I’ve been in this type of relationship, leave now and never look back !!
Not healthy for you or bub to be stressing over someone who doesn’t seem invested at all. If you’ve caught him once and the pattern stays the same its only going to get worse.
When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired…you’ll do it when you’re ready
Try telling him everything you are saying here. Get it out in the open then go from there
He sounds like…well not like a man. I’d have gotten rid of his ass. I used to tell myself, I can do bad all by myself
Grlll cheating is the least of ur problems… he lets u walk home from work pregnant with his child…ditch himmmm run fast and don’t look back!
I think you know what you should do it is just really hard. Im sorry.
Leave him. No man will do that to the woman he loves. Dont waste any more time on this loser! I was once in your shoes and it ended bad.
Actions speak louder than words … & if that’s how he is acking move on find some 1 who will care about U
Sounds a lot like my ex, it’s very sad but he’s probably not that into you anymore it sounds?
Throw his ass to the curb
You are pointing out all the red flags to everyone here. It’s up to YOU what you do? Ignore them or see them? You and your unborn child deserve so much better. You and your unborn child should be his number #1 priority instead of him chatting up other woman on his phone. Save yourself the heartbreak, future struggles with this man and get out NOW! Good luck, best wishes for you and your child moving forward.
How do you know? The first time you caught him…then the second…then the third…fourth…fifth. He obviously does not care to do his part. Liberate yourself now.
Would you be ok with a man doing this to your friend or daughter? There is your answer.
When he shows you his true colors, believe him. It’s not going to get better after your baby arrives. I’m so sorry.
He should treat you with respect and never let you walk home from work
Just leave mama:crossed_fingers:t3: you’ll be happy you did:bangbang: Best thing I ever did when I was in your shoes. Good luck
People usually don’t change,so ask yourself if you want to be treated that way for the rest of your life. I hope your answer is no.
You poor darling. He sounds very immature. This has nothing to do with you, you are worthy of love and security.
Boy, bye. He sounds worthless. You deserve so much more
Run as fast as you before you lose yourself he’s just using you waiting for another woman to come along so he can go to you it will leave you torn so run
This made my heart hurt reading this…i have been in relationships like this and it can be so damaging…you are worth so much more and deserve better. You are going to have to make the change for yourself and be completely done with the nonsense that he is doing to you. He obviously is not bothered with his behavior and how he treats you, so you are going to have to do different. It may feel impossible, but its not and you have the strength to leave him and live a beautiful wonderful life and be happy. I wish you all the best and happiness.
Your relationship is over it’s one-sided and you should move on
Wow, just pack up little by little and leave while he is gone, take your name off the lease, the electric etc, and take a walk of faith. No one should be treated like this girl!! Do not listen to his talk his calls delete as soon as you get them. Keep you only on the baby certificate.
Read through that post like someone else wrote it and I think you will also come to the conclusion that he has to go.
It’s time to end it luv…
Girl leave his ass!!!..like yesterday. Know your worth babe.
You know when it’s time to end the relationship when you start asking others. Trust your gut and do what you need to do in order to take care of you and your baby. If he cared, you’d be his priority. Good luck
If your questioning it, you’ve already made up your mind.
Run. He isn’t even trying do sustain your relationship. You and your child deserve better.
You don’t have a partner, you have yourself a grade A louse. Better alone than in bad company.
You deserve to be treated like a queen
Please honour your self and walk away with your head held high
And love your self and that little baby
It’s way past time. You deserve better!
You’re not really asking for advice, you’re looking for someone to tell you it’s okay to leave him. And it is.
Girl leave you are to strong and beautiful to be treated like that. I did in my last relationship and I had my son when he was three month old I meant my husband. Believe me someone out there will appreciate you and show you off like the diamond you seen
Leave. Leave sad, leave hurt, leave not knowing what’s next. It doesn’t sound like he’s doing much for you or baby right now anyway, get out of there before there’s another person involved and it’s harder. If it’s your house ask him to respectfully leave, and go ghost. No calls, text, social media, literally ghost him relationship wise. Father wise, make sure he knows what’s expected and if he doesn’t do his part for baby when baby comes, ghost him completely. Just know you’re beautiful, strong, worthy, none of that is healthy or what you deserve.
Girl stahhhp…if he hasn’t posted you but can comment how pretty other girls are, he’s not the one…you may end up with a beautiful child from this man, but never a love like you want from him…take into consideration that there are plenty of real men out there looking for a loyal girl like you and move on…
you know what it’s time to do, I mean, If you can put his penis in your mouth, you should be able to talk to him about anything and vice versa… if not well then…
I agree with everyone else. The longer you stay, the harder it will be to leave. He will also get used to walking all over you and it will get worse. I would go before you have the baby, that way you are situated and not dealing with a break up and having a new baby at the same time.
This is horrible. Find a man that treats you with respect.
Look I’m a Male and I respect this page highly. And my opinion is you should end it now or you will regret it later in life if your unhappy already and hes throwing up all these red flags it’s not worth putting up with. Find you a man that is going to love you for you. Someone who will respect you and treat you right i have been on both ends of your relationship i have been the cheater and the cheated on and it doesn’t get any better. Hopefully this helps from a single father’s perspective.
It seems if anything, he’s got no respect for you, your child or your relationship. You already knew it’s time to end this the moment you started writing this
Sometimes the hardest decisions to make are the best ones for us. Put you and your baby first. If anyone isnt adding positivity to your life, they don’t need to be in it.
Plus, don’t wait for an STD to tell you he’s cheating. Why else would he not acknowledge you, not even a text!? Hugs momma!!
has leave his ass been said yet? start tagging him in your posts, especially pregnancy posts. any chick that cheats with a guy who has a baby mama at home deserves the dog she gets
Omg girl get out and take care of yourself and that baby. Hes a boy not a man and he wont change
Hes cheating sweetie, offering to take a woman out is cheating. You don’t deserve this. A man that cheats is trash but cheats on his girl while she’s pregnant is not a man at all and is complete trash. You really should get yourself and your baby in a happier environment. I’m not saying keep him from his kid, but odds are he isn’t gonna be much of a dad or he’d treat you better like not make you walk home pregnant, not care if you’re sick ect
He sounds disrespectful af. Leave pregnant or not, that mental tournament and disrespect should not be accepted or welcomed
Leave… it’s okay u and the baby will be fine… u will find better
Run, and never look back.
When he lied is when you know its time to move on
Get out leave screw him that is some BS
Leave. You deserve better and your baby deserves to watch you get treated properly by the right man.
This is straight shitty behavior. I’m sorry youre going through this
Regardless of if he cheats or not, the person you’re with should make you feel happy, special and appreciated. Being posted on Facebook isn’t as important as him showing you in person he cares. If he doesn’t, especially while being pregnant, then move into better things. Go to a mediation and get it in place for his allotted time with the child if he so wants, but choose you over wondering if you should stay. YOU and that baby is more important
Leave his ass quickly!!!
Follow your gut instinct, sounds like you already know the answer.
Do you want to live in self doubt? Its ok to brrak up yout home…he doesnt value you
Go. He doesn’t care about u
Oh my word . Girl , LEAVE. don’t walk away from this relationship…F@#$# RUN FROM IT. Before you have that baby . The only thing to figure out here is a new living situation for you and your baby WITHOUT THIS EFFING LOSER holding you back. Also please go after his ass for child support. You didn’t impregnate yourself this fool had a hand in that unfortunately for you
It doesn’t sound like a great relationship and there are great relationships out there to be had. Everyone deserves to be treated special. Don’t be afraid to go look for it You’re not stuck just bc you have a baby
You don’t have to stay with him just because you’re pregnant. If he doesn’t respect you, leave. If you don’t I think you will be unhappy for a long time if he can’t respect you. There are good men out there who will love you and your baby.
Runnnnnnn! My ex lied about talking to his ex and I kicked his ass to curb! No patience for that bs
Leave. He doesn’t sound worth the energy
Your answer is in your first sentence!! What you allow will continue & get worse from there.
I just divorced a narcissistic a**hole that did similar things. He needs to care about you, no matter what. He doesn’t seem too. If you can, if you feel it’s right, please leave as soon as you can. He will never change! They never do.
Leave girl it won’t get any better.
I feel like you know the answer but you’re hanging on to any kind of hope. He doesn’t care about you… don’t live like that.
Leave him now. It’s gonna be super hard believe me, but he will continue to treat you like this and it’ll get worse and in the end mess you up mentally it’s not worth having ppd after having a baby. I went through what your going through and it was the worse thing ever and I’m honestly still having a hard time trusting people. We were together for 6 1/2 years and he cheated on me and treated me like trash for the last 2 years so it does not get better… after our 2nd he kept doing it so I finally left because that’s not a good example or environment to raise a baby. Your strong enough to start a new beginning for you and your baby you both deserve the best and he isn’t what you guys need.
Get rid of him they don’t get nicer with a baby.
This is giving me flashbacks to my douche canoe ex. Mine cheated more times than I could count but let me tell you, you absolutely can do it without him. There is a man out there that will love you and your child, and leave you with no doubts of that. What you have there is a boy and he will not change. I know it’s painful but don’t accept his sh*tty actions or lack there of.
Girl … run and fast. He isn’t going to change, the baby won’t change him either. He should not be hiding you or the baby. Leaving you to walk? Screw that, give him the
Run run runnnnnnnn!!! I can’t say it enough! Nothing about what you said even slightly makes me think you should stay!
Girl leave know your worth he’s not into you or interested in you only you can make the decision to leave but he’s definitely not interested in you at all all the red flags shows he is not and him letting you walk home pregnant he doesn’t even care about you and the fact he don’t respond to you girl he’s showin you who he really is you deserve so much better than that you deserve to be treated like a Queen hope you realize this yourself or your just setting yourself up for more hurt
he’s not even worth it there’s so much better out there
Well when you feel the need to ask this question I think you know it is time…why be with someone who gives attention to others has zero interest in what you are doing or how you are feeling. Don’t feel the need to talk about the women he is with or child on the way…seems like you are on the back burner as in no one really uses it but its there just in case… you either need to sit and say everything you wrote here about how his actions make you feel and see if he changes his ways or cut your losses and move on now and save yourself the misery this will cause in the long run.
Leave. It will only get worse and those texts will change from simple conversations to getting nudes and eventually finding someone who will be easy enough to sleep with. I went through the same with my baby’s dad and he always made it seem like it was my fault but he was a coward and got mad when I got another boyfriend who loved to constantly post me and make me feel special.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve!!
When you’re asking these questions?
My God girl, no you aren’t over reacting, you are underreacting. Dump his trifling ass and when he comes crawling back, and he will, resist. Be strong, it will only get worse and hurt your child as well. Run.
Leave him now…it will only get worse. Nothing ever gets easier with a baby
Dump his ass. The longer you stay the more you teach him that you choose to be disrespected!
“Advice is what you ask for when you know the answer, but wish you didn’t.” I’m sorry
Ask yourself: do I want to continue being in a relationship like this?
However you answer, IS YOUR ANSWER.
After just a few sentences I can tell you- he doesn’t respect you and there is no salvaging that level of repeated disrespect, walk away for the emotional well being of you and your child
Leave now and take his ass for child support
Honey anyone who truly loves you would be proud to show you off and on his social media. When people show you how they feel about you, believe them. Throw that middle finger in the air and bounce. You deserve better and so does your baby.
Call your family and find someone to stay with till you get on your feet. Don’t argue, don’t anything. Just tell him you don’t want to be in the relationship anymore and leave. Only speak to him regarding the child. Hugs momma. You’re beautiful and worthy of so much more. Stop settling.
Walk away girl. Just pack up and leave. It won’t change and once baby comes it will be harder, if he let’s you walk home pregnant he doesn’t care anyway. I’m sorry this is happening to you hun but do it sooner than later
Yea, you gotta go. I was in a similar situation. I got tired of being the one who tired to fix things and finally walked away.
I worked my ass off for us, and even found out on dates (I would plan) he would “go to the restroom” and later I found it was so he could reply to the flavor of the week-while I begged for basic communication. It won’t get easier. It will destroy you more the longer you stay.
Tell the dick to hit the road baby!!! It’s gonna hurt like hell but you are in charge and wherever you are from now in it your hand that rocks the cradle!!! You posted your red flags you laid them out. You already have the answer. Go!!! RUN LIKE HELL
When you have to ask that question is usually a pretty good indication it’s time to move on
This feels like a no brainer. He doesn’t care about you. Period.
Emotionally cheating is worse, I was with someone like this and I can say it’s so hard I tried but I could never forgive him once he actually cheated.
It will become more and more toxic, set you and baby up and leave when you feel comfortable to do so.
Ultimately your decition but do you want someone gross who doesn’t respect you or you can open up space in your life for someone who will actually treat you right.
I wouldn’t be okay with this behaviour personally but it’s not anyone else dealing with him it’s you who has to put up with the repercussions of it all.
If you’re not careful you’ll end up with low self esteem. Disrespect does that to a person. You don’t deserve such treatment, but it’s your call to decide when enough is enough.
Sounds like you know what to do deep down.
You sound like a smart girl, respect yourself and walk away from that loser!
You got this momma reach out to me if you want to vent - been thru the same things!
Leave. You are only there for a place to stay and use when necessary. It will only get worse down the line. Don’t beg for something that should already be in place if it’s truly what he wanted. Run. #hardlifelessons
My advice is to leave him, let him know that his actions aren’t what you are looking for in a man and role model for your child. Stand up for yourself and your child and don’t let him sweet talk you in to staying if he says he will change. If he wants to change he can go ahead and change for himself while you do you. Think about it this way if you’re having a daughter would you want her to end up with a guy like that? Or if you’re having a son would you want your son to be like that or would you want him to be respectful towards, love, and appreciate his spouse. Show yourself the respect that he doesn’t by walking away and finding something better…even if you have to be single.
If he has that ability to make sure you and his child get home safely, but chooses not too bother.
That enough is a sign to go. You, and your baby deserve better
Why are you with someone that treats you like less than nothing…don’t disrespect yourself that much by being with someone that doesn’t value you and find you a priority. Nothing in your statements make him sound like anything even remotely close to a loving relationship…if you have a shred of dignity you will leave and never look back and do some soul searching on why you would want someone that treats you so badly so you don’t do it again in the next relationship. Good luck to you❤️
So sad for you. I have made a lifetime of mistakes. Sex outside the marital covenant always has consequences. Prayers you both come to Christ for forgiveness and healing.
He’s looking for something "better. " Do yourself a favor and leave.