How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

He is not a father… Father is a job description, not a biological function.
He doesn’t sound like much of a man either. You can do better!

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Split up dont waste your time

Using your kid as a pawn. Super awesome parenting.


Split up but you should probably give him the baby. You are too childish.


How weird. You dont wanna leave him because you would leave your daughter without a father but if he doesnt act do what you want he wont get to see her. Being a couple and being parents together are totally different lanes and you seem to ignore the difference.

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Soooo if he leave you he can’t have his child alone smh make it make sense!! Using your child as a pawn to control him is crazy!


soooo your using youre child as a crutch🤔 yea thats not gunna work

Leave him you should never stay for your chil that’s only hurting them bc they have to grow up in a house where the parents are miserable. However dont be petty you say in one breath you dont qant your child to grow up without daddy but in the next breath say he can only be in the childs life with stipulations. As long as she treats your child right and dosnt hurt your baby never put stipulations ot conditions on your child having a relationship with its father! If he chooses to be with his other baby momma then that’s on him all you can do is move forward and be a good mom and that means putting your feeling on the back burner when it is best for your child!! Never let y’alls shit effect y’alls child

Leave him. Better than you both being unhappy. But as long as she’s a decent person (no drugs etc) and he’s a good dad I wouldn’t necessarily limit his contact with your child unless he starts acting irresponsible. Just because you’re not together doesn’t mean your child will grow up without a father. You’ll find someone better who respects you and treats you right.

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Never, and I seriously mean NEVER ever make idle threats about visitation.
NEVER EVER EVER keep a child from the other parent unless there is a absolute possibility of abuse/trauma. On the legal side, visitation is up to the court to decide and child support amounts typically hinge on the visitation order. Check your state for guidance on that.

On the moral and ethical side, anyone that keeps a child from a parent is a piece of shit, especially if it is due to vindictive purposes… Such as the asshole was a cheating motherfucker, or the bitch was sleeping with all your friends… Who cares that’s your issue not the child’s issue.

I’m not trying to be a cunt about this… I’m just very very passionate about visitation. I was a child that grew up as a ward of the Court I got to see my biological father maybe 10 times between 2yrs and 6yrs old. I never understood why he stopped visiting. I didn’t learn until I was in my late 30s. I was kept from him because he wanted custody and there was no reason in the world for him not to have custody. He wasnt the abuser, my mother was.
As a social worker, I’ve seen the damage that it does to a child being a pawn between two parents. As a human, I have lived with 2 men whose exes kept the children away and told lies about their fathers. Were they assholes that cheated hell yes they were. But that alone did not make them bad people nor did it take away their right to have a relationship with a child. In one case the two children grew up believing the lies and as soon as they were 18 he reached out to them and shared his side of the story and built a relationship with them and they now resent the parent who kept them from the other parent. In the case of the other that child has been fed so many lies and is so full of anger and poison that they refuse to even consider that there’s another side of the story.
Do not do that to your child. If you have any love for your child you do the right thing step up and co-parent like a responsible caring adult. Do not be that ghetto fabulous vindictive loud mouth trashy bitch that bashes the baby daddy. Have enough respect for yourself to rise above.

In the meantime before he has the chance to cheat if he hasn’t already you might want to consider some Nair in the shampoo/conditioner, or perhaps some benefiber mixed in with his drink before he leaves the house :wink: ain’t nobody trying to get their dick sucked when they can’t get off the toilet just sayin :woman_shrugging:t2:

Anyway, I wish you luck and I wish you all the best and trust me your baby don’t need to unhappy parents in the house let that mother fucker go. Trust and believe you can be mom and dad. As my daughter at age 14 told me… “Mom, you’re the best dad ever, we dont need a dad in our lives because we have you.”
Those words allowed me to leave a miserable relationship. Dont settle for less than you want. Dont give more than you receive.

Do you have an ex he can’t stand, make a couple of nude pictures then look at one and switch to the other. If he asks what you’re doing tell him you can’t decide which picture to send to so and so and if he throws a fit ask why is it okay for you to send nudes to your ex but I’m not allowed to send them to mine. why, then sit back and watch his reaction then decide.


Maybe the ex baby momma is not a good person…still would leave


can’t u just call Dr. Phil? Bahahahaha

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Your child isn’t a piece of property, you need to stop being ignorant and start just co parenting if he’s sending nudes to someone else because clearly your child needs both parents instead of both of u fighting like abunch of children

Good gawd. News flash pumpkin. It is not your right to tell him who can be around his daughter and who cannot just like it is not his right to do the same to you. Mature it up and be ready to co-parent. It is not about your jealousy or his infidelity. Put the baby first. That is what adults too. Should have gotten to know him better before you got prego.

Thats not just YOUR baby :woman_shrugging:t4: