I do all gifts from Santa. They are little and believe for a short time frame. Their innocence only lasts for so long. They’ll have the rest of their lives to be non-believers. I put gifts out on Christmas Eve night when they have gone to bed, nothing before that. I love to wrap so I do that a little throughout the month when I can, but I do most of it Christmas Eve night. I have three children. Each child gets their own wrapping paper. All of their presents are wrapped in their specific paper. This eliminates me writing names and kids questioning why Santa has my hand writing lol. That did happen one year with my oldest when he was 6. I have them open their stocking first and there is a piece of their wrapping paper at the bottom. That’s how they know who has which wrapping paper. We have a family tradition of a bonfire, with food and fireworks on Christmas Eve night. I do cookies and make gingerbread houses during the month as well.
I learned the hard way that with toddlers NOTHING goes under the tree until late xmas eve/2am xmas. It was a scene straight from hell and Santa? Nah baby Mommy and Daddy worked hard for all that. Santa brings one gift and stockings.
At the moment my son’s are between the easy ages of buying things.
- Is two in Feb.
- Is two months on Christmas.
So atm. My oldest son is getting ONE big Santa present and the rest are from me and his stepdad.
The youngest is only getting a few teething toys.
Next year for the oldest I’m starting, anything in the stocking is from Santa. And the rest from me and my partner.
Santa gets one gift in our house. Mom dad granny whoever else buys thats who buys not Santa. We also make sure its not a very glamorous Santa gift as we know some kids at school may not get close to what ours gets and ours most like dknt get close to what others get 5 people 3 kids 1 fulltime job we do what we can. But the one gift is not glamorous jjst so they dont go to school all excited santa brought a play station while another child got a coloring book. We never want our children to make others feel less in any way ours is 5,3, and 2 years old so at the moment it would unentitional . but do what works for you and yours try not to stress about presents its the least most important thing about Christmas . what ever you choose your kids will appreciate when the get older
In my house all gifts are from Santa. My daughter is a miracle baby, and we buy her plenty all year round. So at Christmas, I say all gifts are from Santa. As she will be my only one, I want her to believe as long as possible.
Are kids rang in age from 18-2 so we tell them Santa is watching and have them make list and send them to Santa and all that but since Santa is so busy with so many kids us adults have to go get the presents. Makes in easier so you don’t have to be so secretive with wrapping and going to the store but the concept of Santa and then getting presents only if they were good or not still stands. And we celebrate on Christmas Eve, try to get close to midnight but the 2 and 5 year old usually make us open the presents around 10
A blanket or coloring book or small doll or car is from Santa. Santa has to get presents for all kids he can’t afford expensive toys. My kids will not think santa brings all big toys especially when some parent can’t afford to buy said expensive gifts.
This year. I did 1 gift to all my Nephews and nieces. My kids have 7 gifts 4 toys, 3 outfits. Didn’t spend over $100 on each kid. And mixing with Santa and parents.
Generally the cheaper gifts should be designated to santa, so those who are less fortunate can have their kids believe in santa too. One kid who’s really good but in a poor household getting socks from santa and another who’s a troublemaker getting an iphone can break a kid’s heart
We tell our kid that we have to pay Santa for all his gifts. Santa’s elf and Santa keeps the gifts and wraps them for us. So he can’t find them.
He does very well with that. For example he asked me if I paid Santa for all his gifts yet . And I’m to make sure I bought the blue switch to give to Santa. Also he thinks we drop the gifts off to the lady at Walmart for her to give to Santa
when we talk about past gifts he will say that’s the gift you and Santa bought me.
I wrap everything with only their names. Never fooled them into the fake Santa thing. They know where all of their gifts come from and they always have.
Thankfully all the expensive gadgets up today we’re not around my kids were growing up. So the majority of what they got was from Santa. But now with the cost of electronics and all the things that the kids today want, they are recommending that the parents take credit for that and let Santa bring the less expensive things. That way other kids are not wondering why Santa brought their friend some expensive electronics and all they got was socks and underwear and maybe a cheap toy.
My son will be 2 this month but I have decided some of the more needed things will probably santa gifts like new socks and underwear but that can be the time I spend more on them to get the ones they really wanted. Maybe smaller items like linch containers or even themed snacks since Capri Sun is $2 but the paw patrol ones are $3.
I put Santa’s name on them and put them out after everyone went to bed
They get to pick 1 thing to ask Santa for and that’s what he gives. The rest are from us.
We do 1 or 2 bigger things from Santa and then everything else from mommy and daddy! We do stocking on Christmas eve and everything else Christmas day! May change in future with the gifts that are from Santa but our kids are only 4 and 1…so for now this works for us
I gave myself a limit of 40$ for the Santa gift(s). Otherwise anything big or higher in price is from us (and always will be in consideration for people who can’t afford those big gifts)
But I wouldn’t want my son asking for the biggest and best toys when a friend may get something a lot smaller.
All the presents from under the tree are from family, opened Christmas Eve then kids go to bed and wake up with that one special present from Santa
The ones they ask for the most
The cheap and affordable presents are from Santa and the expensive ones are from mom and dad. Anything in the stockings are from the elves. Christmas Eve we do a special present from me and daddy that has their favorite snack and drink, new PJs, new socks, and blanket. inside daddy’s box is the Christmas movie we watch before bed. Then all the presents go under the tree Christmas morning mainly because my kids wake up in the middle of the night and open things up before hand. Then we always make sure we set out snacks for Santa and his elves
If I do santa one small cheap gift from him and the rest are from Mommy and Daddy
I grew up seeing kids hurt and questioning why they got something super cheap and others got the newest game systems and everything else under the sun
My sister and I are in our twenties and still get gifts from Santa. Lol. Our grandma is amazing like that.
Half of the presents are fro Jezuska and we give them on Christmas eve according to Eastern European traditions. The other half is from Santa and we give them on Christmas day.
ive always told my boys i pay santa foe thier gifts. he’s just like a store. he’s the boss and he has to pay his elves. a fat imaginary dude wasnt getting all the credit plus they never expected to get crazy expensive stuff because of it
We don’t do Santa. Like, my kids know santa was a real person, but to us he’s the personification of the spirit of giving. we’ve tried to put more emphasis on charity, traditions and family instead of getting. (But they’ve been told not to tell other kids anything. That if asked, Santa is real.) Our kids open all (but the biggest) gifts from us on Dec 24th, over breakfast. We travel hour and a half to make it to my parents for supper with my maternal grandma’s family (she lives with my parents.) Christmas eve night we open gifts with my parents, sisters and their families. Christmas morn, our kids (along with all our neices and nephews) wake up to their “santa gifts”. We then go to my paternal grandfather’s house and open gifts over breakfast with them. Lunch at mom and dads to rest a bit and enjoy company before traveling home.
When the kids were little and they believed, everything was from Santa. I didn’t care who got credit. Those magical moments were all we cared about and seeing those faces when they first woke up and looked under the tree. They are 17 and 20 now and I still put the stuff under the tree after they go to bed although they obviously know who the gifts are really from now.
I do all of the kids gifts from Santa. They are only going to believe in him for a few short years so it doesn’t bother me if he gets all the credit for the time being. They will figure out soon enough that it was us so might as well let them enjoy the magic while they can. We save the large and expensive gifts for their birthdays. Multiple smaller, affordable gifts for Christmas.
Cheap ones are from santa
None of ours are from Santa, he’s just the delivery guy😁
Well he’s not giving my kid an iPad when her friends get socks or the other one got a better iPad. So he gives her a small toy about $20 or less value.
Small things like books and such or small toys are from santa. Nothing expensive is ever from santa.
We do a Christmas Eve gift which always has a teddy to cuddle pjs to wear popcorn & hot chocolate and a movie to watch before bed. Santa gifts only go under the tree after kids go to bed and stay there. Gifts are split up between Santa gifts and from mom.
For me a lot of them that idk who to put it from is usually from santa. I let them open 1 small gift on christmas eve from mom n dad. Then after they have been asleep for awhile on christmas eve about 10 or 11 pm we put the presents under the tree and stuff the stockings
We have all the gifts from mum & dad + anyone else who gives them gifts and make up a stocking each full of small items that gets put in their room xmas eve night once their asleep thats from Santa
Our granddaughter gets her gifts from family members on Christmas Eve. Reindeer on the roof makes sure Santa stops at the right house. It can get pretty dark out there! Elf on the shelf makes sure Santa has his milk and cookies. Santa gets hungry and McDonald’s is closed! After all Santa is very busy Christmas Eve!!
I only pick on gift that’s less then 100$ for my kids, one Santa present… I learned from my mother not to give big gifts from Santa, as all I ever got was cloths and I got to see all these kids get game systems and phones from Santa… I just feel it’s irresponsible to make Santa give big gifts, cause then they ask why didn’t I get that. And I’ll be telling them straight up that the kids parents lied about how many gifts Santa gave them and that they forged his signature on the gifts. I don’t want them to feel like I did, what’s wrong with me? Was I so bad this year that I didn’t deserve the one thing I wanted? Cause I only ever asked for one thing cause I knew we didn’t have much.
What they ask Santa for lol
Usually it’s something that isn’t available in Australia
We say we send money to santa so the elves can make the toys, that way they appreciate what they get. My little girl gets really upset about the children in Africa and we donate to the shoe box appeal and she kept asking if they were naughty because santa didn’t bring them anything so that was the easiest way of explaining it and making them appreciate what they get x
So easy. We don’t do Santa. Nothing against people who let their kids believe in Santa, each family makes it’s own decisions.
Santa brings one gift per child, and fills the stocking… its always one of the least expensive e gifts so when they are asked at school what Santa brought them, there isn’t favoritism shown to the wealthier kids, while the less wealthy only got something small, or nothing at all.
We do pajamas on Christmas eve so they wake up to gifts from Santa in their new pjs. And we dont put name tags on the presents. We do one wrapping paper per kid and the day of christmas we hide a swatch of their paper for them to find so that way one kid didnt think they got more than the other.
We have it that Santa fills stocking and bring one unwrapped present. We always put wrapped presents out as we get them. Also we open one present the night before. But I’ve met a family where all the gifts were from santa and they were under the tree all month.
Santa always bought gift to be opened Christmas morning. Taught them to be thankful to everyone the same, so it didn’t matter who bought what. Also they had to take care of their toys so they could help Santa the next year. In October clean up all toys we no longer used. Made sure all parts was there ,put new batteries in and donated to help Santa with younger kids toys.
We also say we have to send pennies to Santa , my two show gratitude with toys from pound shop, my daughter has just gave lots of her toys away as Someone in need can have they both aware there is people less fortunate x
What happened when you were a child. Everything was at the bottom of the bed in my house. Father Christmas even managed to get a bike up there. !! I had a pillow case full. Mind you I was the youngest, my sisters were 10 & 8 yrs older than me.That was after the war.bnow I’m 74, and very grateful. We have done the same for our children, except for big present which is left downstairs.
After reading a lot of comments, I was very thankful, privileged and spoilt. Merry Christmas
We do a small present in different paper and stockings from Santa. We open all gifts except for one on Christmas day. The one they open christmas eve has PJ’s, a book, a Christmas movie, hot chocolate and snacks. We put our PJ’s on make the hot chocolate, get the snacks and watch the movie then read the book before bed.
personally i use the inexpensive gifts as santa’s gifts and more expensive from mom and dad. some parents don’t have the money to spend on big expensive things and i don’t want my son to go to school screaming that santa got him a playstation and another kid got socks from santa. and santa never wrapped my presents so i just wrap what is from us and sit santa’s out under the tree. as for traditions i have been getting him a christmas eve gift that comes with new pajamas and a new movie to watch that night maybe with some hot chocolate or something!
I tell my kids the smaller gift is from Santa. Not all parents can afford a “big gift” and if something happens and I can’t get my kids something big, I don’t want my kids asking why santa got this friend a big gift and only got them something little
Most expensive or most asked for item from Santa and stockings
I know lots of families who put up their tree at begining of Dec and wrap up the gifts and put them under it…
They tell their kiddiewinx that Santa comes on Christmas Eve …like the kids cant already see what lies beneath the tree
We have our kids ask Santa for toys or things that are not expensive…but they ask us for the expensive gifts. They get atleast a couple things they asked Santa for and we do the rest from us. They have stockings that we usually fill with their favorite candies. We do gifts Christmas day and make cookies and stuff Christmas eve. That’s how we roll lol
None. My kiddos know that Santa is about as real as the Easter Bunny. I won’t force them to sit on a creepy old mans knee and tell him what they want for Christmas when their mom works her butt off to put presents under the tree. The presents stay hidden til Christmas night and they wake to them in the morning. I do let them open stockings Christmas Eve though and they get a pair of PJs to wear to bed.
Yes, at least my grandchildren believe in the magic of Christmas and the appreciation of gifts from others with no expectations.
All presents are from Santa even the stocking
I bought stuff for just from santa and marked present from my mom that passed away 2 years ago and bought some wrapped from me
My kids write a letter to Santa asking for 1 (maaaaybe 2 things but they know Santa can only bring one gift for each child since he has soooo many children to visit all over the world). That gift is their Santa gift. I wrap it with completely different wrapping paper than the non Santa gifts and with fancy bows and have tags that look like postage from the North Pole that have their name on it.
I would wrap one gift for each of them and put under the tree. Santa brought everything else unwrapped. We have an ornament on the tree that counts the days until Santa comes so we make it exciting and look at it everyday. Make it magical because every kid will remember Christmas Day whether they get what they wanted or not.
Christmas Eve Tradition Every Year is everyone opens up their Christmas Eve Box’s in the morning time, Everyone gets New Christmas Pj’s, New Movie, popcorn, flavored hot chocolate, their favorite candy, a Christmas book & sometimes I also add slippers to them, Then everyone gets in their Christmas pj’s for the day we take family photos, then everyone takes turn watching their new movie & enjoying their yummy treats & hot chocolate, Then we spend all day snacking on the Vegetable tray, meat, cheese, cracker tray, chips & dips, sweet honey BBQ cheddar smokies, other dips for the crackers, We also listen to Christmas music & have a dance party, In the evening we set out milk & cookies for Santa & carrots
for the Reindeer
& a letter to Santa
Christmas Eve Night when everyone is sleeping Santa Officially arrives with all of the Christmas Gifts small to really big they are marked from Santa as well & Santa brings all of the Stockings over filled because everyone in the family gets 1
The only gifts that get put under the Christmas tree early are too each other & other family members, Santa
brings all of the gifts & stockings Christmas Eve Night
We are doing 1 gift from Santa and it will be a gift that’s more on home made side, not the most expensive. We want all kids to feel equal when it comes to Santa❤️
We just do it all from Santa for the little ones and tell the mommy and daddy bought them/paid Santa to make toys and deliver them they get them Christmas morning then that afternoon we eat at grandparents and they get to open gifts there
I always had a couple small things from Santa and the expensive one from Parents, then some from mom and some from dad
We decided to give clothes/shoes from Santa & the more expensive gifts from us.
One small - medium present.
Big one is always from mom n dad.
I don’t want some kid to think they’re not good enough .
Like one kid gets a book while another gets an Xbox
I give them on Christmas Day. But the ‘big gift’ they want is always from mom and dad. Santa gives clothes games and books as some families cannot afford the big item and I don’t want my child to make them feel like they have not been good bc they asked for said big item and didn’t receive it.
In our home. Santa brought the coloring books. Play doh. The little things. The bigger gifts were always from the family.
Even when we stop believing in santa , Mom still put santas name on everything
I always only do one gift from Santa… the rest are from the fam. And the one from santa is the one I think will have the best reaction.
A few small things and stocking from Santa any expensive or big gifts are from me/family! We do Christmas gifts in Christmas Day but he has a Christmas Eve box with pjs and a book and snacks for Christmas Eve
They get 1 present from santa , wrapped in different wrapping paper.