You know every time I see stuff like this it bothers me . It’s a fresh relationship he dosen’t owe you anything until it’s kind of set in stone . You have to decide. Women want to be independent and take care of themselves. So dont rely on him until the right amount of time has passed . Honesty is the best approach. Tell him your situation and ask him what he thinks . Than you both know where you stand .
He should be helping you, I would help a stranger if I could
Honey you’re just the flavor of the month…If he’s not asking to help or involve your kids and participate in your life someway…move on…do you n your child children.The right one will come along… you sound like you got your priorities together …his loss…
If he’s not actively trying to be involved with your personal life kids etc then let him go! You have more important things to focus on than him! He isn’t better than you because he has more. Be confident and strong for your kids and yourself and happiness in a man will come. A good supportive man.
Tell him that you don’t make enough money to live his life style and unless he wants to help you change that you’re going to take a step back and do your thing
Mature question and I think you already know the answer but kinda really like him and are hoping for a loophole. It’s actually not a criticism bc I’ve been there in life. Maybe you guys can synch up later in life! Hoping the best for you!
Accept life as it is.
I don’t really know the true situation; but and you really don’t want to hear a but, I think you need to leave. There is no communication!
Dont be with someone you cant be open with about your situations thats the point of being in a relationship is to build each other and be each others company. If you are anxiety stricken all the time leave…
End it now! He clearly doesn’t support you or your needs !I always stayed too long, being unhappy and feeling" less than", waiting for them to decide it was all wrong , not realizing I had the right to decide I was really unhappy ! But I did the same thing in other aspects of my life, letting other people have too much control over me , but it took many, many years in therapy for me to finally get there !
Dump him now. I see red flags, especially if you aren’t officially dating. Move on, you can find better
Men are not mind readers-- so if you didn’t tell him your struggles he’s not magically going to know…
You’d need to talk to him, and explain though you don’t expect him to foot the bill for your personal finances-- you can’t go on spontaneous vacations at this time as much as you would love to you have certain responsibilities you need to focus on.
If you don’t feel a “panic”sensation at the thought of not being with him anymore, then that means you’re not in love and you should go your separate ways anyway. When love hits you will “know“ it. And there will be no position in life, or lack of things that will make a difference… you’ll want to be with him no matter what. I’m sorry but this one is not “THE ONE”
We single moms have to tell people up front what our availability is. Also your circumstances are not ideal for dating at this time. I’m sorry that you’re going through this but let’s be fair to those we date but also when someone is really into us they won’t act bored, they will be there in the struggle beside us. What is your goal for dating? Clarify this first and then you’ll know what you’re able to offer and accept.
You two live incompatible lifestyles and if a man is stressing you out during what is supposed to be the Honeymoon phase, drop his ass.
Men are abundant and low value. Supply and demand ensures that.
He sounds like he hasn’t grown up,thinks life is a party,and self absorbed,move on if he acts bored with you now,he will move on eventually anyway,give yourself time to sort your life and finances,what’s meant to be will happen for you
The man don’t want you just leave him alone, especially since you are a single mom most men do not want single moms, they are hard to please with their pickney, its just for a few rides, just try and enjoy the ride too or go.
He won’t run after you only when he want a ride. Fact
First of all if he didn’t offered to help you financially he has no intentions of a long-term relationship secondly if he travels a lot that will always be a problem get your shit together financially and move on there are plenty of men out there start flirting with other guys because it may take a while don’t cheat oh unless you know it is someone who cares about you because when he goes away and Goes to the bar at night where he is staying at well you know it’s very hard for a man to be away and not be tempted Man do that consider that cheating I am getting way off base here just do what your heart tells you to do it Good luck just take care of yourself for now
Why do you have to ask complete strangers on face book for advise.That’s why you are still with that clown.
You aren’t the problem, he is. He can’t go anywhere local? Ditch him. Screw that
Did you tell him what you told us? If he doesn’t understand move on.
You know what is the problem be honest with your self
Ditch this insensitive bore.
he sounds self-absorbed to me, cut your losses now.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
Let him find his own place
Deep in your heart you know it’s time to let go. There’s really nothing to lose from what I’m reading.
If you have to ask, you know you have to leave.
Girl cmon he knew his daddy was moving n he couldn’t freeload off him anymore so he took you a single mother and used it to his advantage so of course he’s using n don’t ever let this man discipline your children whatsoever that’s your area regardless of however long y’all been together. Give him a 30 day notice to vacate the premises and if he doesn’t within the 30 days then start eviction process on his freeloading ass
Talk to him about all of this
Girl get rid of this man.
I think if you are asking this question in your heart you know it’s time to leave.
You need to get rid of him he is using you
Girl, take them babies and run. You deserve better than that.
He only moved in because his dad moved in with his mum and you thought it was simpler. Done for all the wrong reasons
Pack his bags … toxic
just talk to him and tell him how you really feel but him controlling your kids and all when it is not his!! If he continue to do so then maybe it time for you kick him out and just do you!!!
I’ll tell you this any time your mom tells you something she’s almost usually right I’d listen to her and talk to her about it she knows you guys best and actually sees what’s going on between you two
If you have to ask you know
Get rid of him contact women’s refugee
From personal experience put him on the road
Your asking so it is time!
If you have 3 kids that r not his. He doesnt want to be there. Maybe ? Dont lose yourself by any means
Send him on his way babe.
Leave? No. He needs to go.
Kids come first. Boot him out. Sounds like he is using you.
hit the ROAD JACK thats what you say hes a looser
I’d say by by , sounds like you’re just a roof over his head, and I bet he’s saved some money back
If your asking yourself thr question, you know the answer. You’re the only that knows what you go through and how much you can put up with. Life is short.
People change maybe you both have grown in different directions and change is ok! Sometimes it just doesn’t work. Its time for the talk and the decision
Sorry. For your own sanity kick him to the kerb, and enjoy your life.
Eww that sounds like a leech
Kick him to the curb!!
Time to lose some heavy weight there. He’s controlling. Be safe and get out
You already have children. You don’t need another one. If you don’t set boundaries now, it will get worse. Been there, done that.
Kick him to the curb! Your kids need to see you loved correctly
Start by communicating with him. Find out what’s going on? Then make a decision❤
Sounds to me like he’s staying cause he can’t make it on his own or doesn’t want to. If you have kids involved I’d definitely kick him out. Anybody that doesn’t treat your kids like family after 3 years should leave.
You already answered your own question. Just need to follow through. <3
Yeah either you take your babies and leave or put him out. He’s a narcissist.
Need to talk, change or leave.
1st of all a man is supposed to want to provide and do things for you he’s just using you hun…
I have 3 kids my boyfriend is not their dad and he pays the rent and goes out of his way for us without having to ask I do smaller bills because that’s what couples do help each other
But your dude acts like a roommate with benefits
When you have to ask this question it’s probably time .
Get rid of him now he’s taking it to far with your kids time for him to move on if he only pays rent and nothing else get rid of him
Start singing. A song.
Heat the. Road. Jack. And don’t come back.
Communication Communication Communication! Sounds like none of that is going on
Talk to him, he needs to Pay his share of all expenses, Sorry but it sounds like he moved in for convenience reasons and not because he really loved you. Personally if things don’t change it’s time to go your separate ways.
I had my be of a year move in with me and my 16 and 18 yr. old children.He paid for a third of the bills. There were three of us and one of him and I didn’t feel it was fair to expect him to pay half. You could suggest that. Have you talked about financial pressures.
Talk to him. Be honest. Base your decision off of your discussion. You know.we what you want and need, do not settle.
Boot his ass to the curb!!!
You have pointed out the obvious negative, what has kept you allowing this behavior to take place? What has kept you in this relationship? Talk to him, lay it all out, the good, the bad and the ugly. In the end you need to do what’s right for you and your children.
Sounds like he took over paying everything to make it sound like your smooching off him and hes got some dirty plans of kicking you out of your own place, very bad vibes by the sounds kick him out
Definitely need to talk to him about all these things
So he’s paying your rent for you your three kids and himself? And he pays that entirely? Idk about where you are but rent right now is ridiculous. Maybe he feels used? You pay for hygienic items, cleaning supplies etc. “Like all that” doesn’t balance out with a large rent payment… if he’s forking out hundreds to thousands and all your putting in is random stuff then I definitely see the issue. Rent compared to other bills is typically more…
The internet thing is annoying but there have to be some form of punishment for unwarranted disrespect from teenagers. And since the telephone was invented being grounded from the phone has been the best way to punish a teen girl But if the amount of rent isn’t at least equal to the other bills then he needs to pitch in more.
That is not how a relationship should be. Someone who loves you wouldnt do those things. Get out now and dont let some lil scrub talk ugly to your kids!!! Youre their mom, act like it!!
how does he control the internet if he doesn’t pay for it?? or any of the bills? I’d be pissed off if he took away my kids things that he didnt pay for. giving them a time out would be more appropriate. and why take him any where if he dont pay for anything and just stares off into space and dont talk to people when y’all over at their house? this relationship is over and you need to send him packing.
Cut your losses’why do you let him treat you like dirt.
He is only paying his half of the rent not all of it. Then she pays all the bills, her half of rent plus food, hygiene products, take out food etc.
He sounds mentally ill . Follows you around ? Won’t speak ? Not a simple hello or goodbye ? Not attentive (stares of ) Hmmm
Well I do the same if my child back talks or disrespects me. You can’t let them get away with that. He should help with bills too not just rent. If you don’t want to communicate and work it out then tell him to go. At the same time you can’t let your kids be disrespectful and there be no consequences.
He was living with his Dad before he moved in?
Way toooo many red flags. Get away now.Thank god he is just your boyfriend.Don’t waste anymore of not only your time, but your children’s time. That’s sad
Get the hell away from him. He wouldn’t act like that around my family. That’s showing no respect.
Have an adult conversation about how you feel
What is not convenient leaves.
Rent is double household necessities that’s your home your rock your safe place. And lemme tell ya I dunno where you are but it is thru the roof 2 bedrooms around here is 700 + private 1200 + apartments 600+ and that’s just the 2 bedrooms
Sounds like he is controlling and disrespectful towards you and it’s time to part ways.
Talk to him.
Stop paying for things you don’t want to pay for(such as the Starbucks and other such things. Can’t exactly let the utilities go if he digs his heels in.)
Write out set rules and consequences for the kids so they all know what to expect and so he is helping you guide them in a way your comfortable with
They are either a blessing or lesson and it’s up to you to decide
So he was living with his parent
Either youre really young or that would be been the first red flag! Hes used to someone else paying for his basic needs. He needs to grow up.
Id say cut your losses now.
Say what you said to us, to him
His response will let you know your next move…
Girl, the love and passion isss gone, someone is out there waiting for you, get it
U can see all the differences from then to now!! Time to end it!!! If yous can’t communicate to each other, let him go!!! Its not healthy for , your kids, etc.
Get him out before things get worse especially for your kids they need to be #1 so many red flags that’s why your even asking
Omgosh! First off he would have NO SAY IN DISCIPLINING MY KIDS!!!
I made it a rule and explained it upfront to any boyfriend I had!!!
Second, I agree with your mom! He sounds controlling…
No way would he be living at my place and not be paying 75% of the bills!!
It’s time to show him the door in more ways than one because he not a man
Sounds pretty creepy and mentally abusive if you ask me. I’d cut your losses and ask him to move out.
Don’t walk RUN GIRL RUN!
It’s time to say good bye to him, u and your children will be much better off with out him …