It would be time for me to leave the first time I saw him texting another girl.
He has already left the relationship but doesn’t want to inconvenience himself until he has a new women to take care of him. Make a plan and move out while he is not home to avoid conflict with him and for you and baby’s safety. You and baby deserve so much more!
If you are to the point where you have to ask yourself that question, you already know the answer. You feelings are valid and they matter.
Don’t even argue with him , let him go, get your self a man not a boy, hes not worth it, get your self organized for baby and just focus on that, make sure you have friends and family around you
It’s very hard to leave when y’all are having a kid together but I promise it’s less stressful than raising a kid with someone who will not appreciate you for all you do. Just think if you are having to walk home and you are the one putting in all the effort it won’t change when the baby comes. You will be doing more way more and also worrying about wether or not he’s cheating when he’s not home or whatever. Save yourself the stress and try to leave now. It’s hard I know
Not posting you means he’s leaving his options open. Also, don’t settle for being treated like that, even if you are pregnant
My ex did this when I was pregnant with my 1st and it continued for years. Run now before shit gets more complicated. There is a ton of layers to my story, I’ve been in therapy for a year to try to heal from all the shit he put me through
It was time to quit yesterday
The first time you caught him
#1 never let social media fool you, stop thinking social media is to define your relationship #2 my advice is leave him, if he doesn’t care now, he will definitely never care when the baby is here. My advice is love yourself first learn to take care of yourself financially, physically mentally. I know you’re pregnant but that’s when women are the most beautiful don’t let yourself go. Sometimes ppl are better off alone until they find someone worth loving
You are pregnant with his child you would be more lucky if you were married to him take.his ass to the cleaners .
No relationship should have you feeling not good enough. That’s family, friends, and romantic. As you have a child you’ll really need someone to depend on and be a partner. I’d leave now and allow your self the wonderful opportunity of falling in love with someone who loves your effortlessly. Instead of robbing yourself and settling for someone who may never care for you the way you deserve. Then leaving 5 years from now, bitter, with low self confidence, and emotionally broken.
I personally had shitty boyfriend after shitty boyfriend throughout my teens and early 20s.
When I turned 22 I set serious expectations, didnt settle, and learned more about myself and how I wanted to be treated.
Then I met my partner. 10 years later we are a couple that often makes people sick.
Real genuine love.
Dont settle.
If he’s not supporting you while you’re pregnant, he’s not going to support you after and it will continue make you miserable.
It waaayyyy past time to end it hun. Get out and love yourself because he sure doesn’t
Leave his ass. Period.
If he’s texting women and lying about it, he’s on the path to cheating if he hasn’t yet
If you were with who you are MEANT to be with you wouldn’t question any of this before the baby gets here get rid of him most women don’t and stay in the same situation wondering the same things for years just send his a** packing
If you have to ask you already know. You deserve better than that. The baby deserves a happy momma and if things are bad now once baby comes its probably gonna get worse. If he’s talking to woman like that he may as well be cheating. Life is short don’t waste it holding on to someone who’d rather tell other woman what he should be telling you. Move on. You might just find someone who makes you really happy but you’re not gonna find nothing better holding on to him. Sorry you’re going through this.
Give yourself the respect you deserve by leaving his sorry ass! He is not worth it, he doesn’t care and he won’t start caring any time soon. You deserve so much better than this empty boy.
Have you talked to him? If you’ve voiced how you feel about this multiple times and he doesn’t seem to care or try to do better than run. Don’t walk, get out. Don’t waste your life loving a man who won’t ever care for you the same way.
You can do bad all by yourself baby. Let him go!
Leave! You already know the answer or you wouldn’t be here. Don’t waste anymore time with the wrong person who doesn’t respect you.
If you need more proof. Keep a diary log for 3 months. If it was a good day with your partner (no neglect, name calling, reaching out to other women, making you feel like shit) then mark it as a good day on the calendar. If it was a bad day where he made you feel terrible or took any happiness away from you, Mark. IT. Down.
At the end of the month, or 3 months, whatever…compare how many GOOD days you had with him in your life, VS. The BAD days of him in your life.
That will give you enough reason.
If you have to ask then it’s time to leave! People will treat you how you allow them to and it appears you are allowing him to treat you like a door mat. You are worth so much more than that. Get out of the relationship and find someone who actually values both you and your baby
I would leave before u have the baby if you can.
The 1st time would been the last time. Girl, you give too many chances!
Let that dude go and get out while you can. And def before the baby comes.
I am in a loveless 22 year marriage. Please take care of yourself now and end the relationship. Don’t wait. Don’t try to work on it. Over these years there have been allot of problems. Now 22 years and I am broken and my kids are broken and I have to now do what I should have done many unhappy years ago and leave.
When you start contemplating ending it.
Ladies… PLEASE stop getting pregnant by these type of men!!!
Please leave him. I know it will be hard, but if you’re pregnant with his baby and he can’t even seem to be really there. Then you might need to take full custody and be a lovely mom to your baby. Do not stay because you’re pregnant if he can’t even treat you right. I’m pregnant rn and if my fiancé ever treated me slightly like this he would be out and he would know it. Do not put you or your baby in this awful position. A REAL MAN will love you and your baby!
Red flags babe! I’m sorry to say but it won’t get any better it will get worse. You’ll eventually find out the truth & be emotional broken, etc. Don’t settle. Don’t wait. Put yourself & child first. Don’t have regret wishing you left before it got worse. 2 kids I will never regret my kids but I regret everyday who I bad kids with.
When you have to make a post on FB asking…that means its time.
Sounds like how it was with my daughter’s dad n I years later kept trying to make it work, wasn’t worth it in the end. I would get out and get a parenting plan going
Honey you dont need advise,you yourself have answered your own question.He does’nt care about the relationship and it is not afraid to let it show ,so my advice its MOVE ON before the baby is born because it is not gonna get better …
You know you deserve better I’m sorry girl
Girl stop wasting your time!! If those signs aren’t enough then Set him up use a fake girl profile and try messaging him and see if you can find out the answers your looking for
Babe…you say you don’t know what to do…but you do…
Deep in your heart you know what you SHOULD do. It’s in every line of what you’re speaking of.
The way you’re describing in your own words that he doesn’t care for you, that he even lets you walk home after work, that the things he’s done multiple times are immensely hurtful…
Let me ask you this…
The child you’re carrying.
You would want your child to have a MUCH HIGHER standard for themself right? Well that will have to start with their Mama leading the way and setting that standard of self love.
You know what you should do.
You don’t need anyone’s approval and anyone’s permission. Think of it this way, if you never leave the wrong one, the right one will never be able to find you .
I’ve been in your shoes💕
Everyday. All day
I didn’t even read it all, your very first sentence told me immediately. Leave his ass!
Leave him go some where better and have your baby if he don’t change after the you the baby .get you a safe place for you and your child
He definitely will cheat if he has the opportunity,he is interested that is the 1st sign,also you have condoned the behavior and he knows you arent serious about breaking up and stuff.i did this way too long and then youre just wasting your time and wondering why you did it so long.
If he acts like he doesn’t love you, he doesn’t. Honestly it sounds like he is using you while looking for ‘better’.
GTFO now. It is usually a narcissist who does shit like this…they don’t want you, but they just don’t want to be alone. You’re better than nothing…and they excuse treating you like nothing because they ‘tolerate’ you and ‘allow’ you around them.
Obviously she doesn’t know what to do because she is confused.
The fact that the person your in a relationship with makes you feel this way, is enough to know you deserve better. Someone who is not only willing but who is wanting to put the effort in promoting your happiness with them. Forget all the what ifs or questions on what his reasonings are behind his actions. None of that matters because the only thing that does is how he leaves you feeling in the relationship. Trust me, I KNOW how hard it is to love someone that doesn’t says they love us too but their actions show anything other then feeling the same mutually. There’s no easy way to move on or to know how to take the first step in doing so. Unfortunately I stuck it out until it got to the point of it ending itself & girl I wish I didn’t because I felt like a fool. The anger & resentment unimaginable because I didn’t value my worth enough to walk away. Its going to hurt for a while & there will be many hard days more hard then easy at first but I promised as the days go by it gets better little by little.
You know what to do! You just needed others to help you convince yourself and I get that. I’ve been there, girl get out while you can!!
You deserve better. If you want to talk, inbox me. Fell my hug and love.
Talk to your partner, lay out all your feelings and tell him what you want to see from him. If him talking/complimenting/spending time with other females or not giving you attention makes you feel suspicious or insecure, let him know that and tell him you need him to stop to feel confident in your relationship. Put the ball in his court and if he doesn’t stop or continues to lie, deflect, avoid, or gas light you about your feelings, move on. I promise you, raising a child as a single parent who loves themselves in SO much better than raising a child in a relationship without love, trust, or respect
Hell no! He’s not the man for you. When someone truly loves you they will go above and beyond. My partner has never let me walk, even when we were poor and had no car he would find me a ride to and from work or walk me across town to make sure I got there and back safe. Every occasion and even just out of the blue I get flowers or little gifts. For my birthday month he tries to get me a gift everyday til the day of my birthday. He runs me baths, cooks, rubs my feet, paints my nails, works full time and takes care of the kids. This is what real men do! And you can find that but stop settling. I’m not trying to brag and it wasn’t always great. At one point we were young dumb teens that did stupid shit to each other but we realized if we wanted to make it we had to change. He fought to show me he loves me. But you can’t beg for love. A man will only show you if he cares for you. And in my opinion based off what you said your his last priority, and that sweet baby your carrying will be to. Don’t make that baby suffer. Do what’s right, follow your intuition.
Stop wasting your time a real man will never treat you like that. I was in the same boat as you with my ex he would always text other women telling them he loves them calling them beautiful ect whereas he never used to compliment me or never say he loved me. I am now with an amazing man he isnt the father to my kids but my god he loves bragging about them to his friends saying how much he loves them, he is always complimentimg me calling me beautiful, when he can he will buy me flowers and even little things like a back massage and tummy rubs. Ive been with my partner for now for almost 2 years but trust me when I say this there is a decent guy for you out there. It took me 3 years after spiltting from my ex to find real love but it will happen. This guy is not worth your time or energy
I hope you got your answer when you you wrote this. Ask yourself what does your gut tell you? What advice would you give a friend of yours? I hope one day very soon you get the courage to do you
Communication is everything! You’re concerns are valid and it’s not just the pregnancy. Was the pregnancy planned? If you have to ask yourself questions or feel insecure in anyway it’s not worth it. I’d definitely put my feelings out there and also let him know he’s crossing boundaries. His reaction and future actions can help you to decide what’s next l. Remember you have to think of what’s best for baby & u not just you & him! I hope that you have a good support system and that you aren’t alone
Sweetie it’s time to leave. You deserve way better.
I think you answered your own question, love.
Honestly, I’d leave. Being a single parent isn’t easy but it’s rewarding and worth leaving the stress of the relationship behind.
Accept his behavior or reject it and walk away.
He don’t care at all. Leave him. Imagine how you’ll feel once you have your baby, it’ll be way more stress. And the baby will also be put under stress if you’re under stress. No need for that. Do what’s right for you and your baby.
You’ve answered your own question. It’s time to leave now.
The fact that you feel this way, speaks volumes. I think you’ve already decided, tbh, you’re just afraid of taking the next step and being without him. But you can do this, you are strong. Reach out for help, start making plans for you and yours and let this halfwit fall by the wayside… Xx
if you need to ask obvious moron yourself grow pair tits for fuck sake
You know exactly what you have to do, either he announces to the world on social media he is your partner and about to be a father or he is single… it really is that simple
I think you know the answer. Read your post as if your friend was saying it. He’s not in it.
You already know what to do.
I think his just there because you are pregnant but doesn’t care . I would just leave now. You don’t need him. Financially you may and that’s why you can file child support but emotionally you don’t need that type of guy . Leave now before it hurts even more
Run for the hills and don’t look back.
First time catching him talking with other women would’ve been the end.
How he treats you is your answer. Letting you wall home after work while pregnant speaks volumes! Doing the right thing is the hardest step but can be the best step for you and baby. Your guy is a player
You know what to do , you don’t want to. Why would you even get in this situation, time for a game plan. First, squirrel away some funds, 2nd when baby comes, give him/her your last name. If he can’t acknowledge you both don’t give him the name badge to put on a kid he probably won’t be raising. 3rd , reach out to services and have exit plan
Girl you deserve so much better than that. Leave his pathetic ass!!
My partner isn’t perfect at all and he will just let me do everything now if I let him let me.
However, when I was pregnant he wrapped me up in cotton wool and was available on the phone within half a ring. There’s no way he’d let me walk home from work even at the start.
Even if you weren’t pregnant if he’s texting other women but can’t find time to text you I think it’s time to let him go. Better to be a single Mum of 1 than coupled Mum of 2 xx
I think you know the answer to your own question
Have a moment of self pity and grieve what could of been then stand up tall, straighten your crown and show the world what an amazing queen you really are
Don’t settle for second best
Make up your mind, he won’t change, baby clearly won’t make him show you more love
I was in a similar situation with my first kid. Dude ended up bailing 4 months in. I didn’t read the signs and I ended up even more hurt in the end. Leave him and have his rights taken away. Don’t even bother with child support. Just cut him out.
It was time to end it the first time you caught him . I cant even believe this is a question… you deserve better than this
Run like hell! It will get worse. It wont stop. If you stay your child will grow up in a hostile environment. You will be terribly unhappy and your child will be unhappy as well. When in a commited relationship, people are supposed to seek each other for companionship. If someone is talking to others it is cheating. They are taking time, affection away from partner and having an emotional connection to someone else. A relationship is emotion based. Its not about sex, that is just a bonus and tends to stoo in later years . You have to have a trusting emotional attachment. There will never be trust in your situation. You will be sharing him with others for life because he is already getting away with it. It is super hurtful. You will be unhappy. Which will make your child unhappy. Dont bring your child into that situation. Boot him to tge curb. There will be someone for you who will want you and not a bunch of side chicks. You will be happy. Your child will grow up in a respectful, hapoy, stable home that creates a good example for them. Choose happiness. The rest will just be heartache, stress, tears and absolutely no trust. It’s just not worth it.
When you ask this question…means it’s time to end it
I literally read the first sentence and answered “I think the first time would’ve been your cue to leave”
RUN!!! Sounds exactly like my ex!!! DODGY AF
Sorry the first sentence should have answered your question lol x
What you allow is what will continue. Know your worth! The time is now.
It’s never an over reaction ur emotions are being thrown out by being disrespected and not considering the hurt and harm he’s causing you and ur child. If he really loved u he will show it remember action speak louder than words and if he’s showing the opposite then he ain’t for you . How cruel to do this when we end up gaining weight our bodies change and when we are super emotional. My best advice to you from me will be to get out honey you need someone or urself to find love within u if he finds entertainment elsewhere he is weak minded. He’s easily distracted towards others but won’t look to what he has in front off him is just sad. Please leave before u lose urself. I need u to feel loved and cherished because ur child will see it. Please chose urself and baby before him. He is already choosing everyone else but u and his child so do the same and please move on. It will be tuff but nothing in life is easy. Choose ur tuff, weather u want to be alone and happy with ur child , or to worry what’s going to be his be his next more. I hope u realize ur worth because at this point he doesn’t.
Stop. Pretend there’s a daughter in your belly. That daughter comes to you and says this…so go back and read it as if your daughter has come to you about him. I know what I would advise.
From what you wrote it seems you’re the only one in that relationship. Stop trying to force a relationship with someone who isn’t putting any effort in. Leave for the sake of your child and you
I am so very sorry that this is going on with you right now. My heart goes out to you.
You already know the answer. You and your child deserve a better life. Better to do it now than later. There is nothing there and in your heart you already know.
You’re not overreacting. Your feelings are valid and worth talking about. If he loves and respects you he will graciously calm your anxiety & respect boundaries.
I think u no what to do. You deserve so much better things will only get worse when the baby is here
Leave before that baby gets here. He doesnt seem to care, like at all and seems like hes playing ya. I’m so sorry. I dealt with similar issues with my daughters “dad” he ended up leaving me for a teenager who literally lived next door to us, when my daughter was 3 months. They always say, if they treat you terrible during your pregnancy, it won’t get better after the baby is here. I’m sorry you’re going through this, but he doesnt sound worth staying with, even a minute longer. You won’t be alone, you’ll have your sweet baby
kick him to the curb and file for child support immediately. In my eyes, I ALWAYS considered texting/talking to another female without my knowledge, cheating. And hes lying about it? He can’t be trusted one bit. Please end this unhealthy relationship. You don’t want your baby dealing with his unhealthy toxic ways
You’re not “just his girlfriend” anymore… you’re the soon to be mother of his child… leave. He can still be a father, without being your boyfriend… If you can even call him that🤷
Ok, that is the worst He is not worth your time at all. I know you’re pregnant, but for you and your baby it sounds like leaving is best. Build a life for you and your little. None of those things are ok and you guys deserve so much better! Think if your child’s partner did that to them? I am so very sorry you are being treated like that… bail and be happy!
My mom to be all above advice is easy to say.
Pregnant is super hard under the present situation.
1.dont leave.
2. Plan with time think about finances the times are difficult.
3. Is he with u right after work
4. I bet he cares but woman can be ugly
5.he us having a hard time to adjust he going to be a dad.
6. When he sees the baby it will be different if not now its time to plan and u have saved a little.
7 don’t get pregnant.
Leave you are worth more then him talking to another woman period. My husband is the worst romantic but I know 100% that he loves me
Dump him …you need trust in a relationship and you don’t have that .,I’m sure you’ll find someone who you can trust
A happy single mom is ten times better than a miserable mom in a miserable relationship. Move on, and enjoy your baby. It’s a blessing! He is clearly not invested and likely he is cheating, if not physically then emotionally… you are worth so much more!
Run!run!pray to God your will be fine,his supposed to be spoiling you feet massage,back massage, helping you in the house since you pregnant pampering you instead his busy chasing after woman he doesnt love or respect you.and as for walking from work for a pregnant woman his selfish and doesn’t care about you only himself and his other girlfriends LEAVE HIM.
Darling get out now my ex behaved in the exact same manner and I was just like you trying to fix things but it never did we had three kids together and when I confronted a couple of the girls he was chatting to all gave me the same answer that they are dating him and I also found out that one of the girls were pregnant with his baby that’s when I called it quits last year don’t hurt yourself by staying leave him hun.
If you ever need to talk I am right here
I’m so sorry this is going on with you right now but you need to put your if it comes back it was meant for you to have if he doesn’t then he was never yours in the first place but once a cheat always a cheat remember that
You may be his gf but he isn’t your bf because he still considers himself single. Let him stay that way. It may not be physical now, but soon it will be. I’d leave before he disrespects you even more than he already has.
I’m so sorry you have to go through this and all while being pregnant which should be the most stress-free time for a woman. Talk to the people you trust the most, and find a way out of that relationship. That man is a narcissist. The moment someone gives him the attention he is so desperately looking for he will cheat. If he hasn’t already, texting other people, or doing anything that YOU feel disrespected by is already a huge red flag. It has happened too many times love, it will keep happening. You and your baby deserve better. Give that life you’re growing the chance for a better future, please don’t stay with someone who does not care about you and cannot even act decent when he knows you’re growing HIS child. Talk to your loved ones and plan a way out.
What if you are having a daughter, would you be happy for her if she was in a relationship like this? If you have already talked to him and he still hasn’t changed then you have to decide if you want to stay or leave. You and your child deserve better.
My best friend just ended a relationship with a guy just like this. Your mental and physical health is not worth trying to hold on to a relationship like this. Once she broke up with him, there was a definite shift in her mentality and attitude. Plus you have a baby on the way that you should focus on. Take this time before baby comes to do things for yourself. Pamper and baby yourself because obviously he isn’t.
How a man treats you when you are pregnant with his child is very telling of what kind of man he is. If he doesnt care about you or your unborn child now, things will only get worse once the baby comes. Im so sorry you have to deal with that. I know it cant be easy, but leaving him sounds like the best option for both of you.
When you have to ask that question. That’s when it’s time.
Pack it up and leave. You deserve to be loved, not the nothing this guy has to offer. You’ll be better off without him. If he doesn’t make you feel like a queen then he’s not worth the time of day.
Your child will give you the unconditional love you that want and need and that in itself will give you the strength to stand on your own two feet and make the best situation you can for the 2 of you. It may seem unimaginable now but trust in yourself that you’re making the right choice