If he’s making you feel like he’s bored and uninterested, then he ain’t the one
Just bow out - face to face. It might be a long time for your situation to get in order.
He isn’t Responsible for your situation financially, but if you’re staying at his house… Then clearly there might be something - unless he’s an FB… Then There’s not a relationship here. If there was he would probably try to help you. Just a thought…
Tell him how you feel. His response will let you know what is next.
NEXT FECLIA…… tell him to jog on! To be honest he sounds like he is the type of man that makes the whole relationship about him and what he wants in life. A relationship is two way. He should want to do the chill out save your money stuff with you aswell as maybe paying for you to go on a trip with him if he wants to go soooo bad!
If you have to explain why this isn’t t a good time for you to go away, explaining it to him will not make a difference. He s shallow and self centered. This is not fixable on your end, he has to change himself……
If you are asking for advice you know it’s time. Think about Paul Simon’s 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. One of them will fit.
Your children should be your priority. Become unavailable.
He needs to grow up put you and your children first the rest will happen.
So sorry you are having problems but asking for money is not right and that is easy enough to explain why.
I’m my opinion… if you’re at a point that seeking the advice of strangers, then its time.
I’m not trying to be rude, but if its gotta to that point, it’s time to go
What do you mean, “he doesn’t have a woman”? You’re his woman, I thought?
I don’t think you and him are compatible and you would be better off ending relationship
Sound funny he do not ask what going on in your life. How you coping in life. Is he not in your child life also
He wants you to go with him on vacation the bill is his. He knows your struggle
Yeah, pull yourself together…he seems like the boring one
I think you just need to talk to him and let him know how you feel. You might be reading him wrong and vice versa.
Sorry but he sounds like a narcissistic douche.
He doesn’t have the ability to empathize with your situation?
Your struggles are “too boring for him?”
Hit the road sister.
if he is bored now…What will he be in the future?
Sounds like your the problem not him.
You should just tell him what you told us.
Explain the situation and tell him you do like doing things but at the moment its financially difficult.
Focus on your kids and the life you’re building for you and your family
Cut your loss and move on. Good luck.
Maybe have this conversation with him and not the internet
I would grow some backbone and stop living life like you’re guaranteed tomorrow. If the guy is good to you and you care for him on a high level, jump in with both feet and stop hedging bets. If he doesn’t make you feel like you want to do that, he’s not for you in the first place.
if your asking yourself this question, you already know the answer
Walk away!!!..he’s not for you.
You don’t need to do anything differently. Leave him
Doesn’t sound like u guys are on the same page. It should be this hard so early on in a relationship.
Talk to the him women before is too late… Your children and your life are and should be priorities.
Sounds like you have a communication problem. Have you tried explaining the reasons you can’t travel? Because it’s pretty understandable so if he can’t be understanding tell him to take a hike
you already answered your own question there, don’t waste any more time
I love how single women chime in about how to keep a man. If ur not married or a man, you have no clue or basis for even beginning to formulate a clue. Better chance doing the opposite of what yall suggest by the looks of things lol. Best of luck to the OP. Life is waaaaaaaaaaay better with teammates. Anyone who thinks they can raise a human alone when for all of history it’s taken “a village”, will find they have made an indescribably large miscalculation. And I do not envy what thay realization will feel like.
Don’t tell US this, tell HIM this. Talk it out, come to a mutual decision.
Why dont you just tell him this?
Nah its not about what you could do differently, it’s a sign you’re not as compatible as you may have thought
How do you know its time? When you’re asking strangers on fb, that’s how.
You’re just not on his level at the moment…
Time to say “Good Bye”
I’m not sure what finances have to do with anything he just wants to sit around and do nothing do you? If you do then sit around and do nothing with him sounds marvelous to me especially with someone I really like by my side but you may want different things… You mentioned that you think he’s bored with you have you asked yourself if you are bored with him?
He’s asking you because he’s willing to pay. Money means nothing, even less with no one to share it with. He’s not where he wants to be, he’s telling you where he wants to be and that he wants you there. Make a decision, do you want to BE a man or do you want A man. Most women these days want to be men. Its unattractive, unproductive and frankly yall have as much chance of filling the rolls of men as we would the rolls of women. He’s also likely offended af because a young single successful man can damn near choose whoever he wants to be with and OFTEN gets propositions and offers to do and be whatever he’d desire. Or he can just buy it. But instead he spends time with you, and wants to spend more time with you while likely enjoying that he can open up some life experiences things for and with you. Using the resources he gained through a life of effort. And ur like naw, I’ll do it myself. So your surprised that someone who just wants to do things for and with you is getting bored at you basically saying no. I don’t want to do those things with you I want to do them without you. I’d rather not experience this thing with you because your beating me at an imaginary race. We will never be a team I’ll always be comparing your life to mine. A father, a man, would have shown/taught you that without women, men cannot be all he could be. And without men, women so are less than is meant for them to be.
Sounds like no communication going on between the two of you. Either you make time for him or he will find someone that will
Just leave him he only wants fun .
Does he go to church?? Does he treat you right? ETC.
The minute you wonder if it’s time, it’s time.
When you think its time to end it
Do you take your child with you when you stay at his house? I raised.my daughter on my own and that was always a big no no…seems that you need to settle your life the way you need to and if he’s expressing boredom and lack of interest because you aren’t unencumbered, end it…he’s not in it for the long term.
If you feel bad more often then you feel good, it’s time to go
Do what a done walk away after 17 years that was 2 years ago and honestly happy with life now own house can get lonely at times but life’s to sort to be unhappy
If he isn’t trying to help you, no matter how long you’ve been together, RUN. My husband, when we were dating for three months, got me a car bc mine was breaking down. He had money, I was a server. He took care of me almost immediately. When dating you don’t just date and be bf & gf if you don’t see a future. He should be helping you build yourself up too
Honestly if I were in your shoes I would take this time to take care of myself and my child save up find your own place and move in with your kid it will feel so much better
So, let me get this straight. The problem at hand is you think your boyfriend should financially help you out. You want it to be his offer to help you, and not you being honest and talking to him. Now your solution is to go on Facebook and threaten to break up with him?
Please do… he would be lucky to lose you.
Walk away it sounds like he’s pressuring you, children come first
Real situations let you know if you got a real man. There are two types of guys; #1. I got you. #2. Damn, you definitely have to get that fixed. Pick wisely.
You’re totally incompatable! As you admit, you are both in very different places, so you cannot live his lifestyle. He sounds thoughtless, inconsiderate and intolerant of your position, saying it bores him.
So get out, and find someone who is on the same path as you and who understands you.
Dump Him ,If he can’t see where you are coming from, then he’s not the caring l, loving person you want him to be.
You know it’s time to end it when you’re asking this question.
Communication is key! Some men are just a bit stupid when it comes to pick up on the obvious.
“He can’t have a woman cause your with him, on too many nights”?..seems quite clear to me that its over…move on.
I don’t think yall are right for each other.
I’d say drop him until your in the right place. Who knows the next one may be even better!
Lose the kid, obviously
Cut him loose. Y’all aren’t meant for each other.
U gotta get out now good luck
Oh God, you don’t need to be in a relationship!
Stsy eith what uou need to do
just go…you don’t need him
Dans lá vie si tu te donne pas un objectif tu feras toute ta vie la même chose boulot maison moi j’ai fait le pas aujourd’hui je suis très heureux je fait ci que me plaît je travaille sans trop de contraintes, je profite de ma vie, avant je travaille tous le week-end j’étais toujours fatigué aujourd’hui je profite du moindre moment de repos on vi qu’une seule foi
Walk away… your heart and life will thank you later.
He doesn’t sound dumb. He knows you have a kid and your car trouble etc. He sounds selfish. He wants a play thing to jet off with him whenever while you require more stability. It won’t work in the long run.
Leave. You’re not compatible
Then stop wasting his time
Y’all gotta talk sweety,
It’s in his best interest to dump you asap.
You know every time I see stuff like this it bothers me . It’s a fresh relationship he dosen’t owe you anything until it’s kind of set in stone . You have to decide. Women want to be independent and take care of themselves. So dont rely on him until the right amount of time has passed . Honesty is the best approach. Tell him your situation and ask him what he thinks . Than you both know where you stand .
He should be helping you, I would help a stranger if I could
Honey you’re just the flavor of the month…If he’s not asking to help or involve your kids and participate in your life someway…move on…do you n your child children.The right one will come along… you sound like you got your priorities together …his loss…
If he’s not actively trying to be involved with your personal life kids etc then let him go! You have more important things to focus on than him! He isn’t better than you because he has more. Be confident and strong for your kids and yourself and happiness in a man will come. A good supportive man.
Tell him that you don’t make enough money to live his life style and unless he wants to help you change that you’re going to take a step back and do your thing
Mature question and I think you already know the answer but kinda really like him and are hoping for a loophole. It’s actually not a criticism bc I’ve been there in life. Maybe you guys can synch up later in life! Hoping the best for you!
Accept life as it is.
I don’t really know the true situation; but and you really don’t want to hear a but, I think you need to leave. There is no communication!
Dont be with someone you cant be open with about your situations thats the point of being in a relationship is to build each other and be each others company. If you are anxiety stricken all the time leave…
End it now! He clearly doesn’t support you or your needs !I always stayed too long, being unhappy and feeling" less than", waiting for them to decide it was all wrong , not realizing I had the right to decide I was really unhappy ! But I did the same thing in other aspects of my life, letting other people have too much control over me , but it took many, many years in therapy for me to finally get there !
Dump him now. I see red flags, especially if you aren’t officially dating. Move on, you can find better
Men are not mind readers-- so if you didn’t tell him your struggles he’s not magically going to know…
You’d need to talk to him, and explain though you don’t expect him to foot the bill for your personal finances-- you can’t go on spontaneous vacations at this time as much as you would love to you have certain responsibilities you need to focus on.
If you don’t feel a “panic”sensation at the thought of not being with him anymore, then that means you’re not in love and you should go your separate ways anyway. When love hits you will “know“ it. And there will be no position in life, or lack of things that will make a difference… you’ll want to be with him no matter what. I’m sorry but this one is not “THE ONE”
We single moms have to tell people up front what our availability is. Also your circumstances are not ideal for dating at this time. I’m sorry that you’re going through this but let’s be fair to those we date but also when someone is really into us they won’t act bored, they will be there in the struggle beside us. What is your goal for dating? Clarify this first and then you’ll know what you’re able to offer and accept.
You two live incompatible lifestyles and if a man is stressing you out during what is supposed to be the Honeymoon phase, drop his ass.
Men are abundant and low value. Supply and demand ensures that.
He sounds like he hasn’t grown up,thinks life is a party,and self absorbed,move on if he acts bored with you now,he will move on eventually anyway,give yourself time to sort your life and finances,what’s meant to be will happen for you
The man don’t want you just leave him alone, especially since you are a single mom most men do not want single moms, they are hard to please with their pickney, its just for a few rides, just try and enjoy the ride too or go.
He won’t run after you only when he want a ride. Fact
First of all if he didn’t offered to help you financially he has no intentions of a long-term relationship secondly if he travels a lot that will always be a problem get your shit together financially and move on there are plenty of men out there start flirting with other guys because it may take a while don’t cheat oh unless you know it is someone who cares about you because when he goes away and Goes to the bar at night where he is staying at well you know it’s very hard for a man to be away and not be tempted Man do that consider that cheating I am getting way off base here just do what your heart tells you to do it Good luck just take care of yourself for now
Why do you have to ask complete strangers on face book for advise.That’s why you are still with that clown.
You aren’t the problem, he is. He can’t go anywhere local? Ditch him. Screw that
Did you tell him what you told us? If he doesn’t understand move on.
You know what is the problem be honest with your self
Ditch this insensitive bore.
he sounds self-absorbed to me, cut your losses now.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
Let him find his own place