age 5 one loves pizza. Thst not everyday we give it twice a week. Other loves chicken anyway you make it. Loves cheerios I also have 4 grown children now they eat everything so dont worry enjoy them

My child is a lot fussier with me after school than she ever is at school. It’s like she’s used up and when she sees me she unloads all the crap. I’ve stopped taking offense and let her vent, unless she is verbally attacking me. Then I will calmly say that I need am apology before I can listen to anymore complaining. As for the food . . . I just think you are doing children a disservice when you cater to them. They will grow up only eating chicken nuggets and mac and cheese and won’t know how wonderful anything else is. Think about his/her first dinner with a boss where he orders odd the kids menu. Teach kids how to eat a variety of foods, and don’t give in to his demands. One night of going to bed hungry will teach him to eat what’s in front of him.

Eat it or go hungry.
My Mom would fix elaborate desserts, we couldn’t have any unless we ate dinner. That worked.

Also make him eat a little of everything new. If he really doesn’t like, have him try something else.

As long as he gets eats at least 2 healthy meals a day, or several healthy snacks in day he’s fine. As far as food choice: either he doesn’t eat dinner or you guys make meals that everyone is in agreement with.
I let my kids help decide what we’re having and how much they can eat. Sometimes we have individual meals together.
every family is different, so just do what works best for you all:grin:

Roll it forward 30 years. You may or may not be around to cook for him. If he is fortunate enough to find a wife, she WILL tire of his demands to be served. If you want your son to suffer a divorce, continue on your passive track. What you allow now will be what he becomes as a man.

Best thing to do is not get in a fight with him, a lot of times it’s about control. If he doesn’t eat dinner then he can go to bed hungry. That is his choice. You absolutely should not cater to him eating one meal every day of the week. Just make sure that breakfast isn’t a big bowl of sweet cereal.

My kids were outside playing until I called them for dinner they ate what was on the table they were hungry from playing. My daughter didnt like peas she didnt have to eat them the boys ate everything. You get the kids you raise

Let him eat what he was wants till he gets tired of it won’t take him long not worth fussing over just love him

Live how I was raised. This is what’s for dinner. Eat it or don’t.

after reading these responses, i’m wondering how we have snowflakes on the first place! most of you tow the hard parent line … you get what you get and don’t throw a fit . maybe the snowflakes are just the result of not being heard as kids; resisting tough stuff because they can as adults

When I was growing up if you didn’t eat it there was nothing else… And there was no sweets or snacking after school… And tough if you were hungry… :smile:

Eat what is served, or don’t. Your choice. When you get hungry, the food will be cold but it will be there. You want different? Make it and clean it yourself, or walk yo ass down to McDonald’s. Those are your choices.

Growing up we ate what was cooked. If you didn’t like it you, too bad. Go to bed hungry. You need to get smarter. You are the parent…

Never hurts a kid to go to bed hungry. You are the parent not him. You decide what is for dinner he either eats it or goes hungry. Yes making something your kid likes is fine but to allow your child to dictate this is unacceptable

Policy at our house was “eat or not. It is hours until breakfast.”

I used to be a picky eater when growing up. I got my favorite food on my birthday only. Otherwise, I could eat what was for dinner or skip dinner altogether. I chose that very often, and though I was skinny, I survived fine. I heard that one thing that helps a picky eater is to get the child to help you prepare the food. In other words, teach him to cook along with you. Good luck.

Stop letting him control you or one day you are going to have a kid on your hands that is going to be l

This is dinner . Eat it or dont. Sounds more like spoiled than fussy.

Ha my grandson eats grilled cheese and chicken nuggets 7 days a week.

He’ll eat when he gets hungry enough.

I agree with Rachel Neel Calder he won’t starve but you created this mom now time to get tough again he won’t starve

Don’t give in. He has the option to eat what is served or not eat at all. Or you could go the route a friend of mine did. Her daughter would only eat max and cheese. So for all 3 meals she had the microveable mav n cheese for her and after about 2 months of only eating that she started deciding she wanted something different.

Fine with me, go to bed hungry

When he is hungry. He will eat.

sounds like a power trip for him doesnt it? And he is winning. Stop cooking his fav foods until he quits the control game. He wont die from not eating one meal. He probably is eating stuff without your knowledge…YOU need to stand up for yourself and set the rules…YOu are the parent, not him…

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Quit letting him think he is the boss !

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