Sounds like a spoiled toddler. I would consult with an attorney, but unfortunately you can’t just throw him out if you’re married. That would only work against you in court. If you love him, sit him down and make him choose. Either he be a father and a husband, or divorced. But I will say this hardly ever works. Just have a bit of experience with the man child and they don’t do well with hints. Ask him outright if he wants to be married. Then if he won’t act accordingly, ask for a divorce. He probably has gotten to comfortable and confident you won’t go anywhere…prove him wrong.
Divorce him he’s not going to change!
Get an attorney tell him you want to legally separate tell him to leave … if he sees your not playing his game then he will either come back home and be the husband and father he needs to be or he’ll be out of your life and held by the courts to be the father he needs to be to his kids.
Whatever happens dont leave the home… Once you leave you have no rights to the house! Meet a lawyer get your ducks in a row and get rid of that man!!!
When he plans a weekend trip with the guys or whatever, is a perfect time to get as much stuff as you can gone. having family or friends you can stay with helps.I had to learn the hard way staying in a emotional unhappy relationship is no good specially if kiddos are involved they see everything. “Their is the door” is your answer to leaving the relationship!!
If somebody told me there’s the door …you better believe I’m walking out of it !! … He’s living his life like he’s single so you should too good luck
Yes get rid of him now. You deserve better so do your children
It’s not his friends, he could have married friends, friends who are engaged, in committed relationships, divorced…it doesn’t matter, if he wants to be away from home he will find a reason to be elsewhere. You need to clearly understand it’s his choice, and his alone. Don’t allow yourself to place blame where it’s not deserved. He told you, with no uncertainty, that he’s not changing so if you’re not happy leave, so do just that, and leave. Generally, my unwritten rule is, if you have to ask if it’s time to end a relationship, the answer is yes.
Change the locks. He’s invested in his friends not his marriage,
If your asking this question you already know the answer.
If the only thing he is contributing is $$ then kick his ass out and get a boarder to help with rent/mortgage.
Don’t wait till your 50+ been there and living on very small pension.
Plus if you think staying for the kids is good DON’T they know moms not happy and you are teaching them how to treat you with disrespect.
And teaching your daughter that’s what a man does .
Raise her barr higher you and her deserve better.
From experience, when married guys hang around with single guys, they start to miss the single life. I’d give it to him. You could do a trial separation and don’t have any contact with him during that time. That way, you both can see if that’s what you want.
Some people are suggesting that she lives her life as he does… uninvested in her, the home, the relationship and the kids… yet you say run off for a weekend and leave Him with the kiddos … lmao … chances are when she gets home it’s hard telling where the kiddos are …… but bet you a dollar to a donut they won’t be with hubby… he has already told her he is done with the relationship!
Women ruin their children’s lives when they’re too weak to leave. Get off your ass and be better FOR YOUR KIDS.
Why keep making babies with someone like that?
Sounds like you should leave
Youre already doing it by yourself. Get him for child support and dont take him back once he sees how much he has to pay
The best advice given to me was don’t think about anyone else but just think for yourself. What do you want? Adjust accordingly. I separated from my ex for six months to see how things went. At the end of the six months it was clear to me I needed to leave the relationship and I filed for divorce. A separation is not as final. And it may help you and your spouse to see things in a new perspective or more clearly and decide the best option for you guys.
If the baby is only a few months old you could be very emotional. Make sure you are making choices with a clear head. Together 13 years … What is it about him that you’ve stayed for 13 years?
So married men are not allowed single friends? He told you to leave, so apparently he too is unhappy. So go.
If you leave at least you will have a brake when he has the kids
My philosophy has always been if I feel like a single parent i may as well be one, so I did, and I tell my grown daughters this too. If you’re doing it all by yourself, you will be way happier without him.
When the relationship is toxic and the kids see which parent is the problem. I regret staying 20 years. It didn’t benefit anyone’s emotional health.
Seems like he has already made the decision for you by telling you to leave via the door. Pack up and move on, he clearly has other priorities. You deserve better.
I’ll add that HE can pack up and move on. He doesn’t want family life, so he can remove himself from the family.
Leave him.unfortunately he isnt going to change no matter how many times they may say they will.I lived this life for 25 years before I got out.but i was also emotionally abused…do yourself and your kids a favor and get out now ,before it gets any worse and it will.wish you the best
Go with what your gut is telling you
He obviously doesn’t want you and the kids anymore so just leave besides you deserve better
This sounds exactly like something I’d write years ago about my previous life with a narcissist. It will never get better. He’s showing no interest, no care, selfishness. Get out sooner rather than later. Now, if possible.
Honey he’s already made it clear what he wants. So, if you’re going to do it alone you might as well be alone. At least then it’s on your terms, you don’t have to justify your choices, and you’re not waiting around for someone to want you. You got this!!! Good luck!!!
l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13638 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Leave, he probably doesn’t think you’ll actually do it. Give him a wake up call and leave while he’s away. Let him come back to an empty house.
Sounds like he’s already made up his mind.
Start saving money get your personal things in a box put in the truck of your car or take to your family members house pictures etc.he doesn’t want to be married anymore. You will be happy without him.I was
I’m going through this exact thing right now. My husband and I are currently living separately because of it, but probably will go through with a divorce in the near future. Our youngest is 6 months. I’ve never been more exhausted in my life
Time to.move on, depend on yourself and start a life with a grown man not a boy spoiled child
l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17185 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
get a storage unit,slowly move your stuff out, personal stuff, bank records, last 2 years of tax returns, copies of his 401 K, IRA, bank account statements, and overtime checks, bouses, life ins policies, and then one day just leave before he comes home from work, poof
Leave it sounds like he’s already made up his mind
l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $11481 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Lock the front door.
Yes 100 percent, just leave, he will most likely beg for u back, but he won’t change, so just stay gone
l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17813 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Time to go out that door Your already doing it all by yourself.How do you know…he might have a chick on the side.Since he’s out with his single friends.
He told you exactly what he wants you to do. Do it. Show him you and the kids deserve better abd you will make that happen. With no money you can file for a divorce with a fee waiver.
You don’t need advice just leave you think!
l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $20820 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Talk to your parents
If he doesn’t care and tells you to leave he’s already checked out of the relationship. He’s not going to change because he’s never had a reason to and he’s not worried about you unhappy or leaving. You are raising your kids alone. He has his own separate life and you and the kids have yours. M not sure what to tell you. You can suggest marriage counseling but if he’s ok with his life currently he’s not going to be motivated to change now. You should leave. He’s clearly acting and living like he’s single and doesn’t care about you the kids. Talk to a lawyer and see what your options are but what’s your line. What has to happen that hasn’t already been happening that will make you say he’s a bad role model parent partner? He’s not there so what would be the difference.
Only you can decide. Good luck.
He obviously doesn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. If he did he wouldn’t tell you you can leave; he would be doing everything he can to make you stay!
Will these spam posts ever be blocked and removed?
Tell him to leave or hire a mover for a day he is not there. If it can’t be done easily then you need to start planning but something needs to move forward.
He’s already gone, might as well be single and at least be out from under his misery. If he’s planning “weekend getaways” with friends and has been distant for awhile… Is he having an affair?
Seems as if you are married to him and he is single please find the strength to change the story! Be encouraged
When you have to ask… Oh and next time he goes away for weekend with buddies… wait til he leaves. Call him next day and tell him not to come back. Tell him his clothes are out front. Before all that I would seek an attorneys advice of course
you already know what to do!
Young one - first off why do your children and you have to leave? If he wants to be with his friends - let him go . You can not force love. May I ask you has he always been like this - 13 years - you know the history. The only way you are going to solve anything- is through communication with him. The sooner the better - counseling- may help to.
Leave now what are you waiting for
Since he doesn’t want to change then he has already left the marriage anyway. He just doesn’t want to pay alimony and child support so he keeps you there knowing he is free to do what he wants with no consequences. See a lawyer, if you can’t afford your current home by yourself then plan for housing, get finances in order, check joint bank accounts for balances etc. Once you have a plan in place then lay down the ultimatum and he if still says he doesn’t care then proceed with your plan. Do not let him know what you are doing. Hit him with it after you have everything set and see what he says. From my experience he is telling you exactly how he feels not only with words but also actions. He is most likely cheating also. Trust me….make an exit plan before he even knows what is going on.
Kick him to the curb
When you write a post about it Lmao
he already told you where he is at, since he told you where the door is, Now it’s up to you to leave, with the kids, get into court & get temporary custody & file for divorce
Honey I think you answered your own question. The time to leave is now. You and your kids deserve so much better
Time to leave no one should ever feel that way. I did and I finally left feels such less stessful
Leave. If he’s in the bar with friends & won’t take you, he doesn’t love you! If a man loves you, he will want to make plans & be romantic with you.
Hell yes, leave his ass!
If you are having to ask this question, as a serious question, then you already know the answer!
He’s cheating. Don’t waste time with him any longer. Your kids and you deserve better. There are great men out there Just in case he told you no one would want you. You will be so much more happier. There is a name for that kind of dad.
First… he is most probably cheating on you… secondly, he should find the door and you should slam it in his face why must you leave? He can leave. Don’t be a victim of his crazy ways.
Kick him out! END of story. Don’t waste any more of your life. You & kids deserve better.
My kids’ dad was similar and I threw him out. See a solicitor to find out where you stand re the house etc.
Plan a girl weekend away and let him know in advance that he’s got the kids. Enjoy the break away with some fun girlfriends. Do it for your own mental health. Then…try couples counseling before calling it quits, because then you can feel like you tried everything.
You already know what do to.
Your already alone doll. Just move on and find happiness
You’ve both invested a lot of time together for a reason so I’m assuming there’s love there and I’m sure you both want what’s best for your kids it’s a very serious decision you both need to make together try talking to him first be very honest and tell him how you feel try counseling together try spending time together alone if you can maybe even try to get to know his friends with him don’t make major decisions just yet while life is so stressful with a small baby and also you don’t know if he’s not being faithful so don’t assume the worst before finding out for sure relationships take work on both ends though so really evaluate his good and bad qualities. I would also say to make sure you’re also taking care of yourself and find your own support through family and friends too good luck and may God bless your family
You know the answer
He had already left the marriage
Sounds like it’s past time to go
If you’re asking you already know.
Its time to leave when you start asking your self
You just know. If your not happy, if your being abused mentally, emotionally or physically. If you have fallen out of love or vice versa. You’ll know
I think you need to evaluate if this is the person you actually want to live with and be a partner to. Also is this how you want your kids to grow up with a dad that lives with them but ignores them? Do you want them to grow up think ing this is how you treat a partner or this how how they deserve to be treated? He’s already living a separate life… make it permanent. His friends aren’t the problem it’s his choice to act like this.
Just leave. It’s time to go because you are so over it.
I think you know what you need to do,
Maybe give him an altermation he either wants to make it work and get therapy or leave
The exact moment you ask this question
It already sounds like you’re single sweetie. He’s out doing single man shit!!! Leave him and let him be and focus on you kiddos!!! You can’t make a man be something he’s not!! Much love to you
Exclude him emtionally and physically from your life.
He must leave, not you and it’s legally his responcibility to tske care of you and the kids.
Honey your doing it on your own now kick him to the curb. He wants his cake and eat it to. He can’t kick him out
Say some nice things to him then; before your relationship really does get broken up.
Sounds like you have an extra kid , he has no respect for you or for his children he’s not a father but a sperm donor,
Start by talking to legal aid and get your options…if you own a home or rent…Look into getting full custody, file for child support, if he is the only one working start putting money aside and save up for one months rent…you could always file for social assistance…
It looks like you have already tried communicating with him…he sounds unhappy and doesnt want to be around you and the kids…he is already spending his time with friends and his weekends are spent anywhere but home…he is enjoying his freedom and he is enjoying the single life while you sit at home…he has already checked out of the relationship…and has already let you know he doesnt care
When you do leave plan it for when he is gone for the weekend pack EVERYTHING in the house and leave im sure you have family or friends that will help you…dont let him know your new address have everything mailed to parents house and dont respond to texts…he will be pissed but he said if you dont like it then leave…he didnt say dont take everything with you…teach the fucker a lesson …
You shouldnt have to force someone to be in your life…and never have to beg for someones love…Why sit around waiting for a miracle to happen …get a plan together and say goodbye and move forward
When you decide to go leave a note saying…i realize i was expecting too much of you, you should be allowed to be who you are, we are leaving so you can be free and happy, i just want something different from you, i want someone to stand by me, be true to me, and love me
Only you know how much disrespect you will allow.
I would say you’re on your own now and have been for a while so it’s time to make it official and find happiness for yourself
Girl just leave. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this but it’s that time.
When you’ve had enough and you realize your worth
Might as well leave now. Just get it over with. Like pulling off a bandaid. Just do it. It’s gonna hurt either way. And maybe you leaving will wake him up, maybe not. But all you can do is try. For you and the kids😊
It does seem like he is not doing a good job of being a husband and father.Give it deep thoughts before you leave .How will you support your children ?Who will care for them while you work ?He needs to grow up and tend to his family.Friends night out only once a week and no weekends like what he is doing!
Don’t make any decisions when you are emotional. Collect your thoughts, make a plan and then execute the plan. If you decide to divorce, be the plaintiff and don’t let him know you are filing just do it and have him served and request in your filing that he move out during the proceedings. Start socking away money and preparing and do it all on the DL. I Know it sounds shady but it’s better to strike first than it is to try to comeback from a strike. Don’t feel bad either. He brought this on himself. Neglect is abuse on all levels
If your not happy and don’t feel the love changes are he has a side line so move on and seek out the things that make you happy
“How do you know it’s time to leave your relationship”
There’s your answer