Santa in my house usually gets the best present… but that just me
Something they want, need, wear and read are from us this includes new pjs they get Christmas eve. Most everything else is from Santa but I feel like I should split it up more.
Stockings from Santa and that’s it
My granddaughter gets 2 to 3 items from Santa that she has asked for and then wrapped presents go under tree from mommy daddy and grandma. She gets to open one on Christmas Eve which is usually pjs for Christmas.
Our daughter writes a letter to Santa, she asks for one item and usually asks him to also remember our cat and dog!
So santa does one inexpensive gift. Other presents are from us and labeled as such.
Stockings are from Santa and a smaller item. All expensive/bigger things are from us.
Whatever kids decide to ask Santa for when taking pictures, that’s what they get. We wrap in special paper and put out with all the gifts together
A smaller thing from samta them other things from
We do one item from Santa and stockings from santa, then all other presents are from us. The santa present doesn’t get wrapped.
Something small and unwrapped such a memory of mine to run out Christmas morning and see the toy I’ve been looking forward to right there under the tree
I read this post about abusing the expensive ones from mom and dad. Less expensive from parents. That way if the kids tell their friends, it won’t seem like Santa only buys expensive gifts for some kids. Example, an xbox is from mom and dad.
I really liked the logic behind it. And we do that now.
We spend Christmas Eve with grandparents and then do Christmas morning with just our immediate family. I usually do one present from Santa and the rest from mom & dad. If it’s a big one, like a trampoline we got last year for example, it’s from mom & dad. I try to get them something they asked Santa for from Santa, but not go crazy with it if that makes sense.
Santa bringa a few small gifts and things like new tooth brushes, a little candy in the stockings books stuff like that. Expensive bigger items are from family.
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Santa fills stockings and small trinkets found inside stocking. Anything else is from us.
The presents from the parents are wrapped, and get opened Christmas Eve. Santa fills their stockings with smaller stuff and candy/snacks that they find Christmas morning. Then they have two days of fun
We do not label who the gifts are from. Nothing has ever said “From Santa”. Then my son just guesses/assumes (“this must be from Santa because this was what I asked him for”, or “you did find this for me mom!”)
Christmas eve boxes for my 2 sons are the gift from santa all the others from me n family etc
We don’t do Santa anymore more but when we did the kids would get 1 bigger gift and stocking filled from Santa the rest were from us. We have the tradition of the one gift box on Christmas Eve filled with Christmas Pjs, a bag of popcorn, a Christmas movie and a thing of hot chocolate. We watch the movie on Christmas Eve and have the hot chocolate and popcorn during the movie. Also each year the kids get to pick out an ornament that is special to them to put on the tree. I write on the bottom of it with their name and the year. When they move out they will be able to take all the ornaments they have gotten over the years so they can put them on their tree in their home. They love going to pick out their ornaments each year. We put all presents under the tree before Christmas which in turn causes the continues question of opening just one before Christmas day which is why we started the Christmas Eve box.
I put all presents under my tree as soon as it goes up as I wrap them all year long. Since my oldest cant really read yet she soesnt know unless I tell her which ate from Santa. This year since shes getting into her stocking more iv told her Santa fills it so her stocking stuffers are her gifts from santa or I pick a small one from under the tree and do it that way.
We are going to pick one gift from Santa and not the most expensive one, but say its from Santa.
least expensive are from Santa
Santa brings one gift and fills her stocking. I start asking in June or July what she wants. I wrap all the presents from us right after the tree goes up and I put them under the tree. My daughter knows she gets one present on Christmas eve and it’s pajamas. After she gets her new pajamas on, we watch a Christmas movie (usually the grinch it’s her favorite), we eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate until bed time. All of the other presents get opened Christmas morning, after it’s daylight
We did one gift that was unwrapped and under the tree…that was the one from Santa.
When my son writes his letter to Santa we use a rhyme, “something I want something I need, something to wear, something to read.”
Those things are from Santa the rest is from mom and dad
I’m not a mother… but santa never brought wrapped presents. Santa would bring the cool stuff that wasn’t expensive like nerf guns or craft stuff and filled the stockings with candy and trinkets and mom bought everything else but it was all wrapped. When I woke up I could open my stocking and play with the stuff Santa brought (because it was usually never anything loud) and then when we were ready everyone opened presents together.
Our little dude knows that presents are from mummy and daddy, and grandparents. But he does believe in Santa, so we wrap 1 present in different wrapping paper that doesn’t get put under the tree so he wakes up to it on Christmas day, and that 1 present is from Santa. We try to keep the magic of Christmas for him but not ott on the gifts from Santa.
He also understands that parents do their best to give extra presents but some parents aren’t able too, so ever year he chooses toys for a boy and a girl and donates them to a toy appeal… he’s 5 and is so unbelievably caring! He says Santa has enough to do so we should help!
Santa fills stocking and leaves one gift next to the empty santa/reindeer treat plate. Wrapped in diffrent paper than I have used.
And I put all gifts under the tree once he’s asleep Xmas eve.
There may be the odd gift under tree before then but he knows they are from friends and his grandad.
Stockings are from Santa & that’s it.
Our children get their “big” or “most expensive” present from Santa and all the others are from mum & dad.
I normally get what she asks Santa for and then i have my own gifts to them. I put out the Santa presents unwrapped and then I wrap mine. She only asked for a pair of shoes from Santa and then I got her other things
When kids go to bed and I know they’re asleep, I place all the gifts under the tree. Depending on age. I have 2 littles ones that would be too excited to sleep if I place them out before Xmas day. We do 2 gifts that are inexpensive from Santa to each child and stocking if there are gifts under tree from relatives and friends, they get to open one of those on Xmas eve.
I write all the gifts are from Santa, my daughter is 2. She can’t read but I wanna keep the Christmas spirit alive for her as long as I can.
The expensive is from mom and dad and then something small from Santa
I put everything out Christmas eve expensive gifts are from mom and dad because not everyone has the money for expensive gifts and I wouldnt want another kid to feel less then because Santa got my kid a iPad and all they can was clothes
Gifts from Santa are simple yet meaningful, and stockings are from him. Big expensive ones are from family.
I’m kind of just going at random with it to be perfectly honest. So all the gifts are stacked up in a giant pile and I’m just going to grab one wrap it from me then grab the next one and it’s from Santa and then go on and on from there. In reality she will just claim whatever when it comes to santa since she’s 5 so I don’t really care or out too much thought into it We do extended family on Christmas Eve usually and household on Christmas. All gifts get put under the tree at one christmas.
I usually mark whatever he asks sant for as the Santa gift ( this year he wanted a train set) and then everything else is from mom and dad we set them out Christmas night after he is in bed and open Christmas morning
I get the expensive presents from me and the little ones from Santa because I don’t want my son to go to school and boast about his expensive present and another child feel like he isn’t good enough to get a big gift from Santa
Expensive should be from mom and dad. Santa is something that they specifically ask for but isn’t really expensive. I tell me kids Santa doesn’t do electronics also. That should be from parents or grandparents.
I give one present from Santa that he asked for as I explained Santa has so many kids to buy for that he should ask for something he can kind or make & is to ask mommy & daddy for his big toys also give one gift on xmas eve
3 little girls. One expensive gift from Mom and dad. Then about 10 more from Santa.
I always made santa gifts the ones that i couldn’t wrap. Oddly shaped or no packaging. I only put bows on them and a card from santa. The rest were from mom. We did moms gifts Christmas eve and santa gifts Christmas morning
Santa does the stockings, mum and dad do the presents
We just write from Santa on all if them. My kids never pay attention to tags. Or wrap each child’s in their own specific wrapping paper and don’t use name tags
I put the gifts out on Christmas Eve but only because my kids are 4 (5 tomorrow), 2, and 6 months old so i think if i put them out any earlier then i would have my hands even more full lol. They talk about Santa but i don’t label any gifts from him. I think they think he’s just a person that comes around about Christmas time and that’s it. Christmas morning we get our morning baths out of the way and some food (i know they won’t eat if we do gifts first) and then they open gifts.
Someone told me do only one from Santa… that way the rest can sit under the tree, and you aren’t stressing last minute having to haul out the Santa presents etc. So that’s what I’ve been doing
Christmas Eve the kids get to open new Pajamas and a movie/game. I put all the presents from us under the tree a few days before but my littles end up poking holes in them because the can’t wait.
Santa gets them inexpensive gifts due to reading something that said when kids compare what Santa gave and get sad if their family couldn’t afford for Santa to give expensive things.
They open all presents Christmas Day when they wake up
1 small gift from santa - everything else from me
I might be called names i have on other posts but I put the few big things from me and wrap everything else from Santa
I’ve been a single Mom her whole life and work hard so I am trying to teach her the same…
Usually I try to find a toy that’s made of wood and I say it’s from Santa and that he “handmade” it for him… all other presents are mum and dad or whoever bought them… not giving Santa all the credit for my hard work lol
I was just doing this today…all presents from Santa are wrapped in a separate colored paper than a present from me. When the grandbaby is older…stocking will be filled by Santa as well
We do clothes and electronics from us and toys from Santa.
“Biggest” or most “expensive” gift and stocking are from santa. And then christmas eve santa brings all the presents out when kids are sleeping
All of them are from Santa
The best and most wanted gifts always came from us. My husband said he worked way too hard for some invisible fat guy to get credit for those.
The smallest cheapest most uninteresting present (only 1) are from Santa the rest are from family and us. That way she learns to appreciate what we give her and how much we work for it AND then when she’s told Santa doesn’t exist she’s not so disappointed.
We put everything out Christmas eve after they have gone to sleep…big items are left unwrapped and all others are wrapped with just their name on it…they dont know where any of it came from🤷♀️
We give 1-2 gifts from Santa plus stockings. Everything else is from us. I do that bc Santa has to give gifts so the kids of the world, my kids aren’t special that they are getting 20 gifts from Santa lol. Also done years we might not have an much money and if they get less than normal that’s bc we didn’t buy them as much not bc Santa didn’t give them as much. I also put everything out after they are sleeping on Xmas Eve so they don’t try getting into anything before hand.
Big money items are from mom and dad. Santa brings the smaller stuff.
I always give one small present on christmas eve, and santa brings one big present and a few small things, the rest are from me and her dad
All gifts are from Santa and they open on Christmas Day
Stocking is from Santa and one gift for the whole house, everything else is from me
One gift that they asked Santa for we help them emphasize that one and make sure we can procure it. Nothing too fancy or expensive.
Only 1/2 from Santa plus Xmas eve crate. Rest are from whoever gives them
When we were kids, my mom always let us open 1 gift on Christmas Eve that was from mom & dad. It was always a new outfit for Christmas Eve church service. Then everything on Christmas Day was from Santa.
For my kids: we have my stepdaughter every Christmas Eve. We pick her up the night of the 23rd. Get the 3 kids to bed and then wake up early and do Santa on Christmas Eve. Everything is from Santa. Then I go to work and when I come home we go to my parents for Christmas with them. And the best part…Christmas Day is OUR day! All the gifts have been open. The boys are busy playing with their new toys and we can just relax and enjoy the day at home. We do, however, go out for supper with my parents on Christmas Day to the local Chinese buffet restaurant. That one started about 10 years ago. The previous year, my parents had made a huge feast so we could all stuff ourselves after doing Christmas at their house. Mom realized that she actually ended up missing out on Christmas with the family because she was in the kitchen keeping everything going. One of us kids sarcastically said, “well then next year, we will just go to China Buffet! Then no one has to cook OR clean up after!!” And the tradition has stuck.
The expensive gifts like tablets and clothing items we say they’re from us, toys and books are from Santa.
We put what is from us out before Christmas and the ones from Santa come out Christmas Eve night. As for what is from Santa, we do clothes, shoes and some toys. The big things are from us.
We do one small gift from Santa and everything else from parents, so that when kids inevitably talk about what Sants brought them for christmas, it doesnt make any other child feel bad for whatever Santa did or did not bring.
My kids get one present from Santa and they know mom and dad have to pay Santa for them, nothing is free.
More expensives items are from us parents and family.Not so expensive from Santa:100:
Stockings are from Santa. Big, expensive gifts are NEVER from Santa.
The most expensive gifts are from us. Stockings and a few of the other gifts are from Santa. On Christmas Eve our Elf brings the kids a night before Christmas box. It usually has PJs, a Christmas book and a treat/snack in it. Sometimes a movie to watch before bed.
I am 69 years old. Santa used to be the giver of the nicest, biggest gifts. As went older that’s out if switched when I was 12 my older brother and I got clock alarm radios from mom and dad. Still got something but we didn’t really believeby then, but just in case… the same thing happened with ours and daughter. So, it sort of evolves. S
Belief in Santa is important for kids tonearm about and believe in a God they cannot always see or feel. But is real nonetheless.
A couple small gifts from Santa. The rest from us. Which I honestly think should be everyone’s way of doing it so some kids don’t think they are any less than Tom or sally that got a PlayStation or iPhone while he only got a toy car or socks.
We open one present on xmas eve. Santas gift is always one big item they really wanted throughout the year. The rest is from us. Usually 5 gifts total. Santas goes under tree after they sleep on xmas eve. Theres also an free app tbat i use to put santa in front of our tree, called CAPTURE THE MAGIC . …KIDS LOVE SEEING THE PIC But not everyone does.
Everything is from Santa. My parents did it that way when we were growing up and I’ve kept it going
Santa does one gift and stockings Christmas eve after bedtime. The rest are from us and go under the tree as I get them wrapped. Kids get to open one gift on Christmas eve, surprisingly it’s always new pj’s and a book or movie.
I tell my kids that santa doesnt give out really expensive gifts, because he has so many kids to get toys for. So they pick out 2 things to ask santa for and they get one of those and a stocking from him. Everything else is from us but i don’t put anything out until they go to sleep on christmas eve, so when they wake up (usually before us) and sneak downstairs they get to see all of the presents set up really nice when before there was nothing under the tree. But they know the ones under the tree are from us. I like to think it adds to the christmas magic for them lol
Santa brings the cheap toys lol my kids get the big stuff from me haha!
They get a book and Christmas pajamas on Christmas eve. And then most of the gifts are from us and other family and those gone under the tree as they get wrapped and then Santa brings a few small wrapped gifts( dollar store games, or toys) and a few big unwrapped gifts and there stockings.
Every year the kids each get a stuffed animal my oldest is 14 and got on my case because I asked if she was too old now and she exclaimed it was a tradition we have to follow! Santa brings small gifts and the “big” gift is always from the parents.
Clothes & Electronics are from us any toys are from santa.
I’d say Santa got all them and my family usually puts them under the tree in the beginning of December and just let it accumulate
Santa should never bring the expensive stuff. That way when the parents who can’t buy expensive stuff from santa those kids don’t feel like Santa did less for them. Expensive stuff should always be from the parents.
In my house Santa’s elves make the toys so simple gifts are from him, usually stuff that has to do with whatever hobby she’s into. For the last couple years my daughter has really gotten into drawing so this year I got her a really nice large alcohol marker set, so that’ll be from Santa. I also like to keep in mind not only the price but how many gifts ‘Santa’ gives her, for the parents who can’t afford for Santa to bring Playstations or a bunch of gifts.
I just randomly pick one from Santa because after wrapping, I don’t remember what’s what most the time. There’s some I label from their brothers when I’m wrapping, but otherwise it’s either Santa or mom so it’s a guessing game. Eenie meenie minie moe!
Toys are from Santa. Small trinkets and socks from the elves in the stocking. Clothes and electronics are from mom/dad
Santa’s gift was the big gift, and the stocking stuffers, and they got put out on Christmas Eve after the kids went to bed. Wrapped in a different paper that the kids never saw beforehand. Everything else was wrapped and put under the tree as it was bought.
Whatever they asked Santa for.
We do a couple presents from Santa in their santa sacks and then stockings. Presents from us go under the tree before christmas. Santa presents go under the tree once they are asleep on Christmas Eve. Occasionally I let them open one present from us on Christmas Eve but we haven’t done it every year. Sometimes if we visit family on Christmas Eve they open their presents over there then ours Christmas morning
We tell our son everything is from us and Santa, that we send him money for the materials to build his toys. Now the bigger priced items are strictly from us. It also helps him not ask for a whole lot of stuff right before Christmas because we’re sending money to Santa.
My son has a santa sack and his presents from santa go in there, we use different wrapping paper to the rest (we call it santa paper) and the presents under the tree are from us, family and friends etc. He’s only 3 so hasn’t asked for expensive gifts yet but when he does I’ll wrap expensive ones up from me and his dad. I do a little Christmas eve box for him which usually has new pjs, slippers or bed socks, a book or film, some treats and hot chocolate in it x
Anything really expensive that other less fortunate children probably didnt get came from the parents. Anything affordable or simple comes from santa.
My husband and I are doing probably 50/50 santa/mommy and daddy we’re giving him the biggest one from us and probably the next biggest from santa then the stocking is a santa thing. We’re doing santa gifts in a special paper with special tags.
All presents go under the tree on christmas eve. My kids get one small gift from Santa, which is always left unwrapped with only a red bow.
I always did the expensive gift like Xbox, Razor scooter etc. from myself and the rest from Santa. Growing up we got 1 gift on Xmas eve once we no longer believed so I started that too however I pick out a couple my son can chose from so he doesn’t pick out “moms” gift and then not care about the rest the next morning.
We dont do santa. I dont have an issue with it, but my daughter asked me outright at 3 and i told her the truth. But she knows the story and talks about santa at school sometimes and goes a long at the xmas party. But sometimes she will say, “i know it isnt reeeally true”
And we do Christmas on the Eve for immediate family. Christmas day is for relatives.
Santa gifts in our house is usually 1-2 small items, no more than like $25 and the stocking.