Leaving him doesn’t mean leaving her without a dad. Is there a reason you would make such rules to make it awkward for him to see his daughter? Like is this ex of him dangerous or unsafe to be around the kids?
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End your relationship but don’t stop him being a dad because of it you don’t have to be together to raise children
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News flash, your daughter will still have a dad if you two split and you can’t control where your daughter goes when he wants to spend time with her just because he’s sending nudes to an ex.
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What your boyfriend is doing is wrong but you sound very controlling and using your child like this is worst. You have no say who your boyfriend brings around the child if you break up unless that person is unsafe
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Kid can still have a father if you leave. Be mature and a mother and there won’t be a problem. No point in staying just for the kid. You’ll end up miserable.
Well, if he leaves you, you can’t say who he can bring baby around unless there’s a court order that states that. You also can’t say he can’t see his kid unless it’s at your house, unless there is a court order.
You sound really young and kind of immature. Dont be one of those mothers and bitter exes.
But I wouldn’t stay with a man that did that to me.
This is about the children , not you, not him. Grow up seriously, your children deserve far better
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Just my opinion…never ever use your child to punish the other parent. You and him can disagree but when it comes to the child you should unit forces and be as one for the child. When you were blessed with that child your responsibility changed and now the child should always be first in the decision you make just as they should be first in the decisions he makes. Honey I will pray for you, that God gives His guidance to you about this.
Yes you are harsh! Leave him you deserve better! But don’t keep your kid from him that is just wrong! The baby deserves to have her father in her life if you are together or not!
Leave his ass and don’t be fucking scum, let him see his kid.
Why would you want to stay with a cheater just because you have a kid together? No one deserves to be treated like that. You can do better.
When it comes to visitation you have to do what is court ordered. Don’t be petty when it comes to letting him see his kid. The child will grow up to resent you.
Once again and a million times and 1 … just because things DONT WORK with you and your SO has nothing to do with the kids … FATHERS HAVE RIGHTS TOO… and you CAN NOT choose who he has in his life or around the child as long as the child is not in danger… I really wish some people would grow up before they have babies
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Kids deserve to see their father. It’s cruel to keep them away from each other. So yeah. Too harsh. End it with him relationship-wise. but please let him take a part in her life. I get that your situation sucks, but if he is a good father then please just let him play his role
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Just bcuz u leave doesn’t mean ur baby won’t have a daddy. Arrange visitation thru the court. Hammer out the details thru ur atty
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Leave him. Your baby will be fine. Do NOT be so childish as to say if he is getting back with her he can only see his kid when he comes to your house. That is wrong.
This is childish .
I mean yeah… leave his ass if hes sending nudes .
Cheating is cheating . It doesn’t matter who its with, it wont be justified .
But seriously do NOT:point_left: start using your child as a weapon . that’s disgusting and so ignorant and I cannot stress that enough.
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Using your child as a tool against your ex? Petty baby mama trash.
U sound just like my boyfriend baby momma when me and him first got together. Been together 6 years and he’s had fully legal custody for the past 2 years.
Leave but let your daughter have a dad, a absent father fugure is never good for any child’s upbringing.
I dont think its fair to keep him from being a parent because he cheats on you, but you definitely need to leave him.
Just because you’re not with him does not mean your daughter won’t have a father. He’s still going to be there And putting on restrictions based on emotions will not work well in your favor. If he goes to court he’ll probably get 50/50 and you won’t be able to dictate who or where he takes the child around.
Been there done that. I said the same thing. Well now Im divorced for 4 years and couldnt be happier. I wanted the family I never had for my three children. I learned within a yr to let the hate and resentment go. We coparent for the most part ok. Our children are happier and they see their mother happier. And honestly that made a huge difference for my now 14 yr old. The cheating and secrets never stopped. The arguing got worse and when you dealt with the same bullshit for 11 yrs, you get tired. Broke my heart walking away. I loved him dearly and felt like I failed my children. But I had to choose, me or him. I lost all self worth and self esteem in the process but I learned to rebuild my life and appreciate it even more. Best of luck
Only if it is becouse you are mad but if she is a bald mom you have them rt
Please don’t hold the child away from the dad, unless abusive.
Don’t do that to your child!
Your hurting the kid more than him! PROMISE!
If he’s a shitty dad, your kid will see it one day. You DO NOT have to tell your child anything bad about their dad because if he is bad they will see it!
You withhold a child from a good parent over what he did to you, you could take a chance of you child not speaking to you later in life.
Don’t chance it.
Let that man go.
If he wants to be a dad to his kid, let him.
Go find someone better than him!
And let your daughter figure him out on her own. He might be a shitty partner. But you can’t keep his daughter away because of that!
Looks really bad on you. Even though he did what he did. It will look bad on you to hold his child from him because your bitter from him being a cheater.
Go find a REAL man. And show him what he missed out on.
Also if he did get back with her…so what. Maybe they deserve each other? I mean I personally don’t want a cheater around me. And would rather him run to the person he was cheating with. Hopefully they last. So no other female has to go through what your going through.
Please remember that if you split up with him, you can’t control who he dates and takes his daughter around. Just like he can’t control who you date and who you take your daughter around.
Two way street.
Don’t forget to look both ways.
Why do you get to decide when and where he sees his child? Sounds like he has two kids. Selfish.
Leave him hes cheating on you. He can see his daughter on visitations take him to court.
He’s the harsh one. Do what’s best for your child
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Leave him and let your daughter still have her father🙄 be lucky if he even wants to be a part of her life. But dont let him be a part of yours anymore.
Okay 1st off, how dare you use your 6 month old as a pawn for your own relationship. Yes that’s harsh asf.
2nd girl hes already hes proven to be trash why tf are you still in the dumpster? You deserve better and you deserve to show your baby better.
From the day that child was born their needs came before yours. Whatever you decide to do with your relationship should not impact on your daughter being able to see both parents. I will say I’ve always heard that men tend to stray when the baby is 6 months old. I believe it’s to do with them not getting enough attention. You’re relationship may be fixed if you both feel it’s worth fighting for. Big hugs to you as I can imagine how heart broken you are. Good luck in whatever you decide xx
Yeah, your kid will still have a father, and who are you to say who he can bring around your kid for no good reason other than jealousy… Leave him. You’ll be better off, trust me
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Screw the naked pics…you actually said he won’t see his child if he gets back with his ex😒 Smmfh…you already sound like a bitter, jealous baby mama!! Using your child as a pawn makes you a trash a** parent💯
Oh no! Im sorry your going through this but you deserve so much better! I hope you find the courage to walk away youll feel so much better
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Leave him if you want to leave, but don’t use your child as a weapon. Keep your personal problems between you two, the baby is innocent and deserves both parents.
You can leave him. Now about the not seeing his child part, that’s petty and immature. Grow up. It’s not about you or him, it’s about children having both parents, it’s about the child, not you. Jealousy is no part in raising children. Period.
I always say “if you have any confusion about leaving or staying in a relationship it’s already time to leave.”
If he’s still contacting his other kids mother than know that he’ll still contact you and your child. Expect to see his nudes once he’s in a new relationship.
If you want to leave him, leave him. But you can’t use your child as a pawn. She has a right to see him as much as he the right to see her. If he gets back with his ex and she is a good woman and treats your daughter well, that’s just one more person who loves her. To me, when I split with my ex and he got with another woman I am very grateful as she is so kind, caring and sweet she loves my daughter as her own and I’m blessed knowing she is taken care of even when I am not with her. To give him restrictions on how he can see his own child is petty and childish and you have no right to do that.
Your daughter will still have a father whether he’s still with you or not. You just have to be mature enough to move forward with this man and be able to have a relationship that’s for her benefit. If they are together be glad you’re not. Obviously you two weren’t meant to be together because of their crap. Stay classy and rise above their drama. You can’t punish your kid because he’s a dumbass. Lots of men are.
You can leave him and your daughter can still have a dad. Unless he’s dangerous to her, it’s selfish and disrespectful to your daughter to take her father from her. She’s 6 months and you already want to use her to control him…
First of all… leave him
second… your daughter still has a father… she will just have 2 parents who aren’t together… due to her father’s infidelity…
third… You don’t get to dictate who he dates, or when/ where he spends time with his child out of spite. If there’s a safety concern for your child then that would go through court. Otherwise, you can’t use your child against your ex because you don’t like his girlfriend.
Looks like you are just a side chick and he is going back to his old flame-he will stay with her for awhile and pick up someone else
Why can’t she have a father just because you leave him? Leave him and get a custody schedule
Having that mindset is why the term “bitter baby mama” came about. You can’t just up and decide that if he gets back with his ex the only way he can see the child y’all have together is at your house without her. You’re going to feel real stupid when a judge rules otherwise. Its HIS child too. Unless you have documentation that proves he (or other baby mama) is a risk to your child, you’ll have no say when and where he has his visitation at. Quit giving us single mommas a bad rep! The one thing I pray everyday is that my sons father can clean up his life and get healthy, then hopefully find a woman who loves our child the way I do. As mothers we have to put our personal feelings (hurt, shame, bitterness) aside for the sake of our child’s mental health. Does it suck sometimes? Absolutely! Does your man sound like a douche? Hell yeah! Leave him and let that hurt go. You’ll find that loving your babies with your whole heart is worth far more than sharing your heart with a man that can’t love you back the right way.
Sounds like you are trying to control him. You need therapy so you can get thru all this
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She literally never said that she wasn’t going to allow him to see her. She said he can come to her house and see the baby. I think we don’t know the full situation so maybe we shouldn’t be calling her names, and judging her. Maybe she feels like this is best and just wanted some not degrading responses.
Yeah a child needs their father but it doesn’t mean you have to be together. If he respected you he wouldn’t have sent his ex nude pics. It sucks you didn’t see his character before the baby but that happens. Don’t let your jealousy of the other woman decide how he sees his child though. As long as he is good to the baby he has rights too. If you do decide to move on you and him need to stay friendly for your child’s sake. Shit happens but never put a child in the middle of your drama. Ask yourself this though. Have you been showing him enough sexual attention since the baby? Although know that if you haven’t it still doesn’t excuse his behavior. I do think before you decide to leave him or not that you two need to have a good talk about what you both expect out of a relationship.
Don’t know bout y’all, but I know ALOT of custody agreements through courts that don’t allow other partners around for a few years.
Keeping your daughter from her father if she isnt in danger is CHILD ABUSE. Also keeping your child from a loving parent because you are jealous is shit. That is all.
Btw if he is sending nudes leave his ass. But dont keep his kid from him please. I’m begging you. Dont keep a child from a loving father. If she is safe of course.
Telling him he can’t see his child because of the love interest he has in his life is wrong and childish.
Let’s be 100% honest here and realize you wouldn’t have that beautiful daughter of yours unless he played a part in it. Dont try to take away his role.
You can suggest or ask him not to but its not your place. (Edit to add, of course if this woman is abusing the child or treating her different then its a different story)
On the other hand. Dump his ass. She will have a father, you won’t have a boyfriend, there’s a difference.
There’s nothing easy about love and children. I wish you luck.
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Leave but please do not be that baby mama
Just because he is a bad partner, does not mean he is a bad father. Stop using your kid as a weapon! Dump his cheating ass and let the ex have him back, but do not be petty enough to tell him who he can and can’t have around his kid when that kid is in his care!
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Is there a safety concern? Are there drugs or abuse concerns (these will need to be documented and she will probably need to have some form of lost custody for their child)? If so, then by all means, he needs supervised visits, either with you or at a center. If that is not a concern then using this as a means to withhold visitation, is only going to hurt the child and many courts are going to deny that request. Yes, he hurt you, and that sucks totally but now you two have to coparent a child and have to move forward for the sake of a little one.
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Definitely leave him; but it is not up to you to decide how he gets to be a father. Is he a cheater? Yep. Does that disqualify him from being a father? Hell no.
Leave him. Hell still be a father whether or not you’re together. & if you make it hard for him just because you’re not together, that’s on you and you’ll have a lot of explaining to do when it comes to your child.
What does the relationship with your soon to ex have to do with your daughter ?? I strictly mean with him being involved in her life. Another thing when baby girl is with her daddy who is around and what goes on where he lives has nothing to do with you! Let this guy be a dad weather together or not. Also he’s disrespecting you! Your daughter needs to see a strong woman who won’t put up with willy nilly bs cheating and to not be petty you’re teaching her about relationships ,self love, and independence . Once you got baby’s you got to do what’s best for them even if it’s rough on you!
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You should definitely leave. Just because your not with him does not mean your daughter won’t have a dad. But you really don’t have a say in who he brings around the baby unless you think there could be drug/ alcohol abuse. Your only setting yourself up for rejection from your child when she’s older if you keep her from her dad just because your don’t like something. Get a custody/visitation order going ASAP
Yes youre too harsh. Quit using your emotions against the child and the relationship with the father.
People can be shit partners, but great fathers.
Your child is not a pawn for your own emotional gain. Get over yourself. Im sorry what happened, happened, but my sympathy goes out the door when you suggest you want to damage their relationship just because you guys split.
Never let your storm get your kid wet.
If this is how it will go, I hope he goes to court and gets at least 50/50 if he is a fit father. You bitter mothers make it impossible for someone to be a parent then get upset when none are around.
Get over yourself
The baby will have a father. You will not have a boyfriend. Two different things. One should not dictate the other. He can’t be trusted as a spouse but he can be a father. Try not to let your anger cloud the issue of him being a father. He should see the baby. As long as you feel the baby is not in danger you should not try and dictate where and who he sees the baby with. It’s too much to control and you will not gain anything from it. Take peace in the fact you can move on to someone who will treat you with respect and you ex and his women can live their life in deceit. Not your issue. Start to live your best life. Try not to do it with trying for control him. You will lose every time.
Leave him but don’t be a bitter baby mama. You would only hurt your child.
Leave him. Start a custody agreement, and you can’t withhold the child due to you being mad. Unless you think she’s a danger to your child in some way.
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You should end things and not use your child as leverage. It’s not YOUR baby. It’s both of your baby. You don’t get to use your child as an anchor to trap your boyfriend. No wonder why he’s cheating…
So if he’s sending nudes that’s considered cheating and I would leave. Just because you aren’t together doesn’t mean she won’t have a dad. Also if/once you’re split up you can’t control who he dates. You say you don’t want your daughter to not have a dad but you’re willing to hold her against him like a pawn to get your way. That’s childish.
You protect your baby at all coast. So what if u only let him see the baby in a public area with out her. It’ll be hard on both y’all but it’s doable, until u get over your jealousy twds her. (Bc let’s admit, u are)
But I would leave. I’d rather raise my kid in a happy home then “complete” with mom AND dad but it being miserable…
Plus if u stay in a unhealthy relationship, you’ll drive your confidence down, & possibly turn down your future husband.
So all in all.
Dump him, get over “them”, do right by your kid, & take care of u so the kid will live a good life.
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Well you won’t get to decide when he sees her if he takes you to court.
Wow. Well definitely leave him. It doesn’t mean that the baby won’t have a father unless he decides not to be around for the baby. But its incredibly petty and childish that you think you can tell him he can only see the child at your house just because he decides to get back with someone. I understand having hurt feelings and being upset. But thats ridiculous. I definitely don’t think the courts would think thats a valid enough reason for him not to be able to take his child unless there are other factors as well.
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Leave him but girl reality is about to kick in, just because you birthed the child doesn’t mean he is any less of a parent to her and a judge will tell you the same thing. I have a rule, what happens on daddy time is daddy’s responsibility and what happens during mommy time is mine. You obviously trusted him enough to raise this child with you then you should trust him enough to raise her without you during his time
You should leave. Unfortunately you won’t be able to control where he sees your child once you have a child custody agreement. But you should definitely get child support.
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He can still be a father if u aren’t together and don’t play the baby as a pawn. Cheating does not mean bad parent
Your daughter will not be without a father, he will just live somewhere else. You cannot ruin your life because you believe a child must have a father in the house. It will break you, and she needs a strong mother not a broken one.
Absolutely leave him. But he is still her father and you can’t keep her from him just because he messed up big time. You have to get past that for your child.
You sound like a horrible baby momma. Brake up with the cheating ass boyfriend. Let him be a dad unless there’s abuse.
definitely too harsh… i’m sorry to say but you can’t just tell him he doesn’t get to see his kid because you don’t like her. that bitter baby mama treatment and if he takes you to court it will look bad and they’re not gonna agree with you unless you have a real good reason she can’t be around your child. he’s definitely a douche bag none the less, he shouldn’t be playing you like that and damn sure shouldn’t be causing a problem between you and the mother of his child.
Just because your not together, doesn’t mean your child won’t have a father…
Also her children are your child’s siblings. Try to find away to co parent, leave your baby out of your drama.
Hes a cheat. Find someone better.
I No you can take him to court for living with another woman and stop it all till Married…I No this because my Daughter just had a court battle over this !! Arkansas tho I’m not sure if laws are different in other states
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So long as dad stays involved with the baby your child will still have a father. You won’t have a boyfriend. That’s a huge difference. However if you put restrictions on when and where he can see his child YOU will be making the relationship strained. You obviously know your relationship is over. Don’t be petty. All that is important is that he is good to his child and over time you two can learn to be civil. Time to grow up and put your child first.
Leave him. If he’s a good dad to your baby and his other baby, there’s no need to try and keep him from the child or make him follow certain rules. Those should only be the case if you were scared with your baby being with him. Adults grow out if relationships and love all the time.
First of all you can’t stop him from seeing his child just cause he isn’t with you. Not your choice. It’s his child too.
What would you tell your daughter?
Now, you can’t control who he has around his baby unless theirs violence or drugs. That child belongs to both of you so stop letting your anger & hurt let you act petty. If he was good enough to make a child with, why can’t he be a father without you being mosey & controlling? A child isn’t property. She is a human being who will both of you.
If you leave, file for custody and set up visitation. Most courts are starting to prefer 50/50 so if you can’t do that, I suggest family therapy.
Do what’s best for your child bc if you try to keep him away, he can sue you for alienation and “ticked off” isn’t a valid reason.
I promise, if you act crazy & keep him away over idiocy, your child will resent you. Not him.
You can not keep him from seeing his daughter. If you leave file a custody order, otherwise he is legally entitled to take his baby whenever he wants. With an order in place you each have designated parenting time. You can not dictate what he does during his time and he can not dictate what you do.
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Girl leave that man and get a morality clause included in your custody agreement
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Um its split custody an if taken to court its going to be set days the both of u have with said baby an unless the other baby moms has hurt said baby u would have no say in who the baby is around or where he is able to see said child… An as a father this is why it would be hard to leave any relationship if the moms was trying to do the same say where an when i would be able to see the child so if u want to leave then leave an dont put that child in the middle of u too
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Babies are not possessions. He is the father you are the mother. CO-PARENT. for the sake of your child and your child’s future. It not about you or him. CO-PARENT. unless he is a danger to her…do not ever keep her from her father.
The second you asked the question…
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Do not use your child as a pawn period your child has 2 parents do not push a dad out that wants to be there because your but hurt because it didn’t work between you 2 totally not fair to child
If he is a good parent, he deserves to be in his child’s life. Always think about what is best for your child and holding your child from their father isn’t what’s best for them. They may be a shitty partner to you but that doesn’t make them a bad parent.If they are safe and happy at both places you should be mature enough to share.
Don’t use your child as a bargaining tool. If you want him to or he wants to go let him. Why would you want to keep a man that does want you.
Please leave!
But also, it Sounds like your a little bitter when it comes to the other baby momma. I understand he’s basically cheating on you with her, and I know she knows about you, but not letting him see the kid if she’s with him? Seems a little bitter. That’s just my opinion though. Whatever y’all have going on has nothing to do with the kids.
I would feel the same if it was me. But as a parent we have to put our feelings aside for the children. If you did leave you cant say where he can see baby at. Even a court will tell you that I’ve tried…
The answer to every one of these anonymous questions can universally be answered with “DTMFA”
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Also, withholding your child from their father just because your boyfriend starts dating someone else is shitty. The kid isn’t a pawn, don’t treat them that way.
If you want to leave, then leave. You can’t keep his child from him, or tell him he has to come to your house to see her though. You can have something in the custody agreement saying no new partners can come around your child until a certain amount of time, if that’s what you’re worried about.
Do not stay in a relationship just so your child has a father. She will always have a father. And you could try to have the court say the ex can’t be around her but you would probably have to prove that she is a bad influence. Find a relationship where the man honors you and cherishes you and your daughter will see a good relationship modeled for her. Seeing her biological parents together if they are not good for each other is not good for the child. Listen to the Divorce Doctor podcast. They talk a lot about how divorce/separation can be the best thing for the children. It’s unfortunate but in many cases it’s true.
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It’s time to end it as soon as you feel the need to ask. But don’t hold the kid over his head either way.
You can still leave him AND coparent
Try having a commitment with someone before getting pregnant! He obviously wasn’t ready to be in a lifetime relationship with you. Now you have the whole child visitation mess to deal with.
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Leave him. My current husband is way better than my sons dad ever was
Wow. So much wrong with this post. Yes too harsh. Being spiteful. Don’t have kids with anyone else. Your ego and hurt feelings shouldn’t determine the relationship with his kids. You’re a straight up ass hole