I’ve only been with my partner for four months; I met him while I was pregnant. He was amazingly supportive and was there for the labor (real dad not in picture) anyway, fast forward a bit baby is seven weeks now, partner is an alcoholic (didn’t know this when I met him) has been diagnosed with an ulcer and internal bleeding but still drinking every day, he is lazy sleeps a lot doesn’t do stuff around the house, doesn’t wake for feeds, my feelings have changed for him I just don’t feel the same anymore, he is very childish and constantly digging at me which makes me feel rubbish and upset, my question is should I feel guilty for wanting to end things with him I just feel I have another child to look after not a supportive partner thanks all.
Sounds like you know <3 HUGS
No, don’t feel guilty. End it now before you waste any more time. This will do nothing but take away from your precious baby. You are right that you have another kid to take care of. The picking at you is just the beginning. Get out NOW.
Get out and never look back. You have no reason to stay!
Do what’s best for you and your baby
It will only get worse!!!
Pack your bags girl!!
Reread this message. I think you’ve answered your own question. This guy sounds like a ticking time bomb…leave.
It’s been time! He’s got to go.
4 months get out now.
Leave. Don’t feel guilty either because your main focus needs to be on your 7 week defenseless innocent baby.
Don’t feel guilty for thinking of you and your child’s well being!!
He’s not the father, and that’s WAY too early of a relationship to know how he is or expect him to step up.
You’re already feeling so bad, best bet is to walk. You have no reasons to stay.
No need to feel guilty. You have a seven week old that needs you, you don’t have the time for a man child
My therapist said when your holding on to one good day to survive the many bad days that it is a sign to move on
Never Ever feel guilty
It’s just time to wrap it up
And that’s okay
Normally I don’t jump on the “get out” train but I would in this case. Its still early into the relationship and lots of red flags going up already. Ive been with my alcoholic spouse for 7 years now and I can honestly say it is NOT the life you want or you want your kid raised around.
Run away with no guilt
If ur asking, u already know the answer
If you’re asking or have doubts… you know in your heart girl. Get out before you get in too deep.
Girl…4 months??? He can go.
Sounds like he won’t be with you for a heck of a lot longer anyway.
I’d get out of there
Girl go…he is self destructing and you need to worry about yourself and your baby.
No guilt, it’s not your responsibility your baby is
If you’re doing it all on your own anyway, you may as well get the freedom of being alone. You’re worth more that what he’s offering.
Kick his ass to the curb now you haven’t been together long enough for you to owe him anything take care of you & the baby the extra stress is not healthy for you
If you’re asking, you know it’s time.
Leaaaaavvveeeeeeee. You will find best guy later in the future!
Loser! Kick his sorry ass to the curb.
I mean… It’s not his baby i wouldn’t expect a man to change my kid that i only met 4 months ago.
Yeah no, he’s gotta go
Don’t feel
Guilty it’s yours and your baby’s life you don’t need a second baby to cradle you should be enjoying the experience, if he isn’t bringing anything positive to enhance your life together or as a family then leave it change you’ve been fine without him so you’ll be fine in the future x
End it now while you can my ex husband was an alcoholic and I was in a 6 year marriage with him and I was miserable for about 4 years of it. When we broke up he came to my work drunk threatening to kill me and himself went to jail and it was a giant mess LEAVE NOW WHILE ITS EASY!
Come on… why do women think they need to put up with this . If the tables were turned you would be out on the street weeks ago. Get rid of him
WTF girl, get yo
I agree. Get all your stuff together ( finances etc ) & don’t look back.
leave . Don’t have your baby around that . You will be much happier single and it will be easier
Yikes. Leave now. That’s a very bad situation to keep you baby in.
No, leave now!!! I had my son young but I always say now to anyone that you shouldn’t move in with someone until you at least have known them for a year or more. I don’t think I would even let someone around my kids unless we been dating well over a year
Honey, get out. His issues will only cause you and your baby grief. You’re already doing this alone, might as well do so with a little peace. Focus on you and your baby.
So you had sex with another man while you holding another man’s baby, you are the problem TF and you are complaining
Be thankful you found this out within a year and not years later. There are no ties between you and him…walk away now. This has TOXIC painted in neon red all over it.
Get out now before the baby becomes too attached.
If you are asking this question ever- it’s time.
Oh pleez!! Get away from that!!
Leave. It’s easier to do it now while the baby is still young than years down the line. Don’t stay for a glimmer of hope, even if he promises you the world and swears he’ll change. They don’t change. From someone who grew up with an alcoholic father, it’s not a good environment for a child to grow up in and trust me when I tell you that it will scar them emotionally and mentally for life. My mom finally cut him out of our lives when I was 5 years old, but the damage was already done. I’m 23 years old now and still to this day, he’s a homeless raging alcoholic that hasn’t changed at all. Leave and focus on self-love and your baby. All he will do is bring you down with him… And god forbid you stay and eventually get pregnant by him and be tied to him permanently. Get out while you still can.
Dehors les bons à rien
You answered your own question when you said you don’t feel the same anymore. You have baby to look after not a grown child. Leave and take care of you and your child.
When you are miserable more than you are happy.
You’re 4 months in and already feel this way, leave! Run as fast as you can! Your baby does not need a man like that in his/her life and neither do you.
Now … now is a good time … u see how he is … it’s only been 4 months … I think deep down u kno it’s time to just call it quits
From someone who just spent 4yrs with an alcoholic, GET OUT NOW before you end up having a kid to him and are stuck with his shit forever. I was only with my now ex for 6mths when I fell pregnant (marina failed) then once that. Happened his true colours came out. Wish I had seen the signs before it got complicated. Run baby girl run for your own mental health get out
Wait so u only been together for 4mo and living together …when kids are involved thats a little too quick. I pray he doesnt hurt you or your newborn! Get out like yesterday
When you asked someone is it time? YES
Don’t feel guilty and just leave. These kind of situations rarely get better.
I would say get rid of him you can do better than that plus you have your baby to think about that would not be a good setting for your child to grow up in
Idk why people start dating when pregnant it can wait when you already moved in with him no wonder you don’t know the real him you microwaved a whole realtionship
This is not his child, so he shouldn’t have to worry about feedings, etc. He stepped up to become a father figure and it’s obviously not working. Lose the man, focus on your baby and once your child is old enough, then date. Put your baby first, like all other moms.
Its only been 4 months. Its not a big deal really. Get over it
Baby deserves better than this. Leave now!
Leave. Put yourself and baby first. I’m 12 years into a relationship with an addict. It won’t change if it hasn’t changed already. If he’s not looking for help after the diagnosis, he probably has no desire to seek help.
Sit him down lay yours cards on the table. See what his response is. If he wants your live he will get up off his ass and it can work however if after you speak to him and it doesnt change i would find someone who would love me. Good luck
It’s time. Cut your losses now. Get out. Quick
I’d end it now & there’s nothing you should feel guilty for.
Sorry hun this is what we call a level 10 squatter . Altho there should be no expectations on someone to help. But he needs to go now
It’s only been 4 months leave
One thing I’ve learned is to always put your child first before boyfriends. Men leave, things change and don’t always work out, one day you’ll find someone who loves you how you need to be loved
Nope. Just had a baby drop him
Literally listed every way to end it. You got this momma
You answered your own question. Go now before it gets too deep. Only 4 months in. Cut the ties. Nothing to lose there. It WILL NOT CHANGE. I’ve been there.
you have no strings attached to him… so thats a clear chance to end things and maybe theres someone better out there for you and baby… just cause he isnt the daddy shouldn’t mean its okay for him to be lazy… he knew you were about to be a Mom from the jump!!.
Nope, don’t feel bad. Not ever relationship is worth keeping. Think of it like this… If your new baby grew up to be like him, would you be happy? If not, nows the time to get rid of him
Is NOW to soon? No reason to feel guilty, I left a guy after a week because they are totally different when you move in sometimes, I had a son too.
He’s just using you and is playing on your feelings. Drop him your to good for him.
Kick him to the curb!
4m in gf cut your loses and leave, dont raise YOUR kid around that nonsence
Leave him. Also next time, don’t just move in with a guy especially now that you have a child. Do not expose your kid to bad elements.
Get him out before he influences your child! Best wishes for a better future… what a disappointment! You CAN do this!!!
I think it’s time to move on. Don’t allow your child to watch their mother be miserable…
Bad news bin him now
Just based on the headline. When you ask that, it’s over.
Ummmm no guilt needed. Do what’s best for you and baby. No one can pass judgment for that. And if these things are issues already they very well will get worse. Hug and wishing you the best
Its only been 4 months. Issues already. Hes not the father. Break up with him and focus on you and your new baby. With no added stress and no extra work.
He saw you commin! Get rid no good just spounging off you
Move on before you are too deep in relationship. Dont waste time.
1st of all, don’t expect a new boyfriend to wake up with your baby, that will help you a lot in your journey. Your baby is yours.
2nd you definitely do not want or need that.
Just go, also to be fair he shouldn’t have to wake up to feed your kid unless he wants to. It’s not his responsibility.
Find the strength now at 4 months instead of 4 or 14 years down the road.
He is not your babys father and has only
been around for 4 months and he’s already acting like this, leave now before your child or you get hurt
You knew the guy for 2 months and you let him watch you give birth to a child who’s dad isn’t in the picture, think is pretty obvious you’ve got issuses yourself, you need to run fast and far with your kid and sort yourself out before one of you gets hurt he doesn’t care about you he’s just using you both because that’s that’s what alcoholics do they use and abuse those around them for their own gain, his own issues will only escalate and soon from the sound of him
He needs to get out.
You don’t need justification from a bunch of strangers on the internet. Are you really going to waste years on this dude just to come to the same conclusion in the end anyway? Cut it short and walk away.
Get out now. Well put him out. U are only months into relationship an hes like this. U dont want ur kid growing up around him. Tell him its over and focus on ur baby and yourself. Thats all ghat matters… U can do it. X take care of unes x
Do you want that around your baby?? No? Leave… at least the baby is so little they won’t know the difference.
Don’t walk but run as soon as you can. Been there before it will only get worst, he won’t change !!!
Living together already ? Smh kick his ass out plus it ain’t his baby so not really his responsibility if you are there
Boot his butt out and spend all your energy on your perfect baby (and other kiddos). YOU deserve better. Your kids DESERVE BETTER.
Don’t even think twice about it sweetheart you do what’s best for you. He made bad choices. He decided to fall short. This is on him not you.
It’s been four months kick him to the curb. You already have one baby you don’t need some lazy alcoholic man child laying up in your house with a baby. What if something where to happen and he becomes abusive… He’s not helping you out any, he isn’t worth keeping around.
Please leave him. Get yourself situated first. You owe it to your baby. It’s already a struggle being a single mom and having to take care of a newborn, but having to parent a “grown” man. I think not. You don’t have time and energy for that.
Regardless if that man is your child’s father or not, he should want to help you. He should want to wake up and help feed the baby. He should want to stop drinking and be the best version of himself.
This isn’t just about you anymore. You have a child, your a package now. A man should want to do for both of you, and if he doesn’t you shouldn’t stay involved with him.
I would be gone! Me and my baby taking on the world
Wow , You don’t have respect for your self, how can any man respect you? Can you be without a man?