I’ve just been in a similar situation. He was lying all the time to me. Messaging girls, had a girl in his bed high on drugs…like no. Tell him he can do one. Our happiness is important too. Kids sense when someone changes. My daughter called him daddy (she loved him so much, shes 3 so understands). Its disrespectful. He took another girl for a meal before we even had our first date due to covid. So yeah get rid. It’s for the best.
It’s time. You already know it’s time. You don’t need outside validation to know that.
Your son (and new baby) will be ok. It will only be more harmful and hurtful in the future living with a man who treats you (and them) with this level of disrespect.
It’ll hurt your son more in the long run allowing him to grow up seeing his mom treated so poorly when she doesn’t deserve it.
He’ll grow to understand that it’s not okay to be treated or to treat someone in such a way.
It really sucks, but if your man can’t respect you, then you shouldn’t be with him.
Imagine the president your setting for that little girl as well if she grows up seeing such mistreatment.
It will hurt your son more watching you not be happy and being treated like your replaceable. Screw him.
When you have to ask when it’s time to end it…then you know😔
You’re hurting him more by staying
Dont stay for the kids. He needs a happy momma first and foremost
You need to do what’s best. Staying in an abusive, controlling relationship is not best for you or your children. Your son is older he is learning how to treat you & women in general by him. Is this how you want to be treated by your son? Do you want his future gfs to be treated this way? If your answer is no then you need to leave for his future happiness.
Sounds like my ex husband🤔wonder if it’s the same guy.
This is why people move on to the second marriage. Fuck that shit.
It’s time to end a relationship when you feel you need to ask if it’s time.
If that means your name is on lease/mortgage, if you leave and he falls behind, your credit score will tank! And they’ll come looking for you for the money. He needs to leave…
your talking about it end it?
I’d be sending screen shots of his only fans page and the amount he has spent to his mom and tell her he’s already lost his girlfriend and family because he can’t control his d**k. You allow it now, it’s going to keep happening- take your baby and run
He sounds like a Narcissist. Run. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. Don’t settle for less.
I’d be out! Peace and chicken grease dirt bag! Who runs to their mother ? And what mother inserts herself in that? It sounds ridiculous. I’d be getting my name of that mortgage or lease and get his fans only money in the way of child support.
Red flags everywhere here.
Been there done that.
As much as you don’t wish to hurt you’re son, but staying in a controlled relationship is not worth it.
You’re son is only seeing and feeling the negativity bouncing around and then his going to think it’s, ok to treat his woman like that when he gets older.
Leave now !!
It will only get worse in a matter of time.
Good luck and do it safe.
Ps. I would also go and put a court order in place, with the child you have together stating that she’s in you’re care, so their he can’t run off with her.
I don’t know how it works where you are, but look into that as well.
His a control freak.
Leave. Your children will be happier when they see a happy mom
You’re going to hurt everyone by staying , never stay because of kids. Some people work better apart.
Kick him to the kirb! NOW! Thats a relationship thats not good for your children to see, and you deserve better and you will be a better mum to your children without him bringing you down x
RUN. Don’t look back. These are the early days, and it only gets worse from here on. You and your kids deserve better. You say he is a great dad to your son, but what about the example he is setting of how to treat women? Do you want your kids to grow up thinking this behaviour is normal or acceptable? You deserve better hun. Xx
A girl I worked with many many many years ago went thru a similar experience. She put on some rubber gloves and took every pair of underwear and rubbed them I a patch of poison ivy. She then shook them out,.folded them, and put them in his drawer. It only.took a day or three before he was raw. He asked her if she had anything going on with her privates and she said NO. he showed her and the said OMGOSH you have CD! He told her the whole story. He called their doc who just happened to be her aunts ex husband. She told him the whole story and what she rubbed his undies in. He told her he would not betray her. When hubby got to the docs he confessed about messing around with other women and it could be this or that. He said he.would need to take come cultures and it would take a couple weeks to get the results. I the meantime he.put him on prednisone and.something for the itching. He told him he should not be.sleeping with anyone and not sharing the same bed. After the " cultures" came.back he told him how.lucky it wasnt something really bad. No more sex for a.while because it was a very contagious irritant.
He never found out but my friend could.not.forgive him for all the women he had been with, some.of them she thought were friends. Men beware
It’s time to end it now.
Run away from this man child
If you’re asking, you already know the answer.
When he is out put his stuff out the front and change the locks. You can do better than an emotionally abusive narcissist
Say bye and leave. No one deserves to be treated this way.
Ew this sounds like my relationship
It’s time to end the relationship when you ask when it’s time to end the relationship.
I would leave but before I did that I would throw him under the bus with his mother. The truth needs to come out. Leave for you and your kids. That kind of behavior doesn’t change unless he wants it to and I wouldn’t hold my breath!!
Leave. Suggest that perhaps mother can move in, take care of “his” house, and grocery shop more economically, and handle his online bill, with ease!! I would leave that in a note, on my way out the door. He’s a spineless wuss.
Bye. He doesn’t value you and it will only get worse.
So let me get this straight… You would rather let your son see someone treat you like crap and let your son think that that is normal rather than putting on your big girl pants and walking your ass out the door with the kids. Are you raising your son to be a decent person or like the guy that you’re living with? For what it’s worth I would block his mother from contacting you
If you’re asking I think you already know the answer.
The only thing I can say because I can’t tell you what to do, only you will know that, is that if you’re staying for your son bc it’s hard…it will only get harder as your daughter gets older too so think about that.
Him telling you “it’s his house” means he doesn’t consider you a partner or his equal. He might be good to your son, but if he’s not good to you… what good is he really teaching him?
Is this how you want your son to treat his gf when he’s old enough or your daughter to be treated by a man?? There’s your answer!
You already know the answer. That made me feel sick reading he paid for an only fans especially after you’d given birth. Tell his mum that’s what he done see if she thinks the sun still shines out of his back side then. People treat you how you allow them to treat you. Imagine this was your daughter coming to you telling you this, what would you tell her?
I’d tell his momma oh ya I’m the bad guy here I’m not the one spending 700$ to see a chick naked so stfu bitch haha
Don’t stay because your son loves him… thats not enough.
Start saving money here and there and pack while he’s out, it can even be a few bags at a time and just put them where he won’t notice or if you can, stash them at a friend’s, then take a huge chunk of money at once and take your kids and leave him. Dont leave state though. He could get you on kidnapping even though she’s both your child and he’ll be awarded full custody. Seen it happen a few time now. Don’t lead him on to knowing or finding out.
And when he does find out, and tries to talk you back, don’t. They don’t change.
Be careful.
Can we say narcissist. My ex husband use to use that line on me. If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have anything. Bisch please. What the accuser is asscusing you of is usually what they are doing. The money well I’m not getting into that because we don’t know of you work in home as a sahm or outside.
But do you really want THAT to be how your son views “normal” to treat his SO?
“His house”??? Get some legal advice.
Leave it’s better then arguing around the kids all the time.
Block his mom, file for divorce, your name is on the house, keep it. Kick him out. He is cheating that alone is reason to leave as well as his mental and emotional gaslighting
Wow sounds super toxic! Get out now.
This is all the beginning of tearing you down to make it easier to abuse you.
Have you tried couples therapy? Some of this is communication issues, others are boundary issues. Mug hit be fixable, sounds like a lot and somewhat abusive. Hugs, and if he doesn’t want to try couples therapy, leave
Your son needs to learn how to treat a woman right! And if he is not making you happy as their mother then move on you deserve so much better and so do your kids!
Leave get out. Your son will be ok . Leaving it’s worth more than staying in a toxic house will EVER BE
If u can’t make it alone financially, hang on n work towards being financially able then leave. No matter how mant ties you have to him, once mistreated is enough. Walk away
Leave! Your son and daughter and you deserve better. He is not a role model you want your son to look up to. He is controlling and spending money that you haven’t got on a woman! I agree it’s cheating. Good luck xx
Get out. Your son will adjust. Your kids will be happiest with a calm, stable home with 1 parent instead of a stressful toxic home with 2 parents. You and your 2 babies deserve better than his jerk is behaving. Also, contact a lawyer asap. You can search online and hopefully find one with a sliding scale. Good luck, Mama
You gonna hurt your son worse in the long run if you stay where YOUR unhappy.
Children pattern their adult relationships based on what they see at home. Staying in a bad one for the children is never a good idea. If you leave now, it may hurt for a while but you would be doing them a favor in the long run. I hope you are able to find a better man and a great relationship. Best of luck.
Your hurting your son and daughter by staying in a emotionally abusive relationship. Try therapy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been stepping out on u and not just only fans
You know in your head,its the heart you have the hard time with.
Leave as soon as you can don’t stay in a toxic relationship your son will be happier to see you happy then raise him around your self being unhappy and treated like dirt he may think that is acceptable and treat another women like your partner does you x
Leaving an abusive relationship is you being a positive role model for your kids. No one deserves to be treated like that. Your kids are watching. You not tolerating being mistreated shows your son that behavior is unacceptable.
Tell his momma he is soliciting other women online through onlyfans and controlling you financially and she should be worried about him losing you not the other way around she should have raised him better
If you’re having to ask for advice, it’s probably time to finish it, children learn things like this and can grow up thinking it’s okay.
Your kids will be happier in the long run .When mom is happy everything will fall into place . Been there don’t ever settle life is too short to deal with the BS,
You don’t need to be a relationship with a guy that is not gonna treat you good you need to do what’s best for you and your kids if he wants to say that’s his house find a different place and don’t tell him where you moved to
A long time ago! Run! And fast. Your kids don’t need to grow up around that
Leave now while hes young. It will only get worse the older he gets. A child shouldn’t be why you choice is to leave an ahole. You daughter really dont need to see his ways
Leave. It hurts your son more in the long run to see you unhappy and all that sounds super toxic.
Leave now, it won’t get any better.
Just him being on only fans and spending that much money would be reason enough to kick his a$$ out… I would definitely let his dear old mom know about that, I’m sure that would shut her mouth up… This is only going to get worse and bring you down, RUN
Leave, you know you need to. It’s not worth it staying where you’re not happy.
The cheating alone would be enough for me. That is a deal breaker. No going back from that. He’s constantly searching your phone because he’s paranoid you’re doing the same shit to him that he is to you. There’s no future in that. Your kids will be much better off when their mother is out of a toxic relationship. Kick his ass to the curb. You don’t need him. Get rid of him.
I would get out immediately
It’s only going to get worse
Time to kick his dumb ass to the curb. His ho on OnlyFans can have him
Girl run!
And fast!!!
Stay…you’re very lucky to have such a heroic man in your life… you’ll never get better than him
Leave him you and your children will be better off. Tell him to go back to mama.
As a bloke I can tell you that it’s a cycle. It won’t get better. Time to leave for your own sanity and safety.
I think you’ve answered your own question my love xx
If you stay you will be teaching your son that it is okay and acceptable to treat women the same way ur man is treating you. Kids are very resilient and he will be fine in time. Leave and focus on you and your children.
Run. Don’t look back.
However u teach ur daughter to be treated is wat u need to do for urself
Your son is more resilient than you think, please don’t stay in a toxic relationship for the sake of your son, otherwise they may be prone to repeat what they see as normal behaviour, which your partner definitely isn’t behaving normally. Move on and look after your sons and your mental health.
If his moms involved let her wash his clothes and get back on with your life, say bye, it’s for the best.
Leave, kids are resilient, if it is such a struggle for you, your children will feel that. They see you be a door mat and disrespected, is that the way you want them to treat their respective partner. You can do it.
One word LEAVE!!! Nobody is anybody’s keeper and it’s cruel and controlling. Good luck x
You need to leave, for the sake of your son. Not stay for the sake of him!
Exactly what happened to me with my ex, except I hung around and eventually HE left ME . So sorry to say, if he’s behaving like that then he is not invested in the relationship and not truly committed, and eventually he will leave. Don’t let him hurt you more, and the more time he is around your children the harder the inevitable separation will be. Its tempting to try to stick with it or fix it because you don’t want to hurt children, but being in an unhealthy relationship in front of them will do far more damage. Trust me.
You need to get out. I am going through a divorce. after dealing with this since we got married 16 years ago. my ex put trackers on my car, hiddehidden cameras all over the house and my car. .he would also look at our cell phone bill and asked me who’s this number to.
Leave. Do it for your son x
Do you want your son to grow up like your boyfriend? Your son will understand why you left and chose happiness for you and your children.
I think you’re in a very controlling relationship and now you’ve moved in, he’s looking at it that you’re now his property and he can do what he wants. One thing I’ve thought to myself when I’ve been in these situations is “do I want my child growing up thinking this is a good relationship to be in”. If the answers no. Leave! Do you want your son behaving in this way towards partners when he’s older? As it’s the norm to him. Do you want your daughter accepting this behaviour from future partners? As it’s the norm to her.
This behaviour will get worse. Not better. Personally I think for the safety of you, and your children, you need to leave.
Wishing you all the luck and love in the world. It’s never an easy thing to do!!
Your son will hurt a whole lot more if u stay
Hes no role model to any child. He’d have been out the minute he started paying a tramp. Get rid you are worth far better than that x
If you have to ask this question you need to leave he clearly has issues run now before it gets worse
Do you want your son treating women how your partner is treating you now?
Why is he sending some other girl money. You need to end this bad relationship with him.
Sounds like an a$$. Get out while you can… he’s not going to change and he has his mommy on his side
Tell his mom,she needs to mind her business,she doesn’t know the whole story. Also tell him, to grow up and stop running to mommy everytime something doesn’t go his way. U already have children, you dont need another one and kick his ass out.
He needs to grow up and become a man, not a momma’s boy and let go of her shirt tail.what the crap is the matter with him, giving money to another woman and running back to mommy when he doesn’t get his way. I would of done had him kicked out the door and he would be paying child support
You are not married to this guy and what you describe is not good. No, he isn’t good to your son because he isn’t good to his mother. Move out and go on with your life.
He’s toxic and his mother too. Drop that dude
Do you want your son and daughter seeing you treated like that? Do you want them to grow up and think how he is treating you is ok to treat a women/ be treated by a man? Would you want your daughter with a man just like him…?