You have to choose if it’s something you can move past. It takes time to rebuild trust, it’s something he has to be willing to do. & sometimes when trust is broken like that, it’s just something you can’t get over. You can always try to make it work by having him do things that would help you earn his trust back, or you can just simply leave. I know it’s hard when you love the person, but just remember your worth.
Where there’s no trust there’s nothing, instead of worrying everytime he leaves the door, I suggest u to leave, no matter how much it hurts now, u will see in the future u will be grateful u left when u did
It won’t get any better if you are just wishing it will…it will get worse and its time to pack up and leave him or kick him to the curb…hes only using you for his own pleasure. Hope you make the right decision for yourself and family…
Why would you start back up if you didn’t trust him 100%?
Unfortunately u can’t…from my experience anyway…and once they do it…they will continue I was with someone like this for years…they just got better at hidden it…
You need more then love…
Respect loyalty & TRUST…
Relationships are founded on trust. Time to end it before both sides get hurt more.
It takes a very long time to rebuild that trust and he needs to be patient with you as you need to be patient if this is something that you don’t think you can get past its best to leave I have been here it took many years to fully trust again and he was patient he put up with all my insecurities because he caused them he knew what he did to our relationship and I had to figure out if I could forgive and move on forget no but forgive yes and here we are 20 years strong but he also needs to put in the effort to show you he is trustworthy again good luck hinny
Once a cheater always a cheater.
This is a sign of his narcissistic behavior. He will be forever trying to hurt you, and you are the one suffering thru this. Let him go.
Leave that would drive u insane
If you made the decision to get back together then you already decided to forgive him. It’s not easy and it takes a lot of time. You need to have this talk with him. Let him know you’re not ok and there is damage from his past behavior. If he isn’t willing to SHOW you he’s making changes, then you’re better off without him. Constantly worrying will ruin it again. It will make you sick. You shouldn’t have to live like that. Actions always speak louder than words. Have a serious conversation and then watch what he does. That’s where you’ll find your answer
Leave. The egg shell always wondering in this type relationship only causes more brain fuckery. Plus, there is a man who will be everything you’ve ever dreamed of to come into your life.
Girl just leave and find a man who won’t make you feel insecure like that
Honestly I’d leave I gave my ex another chance after he cheated, we ended up getting married. I was always wondering who he was with, where he was going, who he was talking to. It was stressful! Two years later found out he was cheating again through snapchat and filed for divorce. It did hurt yes, but i felt so much happier and way less stressed even being a single mo.
You can love someone, but that doesn’t mean that they’re good for you. By going back, and staying, you’re subjecting yourself to unnecessary stress. Once trust is broken, it’s nearly impossible to get back. What he has done will always be in the back of your mind. If he has lied before, you’ll never be able to completely know if he’s being honest with you or not.
I don’t try again. Cheating is the end for me.
You deserve better.
Once the trust is gone there’s nothing left trust me. If you’re not happy then it’s time to leave cause if you’re unhappy you’re can’t be the best mom you can be and kids feel the slightest difference trust me I know. Don’t just stay together cause of the kids cause in the end the kids will pay for it one way or another.
This is not a healthy relationship . I would not tolerate his behavior. Get out of this situation asap. You would have a better life with out him. I pray your strength.
Once the foundation of trust is broken those thoughts will always haunt the back of your mind. Sound like it is time to just let go. You already said it you were SO much happier without him…Do what will make you happy. Walking on eggshells or living with an uneasy mind is NOT worth it.
I would leave the relationship. You have 3 kids together and he still chose to do things to hurt you. Life is too short to have to worry about if they are faithful or going to hurt you in some way.
"I was so much happier with out this " I think you answered your own question
I spent 9 years doing this and 1 child.
It never changes babe. Get out while you’re still ahead and have your head on. Once you lose yourself completely it’ll be harder to walk away. It’s obviously not gonna be easy but you got this, reach out for support and stay strong. The manipulation can be extremely convincing at times but you have to remind yourself who that person really is and what they’ve done to you in the past. From personal experience, if they did it once, they’re going to do it a thousand times again. They never ever ever change. And they will always put the blame on you.
Once that trust is gone, its hard to get back. If he’s showing you that he’s changing because he doesn’t want to lose his family then you can find a way to make it work. But if your mind is always wondering, that’s going to defeat you and drag you down. Leave if there’s no trust at all.
If he has continuously deliberately hurt you, leave. Be done with it. He isn’t going to chance.
If you have doubts based on your experience with him and you CAN NOT forget that, it’s time to move on and live your life without headaches. Your children doesn’t needs to see their mommy sad. Children can sense everything. If he already showed you his true colors before, why even entertain him again?
People comes into your life like season…. As a blessing or as a lesson.
I think you said it yourself, “I was so much happier without this…” you may love him, but this isn’t happiness to always feel that doubt. If I were in your shoes I’d move on, find a partner that doesn’t make you feel this way, one that doesn’t make you think everything they do is cheating, it’ll also be better for the children to see you as strong and doing things for yourself, that’s the example they need to see.
To move on, you need to physically move on and never look back. I would be a classy, civil woman about the situation, but start making yourself a priority. You owe it to yourself.
Once a cheater always a cheater
You can love someone but that doesn’t mean the situation or person is right for you.
I personally have no time for men who break my trust. I would rather be alone. There are way too many men on this earth to be with one that doesn’t treat you right.
So u knew he did shady shit to hurt u but chose to get back together anyway?
You can’t change things once the trust is lost you can never gain it back… Besides its not good for the kids… You can’t change him… While you still can get out
Never trust a man. Get out now… stay single and be happy. It’s not a healthy relationship to always wonder. I’ve been single 7 years and I’m so happy .
Love you’re self more sweetie. Leave for the kids and yourself
Unfortunately, there’s no way your trust will ever truly be mended. You will always question and doubt. I don’t believe it’s worth living like that.
Once a cheater always a cheater in my opinion u can’t get trust back once its broken
You can be with him but don’t live with him u have your place he has his at then end of the day he goes back to his place your in yours
You said that you were happier without this. So leave. Go be happy. You answered your own question. Your kids need 2 happy parents. You’ve gotta take care of yourself in order to care for them properly. Move on and go be happy!
I will not tell you to “leave” I will say IF you stay you both would benefit from couples counseling, and you should do counseling/therapy on your own. I did and it really helps. I did the exact same thing. I was with a man that not only cheated, but also had anger issues. (Kids dad) we stayed apart a couple years, then dated a year and I let him move back in. With therapy I learned to contrail my worries and anxiety. I didn’t ever worry about what he was doing, bc I knew if he had changed my anxiety would ruin it and if he hadn’t all the anxiety and worry in the world wouldn’t change anything. Turned out in less than a year of moving back in he cheated, I asked him to stay and then allowed him to stay due to my sons problems. I got him (my child) into therapy to cope (all tho he said he didn’t “need therapy”) he most certainly did. Even after all of that he still cheated and moved 12 hours away with another woman and her 3 kids. Sadly, other women have told me since he has been with her he has tried to get with them. It’s disgusting. I really was hopeful that since he cares enough about her to move 12 hours away from his children- that he’d at least be faithful to her and must really love her. So, in my case with him… once a cheater always a cheater stands true. However, some men and women that have cheated and see the damage do indeed change and don’t anymore.
If you genuinely want to work it out, a conversation with him has to occur, with full honestly. And if he wants it to work, he will do whatever he needs to do to make you feel secure in the relationship. If he isn’t up for that task then it’s time to go.
If you havent forgiven him you’ll never trust him. You need to forgive him and move on from what happened or you’ll never trust him
You may have love for him, but its sounds like you’re no longer IN love with him. I say cut the losses and move on. You cant expect to have a good relationship when you can’t trust him.
Love yourself… if you have doubts about him, that’s unhealthy for your state of mind. I’ve been there and I left… and it’s been such a game changer! I’m so much more happier then I ever was.
You can love someone without being either him. Let him go. Its not worth it
Why do you “love him so much”? You don’t intentionally hurt people you care about.
The only way to trust honestly is to let go of the old hurts you can’t carry them with you if this is a fresh start to your relationship and it’s what you want. If you are unable to let go which is okay too then the relationship won’t work. This applies to your partner too. I wish you luck whatever you choose.
it’s called therapy, you alone & both of you together
You do not “cope” with this, you leave.
As somebody who lived constantly in an anxious state wondering what he was doing behind my back for nearly 4 years please leave. I’m still paying for it 5 years on. To be in such a constant state of anxiety and distrust can actually be trauma and can cause a whole heap of mental health problems in the future… Its not worth it x
If he felt the same way about you as you do him then he would never have done anything to break your trust. If you’re worried about him going to the shop or panicking everytime his phone goes then it’s best to go your separate ways because that’s no life for either of you and its not fair on the kids.
Most important thing in any relationship is trust… NO ONE can tell you what to do but I couldn’t be with someone I didn’t trust
In the few instances cheating does cease and can be forgiven it usually takes a therapist. You can’t and don’t deal with this alone.
Additionally what is he doing to show you that it was in fact a mistake he never wants to make again? That matters too, and if he’s not doing the work with you it is doomed.
You will never trust him again because you cannot forget what he has done
If you knew that stress hormones were toxic would you choose them over happy hormones that are actually good for you? mistrust is killing you softly, and you saying “I was so much happier without this” tells me you somehow deep down know
It definitely takes more than 2-3 months to rebuild the trust but I do believe it can be done, IF he’s willing to put in the work. HE is responsible for showing you he is trustworthy. Open communication is key, access to each others phones, computers, etc. If you don’t have anything to hide you won’t feel this is an invasion of privacy. If there’s a fight about it, there’s a reason. Trust your gut. I probably would not have moved back in together so quickly. Perhaps you need to separate (living arrangements wise) and work on your relationship, earn the trust back and then get married if it makes it to that point. Statistically living together drives mistrust and relationships ending as opposed to marriage - there is just not the same commitment.
You will never ever trust him again. You will always have that doubt
Leave. He is not worth your time. Make a plan and go with it.
Leave. Without trust you have nothing and he’s apparently broken that trust long ago.
You do not learn how to trust them again. They show you on repeat that you CAN trust them again.
Tell him how you feel. And your thinking about ending the relationship. Be honest.
I tried to do what you are trying to do but I wasn’t able to succeed.
3 kids in 4 years? Have you been pregnant the entire relationship?
You dont lesrn he has has to earn it back
You answered yourself… you were happier without your doubts. Leave.
You were right to give it a while to be sure but look at triston tomson klhoe kardashian she forgave him because of there daughter trying to have a family and he was caught again now he’s having a baby with third baby some people have sex addiction some people can’t control there desires enough to be loyal if they can’t control there self there partner to step up realize this and maybe go to a new chapter of there life without the guy
You can either leave or see if your partner is willing to do some counselling with you. I have never been able to move on after the trust is lost
You already said your happier with out him. That’s your answer.
I think once someone walks all over you the only thing they learn after that is that they can get away with it again. I feel like once someone has broken your trust it’s time to leave.
If you can’t forgive and try to move forward, then you should probably end the relationship.
no sense staying together you have lost your trust in him. even if and that’s a huge if he’s not cheating on you i say once a cheater always a cheater no i say start fresh and the reason he disrespects you is because you let him you don’t stand up for yourself maybe you think it’s better to have him then be alone that right there is stinkin’ thinkin’
Anymore there is no reason to have your phone off other than doing sketchy stuff…
It takes very hard work but you can make it work. BOTH parties have to actually want it and do their part. Counseling helps.
That’s the thing about trust once it’s broken it’s hard to trust again.
I never moved on… I lost myself, my relationship with my kids was damaged because i focused on him more than anything when i really didnt realize it. Leave… It hurts and it sucks to staft over but you are so much better off and happier. Seems like you already know that
He’s going to have to prove to you he can be trusted. Once trust is broken, it can take years to rebuild, if you’re both not willing to put in the work (him more than you, you simply need to heal) then walk away. Do not put yourself and you children through it if he’s not going to change and truly rebuild what he broke. It hurts and some days (weeks) will be harder and he has to be considerate of that since this is his fault. It’ll take time and won’t happen overnight so be patient with yourself .
If he cheated just do yourself a favor and leave. Not worth the worry or aggravation.
You have no trust because that’s clearly been broken a number of times. If you feel you can’t trust him and are having doubts definitely don’t keep living with the person. Life is so short you don’t deserve to be unhappy and your kids don’t deserve to see you unhappy.
If you don’t have trust in a relationship you don’t have much and it’s not fair to either of you if one or both of you can’t trust the other
Sure just leave. He probably be happy to
You said you were happier without this, so why stay? What benefit do you get from being with him? I haven’t seen one thing mentioned that would say he’s good to you, so ask yourself, why be unhappy and be with someone you don’t trust? Why do you love him?
Move on… enjoy that happy feeling again.
You said it yourself: “I was so much happier without this.”
You’ve gotta choose you.
If you can’t trust the person, whether it be significant other, friend or family, you do NOT need them in your life.
You allowed this behavior. Plus you continue to have kids. You definitely can’t be mad at him. His behavior IS his character.
You don’t. You leave. It’ll never change. You keep allowing it it’ll keep happening… your gut feeling is no doubt right. Mine was. Coping with it after the relationship is the hardest because you can’t trust anyone. When the next relationship comes along set boundaries if they call you crazy they’re already fucking up. don’t allow behaviour.
If your trust issues are mainly due to his infidelity, then you should split up…for good this time. Serial cheaters don’t change. Forgiving them every time they cheat or betray you just gives them the go ahead to do it again. They’re too narcissistic to ever care how their actions affect others. And once trust is gone, it’s gone for good. He’s not worth your tears.
Read read your post. You stated you were much happier without this. There is your answer. Take time to heal and renew yourself before entering another relationship.
And don’t get tangled up in another physical circus. No more kids with 3 to be responsible for. Will he pay child support; all con cerns you need to address. Take care
Try talking to and express your feelings. If it does not work I would think about moving out.
Move on he should put alot more effort and love and not hurt u.
You can’t heal with the same person who broke you.
You answered your own question . You were happier without him. He has never tried to earn the trust back which is why you will never trust him. He repeats the same bad immature behavior towards you. It’s better to parent separately and get help for yourself so you can deal with being without him and learn to stand on your own two feet with your children and love yourself first so you can be a better parent to your children for the long run. It can be done you just have to put the work in and know that you do not have to have that type of toxicity in your life to parent separately. Good luck with moving forward. The biggest mistake most parents with kids do is keep jumping in from one relationship to another it’s time to take a breather and find out who you are and stay busy with the kids to edge up the loneliness until you figure out yourself so you quit repeating the same mistakes with the same type of man. Break the cycle with yourself now to show your children that it does not have to be that way. To understand there’s a difference between a man and a boy. Men step up and do the right thing . Man boys do not.
Young one - you don’t really love him - you’re use to him - familiar. Once trust is gone in a relationship it can never be the same. You can’t force love sweetie. Trust, accountability, responsibility and loyalty are the foundation of a relationship. Don’t be afraid- go - you deserve to be happy.
Do you really want to live the rest of your life like this? You will eventually go crazy… stop torturing yourself & end it… its now a cycle of toxic you don’t need…
Hola sobrina como estas ya no te a cuerdas de tu tio chavo yo si cuando eras chica las quiero mucho
Just because you love someone or you both love each other does not mean you have to stay with that person. You were happier without it so go. My parents stayed together unhappily for years “for the kids”…don’t make that mistake. None of my 3 siblings or I knew what a normal, healthy, or safe relationship/home looked like when we started dating and choosing “life” partners. Now that we’re 38-45 yrs old and combined have been in almost every type of toxic relationship that exists we have finally figured it out.
Only you can make yourself happy and until you are happy with yourself you cannot be happy with anyone not even your children.