How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

At least for a while!!! Leave him now , stay with your Angel baby for a while and the right partner will come, I assure you . Good luck and May God Bless You.


The time to end a relationship, is when you have to ask if it’s time.

Fly away. You answered all your own questions. Fly away

Leave before you get pregnant

You should never feel guilty about making a decision to better you and your babies lives. Dump him yesterday!

No don’t feel bad do what’s best for your child leave him you shouldn’t have to take care of a grown ass man like that


End it now it wont change

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You no u would be better off on your own .this man is not there for you .as not been in reationship long i would tell him too leave tell him your not happy .you and your baby would be better off one day you will meet a lovely man who will respect you and love your child xx good luck …

It was time to end it when you realized he was an alcoholic who has no intention of quitting drinking.

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Run run run as far as possible

Run don’t walk away…your child does not need someone that him to look up to​:kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Sounds to me like he was weasling his way in. Did he move in with you, you with him? If you had your life in order and he didn’t and now he’s got a comfy place with you, he was never a partner…just a user.

Your baby is more important than a 4 month relationship. Leave him, and focus on you and your baby

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No, you should feel guilty if you don’t leave him.

Kick him to the curb … and don’t look back :sparkling_heart:

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Run. As far as possible. I made the mistake of being with someone like this and almost marrying them. Thankfully they broke up with me because I moved to a place without wifi. :upside_down_face: and then I started realizing I was worth so much more.


End it !!! Things will only get worse !!!


If you have to ask this question…

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Maybe stop worrying about being with a man, and worry about your baby… pretty simple I’d think


Please just walk away for your and your children x


You should not feel guilty one bit!! Get rid of him!! You and your baby deserve better. Good luck


Sounds like my ex husband. Run.

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It’s four months in lmao leave

That escalated quickly… I wouldnt let someone I had known for 20 years see my vagina from that angle let alone someone I had just met. This guy has no idea wtf just happened. One minute he’s on his way to pick up a slab of beer, the next minute he’s seen your love tunnel stretched big enough to fit a bus and he’s changing shitty nappies.I mean … dump his ass.

Run…get away quick.:running_man:

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See ya!!! you have nothing invested in this relationship. Kick him to the curb!

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You don’t need someone like that. You have a new baby & would be better off just you & baby then being around that. It’s also not good to raise a kid in that type of situation. You have only been together a short time, if he is already like this it isn’t going to get better, only worse.

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You are not safe with a baby in that environment. Get him OUT NOW. Change the locks. Block your #. Get a restraining order. Do whatever it takes.

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You don’t even know it yet but YOU and YOUR BABY are NOT SAFE😫

That whole situation is a mess. Start fresh somewhere without all that drama.


I don’t understand why you’re mad he did something with a girl outside of his ex when you hooked up with someone else AND his brother???


You don’t sound innocent either. Call it even and move on.


This sounds like a soap opera. Maybe it’s best to break up and just be good coparents. You both were people get over it or don’t the choice is yours.


Y’all were on a break he could do whatever he wanted

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Ummmm super awkward situation to begin with so it didn’t work out with 1 twin so you hopped on to the next :woman_facepalming:t2: sounds like your setting yourself up for a miserable messy life tbh just start fresh and be good co parents !


The break was only a week - and they both slept with two different people .


I read this twice but the spin off with the twin brother confused me. Just start fresh. You said you slept with someone else too so it’s not all on him. Plus the dates with his twin brother don’t sound good either.


Wtf you nasty for doing that how could you mess with his brother you just don’t do that period and to be honest how all this is might as well call it even and move on because let’s be honest if he messed with your twin sister if you had one I don’t think you would want him for nothing but all I can say everything will come out and Karma will get you soon or later


Sounds like an episode of Maury or Jerry Springer. I don’t envy you at all.


You hooked up with brother…you really need to get your priorities straight. Are you even sure he’s the father


I mean at least if it is his twin brothers kid then it’ll look like him :woman_shrugging:t3:


So wait
You both ducked around while on a break? But you’re blaming him? And you were with his twin?
Ok… wow


Time to grow up and make some better choices in your life.


Duuuude, YOUR walls are going back up?!?!
He should run!!!
It actually sounds like you two are perfect for each other.
My only issue is that you’re now bringing an innocent life into this cluster-fuck.
This poor child.

Sounds like you both need to grow up a bit for the babies sake, and both sit down and communicate like adults, on how you both want to move forward.


Giiiiiirl. Tell him about your HISTORY with his twin, then we’ll see if he still wants to be with you :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: move on or ship out. #DRAMA #PlotTwist the baby is his twin brothers :grimacing::flushed:


You can’t do his brother and him. Just leave and start over fresh :unamused:


Wow people are judgmental. You two both need to sit down and have a conversation. You’re bringing a baby into your lives. The baby doesn’t deserve all of the drama and shit between you two. If you can move past it, move on and don’t look back. If you can’t, separate and coparent.

You are both as bad as each other I’m afraid. May sound harsh, but from what you’re saying it’s the truth. I think you both need to sort your acts out. Especially when you have a child on the way.


All around toxic. If you can manage without him for now do it and focus on your baby not cock drama

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Alana Tingey Amanda Isbel It’s like a soap opera. :joy:

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You can’t keep it in the family and expect this to be okay. They may share dna but you played with the twin brothers fiddle. Not cool :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


Crazy! Everyone in this mess needs to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. You sound like a bunch of teeny boppers? How old are you? With your lifestyle as it is, how can you be certain of the paternity! At 7 months you can have a test done. If I were you, this is where I would start. Maybe then you would have better insight to what you want for yourself and the baby. I will keep your Baby in my Prayers as she is the innocent victim in this drama! :pray::pray:


:exploding_head: I’ve read it 3 times and I still don’t know what is happening!


Your just as bad as him wow… grow up


Idk man. You’re about to be a parent. Maybe shift your focus there instead of all this drama. You can’t honestly be mad that he was with someone else and kept it secret when you did too.:woozy_face:


I just feel like drugs have been involved and possibly a trailer park.


Ok! Did his “twin brother” run into you guys together or was it the other way around??:thinking::thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth::expressionless:

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You wanna know when the relationship should end … when you messed around with a twin, any twin ! :red_circle: should have been up front that you had a history with the twin … :roll_eyes:


What in the Jerry Springer is this?


This is some serious jerry springer shit. Even better, Maury povich… Jesus :rofl:

I’m confused af
This ain’t a relationship it’s a farce and you both need to grow the tf up for the sake of that child wether you are together or not :roll_eyes:


Sheesh ! What a mess.

It’s one thing to be a homie hopper but a brother hopper :grimacing: that don’t look good at all. I feel at this point you really have no reason to be upset, it’s not like he was sleeping with your sister :smirk:


You’re upset your child’s possible uncle/daddy slept with someone else at the same time you slept with someone else?


P.S facebook is a joke


Oh honey! What is you doin?!!!


Walls up, legs together


You sound really selfish and immature

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What were you thinking getting involved with his brother ? I mean come on , how can you ?
Now you made the bed you gotta lie in it , sorry to be blunt but what did you expect?


Wtf did I just read?? Girl no. Be single.


wtf??? my head is spinning!


2 peas in a pod. Except she chose his brother!! Don’t know who he chose. How can you judge him? You said 2 dates and that means what in your terms? Went out for dinner?


You’ve done messed up this whole situation. Throw the whole situationship away and start over. Oh…and find out who that baby’s daddy is!


So you’re 7 months pregnant and split up 8 months ago and you went on a date with his twin brother? Is that all you did? Not being rude but just wondering. I’d say if you guys split for a week and both went to someone else within that week then you should have not went back together. If you love each other during a 7 day split you would not be doing that especially with his twin brother. So it was time to end it then


Yeah - you need to leave & straighten out your own life before that kid gets here


Erika Denise like whattt. :thinking:

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I really dont understand all this, somebody please explain it all???


Ok. First, might I suggest a writing class so we can all understand wtf you’re talking about? Second, did you just say you messed around with him and his twin brother approximately 8 months ago and now you’re approximately 7 months pregnant?? You know if they’re identical you never gonna know who that baby daddy is, right? This poor child… :woman_facepalming:t3:


I swear people just send in the craziest shit just to get reactions out of people … Like there’s no way this is real :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

So, she’s annoyed he had sex on the break they were on, but she was with his brother anyway!?
Ehh… it’s a mess.
You tell him what you did and then there might be an ounce of trust between you.


I’m trying to figure this all out… this confusing

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Get rid of all this mess and start over with someone new. This can’t be repaired


I don’t think it’s fair to be upset with his infidelity when you were equally unfaithful. You can’t hold him accountable for his actions unless you are held to the same standards.

You may want to try being single for a while. You’re 7 months pregnant, you’ll be plenty busy with your baby. Best of luck figuring things out!


Your relationship should have ended two years ago when he went back to his ex wife the first time. Sounds like you both need to grow up

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You all sound fucked up I’m sorry! Break up for a week than you all start sleeping around.
And what the hell are you doing with his twin brother??
Have you no morals or self respect…:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

I’m so confused! What did I just read? Lol


I’m confused but if you were on a break for a week or whatever and not together why does it matter if he was with someone else. You were not together. And it sounds like you were also with someone else. But if 8 months ago you guys took a break like that and both were with other people maybe this isn’t there right relationship for you. But you can’t really be mad about him being with someone.


Sleeping with someone’s twin brother is way worse than sleeping with an ex.


This boyfriend wouldn’t happen to be your Uncle Daddy would he? :thinking:


And your bringing a child in to this mess? You both need to grow up

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Girl…what??? Someone call tmz or e! Cause this sounds like a whole sitcom…so your man is a cheater and you got with his twin brother but are debating on getting back with a man that says he deactivated his social media accounts… girl…if you don’t leave that boy alone! You gonna be miserable if you stay with him…you can’t trust him and take it from me no baby is going to make a relationship better, only harder! Baby is a blessing but the daddy being a hoe ahem an unfaithful partner mybad is just gonna overshadow your blessings and happiness cause you gonna be tripping over if he is still being faithful to you. Just move on and enjoy your baby.


I had a hard time figuring this out… but I guess I don’t understand why it’s a betrayal that he slept with someone during your break when you did the same thing? It sounds like?

Also if his twin is identical, their DNA profiles are the same and you will never know who the father of the child is. This is such a bizarre situation…


Wait… you’re upset that he was with someone else and you went out with his twin brother at the same time? No. Just no.


I think he should leave you for cheating on him with his twin!


Are u havin a child with him or his twin? I’m confused…


Is this real?? Seems Jerry Springer worthy

Wait… He left his ex for you but while leaving the “right” way he slept with someone else but you ran off with his BROTHER ??? yeah no offense but this whole story is too much for daytime soap operas y’all need to do a custody agreement and be done