How do you handle toddler tantrums in stores?

Keep doing what you are doing momma. Try sitting in the car until the fit is done, go back in and remind him he gets nothing for acting that way. That age is hard bc they are testing limits. If my kids didn’t calm in the car we went home and straight to time out or nap time. Being consistent is key, also not getting them something Everytime you go to the store helps them not to expect it everytime. They always ask for things but if I said no and they didn’t have a fit we did something rewarding when we got home.

I popped my son’s butt one time for throwing a fit in Walmart. Some lady tweaked on me and I asked her if she wanted to be next…she shut up and walked away…:joy:


If you have him strapped in the cart give him something that will keep him occupied. If you allow him to walk with you, ask him to help you by giving him small Items to put in the cart. When checking out give him items to put up on the conveyor belt. It will take you a lot longer to do your shopping but he really will think he’s helping and also help him to understand as he gets older that it’s hard work to be a mom!

I thought I knew how to handle my grandchild at 4 years old. I told her my expectations and the consequences of not following them, before going into the store. This method did not work. I had to go through the process even though the same behavior was bound to happen. Stick to the process of teaching your child the expectations and the consequences. He will behave better with time and persistence.

I told my niece when she was kicking and screaming on the floor that I would leave her there. I walked away , around the corner and waited . She stopped and ran after me. She got time out once home. Never had a problem after that

So uh…everyone’s a huge fan of spanking in public. Might extinguish the behavior in the moment (or make him cry harder and cause more of a scene that you’re clearly trying to avoid). So, talk before, one reminder, then in the cart or out the door. I also always brought something to keep hands busy when my kids were little. Yeah, screen time isn’t great but your sanity for the 30 mins you need to get groceries is definitely worth it. Dont shop at nap time, bed time, or around meal times if and when you can avoid it. I cannot with parents who are angry with their obviously exhausted toddlers when its clearly nap time…2 year olds are still babies in a lot of ways but they’re learning to test limits and want to exert independence. Letting him help (putting things in the cart, helping you “find” things, getting to make a choice between 2 things you buy etc) will let him explore those needs and keep him engaged. Kids who aren’t bored and who aren’t exhausted will behave better, and you know what holds his interest, so see if you can capitalize on that🙂

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I have 6 kids and am a foster parent. Give your basket to a manager or clerk and just leave . You handled it perfectly . :raised_hands: bravo

I ignored mine. Sometimes they shut up. Sometimes they didn’t. But they knew they were in trouble when we got back in the car (when they were older, at 2 they wouldn’t realize). I have 3 so by now I’m not at all worrying what others are thinking :woman_shrugging:.

I always bribed mine with a snack. I’d go to the snack isle and let them pick a box, and I’d open it and give them some. They’d be so intrigued with it and often I’d pay for an empty box. Lol
Or popcorn chicken also works wonders!

Consistency is the key. If at any time you cave you will have lost the control you had. Remember for the most part they grow out of it. My daughter was the only child that got taken to the car until she calmed down.

I know this sounds abusive but I will tell what I done. I had taken my old boy into a store. For some reason he laid down on the floor and screamed and kicked his heels on the floor. After hearing this a few minutes this mom had enough. I put my foot on his chest, I did not push his chest. I told him if he didnt get up and stop acting like a brat that I would stomp him into the floor. He got up and never did that again in a store or at home

I walked away, I could still see her. She calmed down when she thought I left her! Did it several times. It stopped.

Pick him up, leave whatever you’ve decided to purchase, walk out of the store, put him in his car seat and drive him home. Calmly explain to him the whole time you’re doing this, that this is what will happen when he acts like this out in public. Worked for my daughter, only had to do it twice.

Don’t let it get to u he’s trying to see how far he can push to get what he wants. I just let my grandson throw his little fit and move on. They don’t like the word no… lol

Honestly, I ignored them. Do what you have to do. Let him scream it out. It’s the store, not a restaurant or library. Be consistent with not giving in and he will get the point that tantrums are pointless.

A friend of mine son could hear the buzz of the lights and it hurt his ears. Once they went back outside boy calmed down

Leave wherever you are with him calmly sit in your car and tell him you can go back in store and maybe get something for him but if you act out again we are going home. Start that now and in a few months he will get the picture!

Can any one day spanking in the store embarrassed him he will stop.

Save the toy till the end. Use it as a reward

Try Walmart curbside. Order from the app and roll up and they load your car. Good luck

Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in? :laughing:

My kids knew the look
And so did my grand children I could take all 4 at one time no problem :blush:

Some children have sensory issues and big stores, bright lights and noise cause them to melt down. Can appear he is throwing a tantrum but is really having a difficult time coping with surroundings.

You must teach and train them at home or they will embarrass you in public. It starts at home…He/she will learn you are boss and you mean what you say. Tough love works

It’s never happened.

Slap him or spank him

If possible, ignore him.